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Biblical Worldview Essay

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Biblical Worldview Essay


The book of Romans shows us such a great amount about such a large number of parts of
the Christian life. It talks about how we should view the natural world, our identity as people, our
relationships, culture, civilization and a lot of other important subjects. It really has so much
information in it that some people miss all of it because they do not go deeper into it like they
should. It also goes further into detail about condemnation, justification, sanctification, and
The Natural World
The natural world was formed by God through his words. He spoke the universe and
everything in it into existence, we know this because it says it in the beginning of Genesis. For
since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature
have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without
excuse. Paul wrote this in Romans 1:20. This means that God speaks through all his creations,
he does not need to be seen to make it known that he is there. He proves that he is always there
when someone needs him without even truly being right in front of people.
Human Identity
Our human identity is found by knowing and finding God. We are made in Gods image
In all honesty, we are totally destitute within ourselves. That is why we need Jesus to justify,
sanctify and glorify us. (Rom 8:30) In Pauls letters it talks about how man starts to think that
they are wiser then God and that they do not need God anymore. That is happening today also,
people think they are too good to believe in God and to have God in their lives. A lot of people
are afraid to admit they believe in God because of others. They think that people will make fun
of them for their decisions. I do not care what anyone says, God makes me happy and makes me
want to keep going every day. God is there for you always, not those people who want to make
Human Relationships
People start to turn against Gods wishes, they start having homosexual relations. Men
with men and women with women, and God was not happy about that. They were turning away
from their healthy sexual desires and turning to something that is not good, it is sinning in Gods
eyes. Apart from turning to homosexuality, they were also turning very violent, they only cared
about themselves. Killing another of Gods creation is basically as bad as killing God himself.
Man is born sinful because of Adam and we need God and Jesus so we can repent for our sins.
Jesus died on the cross so that we could repent and be able to not sin. When we go against him
like this, it makes it seem like we do not care.

Biblical Worldview Essay


From looking at the human relationships and all the violence you can tell the culture was
going downhill very fast. The culture had become full of people who were full of envy, strife,
deceit and malice. They were gossips, slanderers, haters of God, arrogant, insolent, and boastful
(Romans 1:26-32). They truly wanted to live a life without God and God made that happen. He
did not want to deal with the behavior they were doing. They knew they were rebelling against
God and they did not care, they just kept behaving in an inappropriate manner. This should be a
warning for today, if we continue to push God out of our life he will make it happen. He will stop
supporting us and helping us when we need help.
I honestly believe that Pauls letters are a warning to all the people that want to go against
God. He is warning us about what will happen if we go against God and stop caring. If we dont
care, neither will God. He is warning us about all the sins we are making before we make them,
like gossiping and being envious and haters of God. Those are all unpleasant people so why
would people what to act that way. It is going against God and it is not fair to go against him. He
does nothing but help people and is there for people. He just wants you to feel loved and cared
for and we should be the good people he made us and love him back. Share the love because if
you do not have God, then who do you have?

-Bible Gateway passage: Romans 1:8 - New International Version. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3,
2015, from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans 1:8&version=NKJV

-Hindson, E., & Towns, E. (2013). Illustrated Bible survey: An introduction. Nashville, Tenn.: B
& H Academic.

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