Walmart Police Report

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Ils, City of Lancaster PROUDLY PROTECTING AND SERVING OUR COANAINTY 1080 N. Dallas Avenue * Lancaster, TX 76184 * 972.218.2700 * 8722182700 FAX ‘won lancaster ‘rar vs, February 17, 2015 ‘The City of Lancaster, Texas has received your public information request for Incident report 11-003276, dated February 9, 2015, ‘The information you requested contains one or more of the following types of information, ‘which are excepted from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act PIA") A direct deposit authorization form under Government Code section 52.101 in ‘conjunction withthe common-law right to privacy; ‘AForm [9 and attachments under Government Code section 552.1 ‘with section 1324aof tte & ofthe United States Code; \W.2 and W-4 forms under Government Code section 552.101 in conjunction with section £6103( a) of tile 26 of the United States Code; Accettfed agenda and tape of a closed meeting under Goverment Code section ‘552.101 in conjunction with section 551.104 of the Government Code, AA fingerprint under Goverment Code section $52,101 in conjunction with section 560.003 ofthe Goverament Code; L-2 and 3 declantions under Government Code section 552.101. in conjunction with section 1701.306 ofthe Occupations Code, ‘A motor vehicle operator's or driver's license or permit isued by an agency ofthis state ‘or another state or country; a motor vehicle ttle or registration issued by an agency of this state or another state or country; a personal identification document issued by an agency ofthis stale or another state or country ora local agency authorized to issue an identification document (drive's license number, vehicle identifcation number, the typeclass of license, copy ofthe license and license plate number) under Government Code section 552.130; AA credit card, debit card, charge card, or access device number that is collected, assembled, or maintained by or fora goveramental body, insurance policy number, bank ‘account number, and bank routing number under Government Code section 52.136; ‘An email address of a member of the public under Government Code section 882.137; o, ‘A Form DD-214 or other military discharge record that is frst recorded or first comes into the possession of a governmental body on or after September 1, 2003 under Government Code section 552.140 conjunction Normally, we must request ruling from the Texas Attomey General before we can withhold any of the above-referenced information you requested. However, Attomey General Open ‘Records Decision Number 684 (2009) and Section $52.301(a) of the Gevernment Code permits 1 fo withhold this specific information without requesting a ruling from the storey general. ‘Therefore, we have removed this information ftom the enclosed information we are providing to you. ‘You have the right to appeal our decision to withhold this information fom you, Instructions for ppeal are atthe end of ths eter. If you do not want to appeal, you do not need to do anything oe. Please note that we are oly withholding the specific categories ofinformation that may be ‘witneld under Attorey General Open Records Decision Number 684 (2008). We will process the rest of your request for information in accordance with the terms othe Public Information ‘Letter o Requestor for Redaction under AG ‘Number 684 (2000) Ifyou wish to appea! the withholding of information discussed on the previous page, you must ‘end the following to the atomey general 1 a signed, written statement indicating your wish to appeal the withholding of information; 2) thename ofthe goverumental body that withheld information from you; 3) the date you made your original request for information; and 4) copy of your original request for information, or if you ere unable to provide a copy, & description of your original request for information, ‘You may also submit written comments stating why you think the information shouldbe released to you, but you ae not quired todo so. ‘Send your appeal by mail othe attomey general at ‘Open Records Division P.O. Box 12548 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2548 ‘Within forty-five business days afer reciving all ofthe above-listed items necessary to fle your ‘sppeal, the attomey general will issue a written ruling on the matter. You will receive a copy of this ruling in the mai, Letter to Requestor for Redaction under AG 3 INCIDENTANVESTIGATION re pa \cancatr Police Department REPORT ae xe 0571700 Ft sa | hamma rae ee 4 mart 9 Hoy Laman E746. mt eu ° hyp emrtaaea Cat [apa Tom iat a 5 |] Sermaton por = somes = ° eon Sea I t co = ice 1 rere i = cd sea [area 7 — [oe nono NOT LWT [= via [Eo zaver| || oe [ent é ee WR Yas [road Soe | T= —_ «9 [tee ROWIDUAL/NOTLAWENFORCEMENT c 1 Pe nea [een or Aitoas| =" ]Po] fe omaae| ome i om ae 7 [ome Pease ie * fei an 1 ie Ra UAT RTA ERTOREERENT aa © | RCH Cinestornen Jeans saotore || Rec eres v He a 36 | 8 | Non ° aR Bee Powe cee Fae ee PE a Ree Tae eer Fi ane Lory Prpery Deven _|_Makwfedsi_|_ sarin utes _t al 1 is oq [oeeon JOHNSON, ML (PAT 3637) _ ie) sO BET ee == = 7 SR RES att aro Incident Report Additional Name List Smead Name at Ft D104 BRYANT, DESUOND Amptnate Dallas Conboy D105 PENSON LEX Adare, Det, TK auaaer ‘Aon Name ‘cas 11005776 Page? “Gime? 008 Ae Racer TMi 22 BM ae Psy GE RES) SINR INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT = rcamunsct_s2rnansii0e Lancaster Police Deparment Page oe r003776 Bree Soe Da ptt Dee Venn) Sokal tbat TS = Uren carte [renee Sepetl Te Up dopey TAPSCOTT, 1. (3187) Topstar aera Page (0007-11-201, Ofer Johan was ditched the 100 Mok oN iterate 3E in response to an unknown dsurbane REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE encase Police Deparment u-0os276 Vie ea Tee ip NASH, ILENE [INFORMATION REPORT Men 0721/2011 0608, “Tar NIOLATON BELOW CONFDOATAL FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY (03 07-11-2011 at 0608 hours, Officer Johnson #3637, was dispatched tothe parting lot of Walma, located at 150 [NTHSE, in response to an unknown disturbance. Prior to arval, dispatch advised that sn uknow person reported. seeing a IF being dragged from one vehicle to another vehicle by a BM. The unknown person ted the vehicle ‘she wat deaged fom was il nthe parking lt with the door open. Dispatch advised thatthe vel was a white 2011 Mercedes Bez, bearing TX license plate ‘The vehicle was registered to Desmoad 3rynt oat of Desot,TX. ‘Upon aval, Officer Johnson made contact with Ogunoye, Olsrewaju B/M, the Yale security gud inthe Walmart parking lt, win stated an unknown persoa tld hi that there was a disturbance inthe parking lt involving a BOM and a BP, where she was pled out of vehicle. Ogunoye sated when he arrived onthe sene, noone was thee excep the white Mercedes Benz withthe door open and a child's toy onthe ground. Ogunoye sated few minutes later a black Cadillac Escalade, registered to Desmond Bryant, bearing TX license plate showed up with ‘wo BYM and parked net tothe white Mercedes. Ogunoye stated a Desoto officer, Chaney, stoppe in the psking lotand contacted this agency. (ier Yohason made contact with he two males tht were in the Cadillac Escalade. King, Cal B/M 07-27-89 cut of Polece,TX and Mitchel, Christopher BM 10-29-74 out of At, TX. Upon speskng with then seperately, bath had the same story where they received a al from Nash, yne, asking them to pick up ber white Mercedes inthe perking lot of Walmart. King and Mitchell were a fiends house on Wintergreen Rd in Desoto, TX Wile speaking to King and Mitchel a white Bentley, bearing TX license pate comes into the parking Jot nse the vehicle isthe vit, Nash, ye BUF 7-26-87 and Desmood Bryast. Officer Johasce made contact ‘with Nash who sated sh was in the parking lot with Alex Penson B/M, unknown date of bir, and had an argument ‘with him, She got int the vehicle with im and lef er vehicle in the pking lot. Nash ated she contacted King ‘have him pick up her viele. Nath stated ehe wa at atsulted or njred in any Way and that i waft a ‘argument With Penson Nos stated she was dropped off at a iend's house, unknown adress, and she contacted [Brjanttopicher up. Nat state she spoke to King, who advised ber to come bac othe parking lt. (Officer Johason made contact with Bryant, Desmond B/M 11-4-88 who stated Nash contacted him and stated she ‘nn a argument with someone. Bryant tated he went to pick ber up in Desoto and came with bert the parking lot {oe suppor. After speaking wit al partes involved, it was determined that there was no offense. Al parties Wee ‘vised they wee fee go. TReprig Offer: JOHNSON, ML. Tera Incident Report Related Vehicle List Lancaster Police Department oem: 11-003276 avian a = oar = 1011 MERC, cks50 2 fo Hone omuz011 120 INTERSTATE 335 HWY, LANCASTER TX. sn00| "9910 “Local Bryant Deomond a "DALLAS COMBOTS PRO ATHLETE, om Tae [Ra [Sa [ran Tsar ‘oases “22 |"B | a0 varanasi a =e re "2010 BENT, Cope 2 None ‘oy2011 120. INTERSTATE 338 HOY. LANCASTER TK sad, 910. Locally ia om Powe eae 2am, Desmond aia ‘DALLAS COWBOYS, PRO ATHLETE, a Ta [Ra ee Ra a a ci ‘iuowises| “32 |B || L ravenna ae a r= 3] 2011 CADI Baad uw au one ‘omu2011 1201 INTERSTATE 388 HOY, LANCASTER sa00| 9510 Local rant Desmond Baer ae ‘DALLAS COWBOYS, PRO ATHLETE, om Ta [Se a Ta re pig ae ‘uvoanses| “22 |p | 1a acon mas MRED eNOS Paes

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