Prof. Dr. Hazem Abbas Dr. Mohamed Elmahdy Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology
Prof. Dr. Hazem Abbas Dr. Mohamed Elmahdy Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology
Prof. Dr. Hazem Abbas Dr. Mohamed Elmahdy Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology
Hazem Abbas
Dr. Mohamed Elmahdy
Faculty of Media Engineering
and Technology
CSEN 402 Computer Organization
and System Programming
Spring 2015
Practice assignment 1 problem 5
XOR Gate Manual
1. Logisim requires Java 5 or later. If you do not already have it on your
computer, Java is available from
2. Download Logisim from
3. Open Logisim app
4. When opened, this is what youll see:
Input 1
Input 2
7. Then start with the gates from the explorer pane, we need 2 NOT gates, 2
AND gates and 1 OR gate
8. To connect the gates and input together, we need to start drawing the wires.
To draw the wires, drag a line between an input and NOT gate for example, as
shown below.
Additional info: Each wire color has a meaning; red: error, blue or grey:
undefined, dark green: 0, light green: 1.
10. Now we need to have our output. Select the output from the toolbar and click
on an empty place at your canvas as shown below.
Output icon
Output 1
11. Now connect the output of the OR gate with our output.
12. Add labels to each input/output/gate. Select the attribute that you want to edit
and edit its label from the Attribute table as shown below.
Additional info: You may also change the data bits for each attribute, meaning
that, you can have 16 bits input instead of creating an input for each data bit.
You can also change the number of input variables to any attribute from the
attribute table as shown below.
Attribute table