Wong Letterofrec

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March 10, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Kathleen Vondette. Katie was in my
Urban Education Reflections on Learning course as a freshman, and then in my
Learning, Technology, and Culture Study Abroad program in The Netherlands as a
As a student in the Urban Education Cohort Program, Katie has the commitment and
training to work effectively in urban schools and, more broadly, with academically atrisk students. MSUs Urban Education program is highly regarded and typically attracts
our most serious and talented students. Also, MSUs Teacher Education program has
been recently ranked #1 in the nation for the twenty-first consecutive year.
As a student in my Netherlands Study Abroad program, Katie demonstrated the
important willingness to step outside of her cultural comfort zone. She had regular
assignments requiring her to go out on her own, interact with people different from
themselves, and to reflect thoughtfully on what the experience revealed about others
and, more importantly, herself. Katies calm and open-minded attitude enabled her to
make the most of new and unfamiliar situations. In addition, her attitude brought out the
best in the people she interacted with. These are certainly qualities youd like to see in a

College of
Psychology &
Erickson Hall
620 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI

As I think back to my experiences with Katie, the word mature comes to mind. Katie
has always been planful, thoughtful, and thorough in her work. In our study abroad
program in The Netherlands, Katie was considered the mother of the group. Other
students used this as a term of endearment to compliment her sensibility, calm, and
leadership. Im pretty certain her classroom students will respond well as learners in the
presence of her calm assurance. Her teaching will no doubt provide students a solid
structure and enviroment in which they can feel comfortable and motivated as learners.
Im confident youll also appreciate these qualities in Katie as you get to know her. And,
Im just as confident these same qualities will make Katie an outstanding educator and
member of your school community. I recommend Katie without reservation. Please feel
free to contact me if you have questions.


E. David Wong, Ph.D.

Educational Psychology & Education Technology
College of Education, Michigan State University

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