OPTIONAL Lesson Plan Outline
OPTIONAL Lesson Plan Outline
OPTIONAL Lesson Plan Outline
M&Ms if needed? (maybe not), otherwise they are to draw the direct model
of the problem situation
General and Domain Specific Vocabulary Words: (List and operationally
define key terms and/or symbols that are essential to student mastery of the objective.
Students should be encouraged to use knowledge of Latin and Greek word parts to develop
a conceptual understanding of the concept under study). 1a; 1b; 1c; 1e; 2b; 4e
objective by demonstrating their knowledge and ability in the large group setting. The
teacher uses this opportunity to assess as many students as possible with special attention
to struggling learners. If students are unsuccessful at this phase, then students
would benefit from another teacher model. 1b; 1e; 1f; 2a; 2c; 3a; 3b; 3c; 3d; 3e; 4a
What real-world problems (worthwhile mathematical tasks) will be presented to students in
order to provide students with multiple opportunities to apply their knowledge of
mathematical concepts? 1a; 1b; 1c; 1d; 1e; 1f; 3a; 3b; 3c; 3e
Kya-meer won 14 brand new basketballs. He wants to give the same number
of basketballs to Aboudalahe, Jules, Zymir, and Christian. How many
basketballs will each person get?
Calmiyah just bought 17 Charm Life books. She wants to give the same
amount to Nyla, Honesty, and Victoria. How many books will each person
How will the teacher know what each student knows and can do during the guided
practice opportunity? How will students be assessed through writing and speaking? 1a; 1b;
1c; 1d; 1e; 1f; 2b; 2c; 3a; 3b; 3c
How will the teacher know what each student knows and can do during the cooperative
practice opportunity? How can students be assessed through writing and speaking? 1a; 1b;
1c; 1d; 1e; 1f; 2b; 2c; 3a; 3b; 3c
Independent Practice: Students are asked to work independently to demonstrate
knowledge of the objective. The teacher uses this opportunity to determine what students
know and can do without any assistance from the teacher, teacher assistant, or peer. If
students are unsuccessful in this phase, then students may benefit from exposure to the
general and domain specific vocabulary and/or exposure to a second round of the gradual
release process. 1b; 1e; 1f; 2a; 2c; 3a; 3b; 3c; 3d; 3e; 4a
What real-world problems (worthwhile mathematical tasks) will be presented to students in
order to provide students with multiple opportunities (without any assistance) to apply their
knowledge of mathematical concepts? 1a; 1b; 1c; 1d; 1e; 1f; 3a; 3b; 3c; 3e
1. Yasin has 16 pencils and he wants to share them equally with Talia,
Jamere, Darryl, and himself. How many pencils will each person get?
2. Dahmair and Ameer found 27 footballs. If the two of them wanted to
share them with five other people (2 of them PLUS 5 others) equally,
how many footballs will each person get?
3. Fodie accidentally bought 19 bags of chips! He is so thoughtful that he
wants to give them to Jahniyus, Amadou, and Abdullah. He will keep
the rest. How many bags of chips will each person get? How many
bags of chips with Fodie get?
4. Halima makes 24 cupcakes. She wants to bring them over to Kydaes
house. Each tray holds 10 cupcakes. How many trays will she need?
Will students be able to use manipulatives during independent practice to demonstrate
mastery of abstract mathematical concepts? If so, which students and why? 1a; 1b; 1d; 3c;
Some students if necessary (Dahmair and Kydae. They werent here yesterday)
Maybe Honesty, because it did not look like she understood how to directly model the
situation based on her responses to the worksheet problems yesterday
struggling students would benefit from homework designed to enrich their ability to apply
knowledge and skills aligned with the know and do objective). 1a; 1b; 1c; 1d; 1e; 1f; 3c; 3d;