11-17-2014 Meeting Minutes

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November 17, 2014 9:30 11:30 a.m. Columbus Public Health 240 Parsons Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43215

Dwayne Steward, Julie Applegate, Wynette Collins, Linda Bernhard, Myles Bell, Samyell Terry, Caitlin
Kapper, Katie Rybka, Chelsea Varnum, Barb Seckler, Gaya Chelvakumar, Nancy Ford, Adrian Neil,
Colleen Dempsey, John Green, John Henry, Zach Reau, Ellen Rapkin, Jaimie Randall, Ryan Johnson,
Debbie Helldoerfer, Rebecca Nelson, Makeda Porter

The Greater Columbus LGBTQ Health Coalition is a community-based initiative that consists of health
care providers, caregivers, community leaders, organizations and allies, all with the goal of fostering
positive health and safety outcomes within the citys gender and sexually diverse communities. This
includes, but is not limited to, becoming a visible voice of advocacy for gender and sexually diverse
clients, educating and providing inclusive wellness resources and filling data gaps in research.


Release meeting dates for 2015

Discuss syphilis outbreak in Columbus and services provided to combat outbreak
Discuss next steps for Columbus LGTBQ Health Conference (Oct. 2015)


Welcome, Introductions, Check-In

Read GCLHC Mission Statement
Distribute committee sing-up sheets for new members
Introduce 2015 Meetings Dates
o Jan. 19 is Martin Luther King Day. Dwayne Steward will be following up
with a new date for the first coalition meeting of 2015


Committee Updates (see Appendix A-D for official updates)

Data, Research and Evaluation Jamie Randall and Robyn Taylor
Advocacy & Policy Cory Chan-Frederick
Community Outreach & Engagement Adrian Neil Jr. and Colleen Dempsey
Ad Hoc Committee Julia Applegate


Capacity Building: Syphilis Outbreak Update

Makeda Porter, Prevention Services, Columbus Public Health
Samyell Terry, Community Services, Columbus Public Health
See attachment in follow-up email for full presentation

10:30-11:15: First Steps: Columbus LGBTQ Health Conference (Oct. 2015)


240 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43215

During a World Caf the committees broke into groups and discussed how each of the
standing committees could contribute to the planning process for the 2015 Columbus LGBTQ
Health Conference. The committees thoughts are below:
o Data, Research & Evaluation
Conference Data Collection
Coalition Questions
Get the word out
Best Practices: EMR
(Consider Football schedule)
o Advocacy & Policy

Patient Advocacy
Provider Education
How to be compliant
Inclusive forms
Access to care
How to increase access in marginalized populations
Looking at social determinants of health (housing, shelter system,

Community Outreach & Engagement

Social media
Meial blast
Hot cards
Develop online registration
Financial logistics
Health impact leader award

11:15-11:25: Old Business / New Business

11:25-11:30: Community Announcements/Closing Remarks
FACES PrEP Clinic: Nationwide Childrens Hospital has started a PrEP clinic
at FACES (their HIV prevention/care clinic). The clinic will be open once a
week starting in December. Please email Wynette Collins at
wynettecollins@nationwidechildrens.org for more information.
Enroll America: Open Enrollment for the Healthcare Insurance Marketplace
has opened. Enroll America has a team on the ground in Columbus and is
taking appointments. Contact Myles Bell at xx for more information.
Come Out & Enroll! Enroll America & CPH Enrollment Event: Mark your
calendars! CPH and Enroll America will be hosting a special ACA and

Medicaid enrollment event for LGBTQ communities in Columbus on Jan. 29 at

5:30-8 p.m. at CPH. Flyers and more information coming soon
Columbus Public Health Marketplace & Medicaid Assistance: CPH has
designated times throughout the week when Healthcare Insurance
Marketplace and Medicaid assistors will be available for free assistance with
enrollment. Please see attached flyer for details. For questions email Marian
Stuckey at mastuckey@columbus.gov.

Next General Body Meeting: January 19, 2015, 9:30 11:30 a.m.
Next Committee Meetings: February 16, 2015, 1:30 3:00 p.m.


240 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43215

The Greater Columbus LGBTQ Health Coalition
Data, Research and Evaluation Committee (DRE)
In attendance: Linda Bernhard, Kaitlin Capper, Jason Hill, Jaimie Randall, Corrine Reczek,
Dwayne Steward, Robyn Taylor
Discussed following the GCLHC Committee Meeting schedule as outlined by Dwayne in a
recent email.
The DRE will meet in Room 119C from 1:30 to 2:30 on the following dates: 12/15/14,
2/16/15, 4/20/15, 8/17/15, 10/19/15, 12/21/15
If additional time is needed, we will meet following the General Body meetings (11/17/14,
1/19/15, 3/16/15, 5/18/15, 7/20/15, 9/21/15, 11/16/15)
Jaimie and Robyn will join Dwayne and other committee chairs at 2:30.
Brainstormed ways in which the DRE can support the GCLHC in the 2015 conference.
Suggestions included:
Food contact Jason Hill
Providing a data update to encourage conference attendees to be Data Champions.
The update will be what we currently know about LGBTQ healthcare data collection,
health disparities, DRE efforts/successes, etc. Depending on our knowledge at the time
of the conference, we may consider submitting a request to present (breakout session).
Kaitlin offered use of the CPH clickers to conduct a survey at the conference.
General volunteering assist with set-up/clean-up, registration,
marketing/communications, etc.
The remaining meeting time was spent discussing the justifications of each audience/type as
determined by the Survey Monkey survey. We worked on Equality only and did not complete
it. We agreed to meet for 30 minutes after the next general body meeting on 11/17 to continue.
Next meeting: Monday, November 17, 11:30-12:00 (following the General Body meeting),
Room 119B
Committee Chair Meeting Highlights:
Advocacy committee is working on inclusive language for company/agency forms. This
could be added to DRE tool kits for partners.
GCLHC conference will be postponed till Fall of 2015 to allow adequate time to develop
the conference and secure speakers, location, etc.
In discussion about the 2015 conference, Jaimie requested that LGBT elders be a focus
of one of the breakout sessions.

Community Outreach and Engagement Committee Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Adrian Neil-Hobson, Galen Roth, Julie Applegate, Jessica Herman, Un Jung
Lim, Ellen Rapkin and Colleen Dempsey
The committee agreed that our focus for now should be on bringing awareness to the coalition
in an effort to make the coalition more effective and known.
Health Impact Leadership Award
a. The committee decided that the award ceremony would be held in conjunction with
the LGBTQ Health Initiative Conference in October 2015
b. The award launch will be in March of 2015
c. Committee will develop a new timeline
d. Colleen created the initial nomination form for the award
e. The committee decided that the award tracks will be: Healthcare Provider,
Advocate, Emerging Healthcare Leader, Lifetime Achievement, Legislator and
Agency of the Year
f. Committee will work on logistics for award ceremony (nomination process, venue,

LGBTQ Health Coalition-The committee came up with some ways on how we

can improve
a. Create a Kona account for the coalition to be able to get minutes, notes,
committee updates, training material, etc.
b. Start developing different trainings and materials in order to gain and keep interest
of future and current members
c. Start having a presence at all major events that deal with LGBTQ health and
safety (physical representation or hot card/flyer)
d. Start researching different websites
e. Develop a protocol for membership (why would people want to join the coalition?)
f. Zach created a elevator speech that will be distributed among the coalition


Things to think about

a. Sponsorships for the award and the conference
b. Thinking about the finance for the coalition (conferences, trainings, event, etc.)
*Possible becoming a 501(c)(3)
c. Create a master calendar for all upcoming events for the coalition to be at
d. Create a list of ideas for events that the coalition could create


240 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43215

e. Coalition Newsletter for community, business, organizations, etc.

Greater Columbus LGBTQ Health Coalition
Advocacy & Policy Committee
10/20/14 Meeting Minutes
Kim Welter and Cory Chan-Frederick have partnered with SBIRT (Screening, Brief
Intervention, Referral to Treatment) to help revising their intake forms so they are
more inclusive
o Committee interested in creating a consulting program that does this with other
o Plan to create a justifications sheet for why its important to make your forms
inclusive. Use standards that MACC uses.
o Can start by engaging LGBTQ ERGs at hospitals.
LGBTQ Health Conference Suggestions
o Workshops
Domestic Partner information: may change by conference if laws
change regarding gay marriage
Education sessions about changes possible
PrEP and other HIV prevention
How to include lgbt cultural competency best practice in workplace/med
school education (educators track)
How to make forms inclusive (making sure to ask sexual health and
identity questions)
Tips on how to advocate for yourself in medical situations
How to find out if your provider is lgbt friendly (are they HIPPA
Know your rights how do you file grievances
Provides day content specific to CEUs
Include housing is healthcare component
Do a call for abstracts, talk to Cory about handling this
o Outreach ideas
Civil service/HR job classifications
Medical school programs are they teaching lgbt competency?
Capitalize on high lgbtq stats to get clinicians there
Provide incentive to facilities that would cover the amount of money they
would typically make that day.
Advertise that this conference will help practitioners meet productivity


240 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43215

Greater Columbus LGBTQ Health Coalition
Ad Hoc Committee: Seal of Approval Program
10/20/14 Committee Meeting Update
The Seal Committee is working on finding out whether other cities or communities have
anything like what we want to establish, and if they do, review their criteria, so that we can
establish our own criteria. We had hoped to develop an app, but since it could require about
$10-12,000, we cannot do that.

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