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B2.2 Unit 1

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B2.1 Unit 1

Warm up video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15Av0DLUQNk

How to practice proper business meeting etiquette
When it comes to succeeding professionally attention to detail counts for a lot
Learn the rules of etiquette in time for your next business meeting

You will need: preparation, punctuality, proper dress, manners, completion tasks and a thank
you note.
Step 1: be prepared with pen and paper and any pertinent information that will help
contribute to the meeting.
Practice attention to detail for meetings so that you don't have to leave the room for
something you forgot
Business meetings are for sharing information not socializing--act professional
Step 2: get there at least five minutes early and wear your game face. Punctuality
Conveys appropriate focus and respect.
Step 3: once the meeting begins leave the PDA and phone in your pocket to eliminate the
slightest chance of diversion or interruption
Step 4: if you're not running or presenting at the meeting hold your peace until the meeting
breaks up or wait until the principal invites comments
Don't interrupt others and raise your hand if you have questions which should be pithy and
relevant to everyone in attendance

Step 5: Show manners and pay attention. Don't drum, tap, fidget, flip through the reading
material, or cast looks around

Step 6: Go easy on alcohol and food at catered meetings and conferences. You are there to do
business, not fill up as if it were a party --keep your eye on the ball

Step 7: maintain etiquette even after the meeting by completing tasks assigned as goals during
the discussion as quickly as possible. File meeting notes afterwards to keep track of and report
on here

Did you know? The first business cards called visiting cards announced the arrival of the
aristocracy. Used as a social convention among the elites during the reign of Louis the
fourteenth in the 17th century, they eventually became today's business cards

Past perfect vs Past perfect continuous


La forma impersonal es aquella que no hace referencia a un sujeto determinado,

sino que simplemente omite el sujeto intencionadamente porque carece de
importancia. Existen varias formas de expresar la forma impersonal en ingls:

Usando el pronombre you:

Hace referencia a la segunda persona del singular (t) en sentido general, sin
referirse al interlocutor, o equivale a las oraciones impersonales que en espaol
se construyen con se.

If you are clever person, you know what to do in such situations.

(Si eres una persona lista, sabes qu hacer en ese tipo de situaciones).

How do you play chess?

(Cmo se juega al ajedrez?)

Usando el pronombre they:

Hace referencia a un grupo de personas entendido como colectivo o equivale a
las oraciones impersonales que en espaol se construyen con se.

They drink a lot of beer in Germany.

(Beben mucha cerveza en Alemania).
(Se bebe mucha cerveza en Alemania).

Usando el pronombre one:

Equivale a las oraciones impersonales que en espaol se construyen con

One never knows what to wear. (Uno/a nunca sabe qu ponerse).

Usando la voz pasiva:

Equivale a las oraciones impersonales que en espaol se construyen con se;
es importante no traducirlas literalmente con la estructura de oracin pasiva.

The castle was built in the 16th century.

(El castillo se construy en el siglo XVI).

English (is) spoken. (Se habla ingls).

It is said that the new secretary will be fired.

(Se dice que van a despedir a la nueva secretaria).

Usando el pronombre it:

ste no acta como pronombre personal, ya que no hace referencia a nada,

simplemente ocupa la posicin de sujeto (obligatorio en ingls) en las oraciones
sin agente que realice la accin del verbo.

Its freezing! (Hace muchsimo fro!)

Its getting late. (Se est haciendo tarde.)

Usando la partcula there seguida del verbo to be:

Cabe destacar que el verbo to be debe conjugarse segn el nmero

(singular/plural) y tiempo verbal de la oracin: is,are was,were.

There is/was a cockroach in my hamburguer!

(Hay/Haba una cucaracha en mi hamburguesa!).

There are many things I dont understand about his life.

(Hay muchas cosas que no entiendo de su vida).

Usando la partcula there seguida de los verbos seem y appear.

There seems to be very little money left.

(Parece quedar muy poco dinero.)

There appears to be no difference between twin brothers.

(No parece haber mucha diferencia entre los hermanos gemelos.)

Exercise9. Translate the following sentences into English:

a. Amrica se descubri en 1492.

b. Se est haciendo de noche, nos vamos a casa?
c. Hay una cosa que te quiero decir, que es importante al menos para m.
d. A uno le gusta estar solo a veces.
e. Si el reloj no funciona, cmo sabes cundo entregar el examen?


Un verbo frasal es un verbo seguido de una partcula que puede ser una preposicin
o un adverbio, y que cambia el significado para crear un verbo nuevo.

Shes looking after her little sister ( look + after = cuidar de)

I will give up smoking next week (give + up = dejar de)

If he find out, he will feel very sad (find + out = descubrir)

Alguno verbos frasales son Intransitivos > esto significa que no puede ir seguido de
un objeto.

He suddenly showed up. [Show up no puede llevar objeto]

Algunos verbos frasales son Transitivos > esto significa que puede ir seguido de un

I made up the story. [The story es el objeto de make up]

Algunos verbos frasales transitivos pueden llevar el verbo y la preposicin

separados. Podemos colocar el objeto entre el verbo la preposicin.

I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car. [my mother es el objeto de
la oracin].
She looked the phone number up. [the phone number es el objeto de la

Algunos verbos frasales transitivos no se pueden separar. El objeto tiene que ir

detrs de la preposicin.

I ran into an old friend yesterday. [an old friend es el objeto].

They are looking into the problem. [the problem es el objeto].

Aunque muchos verbos frasales pueden llevar objeto tanto delante como detrs de la
preposicin, cuando el objeto es un pronombre, ste tiene que ir siempre entre el
verbo y la preposicin, nunca detrs de la preposicin.

I looked the number up in the phone book. (Correcta)

I looked up the number in the phone book. (Correcta)
I looked it up in the phone book. (Correcta)
I looked up it in the phone book. (Incorrecta)

A continuacin mostramos una lista con algunos de los verbos frasales ms

frecuentes. Es slo una muestra porque existen cientos de verbos frasales.

Be about to

Be against

Be on the point of (doing

Were about to take the train to York. (Estamos


a punto de coger el tren a York).

Be opposed to

Some members of the Parliament are against






Parlamento estn en contra de la nueva ley).

Be away

Be far from home, from

this place (for at least a

Be back

Have returned after a

long or short absence

Mark will be away on holidays until next week.

(Mark estar fuera de vacaciones hasta la
prxima semana).
I dont really know when he will be back from
his journey to Australia, Ill tell you as soon as I
know. (En realidad no se cundo volver de su
viaje a Australia, te lo dir tan pronto como lo

Be off

Be free from duty

Be cancelled

Hes having a day off tomorrow because of his

daughters wedding. (l no trabaja maana por
la boda de su hija.)


Liz is off at the moment, would you like to leave

a message for her? (Liz no est ahora, le
gustara dejarle un mensaje?)

Be over

Be finished

You needt worry any longer, now its all over.

(Ya no tienes que preocuparte ms, ahora todo
ha terminado).

Be up to

Be somebodys

Should I apply for the job at the consultancy?

Be doing or thinking of

I dont know; its up to you (Debera solicitar

doing something bad

el empleo en la asesora? No se, lo que t

What are they up to? (Qu estn tramando?).

Blow up


The policemen prevented the bombs from

blowing up. (Los policas impidieron que
estallaran las bombas).

Become angry
Break down

Stop working
Lose control and cry

Sue is having a nervous breakdown; she fears

she has failed the final exam. (Sue tiene un
ataque de nervios; teme haber suspendido el
examen final).

Break in

Enter by force (also break

The burglars broke into the house and stole all


their jewels and valuables. (Los ladrones

entraron por la fuerza en la casa y robaron
todas sus joyas y objetos de valor).

Break off

Separate by breaking

Some big pieces of ice are breaking off from

the iceberg. (Trozos grandes de hielo se estn

Break up

Stop, disrupt

desprendiendo del iceberg).


They didnt get on, so they finally broke up. (No

se llevaban bien, finalmente rompieron).

Bring about

Cause to happen
Mention a subject

Im sure she will bring the subject about in

order to get our attention. (Estoy seguro de que







This situation will bring about some problems

for us. (Esta situacin nos traer algunos

Bring up

Take care of children until

He was brought up by his mothers sister, who

they are adults

lived in Rome. (Fue criado por la hermana de

su madre, que viva en Roma).

Brush up

Revise something you

I havent studied French for years; I need to

have nearly forgotten

brush it up. (Llevo aos sin estudiar francs,

necesito repasarlo.)

Call back

Return a phone call, or call

If you call me and Im not in, I will call you back.


(Si me llamas y no estoy en casa, te devolver

la llamada).

Calm down


Now you must calm down or you wont get

better. (Ahora debes calmarte o no te pondrs

Carry on

Continue (with)

Carry on! You can do it! (Contina! t puedes


You should carry on having the pills. (Deberas

seguir tomando las pldoras).
Carry out

Do a task

He cant carry out this task; its too complicated

for him. (l no puede llevar a cabo esa tarea,
es demasiado complicada para l).

Catch up

Reach somebody or reach

I was always above his level in Maths but in the

certain level

end he caught me up. (Yo siempre estaba por

encima de su nivel en Matemticas pero al final
me alcanz).

Check in

Report that you have

You will have to show the receptionist you

arrived at a hotel or airport

passport when you check in. (Tendrs que

mostrarle al recepcionista tu pasaporte cuando
llegues al hotel).

Check out

Check that something is

Could you please make sure that this is the


hotel address? I forgot to check it out.

Pay your bill and leave

(Podras asegurarte de que esta es la

direccin del hotel? Olvid comprobarlo).

You have to check out before 12:00. (Debes

dejar el hotel antes de las 12).

Cheer up

Feel happier

Cheer up! Youll get well soon! (Anmate! te

pondrs bien pronto!).

Come across

Find (something/

I came across him at the supermarket and he

someone) by chance

pretended not to remember me.

(Me lo

encontr en el supermercado y fingi no

Come back

Come round

Return to the place where

Helen will come back here in two or three days.

you are now

(Helen volver aqu en dos o tres das).


When will you come round? Id like to show you

Recover consciousness






visitarme? Me gustara ensearte mis muebles

When she came round she didnt remember
what had happened.





recordaba lo que haba pasado).

Come up

Ascend, rise to the surface

Be mentioned

Ive been waiting years for this issue to come

up. (He estado aos esperando que surgiera
este tema)
He came up to me and asked me my name.
(Se acerc a m y me pregunt mi nombre).

Come up with

Think of

Count on

Rely on someone

If you can come up with a better idea dont

hesitate to tell us. (Si se te ocurre una idea
mejor no dudes en decrnoslo).
You can always count on me to help you.
(Siempre puedes contar conmigo para que te

Cut down


The level of pollution must be cut down. (El

nivel de contaminacin debe reducirse).

Cut off

Stop providing something

Do up

Make improvements

Drop off

If you cannot pay they will cut off the electricity

supply. (Si no puedes pagar cortarn el
suministro de electricidad).
The little boy can dress up and do up his
shoelaces by himself. (El pequeo sabe
vestirse y atarse los cordones de los zapatos l

Take somebody in your car

You neednt take the bus, Ill drop you off. (No


necesitas coger el autobs, yo te llevar).

Sales have dropped off this month.

(Las ventas han disminuido este mes).
Fall over

Fall to the ground

He stepped on something slippery and fell

over. (Pis algo resbaladizo y se cay).

Fill in


If you havent filled in the application form, you

still have time to do it. (Si no has rellenado la
solicitud, todava tienes tiempo de hacerlo).

Fill up

Become full

Dont fill up my glass, Im not very thirsty (No

llenes mi vaso, no tengo mucha sed).

Find out


He looked amazed when he found out that he

had been chosen for the new quiz. (Pareci
asombrado cuando descubri que haba sido
elegido para el nuevo concurso).

Get in /into

Enter ( a place, car, plane)

Get into the plane and look for your seat (Sube
al avin y busca tu asiento).
Get in they are waiting for you there! (Entra, te
estn esperando ah!).

Get out (of)

Leave (a place, car, plane)

Get out of here; I dont want to see you again

(Sal de aqu, no quiero volver a verte).

Get on

Have a good relationship

Go aboard a train,

Mary and Elisabeth never argue, they get on so

well!! (Mary y Elisabeth nunca discuten, se
llevan tan bien!).
Get on or the bus will leave without you!
(Sbete o el autobs se ir sin ti!).

Get off

Leave a vehicle

Get off my car right now!

(Sal de mi coche ahora mismo!).

Get over


If you take care of her she will soon get over.

(Si la cuidas se recuperar pronto).

Get up

Get out of bed

What time did you get up?

(A qu hora te levantaste?).

Give away

Give something for free

If you dont need those clothes, give them

away. (Si no necesitas esa ropa, dala).

Give in

End resistance to

Try to convince your friend. Sooner or later he


will give in. (Intenta convencer a tu amigo.

Tarde o temprano, ceder).

Give off

Emit (smell, light,

These exotic flowers give off a very sweet


smell. (Estas flores exticas desprenden un

olor muy dulce).

Give out


Tom, will you please help the teacher give out

the notebooks? (Tom, ayudas al profesor a
repartir las libretas?).

Give up

Leave a habit
Stop using something
Stop trying to do

Go back

Ill try to give up smoking next month. (Intentar

dejar de fumar el mes que viene).
He finally gave up trying to find a job abroad.
(Al final dej de intentar encontrar un empleo
en el extranjero).

Return to another place

I forgot to take my wallet, I have to go back

where you were before

home. (Olvid coger mi cartera, tengo que

volver a casa).

Go off

Not being good anymore

This milk has gone off, dont drink it. (Esta

leche se ha estropeado, no te la bebas).

Grow up

Develop from child to adult

When you grow up youll be able to do it.

(Cuando seas mayor, podrs hacerlo).

Hold on


Ill put you through with Mr. Roberts, please

hold on. (Le paso con el sr. Roberts, espere
por favor).

Hold up


The release of the much awaited film has been

held up by the court.

(El estreno de la muy esperada pelcula ha
sido retrasado por los tribunales).
Let down


He is a good friend who has never let me

down. (l es un buen amigo que nunca me ha

Look after

Take care of

You should tell someone to look after your


belongings. (Deberas decirle a alguien que

cuide tus pertenencias).

Look down on

Regard as inferior

His older brother always looked down on him

when he gave his opinion about anything. (Su





cuando daba su opinin sobre cualquier cosa).

Look for

Search for something/

I will move next month and I have to look for a


flat near the city centre. (Me mudar el mes

que viene y tengo que buscar un piso cerca del
centro de la ciudad).

Look into

Investigate, consider,

Ill look into your proposal as soon as I have


time. (Estudiar tu propuesta en cuanto tenga


Look up

Search for information

I have to look a few words up in the dictionary

before doing the exercises. (Tengo que buscar

en el diccionario unas cuantas palabras antes

de hacer los ejercicios).
Look up to

Respect someone

James looked up to his father; he always paid

attention to his advice.
(James respetaba a su padre, siempre haca
caso a sus consejos).

forward to

Be excited about

The children are looking forward to the trip.

something that's going to

(Los nios estn deseando ir de viaje).

happen (followed by a
noun or ing)

Make up


Johns looking forward to meeting my friends.

(John est deseando conocer a mis amigos).
Why did you make up such a bad story? (Por
qu te inventaste esa historia tan mala?).

Pick up

Lift someone or something

You shouldnt have picked up the phone. (No


deberas haber cogido el telfono).

Win something

Will you pick me up at about 9? (Me

recogers sobre las 9?).

Put down

Stop holding

Put the phone down and come here to help me!

(Cuelga el telfono y ven aqu a ayudarme!).

Put off


The meeting has been put off until tomorrow

morning. (La reunin se ha pospuesto hasta
maana por la maana)

Put on

Wear something

Why dont you put on your new dress? It really

suits you. (Por qu no te pones tu vestido
nuevo? Te queda muy bien)

Put up with


Run across

Find accidentally
Find by chance

Im sorry, I cant put up with her.

(Lo siento, no puedo soportarla).
Laurie run across Paul near here and asked
him about his new apartment. (Laurie se
encontr a Paul por aqu cerca y le pregunt

por su nueva casa).

Run down

Run into

Express a negative

He loves to run everyone down. (Le encanta

opinion of someone

criticar a todo el mundo).

Crash, collide

The taxi run into another car and three people

were injured. (El taxi choc con otro coche y
tres personas resultaron heridas).

Run out (of)


I can give you a cup of tea, I run out of coffee.

(Puedo darte una taza de te, se me ha

Set off.

Use the last of

acabado el caf).

Start on a journey

When will we set off to France? (Cundo

Start a chain of events
Start someone doing

saldremos para Francia?).

Tony is too lazy. Why dont you set him off to
clean his bedroom? (Tony es demasiado vago.
Por qu no lo pones a limpiar su cuarto?).

Set up

Place in position

We have to set up the tents before dusk.

(Tenemos que montar las tiendas antes de que

Establish, open
Slow down

Show up

Reduce speed, go more

Slow down! You drive very quickly! (Ve ms


despacio! Conduces muy deprisa!).


She showed up very late, we were about to

leave. (Ella apareci muy tarde, estbamos a
punto de irnos).

Show off

Act ostentatiously

He loves to show off, but he is not as rich as he

pretends to be. (Le gusta alardear pero no es
tan rico como aparenta).

Sort out


Michelle is only 4 years old but she loves to

sort out all her picture cards and her dolls.

Arrange or order by

(Michelle tiene solo 4 aos pero le encanta


ordenar sus cromos y sus muecas).

or categories
Solve a problem
Do you think we could sort out the question
somehow? (Crees que podemos resolver la
cuestin de algn modo?).
Speak up

Speak loudly, clearly

Speak up or no one will be able to understand

you! (Habla ms alto/claro o nadie podr

Take after

Resemble an ancestor

Patrick looks after his mother and Sylvia looks

after her father. (Patrick se parece a su padre y
Sylvia se parece a su madre).

Take off

Leave the ground, rise into
the air

You must take your hat off before getting into

the church. (Debes quitarte el sombrero antes
de entrar en la iglesia).

What time will the plane take off?

(A qu hora despega el avin?).
Talk into

Tell off

Persuade (followed by

He talked me into this journey. (Me convenci

noun or ing)

para hacer este viaje).

Reprove, scold

If you dont behave, mum will tell you off,

Johnny. (Si no te portas bien, mam te
regaar, Johnny).

Throw away

Get rid of

Throw away all this rubbish!! (Deshazte de


toda esa basura!).

Turn back

Turn down

Turn in a reverse or

Suddenly, he turned back and approached me.

contrary direction

(De repente se dio la vuelta y se acerc a m).

Reduce or make lower by

Its too hot in here; Ill turn the heating down.

turning (a switch, a tap)

(Hace demasiado calor aqu dentro, bajar la


Turn on

Allow water, electric

current to flow by using a

Will you please turn on the lights, Paula? (Por

favor, enciendes las luces, Paula?).

Turn off

Prevent water, electric

current from flowing by

Turn the tap off, you are wasting water. (Cierra

el grifo, ests desperdiciando agua)

using a switch
Turn over

Turn upside down

Move by rotating

Turn the omelette over and cook it until light

golden. (Dale la vuelta a la tortilla hasta que se
dore un poco).

Show another side of

Wake up

Stop sleeping

I woke up because there was a lot of noise in

the street. (Me despert porque haba mucho
ruido en la calle).

Work out

Find the solution to a

Before we work it out, we will need your help.

problem or question

(Antes de que lo solucionemos, necesitaremos

Elaborate something
Write down

tu ayuda).

Record something by

As he was talking to me, I was writing down


everything he was saying. (Mientras l me

hablaba, yo estaba escribiendo todo lo que
estaba diciendo).

Write up

Write fully, copy

Rose, write up all the names in the list and add

their e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
(Rose, copia todos los nombres en la lista y

aade sus direcciones de correo electrnico y


Exercise10. Fill in the gaps with a phrasal verb.

I feel sleepy; I ______up very early today. > I feel sleepy; I got up very early today.

a) Peter, stop__________ the little girl off! She didnt break anything!
b) The play will start at seven, so I will __________you up at half past six and we will
arrive at the theatre on time.
c) Dont __________her down, she needs you.
d) Mark got really angry, he __________up and said something terrible to Susan.
e) I dont know what you __________up to, but please be careful.
f) Could I speak to Walter, please? Sorry, he __________away on a business trip.
He will __________back in three or four days.
g) I would never live in this area; there are factories with chimneys that __________off
noxious fumes.
h) I think Alice is not reading, she __________over the pages of the magazine too

Exercise11. Replace each underlined words with a phrasal verb.


She is always criticising me. I dont like her. = She is always criticising me. I cant put
up with her.

a) They didnt answer the phone when you called them.

b) The students are copying the text that their teacher wrote on the blackboard.
c) Frank has to make sure that he will earn enough money if he accepts the new job
they offered him.
d) Harry will soon open his new shop in Australia.
e) We must give each person the materials for the course.
f) Diplomatic relations between the two countries ended due to the conflict.
g) Sarah convinced us to organize the party in her house.

Exercise12. Translate into English:

a) No me gusta Jenny, ella considera inferior a todo el mundo en la oficina.

b) No tires mis libros viejos! Quiz los necesite algn da.
c) Mira a Marianne, est a punto de llorar.
d) Necesito que alguien me anime hoy.

Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and the
prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) an form meaningful sentences.

1) Quick!

the bus. It's ready to leave.

2) I don't know where my book is. I have to

3) It's dark inside. Can you


the light, please?

the form, please.

5) I need some new clothes. Why don't you

6) It's warm inside.

these jeans?

your coat.

7) This pencil is really old. You can


8) It's so loud here. Can you

the radio a little.

9) The firemen were able to

the fire in Church Street.

10) Does your little brother



Watch the video and put the lines in each stanza in the
correct order.

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
------------Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
-------------------------------My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
-----------------------For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,

Vocabulary - Phrasal Verbs

Match the columns.

(1) bring out

to collect things and put them where you keep them

(2) cut off

to remove

(3) pack up

to expose; reveal

(4) pour away

to remove people from an area

(5) put out

to halt the operation of; disconnect

(6) sweep up

to (cause to) flow quickly and in large amounts


1- Hang

:Wait a short time (informal)

2- Keep

:Continue doing

3- Let

:Allow to enter

4- Hang

:Spend time relaxing/with friends (informal)

5- Look

: Investigate

6- Hang

7- Look

8- Keep

:End a phone call

: Take care of someone/sth.

:Continue at the same rate.

9- Pass

: Die

10- Look

: Have a lot of respect/Admire. "Look ___ to someone"



For most of us, giving presentations is important for our professional career. Presenting
our products, challenges and solutions this is the key element of business
communication, where money is often made or lost. And, in todays international
business environment, we are increasingly required to give presentations in English.


A. Welcoming the audience

Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
Hello / Hi everyone.
First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.
Its a pleasure to welcome you today.
Im happy / delighted that so many of you could make it today.
Its good to see you all here
B. Introducing yourself
Let me introduce myself.
Im Diane Ross from...
For those of you who dont know me, my name is ...
Let me just start by introducing myself.
My name is ...
C. Giving your position, function, department, company
As some of you know, Im the purchasing manager.
Im the key account manager here and am responsible for ...
Im here in my function as the head of ...
Im the project manager in charge of
D. Introducing your topic
What Id like to present to you today is...
Im here today to present ...
Todays topic is...
The subject / topic of my presentation is ...
In my presentation I would like to report on ...
In my talk Ill tell you about ...
Today Im going to talk about ...
Ill be talking about ...
E. Saying why your topic is relevant for your audience
Todays topic is of particular interest to those of you / us who ...
My talk is particularly relevant to those of us who ...

My topic is / will be very important for you because ...

By the end of this talk you will be familiar with ...
F. Stating your purpose
The purpose / objective / aim of his presentation is to ...
Our goal is to determine how / the best way to ...
What I want to show you is ...
My objective is to ...
Today Id like to give you an overview of ...
Today Ill be showing you / reporting on ...
Id like to update you on / inform you about ...
During the next few hours well be ...
Structuring Ive divided my presentation into three (main) parts.
In my presentation Ill focus on three major issues.
G. Sequencing
Point one deals with ... , point two ... , and point three...
First, Ill be looking at... , second... ,and third ...
Ill begin / start off by ... .
Then Ill move on to ...
Then / Next / After that ... Ill end with ...

E. Timing
My presentation will take about 30 minutes.
It will take about 20 minutes to cover these issues.
This wont take more than...
F. Handouts
Does everybody have a handout / brochure / copy of the report?
Please take one and pass them on.
Dont worry about taking notes. Ive put all the important statistics on a handout
for you.
Ill be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my talk.
I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anybody who wants it.
G. Questions
There will be time for questions after my presentation.
We will have about 10 minutes for questions in the question and answer period.
If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time.
Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk.

H. Rhetorical questions
Is market research important for brand development?
Do we really need quality assurance?


Interesting facts
According to an article I read recently, ...
Did you know that ...?
Id like to share an amazing fact / figure with you.

J. Stories and anecdotes

I remember when I attended a meeting in Paris, ...
At a conference in Madrid, I was once asked the following question: ...
Let me tell you what happened to me ...
K. Problem to think about
Suppose you wanted to ... .
How would you go about it?
Imagine you had to ....
What would be your first step?


A. Saying what is coming
In this part of my presentation, Id like to talk about..
So, let me first give you a brief overview.
B. Indicating the end of a section
This brings me to the end of my first point.
So much for point two.
So, thats the background on ...
Thats all I wanted to say about ...
C. Summarizing a point
Before I move on, Id like to recap the main points.
Let me briefly summarize the main issues.
Id like to summarize what Ive said so far ...

D. Moving to the next point

This leads directly to my next point.
This brings us to the next question.
Lets now move on / turn to ...
After examining this point, lets turn to ...
Lets now take a look at ...
E. Going back
As I said / mentioned earlier, ...
Let me come back to what I said before ...
Lets go back to what we were discussing earlier.
As Ive already explained, ...
As I pointed out in the first section, ...

F. Referring to other points

I have a question in connection with / concerning payment.
There are a few problems regarding the quality.
With respect / regard to planning, we need more background information.
According to the survey, our customer service needs reviewing.
G. Adding ideas
In addition to this, Id like to say that our IT business is going very well.
Moreover / Furthermore, there are other interesting facts we should take a look
Apart from being too expensive, this model is too big.
Talking about (difficult) issues I think we first need to identify the problem.
Of course well have to clarify a few points before we start.
We will have to deal with the problem of increasing prices.
How shall we cope with unfair business practices?
The question is: why dont we tackle the distribution problems?
If we dont solve this problem now, well get / run into serious trouble soon.
We will have to take care of this problem now.
We are currently having difficulties with ...

H. Rhetorical questions
What conclusion can we draw from this?
So, what does this mean?
So, just how good are the results?
So, how are we going to deal with this increase?
So, where do we go from here? Why do I say that?
Do we really want to miss this opportunity to ... ?

A. Indicating the end of your talk
Im now approaching / nearing the end of my presentation.
Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.
That covers just about everything I wanted to say about ...
OK, I think thats everything I wanted to say about ...
As a final point, Id like to ...
Finally, Id like to highlight one key issue.

B. Summarizing points
Before I stop, let me go over the key issues again.
Just to summarize the main points of my talk ...
Id like to run through my main points again ...
To conclude / In conclusion, Id like to ...
To sum up (then), we ...


Weve all taken part in some quite boring presentations. And in those cases, weve all
seen complex charts and graphs that tell us either way too much or absolutely nothing
at all. For the most part, visuals arent naturally interesting or informative. Its what we
do with them that is important.
You cant just put a graph on a screen and then explain each point on the graph. And
you cant put up a table of figures and then read out each column and row.
What you really need to do is tell the story of the data and to bring the visuals to life.
What should people focus on? What is the important number on the screen? What
does the graph actually tell us?
Bringing visuals to life is necessary if you want to give effective presentations. Well
look at how to do this. In this lesson, well cover several important functions, including
using analogy, defining terms, using rhetorical questions, and highlighting key

Charts and graphs are very useful for presenting information, especially numbers. But
you must learn how to use them properly. If you dont, your presentation might not have
the expected effect. That might mean its seen as dull, but it could also mean that you
fail to convince someone of your idea.


Pie chart

Bar chart

Line graph


Dramatic fall
Market fall
Gradual fall
Rapid fall

Moderate fall
Significant fall
Slight fall
Sharp fall
Sudden fall

Gradual increase
Market increase
Rapid increase
Moderate increase
Significant increase
Slight increase
Steady increase
Steep increase

Highest level
Lowest level
Reached a peak
Stood at



Bottom out
Doubled to
Level off
Go up`

Upward trend
Downward trend


Benefit an advantage or something that brings positive effects

Commute - to travel to and from work
Consolidate to combine many small things into one larger system or unit

Flow chart a drawing that shows steps, stages or a process

Focus on to concentrate on or to pay attention to
Handle to deal with or manage some activity
Logistics management of the storage and movement of goods, materials and
Make sense to be reasonable, practical, or easy to understand
Numbers dont lie - we say the numbers dont lie when we believe that some
statistics or numbers show or highlight an important fact
Plant a factory or facility that produces or processes something
Point to to draw attention to, especially by using a finger
Port a town, city or place where ships load and unload their cargo
Pretty much - mostly
Pull up to show on a video monitor or computer screen
Reimagine to imagine or think about something in a new way
Route a way that someone or a vehicle travels to get somewhere
Shipping line a business that operates ships either for freight or passengers
Warehouse a large house where goods are stored


A good presentation is one that connects to your audience with a clear, organized
message that can be easily understood. So, what can we do to make an impact? How
can we connect our message to the audience? What do we need to think about when
preparing our presentation? And how do we work to our strengths and minimize the
challenges of presenting in English?


SHORT: Try this: after you prepare your presentation, go through and cut out 30%.
You should be able to do that without damaging your central message. What

remains will have much more impact because its not surrounded by fluff. This applies
to PowerPoint slides, charts, and diagrams as well. As a general rule, try to limit
slides to one per minute.

SIMPLE: Simple means organized and clear. Start with the purpose of your
presentation, which you should be able to summarize in one sentence. Simple also
applies to your language and visuals. Dont try to impress people with technical
lingo. It wont work. And keep PowerPoint slides simple. No confusing charts or
graphs. Only the essential information, in simple form. The text on your slides
should not be too hard to see, no smaller than a 30-point font. This will force you to
keep the text simple. I promise you, people will appreciate that.

ENGAGING: You need to catch and hold peoples attention. You want them to be
interested. And how do we do that? They include repetition, rhetorical questions,
metaphors, and visualizing facts and figures. One thing that is not engaging is
information overload. Dont overwhelm your audience. Use pictures and other
visual aids to illustrate your points. If youre doing a PowerPoint, dont put two
informational slides right after each other. Mix it up. Give some information, then use
a picture to help people understand what youre saying, then give more information.
Being engaging also means being interactive. Ask questions. Look at people. Ask
for input. Get people to do something besides just listen to you talk.

REAL: Try using an anecdote or story a story that everyone can connect with,
something that everyone experiences. Tell them why your topic matters. Tell them how
it affects them, their jobs, and their lives. Connect yourself with the people and
connect the people with the topic. Another part of keeping it real is working within
your abilities. If youre not comfortable telling a joke in English, dont tell a joke. If
you have to keep the words simple, keep them simple. Presentations are hard enough
as it is. Dont try to push yourself too far outside your normal communication

1. Do you think PowerPoint is used effectively?
2. How long can you keep an audience focused during a presentation?
3. Think about the good presentations youve seen. What qualities did the
speaker have?
4. What is the most difficult part of speaking in front of a group of people?
5. What different types of visual aids are commonly used in presentations?
6. When you give a presentation, do you usually stand in one place or
move around?

Take a look at the words below:

Body language the ideas or feelings you communicate with your body, gestures,
and facial expressions. NOTE: During a presentation make sure your
body language shows confidence and interest
Drone on to talk about something for a long time in a boring way
Dynamic constantly changing or very active
Engage to attract or hold someones attention
Get on someones nerves to annoy or bother someone
Illustrate a point to make an idea clear by using examples, pictures or
Input information, opinion or viewpoint given to a person or process
Know your stuff to understand a certain subject very well
Move on to continue to the next topic
Prop an object or thing that helps you during a presentation
Scan to look over quickly
Shoot up to increase suddenly and a lot
Short attention span if you have short attention span, you cant focus on a
topic for a very long time
Sink in if a message or point sinks in it means the listener understands it
Tune someone out- to stop listening to someone, especially because you are
bothered or bored.
Universal true about everyone in all places
Wander to move around without a clear purpose; if your mind or attention
wanders, it means you stop focusing on one thing.
Work into to insert or use something within something else


Business people often have to answer questions. You may have to respond to
questions during a meeting or negotiation or after you have given a presentation. There
are several possible responses to such questions. You can:
1. answer directly ("Yes", "No", "I'm..", etc)
2. ask for clarification of the question
3. reassure the questioner
4. give yourself time to think
5. avoid answering

The language you use becomes very important. It can provide you with certain helpful
tactics to use in various situations. Look at these useful phrases:

Reactions to questions

Would you mind

rephrasing the

Have I understood
you correctly?

question? I didn't
quite understand it.






If I understand you
you're asking...

When you say...

do you mean...?

I'd like to reassure

you about that

There is no need for

concern on that






You need have no

worries on that front

I can understand
your concern but...




I'm glad you asked

that question

That's a very
interesting question

I'm afraid I can't

give you an answer
to that question
at the moment

I'd prefer not to

comment on that
for the moment






Perhaps I could
answer that
question later

Well, that would

depend on
various factors


Many business people have to participate in business meetings conducted in English.

There are various aspects of language involved in meetings. These range from the
formal language of chairing and controlling official meetings, to the language of opinion
giving, agreeing, disagreeing, persuading, etc. In this lesson, we look at the language
of opinions.

Here are some useful phrases.

1. Asking for opinions

a. What are your feelings on ... ?
b. What do you think of ... ?
c. What's your opinion of ... ?
d. Could we hear your opinion of ... ?

2. Giving opinions
a. I'm inclined to think ...
b. I think ...
c. My opinion is ...
d. It's my feeling that ...
e. I'm absolutely sure that ...

I tend to think ...

3. Agreeing
a. I completely agree with you.
b. I agree.
c. Well, yes.
d. That's right.
e. I couldn't agree more.

That seems reasonable.

4. Disagreeing
a. I agree up to a point, but ...
b. I don't agree at all.
c. I'm afraid I don't entirely agree with you.
d. I totally disagree with you.
e. I disagree.

That's completely wrong.

VOCABULARY: (agreement)

Ways to agree:
So do I / I do too = I think so too (strong agreement)

Standard phrases to agree

You are quite right!
I couldnt agree more!
Thats exactly how I see it / feel about it

Using synonyms:
That was just a miserable day! Awful

By using an example:

This food is great Especially the chicken

Using a general comment:

Chinese food is delicious. Yes, all Asian food is.


You are a boss and one of your employees calls you and asks for the following
things very politely.

An extra day to finish the report

To go home early because he has a headache

To go to a conference in the USA

To leave early in order to pick up his sister at the airport

Decide whether or not to agree with each one!

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