Developing Holistic Wellness Model

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SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 2006, 4 (2), 46-56

SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur, 2006, 4 (2), 46-56



Dept of Human Resource Management
University of Johannesburg

The objective of the present study was the development of a holistic theoretical wellness model that served as frame
of reference for the construction of a valid and reliable inventory that was considered suitable for the assessment of
wellness of employees of a South African life insurance organisation. The 5 Factor Wellness Inventory was developed
from existing proven wellness inventories. A non-random sample of 673 employees of the organisation concerned
participated in a cross-sectional survey by completing the Inventory and a biographical questionnaire. Goodness of
fit between the holistic wellness model and a data set derived from the application of the 5 Factor Wellness
Inventory was determined empirically. The structural equation modelling statistics produced acceptable goodnessof-fit indices albeit with some scope for improvement. The Root Mean Square Error of Approximation indices
supported acceptance of the holistic work-wellness model. The validity of the Inventory was also estimated.
Key words
Holistic, theoretical, wellness model, assessment of wellness

In this article, the development of a theoretical holistic model

that explained wellness was initially described. The contents of
this wellness model provided a conceptual understanding of all
the relevant factors that explain holistic wellness. The holistic
wellness model contributed to theory building in the fields of
organisational and positive psychology (psychofortology).

are some of the more recent wellness models. The Wheel of

Wellness model, as was the case with the other models referred
to, has evolved from existing theories that described and
analysed components of wellness (Myers & Sweeney, 2005).
Counselling psychology has also produced a number of
Wellness models. Wellness models and the many theories that
support them, that were generated by the two aforementioned
disciplines, however, need to be adapted and incorporated into
systemic employee-wellness models if they are to make
meaningful contributions to the field of industrial psychology.

The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness that

consists of 17 wellness and 4 contextual factors is an existing
inventory that was successfully used abroad as a clinical wellness
model in an organisational context (Myers and Sweeney, 2005).
This wellness model served as base for the empirical assessment
of the tenability of the 5 Factor Wellness Inventory. A principalaxes factor analysis of a data set obtained by means of the new
wellness inventory, for the first time ever in a South African
study, confirmed the factor structure of previous wellness
research done abroad. Statistics of the wellness model, produced
by structural equation modelling, confirmed a 19-factor model
with reasonably goodness-of-fit indices. The empirical research
data confirmed the appropriateness of The Indivisible Self: An
Evidence-Based Model of Wellness for the insurance
organisation. This wellness model could therefore be used as an
independent model to explain wellness in terms of existing
theory as well as from the results of the current empirical study.

Scientific objective of the study

The scientific objective of the current study was to construct and
psychometrically assess the validity of a holistic wellness model
that might serve as frame of reference for a major life insurance
organisation in South Africa that wanted to implement a series
of health and wellness care interventions on behalf of its
employees. Innovative research that focuses on a holistic,
integrated and systemic understanding of employee wellness is
certainly needed if human scientists are to assist organisations
to manage health and wellness care of employees effectively.
A holistic employee-wellness model that could contribute to a
clearer understanding of the concept work wellness would
require integration of a wide range of components of the
construct wellness. A systemic model of work wellness that
would be widely accepted in the scientific community and
working environment, has to be based on an understanding of
preceding, independent, moderating and antecedent variables
that relate and contribute to the phenomenon of work wellness.
Wellness as a dependent variable is conceptualised within the
life domains of the: (i) family and social interaction; (ii) work;
(iii) spirituality; (iv) emotionality; (v) intellectuality; and (vi)

Research applications in the field of positive organisational

behaviour as part of the paradigm of fortology are rapidly
increasing. Both psychofortology and positive psychology
support the development of strengths inherent in human
behaviour. Research into health and wellness in working
contexts contribute to the building of theory in the field of
industrial psychology.
Current research into the phenomenon of wellness is
fragmented. Relevant studies, furthermore, usually focus on
analyses of patterns of relationship between the constituent
components of well-being. Studies of this nature inevitably
require co-relational research designs. In addition, generation of
theory regarding the phenomenon of wellness, as a scientific
objective, especially in organisations, is limited and generally
lacks a holistic and systemic perspective.

Several shortcomings in existing scientific knowledge of

wellness in general and work wellness in particular, were briefly
mentioned in the introductory remarks in this paper. Besides
addressing and eliminating many of these shortcomings, the
envisaged work-wellness model also would clarif y the
applicability of the illness-health-wellness continuum to
working environments. The intended wellness model ought to
lead to a more accurate assessment of work-wellness levels
among employees in organisations. Although the illness side of
the continuum was not completely ignored, the existing study
mainly focused on the positive elements of the illness-healthwellness continuum.

Several Wellness models were developed in the field of clinical

psychology. These models seldom were appropriate for working
environments. The Wheel of Wellness (Sweeney & Witmer, 1991;
Witmer & Sweeney, 1992), The Indivisible Self: An EvidenceBased Model of Wellness (Myers & Sweeney, 2005) and the
Perceived Wellness Model (Adams, Bezner and Steinhardt, 1997)






Figure 1: Illness-health-wellness continuum

Problem statement
The fact that Wellness is not researched in a positive, holistic,
systemic and integrated manner is a cause for concern (Wissing
& Van Eeden, 1997, Wissing, 2000). Researchers in the health
and social sciences traditionally used a pathogenic paradigm as
point of departure for their investigations and interventions,
which implied an orientation towards abnormality, sickness,
disease and dysfunction as the direct opposite of wellness
(Strmpfer, 1995, 2002). Knowledge thus generated was used to
develop ways for treating and preventing each of these undesired
states of health. Businesses, institutions and professions,
ranging from everyday medical practice to pharmaceutical
companies, from the insurance industry to mass media, all
turned handsome profits by assisting clients to cope with
physical, emotional and behavioural threats as well as by
providing the required treatments (Saleebey, 1997). This onesided approach verifies the fact that attention should also be
given to wellness research an approach implied by the opposite
side of the illness-health-wellness continuum (Antonovsky, 1987;
Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Strmpfer, 1995; Wissing,
2000). This second approach would thus focus on developing
the positive aspects and strengths of human behaviour.
Recently there has been a growing trend among organisations to
realise the importance of the so-called human factor (Snyder &
Lopez, 2002). Various disciplines highlight the importance of a
good life and attend to the total well-being or wellness of
people. Multidisciplinary research merges different theoretical
perspectives into a more realistic wellness paradigm.
Interdisciplinary teams are further better equipped to achieve
holistic integration and a better understanding of wellness
issues. Members of study disciplines other than psychology, all
focus on wellness from their own school of thought and could
contribute meaningfully to joint theory building. Dietary,
nutritional, health and fitness management are examples hereof
but they all tend to avoid a holistic interdisciplinary approach
(Adams et al., 1997). Research into and promotion of holistic
health and wellness requires an integrated and multidisciplinary
approach, even in the case of existing inputs by research
Psychology as a profession acknowledges the importance of a
holistic understanding of the strengths, coping patterns,
adaptive abilities and growth potential of individuals
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). It is crucial for psychologists to assist
people to achieve higher levels of psychological well-being and
wellness (Dunn, 1961, 1977; Wissing & Van Eeden, 1997). This
requires acceptance of the origins of health and psychological
strengths as a point of departure. Behavioural activities and
personality characteristics that promote wellness and prevent
sickness require sound scientific research.
Research should focus on the nature, dimensions and dynamics
of wellness at individual, group, organisational and general
population levels. It is important to understand how these
manifest themselves in various phases of the human life cycle
(childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old-age) in different
contexts (cultural, interpersonal, work or technological
surroundings) and by taking into account internal as well as
external risks and protective factors, demographics and other
moderating or mediating variables (Dunn, 1961). Socially
responsible and ethically respectable programmes based on
scientifically validated knowledge (theories and models) must be
developed, and the effectiveness and efficacy thereof analysed
and evaluated.


Complex philosophical, theoretical and empirical analyses are

essential to research of wellness. Both extensive quantitative
studies using sophisticated research designs and statistical
procedures, as well as rich qualitative investigations exploring
new fields of psychological strengths, are needed (Strmpfer,
2002). Many constructs related to the hypothesised main
constituent components and clusters of wellness also need
clarification (Wissing, 2000) in order to determine to what
degree they share common empirical denotation even though
their basic conceptualisations might differ. Some of these
constructs are well operationalised but others still need more
empirical clarification and verification.
Wellness is understood as a total persons approach towards
improving the quality of his or her life, health and psychological
strengths in proactive and positive ways - both as member of a
community and as an employee (Witmer & Sweeney, 1992). It is
acknowledged that wellness is characterised by optimal physical
health as well as psychological and social well-being and not by
the mere absence of illness. Researching wellness requires an
understanding that wellness forms part of a holistic integrated
system and that it is not only a subpart of a system (Strmpfer,
2002). A better understanding of wellness, its theoretical and
conceptual base and its application in organisations is therefore
required. The study under consideration attempted to contribute
to this understanding of wellness in working environments,
especially from a systemic and holistic perspective.
Widespread attempts had been made to stimulate research into
the origins of strengths in all areas of human well-being
(Antonovsky, 1987, Strmpfer, 1995 and Seligman &
Csikszentimihalyi, 2000). Maslow (1970) provided direction
with his research on growth, self-actualisation and the pursuit of
psychological health that should be acknowledged as the
beginning of a universal human trend. In the fifties wellness was
frequently referred to as wholeness (Adler, 1954) while some
theorists mentioned the human psyches need for integration
towards wholeness and health (Jung, 1958, 1960).
Organisations, like individuals, have to take into account a
continuum that depicts a state of healthy or normal
performance in the middle, with illness and wellness forming
the opposing ends of the same continuum (Cameron, Dutton
& Quinn, 2003). Conditions of negative or deviating
performance that occur on the left of the continuum and states
of positively deviating performance that appear on the right
(representing wellness), illustrate different options to consider
in approaching organisational development (Cameron, 2003).
Negative (illness-health) and positive (health-wellness)
deviance refer to aberrations of harmfulness or healthy
functioning, at one end of the continuum and virtuous
(flourishing) organisations and individuals at the other end
(Keyes & Haidt, 2003).
South African organisations mainly apply a negative (illnesshealth) approach to human resource management by focusing
only on the promotion of health, creation of wealth and peak
performance as the key indicators of business success
(Cameron, Dutton & Quinn, 2003). They operate in a
negative domain and rely on a medical-remedial paradigm.
These organisations are t ypified by greed, selfishness,
manipulation, secrecy and single-minded focus on winning
(Cameron, 2003). It is further reported that the behaviour of
individuals working in these organisations are characterised
by distrust, anxiet y, self-absorption, fear, burnout and
feelings of abuse (illness). Industrial conflict, lawsuits,
contract breaking and retribution arise while disrespect
for others is observable in many interpersonal interactions
and relationships within these organisations (Harter, Schmidt
& Keyes, 2003).
Appreciation, collaboration, virtuousness, vitalit y and
meaningfulness typif y behaviour at the other extreme of the



continuum, namely the health-wellness approach. Creating

wealth and promoting human wellness are key indicators of
success in those organisations that flourish as a result of their
employees wellness (Keyes & Haidt, 2003). Employee
behaviour in these organisations are characterised by
trustworthiness, resilience, wisdom, humaneness and high
levels of positive energy application. Self-efficacy, optimism,
hope, happiness and joy, generosity, perseverance, courage,
coping and flow are all indicators of positive organisational
behaviour (Seligman, 1998). Interpersonal relationships are
based on compassion, loyalt y, honest y, respect and
forgiveness. Significant attention is thereby given to what
makes life, and working life per se, meaningful, optimal and
worth living for and these are all emphasised (Cameron,
Dutton & Quinn, 2003).
Clarification of wellness terminology and careful defining of
work wellness will explain some of the ambiguity that is often
observable among psychologists and developmentalists. In this
article, the researcher set out to clarify the phenomenon of
wellness with the development of a holistic wellness model
specifically of worth to employees.
Impact of the problem
The illness-health-wellness problems that organisations face
influence all life domains of employees (Hettler, 1984). Problems
that workers perceive and experience as arising from their
physical, emotional, intellectual, social and familial as well as
spiritual life domains are currently becoming dilemmas that
organisations have to face. All of these quandaries emphasise the
fact that wellness is being neglected and that organisations are
preoccupied with only illness management.
The economic impact of illness-health-wellness mismanagement
can be disastrous. The condition of health of employees and
their family members significantly affect absenteeism,
productivity in the workplace and employment costs (Gemson &
Eng, 2004). Gemson and Eng reported a loss of $4.9 million per
year as a result of the prevalence of allergic rhinitis and hay
fever. A total cost of $1 141 per employee per annum in lost
productivity occurred in America. Two conditions of illness
were accountable for the largest part of this significant loss,
namely absenteeism ($496 per employee per annum) and
presenteeism ($645 per employee).
Total paid expenses in terms of medical aid, sick leave pay,
severance pay, pension contributions, legal benefits, employee
insurance and life cover benefits should all be included in
any calculation to understand the total economic impact
(Wyatt, 2004).
The Business and Health Care Archive (2004) had concerned
itself with the impact of unscheduled absence. The Archive
reported that employers spent about 4.4% of their annual
payroll on incidental absence-related benefits such as leave
taken for sick days. This survey indicated that employee
withdrawal from the workplace led to a large percentage of
staff members not being committed to the goals of their
employers. Van der Westhuizen (2004) reported that one
hundred and fifty million rand per annum was lost by
municipal workers in the Cape Metropolis, due to 29% of the
permanent staff taking leave without permission on Fridays
and Mondays.
Awareness of the negative impact of illness-health-wellness
mismanagement clarifies the importance of and economic
benefit derived from the prevention of illness and the
promotion of wellness. Too many organisations use a
pathogenic approach and accordingly resort to illness
recovery models of health: millions are lost because
organisations simply do not promote wellness. It is therefore
crucial that industrial psychologists take the lead by making
available practical and empirically tested wellness models and

programmes that promote optimal productivity and that at

the same time equip employees with interpersonal flourish
and personal thriving. If management is prepared to invest
some of its resources in work wellness, the implementation of
strategies and organisational development interventions
that focus on managed health and wellness care will
contribute a great deal to the bottom line of achieving
excellence in organisations.
The current research project attempted to address the above
and other related issues because of the fact that at this stage
management in South Africa generally appeared and still seems
to be uninformed about the impact that employee wellness
programmes could have on the development of their
organisations. This obvious lack of knowledge among
managers leads to mismanagement of the health and wellness
of employees. This in turn limits growth opportunities for
employees, a development that eventually results in
undercommitment of staff within organisations. Optimum
health and wellness management can lead to optimal
productivity and flourishing organisations. The required
interventions should be based on recognition of and support
for the rights of individuals to determine and manage their
own quality of life and the promotion of it in the working
environment (Huiskamp, 2004). This early in the new
millennium particular organisations should accept
responsibility by supporting employed individuals to develop
their own wellness, and by doing so, also enabling their
respective organisations to also benefit financially and
otherwise from this. A proactive approach to develop
employees wellness is generally lacking in South Africa and
elsewhere; research studies need to be undertaken to promote
its potential benefits actively among organisations.
Development of the intended holistic wellness model in the
current research project would therefore provide support to
studies that focus on the evaluation of managed health and
wellness care interventions.
The stated need of the current research to develop a
holistic wellness model is attributable to the fact that
wellness is an integrated construct that cannot be researched
in bits and pieces at any particular time. The development of
an integrated wellness model would help managers to
understand wellness as a holistic system and would also
enable Human Resources consultants to design and
implement specific programmes that address illness, health
and wellness needs in particular organisations. A quasi-model
of holistic wellness would make assessment of interactions
that occur between constructs of wellness possible while a
true holistic wellness model would integrate the effects of
all of these dynamic wellness factors into an integrated
experience of wellness. The envisaged model to some
extent would involve the research discipline of positive
organisational scholarship. Its particular contributions
towards managed health and wellness care as well as building
of theory are seen as essential.
Health and wellness
The World Health Organisation had defined optimal health as
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wissing (2000)
salutogenic/fortigenic paradigm at metatheoretical level
implies that it is important to focus on the health, strengths
and capabilities of human beings. Many researchers (Adams et
al., 1998; Dunn, 1961) have contributed various useful
definitions of the term wellness but for the purposes of this
research project, the comprehensive definition provided by
Myers and Sweeney (2005) was preferred. They defined
wellness as a way of life aimed at optimal health and well-being
in which an individual integrates body, mind and spirit so as to
live more fully within the human and natural context. Ideally,
it is an optimal state of health and well-being that each



individual is capable of achieving in all domains of his or her

life (Myers, Sweeney and Witmer, 2001). An important
prerequisite for the intended development of a wellness model
is the acquisition of optimal physical, emotional and mental
states while working.
Acquiring wellness at work could be described as a total systems
approach that incorporates development of an optimal self and
pursuit of quality of life by applying all constructs that are
observable in and relevant to a working environment. A focus on
strengths as well as contextual variables that influence human
behaviour at work is required. This would ensure that all human
and other subsystems are integrated into a holistic and systemic
perspective on both the theory of work wellness and on wellness
models. Knowledge derived from such holistic wellness theories
would enable business leaders to understand a systemic
approach to manage wellness of employees better and to equip
them to judge the merits of its application.
Managers often attend meticulously to an analysis of
organisational culture and climate as indices and measures of
staff morale. Organisational leadership that diagnose their
companies in this way invariably get valuable snapshots of
important indicators that enable them to intervene and
transform their organisations culture towards an ideal state
(Keyes & Haidt, 2003). Such measures are of limited use in any
assessment since they do not necessarily help management to
understand the health and wellness needs of the human capital
employed in their company. The result is that the potential of
employees is not utilised to its fullest extent. Any reactive
approach would lead to a depletion of individual and
organisational resources, and in time to come would result in
burnout of both management and staff (Redelinghuys &
Rothmann, 2004). Effective meeting of strategic needs also
requires a focus on what is not so clearly visible below the
waterline of the human capital iceberg.
The full development of the underlying competence and
internal psyche of employees is of great importance in
organisational health and wellness care. It also suggests that
organisations should rely on a proactive approach to
development instead of turning to a reactive pathogenic
paradigm that aims to develop human capital according to a
model of treatment of illness. The present research project
addressed the particular dilemmas that management is facing in
order to assist it to understand holistically how both individuals
and organisations could move towards wellness (Crose, Nicolas,
Gobble & Frank, 1992).
The paradigm of positive psychology provided a valuable
framework for studying wellness in organisations as an
emerging field. Controlled venture into to this field of study
could lead to the formulation of new theories and to an
expansion of existing ones, thus enabling researchers of
wellness to broaden their understanding of the functioning of
human wellness. Research that could analyse and describe how
people develop wellness could lead to a richer and deeper
understanding of their experiencing of wholeness and their
awareness of their own inner strengths (Adler, 1954, 1973;
Antonovsky, 1987, 1993). Whenever research outcomes improve
scientists understanding of wellness in organisational contexts,
such contributions at the same time add value to the field of
organisational psychology as well.
Overall, existing conceptual foundations, models and theories
of wellness, for several reasons, so far have had limited impact
on wellness research. Underutilisation of these research tools
in research projects, unfortunately, led to a scarcity of research
outcomes on wellness for use in further research: their
appropriateness and possible applications thus lacked adequate
empirical evaluation. Wellness concepts, models and theories
seldom in any meaningful way led to the phrasing of vital
research questions or to the directing of programme contents,

design and development. Despite these shortcomings,

several theories and models of wellness, nonetheless, guided
the present researcher who was interested in the origins,
dynamics and the possibilities of wellness enhancement,
by making him sensitive to the complex structures,
situations and circumstances that characterise this
psychological phenomenon. The researcher used existing
theories to test specific hypotheses on wellness while available
models were adapted to produce a work-related model of
the phenomenon. A study of causal interdependencies
between psychological constructs and organisational factors
as well as their practical applications, produced a new
work-wellness model. This new holistic model of work
wellness also required proper validation.

Research approach
In general research of excellence requires a careful validation
of any new conceptual model (or theory) to ensure that all
relevant constructs, components, concepts and principles are
fully integrated into it before an attempt is made to put into
practice. The aforementioned brief guidelines were followed in
the current project. In practice, research ideals are sometimes
not met while limitations become apparent as the research
process evolves. These and other confounding factors and
events in the current project were acknowledged, accepted and
duly reported on.
The research project under consideration was broadly conducted
in four phases. At first, it was investigative by nature and
consisted of an extensive survey of available literature on work
wellness. In the second stage, the outcome of this overview of
literature was used to assess the complexity, nature and
interrelatedness of components of wellness and also to identify
measurable variates (a variate is a variable and a set of individual
test scores linked to it) that were likely to be considered for
inclusion in a preliminary model of employee wellness. Thirdly,
this prior model of employee wellness was converted into a brief
wellness questionnaire that was researched and validated by
means of a cross-sectional survey design (Bethlehem, 1999).
Finally, a new holistic wellness model was formulated from the
results of an extensive empirical investigation involving
advanced statistical methods. The current research project thus
contributed towards an expansion of both theoretical and
applied behavioural science by initially identifying and mapping
variables linked to a holistic wellness model and by finally
integrating these into an empirically verified model that could
be used in working environments.
The cross-sectional survey design lent itself to the examination
of stable, long-term states or conditions and allowed the
researcher to make inferences from the sample that could be
generalised to different populations. The empirical study
identified connections between variates and wellness constructs
that were not ascribable to any planned intervention as these
were measured and assessed by means of a validated and
unbiased work-wellness inventory.
Practical research problems that were addressed in the
design included errors of measurement. Respondents for
instance did not understand specific questions in the
measuring instrument, processing errors occurred, coding
mistakes were made during data capturing and the thirdvariable problem (where a high correlation between two
variables could have been attributed to a third variable that
correlated significantly with them) had to be managed. One of
the profound practical problems of the chosen design was the
fact that it was almost impossible to establish causation
between co-related variates. A pilot study was conducted to
identif y important sources of error of measurement. The
Statistical Consultation Services of the University of



Johannesburg suggested several controlling techniques to limit

processing errors. Techniques such as multiple regression and
structural equation modelling are normally used to
compensate and account for third-variable problems.

The contents of Table 1 in some instances reflected missing

values. Some participants had left out biographical information
or did not respond to all questions in the measuring instrument.
In these cases, incomplete data was termed missing data.

The study population of the current research project
consisted of employees of a major life insurance company in
South Africa. The staff complement of this organisation
consisted of 2 523 employees. A non-random sampling
strategy based on availability, determined the composition of
the sample. All participants, drawn from the different
business units within the organisation under consideration,
volunteered to partake in the present study. None of them had
previously participated in wellness studies. Altogether 673
employees (26.70% of the total staff count) were included in
the actual sample. The sample of participants was judged as
being representative of the staff complement of the
organisation. Detailed assignment of subjects from the
population to the sample approximated the distribution of
biographic attributes of the former in terms of race, marital
status, gender, qualifications and years of service.

Measuring instrument
A single questionnaire, the 5 Factor Wellness Inventory (5F-Wel
Inventory) was used to measure and assess the different wellness
factors. The validity of this measuring device was empirically
assessed in terms of its rationale, development, contents,
psychometric properties, administration, scoring and reliability.
The wellness-measuring device took approximately thirty
minutes to complete. Variables such as the age of participants
and others could have had an effect on the results of the study.
A biographical questionnaire was therefore included to control
for possible bias effects from variables such as age, gender,
length of service and educational background.

The sample drawn in the study mainly consisted of

employees from the companys business area Client Services.
Married employees (n=377) formed about 50% of the sample.
Females made up 63% of the sample. The actual sample
predominantly consisted of Whites while lesser numbers of
Coloured, African and Indian employees were included. The
allotment of Afrikaans, English and African speaking
employees was similar to that of the organisation. The sample
was also representative in terms of age distribution: most
participants were in the twenty-six to thirty (n=191) age
group. The age category thirty-six to forty (n=171) formed the
second biggest age group. The characteristics of the sample
were detailed in Table 1.


Completed years of service

Less than 1 year

One to two years
Two to three years
Three to five years
Five to ten years
Ten years and more


Highest academic qualification

Less than matriculation

Bachelors degree
Honours degree
Masters degree


Home language




Indian or Asian


Marital status






The original 5 Factor Wellness Inventory was specifically designed

to assess the characteristics of wellness and to help individuals in
making choices toward healthier living (Myers & Sweeney,
2005). An early version of the instrument, the Wellness
Evaluation of Lifestyle (WEL), was published in 1998 (Myers &
Sweeney, 2003, 2005). The WEL was constructed from the results
of a number of cross-disciplinary research studies to assess 17
wellness areas identified as correlates of health, quality of life,
and longevity that were depicted in a theoretical wheel model.
The Wellness Inventory is based on confirmation of a single
higher-order wellness factor, five second-order factors as well as
17 third-order factors representing the original hypothesised
areas of wellness. The seventeen areas are grouped as follows
within the five second-order factors:
 Creative Self - thinking, emotions, control, work, positive
 Coping Self - leisure, stress management, self-worth, realistic
 Social Self - friendship, love.
 Essential Self - spirituality, gender identity, cultural identity,
 Physical Self - nutrition, exercise.
The original wellness model and inventory by construction
and nature are ecological as both include local, institutional,
global, and chronometrical items as contextual variables.
The 5F-Wel Inventory contained 73 items that were scored
on scales representative of the higher-order total wellness,
the five factors of the self, and the 17 third-order factors.
Contextual variables in turn were assessed by 18 items that
at present are considered experimental since norms for these
are not yet available. American norms for both genders and
ethnic minority groups are available and are based on data
provided by more than 2 093 individuals of varying ages
across the full lifespan.
Previous reliability estimates provided alpha coefficients that
were uniformly high for the first- and second-order factors:
Total Wellness, 0.90; Creative Self, 0.92; Coping Self and
Social Self, 0.85; and Essential Self and Physical Self, 0.88.
Third-order factor alpha coefficients ranged from 0.70 to 0.87
for all but two of the scales: Self-Care, 0.66 and Realistic
Beliefs, 0.68. Use of the scales in numerous dissertation and
other studies provided evidence of both convergent and
divergent validity when compared with constructs such as
ethnic identity, acculturation, body image, self-esteem, and
gender role conflict.
Researched literature confirmed that the 5F-Wel was the
instrument that best supported the assessment of holistic
wellness. This inventory had produced satisfactory reliability
and validity coefficients in previous studies. The original 5F-Wel
measuring instrument was slightly adjusted to improve its fit to
and application in South African circumstances. Items that were
obviously developed for race groups in the United States of



America were changed to refer to race groups in the South

African context. Use of the 5F-Wel inventory in the current study
was its first use ever with a South African population.

conclusions and recommendations were made while

guidelines for future research regarding the implementation
of wellness interventions were provided.

Research procedures
The scientific objective of the current research project required
a dedicated research design that was based on ten
methodological considerations that also included several
practical steps namely:
 Step 1: The researcher did a survey of literature to extract
knowledge that would lead to a clear holistic
conceptualisation of wellness and further the identification
of constituent components and elements of wellness that
influenced the behaviour and functioning of employees.
 Step 2: Retrieved information about the components and
elements of wellness guided the choice of items from existing
psychometric tests of general wellness. Items that were
provisionally judged as suitable for inclusion in a wellness
test appropriate for use in a working environment, were
identified. Selected items were mostly taken from the original
5 Factor Wellness Inventory and included in a shortened
psychometric test called the 5F-Wel Inventory. Availability
and administration of the 5F-Wel Inventory guided several
aspects of the empirical study, such as the research design as
well as the construction, assessment and validation of the
final version of the holistic model.
 Step 3: A formal sample was drawn; the research group was
introduced to the researcher, informed of the purpose,
method, and procedures of the study while participants
consent to data access were obtained.
 Step 4: The 5F-Wel Inventory was taken down individually.
Participants responded to all variables included in this
measuring device by answering all questions in the inventory
in a single test session.
 Step 5: Test-generated raw data, namely the original
individual responses of sampled participants to the test items
in the 5F-Wel Inventory, was captured in a data set. This data
set of 5F-Wel Inventory variates was observable and
unfactored, since it had not yet been subjected to structural
change through statistical manipulation.
 Step 6: The unfactored set of variates was statistically
analysed to generate provisional feedback for participants.
Participants personal results were confidential and handled
as such.
 Step 7: The unfactored set of variates next was transformed by
means of principal-axis factor analysis into a factored data set
that included the factor scores of participants. This method
extracts latent factor structures that underlie an original set of
variates. Latent scores are not directly observable in an
unfactored data set. The extracted latent factor structures and
weights or loadings, produced factor scores for each
 Step 8: The factor structures produced by the principal-axis
factor analysis were also used to construct and describe the
new wellness model that was the principal scientific objective
of the current study. The validity of the constructs linked to
the new wellness model was also verified by means of visual
and verbal inspection of the wellness structures. Reliability
estimates, such as the consistency of factor scores produced
by the 5F-Wel Inventory, provisionally were made by using
Cronbachs formula for the calculation coefficient alpha.
 Step 9: The validity of the wellness model was also
determined by means of statistical structured equation
modelling. This approach to modelling determined the
goodness of fit between the observable or unfactored sets of
variates and the latent or factored data set. From a statistical
perspective, good fit between the two data sets would
confirm the validity of the holistic wellness model.
 Step 10: All available research information on wellness was
integrated into a single body of scientific knowledge that was
handed over to the South African insurance organisation that
became involved in the research project. A number of

Statistical analysis
Parts of the statistical analysis were done with the SAS
programme (SAS Institute, 2000). Three types of statistics were
calculated with the SAS programme, namely descriptive
statistics, correlation coefficients and Cronbach estimates of
reliability. All factor analytic calculations that were needed to
examine factor structures were done by means of the SPSS
Windows programme (Ferguson & Takane, 1989). The extraction
method used to determine the factor structure was that of
principal-axes factoring. The Oblimin approach with Kaisers
normalisation was used for the purpose of rotation. The AMOS
programme (Arbuckle, 1999) was used for the structural
equation model. The statistical methods were explained in more
detail elsewhere.
The scientific study of wellness is a difficult assignment. The
construct is multifaceted; studying it involves a multitude of
variables and variates as well as requiring use of advanced
multivariate statistics. High-level research focuses on
examining and understanding of patterns of co-relatedness or
interdependence between sets of variates. Several indices of corelation are available to describe and analyse patterns of
interrelatedness. Inspection of any large matrix of indices of corelation immediately shows that no simple intuitive
interpretation of the pattern of co-relations among a set of
variables is possible (Ferguson & Takane, 1989). Two issues
complicate analysis. Firstly, two kinds of co-relationships or
covariance occur. Variates might co-relate with several other
variates in a data set. Variates of this type appear to measure
part of a common construct since they share communality.
Their mere presence in a data set suggests duplication of
observed variates. A particular variate might not co-relate at all
with any other remaining variates. It thus might measure a
unique component of a construct that is limited to one variate
in the set. Secondly, aggregates of variates tend to form clusters
or patterns of co-relationship: some of these patterns are
observable while others underlie or are latent in a set of variates
and thus are difficult to observe. Factor analysis is a statistical
method that assumes that any set of m variates contains both
communality and uniqueness. The method employs these two
properties to convert the original scores linked to the variates
(raw or unfactored data) into factor scores (factored data) and
uses these to reduce the variables to create a simplified
structure. Reduction implies that the patterns of the original
variates and transformed factor scores differ noticeably: the
converted set carries the latent structure (Harris, 1975).
Factor analysis requires an unfactored or raw data set consisting
of an aggregate of individual test scores linked to a set of m
variates. The statistical method converts the original raw data
into either an m m intercorrelation matrix or variancecovariance matrix. Statistical data that forms the elements of a
matrix is obtained by pairing off each variable with every other
in the set to calculate their communality or uniqueness. The
elements of a matrix thus reflect the patterns of co-relation
between all of the available m variates. The m x m matrix next
is transformed into a factor matrix. An index, such as R2 that
estimates communality of variates, is selected from the contents
of a matrix. One variate at a time is compared with all
remaining variates in the set. Their indices of co-relatedness in
the matrix are then converted into factor scores by multiplying
the element values by the estimated index of communality to
produce a set of weights or loadings that describes the latent or
underlying structure of the original variates in the derived
factor. Summation of the factor loadings produce sets of Eigen
values or l values. The calculation procedures are iterative.
Once a set of factor loadings for a particular variate is extracted,
the procedure reduces the intercorrelation or variancecovariance matrix before a next set of factors for a second



variate is calculated. The matrix with its factor loadings, form an

unrotated matrix. The contents of the unrotated factor matrix
are plotted on a graph where after some method of axis rotation
transforms it into a new set of factor loadings. The new loadings
form a rotated factor matrix that simplifies and improves the
interpretation of factor structures. These steps produce a firstorder factor analysis. A next factor analysis of a matrix of factor
loadings obtained from a previous factor analysis produces a
second-order factor analysis.
In theory, the number of factors extracted by means of factor
analysis usually equals the original number of variates in the
data set. Reduction or simplified structure is achieved by means
of the size of the Eigen values. A researcher can reduce the
number of factors in a data set by comparing their l values with
some or other criterion, such as that of Kaiser. Kaiser suggests use
of l > 1.00 as cut-off point to isolate the more important factors
that explain significant amounts of individual differences from
those that are considered trivial because they contribute very
little (Ferguson & Takane, 1989).
Some final comments on the use of factor analysis in the current
study were necessary. In this article, only the results of the firstorder factor analysis were reported. All Eigen values related to
the factors were omitted purposefully. Any attempt to reduce
and simplify underlying factor structures was considered as
inconsistent with a holistic approach to the proposed wellness l
model. The omission of l values, however, could be problematic.
Factors that play a trivial role by design are included in the
results. These factors usually are the latter ones that contribute
towards a model or a factor structure. Their interpretation could
confound the quality of the holistic model of wellness. Different
types of factor analyses achieve different outcomes. For the
purposes of the current study principal-axes, factor analysis was
used to convert the initial matrix. This type of factor analysis
was a prerequisite for the intended study as it analyses the
relationship between a set of test variates and its derived factors
(Overall & Klett, 1972).
Cronbachs alpha coefficients (also called coefficients a) as well
as interitem correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the
internal consistency of the measuring instrument (Clark &
Watson, 1995). A psychometric test measures consistently when
all items in an instrument measure a common characteristic; it
describes the extent to which a set of test items are consistent
with the construct that it is supposed to measure (Huysamen,
1994). Multiple measures with the same test are judged as
reliable if they reproduce consistent values. Reliability differs
from validity in that it relates not to what is being measured but
instead how dependable it is measured. Cronbachs coefficient
alpha is a measure of reliability and ranges from 0,00 to 1,00,
with values of 0,60 to 0,65 suggested as lower limit of
acceptance. Interitem correlation coefficients were used to
determine whether the internal consistencies of the constructs
were not so high as to affect the validity of the 5 Factor Wellness
Scale. Clark and Watson (1995) regarded interitem correlations
between 0,15 and 0,50 as acceptable.
Descriptive statistics that included the arithmetic mean (M),
standard deviation (SD), skewness and kurtosis were calculated
for both the questionnaire and its underlying factor structures.
Means, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis are
techniques used to describe characteristics of the variables in a
data set and to compare results. The arithmetic mean is the bestknown measure of central tendency. This specific value is most
representative of the original set of scores from which it was
calculated. A standard deviation denotes the distribution of
individual scores above and below the arithmetic mean; a high
standard deviation infers that this distribution of scores are
widely scattered around the mean (Steyn, Smit, Du Toit &
Strasheim, 1995). Two components of normality were calculated,
namely skewness and kurtosis. An index of skewness points to
symmetry or asymmetry in the spread of individual scores

around the arithmetic mean of a data set. The kurtosis index

describes the peak of the distribution of a tabulated set of
individual scores that might be mesokurtic (normal bell-shape),
platykurtic (flatter that normal) or leptokurtic (higher-peaked
than normal).
A psychological theory of a phenomenon (construct) consists of
a number of propositions or statements, called indicators of the
construct that links a set of construct-related test variates in a
pattern of causal relationship. Structural equation modelling
(SEM) is a statistical method that examines the plausibility of
complex behavioural theories or models about noteworthy
constructs that researchers have formulated for testing and
verification. The method uses linear structural equation to test
and assess interrelationships between a reproducible set of
observable or measurable individual scores on a number or
variates and an underlying or latent operational definition of an
important construct to which the set of variates presumably
relates. Structural equation modelling eventually demonstrates
the consistency and tenability of propositions about causal
relationship that a model or theory implies. The statistical
method calculates structural equations by means of linear
analysis that yield constants, regression weights, path
coefficients, intercorrelations, errors of measurement and
estimates of latent variables to determine the plausibility of a
particular model. The complex interrelations between the test
variates and the construct scores of the latent variables of a
testable model or theory might be stated verbally, presented
graphically and visually as a path diagram or be converted into
a linear equation formula. SEM analysis requires sound and
logical reasoning to formulate statements that clearly express
assumed relationships between the set of observed scores of a set
of variates and the operationalised latent construct as well as the
setting of important parameters.
The AMOS method also calculates several goodness-of-fit
statistics that assess the plausibility and acceptability of
models. Hypothesised relationships were tested empirically for
goodness of fit with the wellness data. According to Jreskog
and Srbom (1993) the chi-square statistic and several other
goodness-of-fit indices, best summarised the degree of
correspondence between implied and observed covariance
matrices. Byrne (2001) suggested goodness-of-fit indices that
require a more pragmatic approach to the evaluation process.
The chi-square (c2), the c2/ degrees of freedom ratio
(CMIN/DF), Normed Fit Index (NFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI),
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and the Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation (RMSEA) were used in the process. Goodnessof-fit statistics use different statistical and mathematical points
of departure and therefore vary in terms of the outcomes they
produce. Conclusions based on structural equation modelling
often are contradictory and confusing.
The AMOS programme checked for the presence of
confounding variables in interrelationships and assessed
the contribution of each variable to the work-wellness
model by means of a maximum likelihood method. SEM, in
general, is a statistical method that requires a confirmatory
approach that involves hypothesis testing in the analysis of a
structural theory that has a bearing on some phenomenon
(Byrne, 2001). All tests of structural equation modelling
require sets off parameters that asses a logical order that
increases restrictions in every step and by doing so, improves
eventual goodness of fit.

The 5 Factor - Wellness Survey was used to measure the degree
to which the test responses of employees in this study complied
with the theoretical definition of wellness, as it is defined by
The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model (Myers &
Sweeney, 2005). The reported 5F-Wel descriptive statistics and



results of the factor analysis were produced by the first

empirical application ever of this measuring instrument in
South Africa. A search for Cronbach alpha coefficients and
interitem correlation coefficients from earlier South African
studies produced nothing.
The initial factor analysis was explorative by nature (Clark &
Watson, 1995). This exploratory analysis produced sixteen
wellness factors and three contextual factors. The rotated factor
structure matrix together with the loadings on each factor was
presented in Table 1.
All outcomes that were derived from the first-order factor
analysis were reported as the underlying factor structure.
According to the results the 91 items of the 5F-Wel loaded on 19
factors (16 wellness factors and 3 contextual factors). Ten factors
were valid and reliable with values in excess of 0.65. The factor
structure produced by the principal-axes factor analysis was
interpreted as follows:
 Factor I Self-worth was formed out of items that suggested
acceptance and satisfaction with one-self. This factor was
based on items 44, 38, 36 and 60.
 Factor II Exercise consisted of items 53, 9, 62, 72 and 33 that
had to do with regular and frequent physical exercise and
 Factor III Spirituality had to do with spiritual beliefs,
religious activity and spiritual growth. Items that loaded on
this factor were numbers 51, 35, 69, 37 and 65.
 Factor IV Stress Management measured coping with stress
and resilience by means of items 2, 18 and 50.
 Factors V Love was derived from items 52, 26, 73, 49 and 47.
This factor measured stimulation of growth as well as
intimate, secure and lasting relationships.
 Factor VI Gender Identity measured positive attributions
related to gender identification as a source of strength and
support. Test items 6, 10 and 22 loaded on this factor.
 Factor VII Realistic Beliefs were construed from items 12,
28, 46, 56 and 39. Being in touch with reality, setting realistic
expectations and drawing fair conclusions were measured by
these items.
 Factor VIII Leisure was clustered in the factor analysis
around items 41, 1, 61, 34 and 23. Leisure referred to the
amount of relaxation, absorption in activity and the quality
of leisure that one experienced.
 Factor IX Humour was reflected in items 4, 54, 42 and 21.
This factor measured positive humour and the ability to
laugh at oneself.
 Factor X Intelligence referred to comprehension, problem
solving, taking of control, goal attainment, creativity and
utilisation of skills. Items that measured the aspects of
intelligence were items number 27, 48, 32, 43, 20, 30, 7, 57
and 59.
 Factor XI Nutrition was inferred from items 3, 14, 5, 68 and
63. This factor measured the perception of the value of
quality food, vitamins, minerals and fibre in a diet.
 Factor XII Emotion clustered around items referring
to regular and appropriate expression of emotion. This
factor consisted of items 13, 40 and 71. Item 71: I am
proud of my cultural heritage could be used as an item
suggesting an emotional reaction since pride was
mentioned in it. In earlier studies elsewhere, this item
loaded on cultural identity.
 Factor XIII Friendship as a factor clustered around items 11,
25, 70, 8, 55 and 66. This factor measured experiencing
support from others, sharing of emotion with others (item
66), enjoyment of leisure without guilt (item 55) and
consumption of moderate amounts of alcohol (item 8).
 Factor XIV Self-care referred to the degree to which physical
health was protected by preventative actions and was
measured by items 64, 15 and 19.
 Factor XV Work referred to satisfaction with work, use of
abilities and skills as well as autonomy attached to work. It
consisted of items 24, 29, 58 and 17.

Factor XVI Social Identity loaded on items 45, 31 and 16.

This factor referred to gender and cultural identification as a
source of strength. Item 57 (gender identity): I feel a
positive identity with others of my gender did not load
significantly on any of the factors.
 Factor XVII Local Safety was a contextual variable that
measured feelings of security in the home, neighbourhood,
work and in ones daily life. Items 78, 76, 79, 77, 74 and 75
were designated as contributing to this factor. Item 74 as a
general life satisfaction item also loaded on this factor.
 Factor XVIII Institutional Concern was measured by items
88, 82, 85, 81, 83 and 91. This factor pointed to attributions
towards the government, education, future perspective, other
cultures and change as contextual wellness factors. Item 86
(global): I watch TV less than two hours each day did not
load significantly on any of the factors.
 Factor XIX Personal Attributions measured by items 90, 80,
89, 87 and 84 referred to items related to personal
contributions towards happiness and wellness.

























































































































From the contents of Table 2, it was concluded that most of

the factors statistically were reliable and valid in assessing
the wellness of employees in a life insurance organisation in
South Africa.
The goodness-of-fit indices of the wellness model were reported
in Table 3.
Model 1:19 factors







16 828,18





0, 07

It could be seen from Table 3 that the RMSEA confirmed that the
variates in the data set showed good fit to the model. Browne and
Cudeck (1993) regard this value as an acceptable and reasonable
error of approximation. The c2-based goodness-of-fit statistic
was sensitive to the dimensions of the moment matrix derived
from a data set of large proportions: this anomaly produced an
unreliable index of model fit. Most c2 tests and c2-based indices
are N-sensitive, that is sensitive to sample size. The calculated



c2/df value deviated significantly from the expected value for the
theory that was being assessed. The numerical value was
therefore rejected as being statistically untenable. In some
instances, non-significant chi-square values are desired in order
to prove the null hypothesis. The NFI value (0,27) indicated that
the model fit could be improved substantially. A NFI of 1.00
would have indicated a perfect fit. The Tucker-Lewis Index (LTI)
and Comparative Fit Index (CFI) both pointed to poor fit with
values lower than 0,90 (Arbuckle and Wothke, 1999). The most
important test, namely RMSEA, indicated a good fit with a value
of 0,07. Browne and Cudeck (1993) stated that a value of 0,08 or
less for the RMSEA indicated a reasonable error of
Using the 5FWel model as theoretical point of reference, the
final wellness model was presented in Figure 2.
The proposed model was an explorative model that was
constructed to serve as basis for the development of a holistic
work-wellness model. A single value that was produced by an
important goodness-of-fit index from the available range of
indices, confirmed the validity of the preliminary model. The
proposed multivariate wellness model was arrived at from the
factor analytic structure produced by a principal-axes factor
analysis of the original data set. The goodness of fit between this
factor analytic description of a wellness construct and the
theoretical approach to it that was represented in the original
data set had been tested with the AMOS Basic programme. The
results had confirmed and validated good fit for the purposes of
future application. The structural model in Figure 2 showed
that the insurance organisation might consider all sixteen
wellness factors as well as the three contextual factors as
components of an independent wellness model for future
A final word of warning, however, was necessary. As was stated
earlier in explaining the statistical analysis, the usual provision
of Eigen or l values with the results of the principal-axes factor
analysis and use of these to eliminate trivial factors from the

Figure 2: Wellness model

model, were done away with for the purposes of the current
study to ensure a holistic model of wellness. The negative
impact of the two decisions mostly would have affected the
latter factors in the wellness construct. From a statistical point of
view, this approach would cast some doubt on the tenability of
the contextual variates, possibly the social identity variate and
perhaps one or two others as well.

Conclusions in terms of the results on this section of the study
were based on the statistics from the factor analysis and the
goodness-of-fit statistics. The factor analysis, with some
reservations, pointed to love, leisure, local safety, institutional
concern, nutrition, social identity, stress management,
spirituality, exercise and self-worth as reliable factors as
measured by the 5FWel instrument. Goodness-of-fit statistics
confirmed good fit (RMSEA) for a wellness model for use in an
insurance organisation. However, some indices suggested that
modification might be considered to improve the chi-square
value, NFI, the Tucker-Lewis Index and the Comparative Fit
Index (CFI).
Based on the literature and empirical findings in this research
some recommendations for the organisation and future research
were made.
The current study did not consider wellness within the context
of selection of staff. Further research was thus required to
validate the appropriateness of wellness in this particular
organisational context. Measurement of wellness might be used
in conjunction with other measures of staff selection to ensure
that healthy and well employees are appointed to the
With regard to the existing staff members of the organisation
that had participated in this study, the results indicated that


enhancement of the wellness characteristics of current

employees would likely to result in an increase in their
productivity, effectiveness, quality of work life and workhome life balance. The researcher, therefore, recommended
that employees be made aware of their own wellness
dispositions. This might help them to develop their own
coping resources that they could use to cope with the demands
of corporate working conditions. The organisation in future
would also benefit if it designed and implemented
interventions that addressed the enhancement and
development of employee wellness.
The organisation could further contribute to the development of
employee wellness by presenting developmental interventions
in a consistent, structured and focused way. By providing
employees with the necessary knowledge, skills, material,
instruments, support and other resources, the staff members
might experience that their job demands are under their
personal control. It could well be that employees who were
allowed a degree of independence and freedom of choice to selfmanage their own health status, were more likely to act
autonomously while at work.
Future research needed to focus on the application of The
Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness as well as
the 5 Factor Wellness Survey and needed to be validated for
different age, race and culture groups to provide statistical
norms for South African populations and conditions. The
moderating influence of organisational factors and other
individual dispositions on wellness need investigation to expand
on the holistic wellness model presented in this study
In conclusion, greater focus had to be directed at achieving overall
wellness and improving the wellness dispositions of employees.
Implementation of a strategic health and wellness programme that
incorporated all wellness factors that contributed to holistic
wellness might reduce sick leave in organisations whilst increasing
their profitability at the same time.
The researcher experienced difficulty in finding available
research material applicable to the study that focused on holistic
organisational wellness. Many fragmented measuring
instruments and research studies were found that focused only
on some aspects of wellness. Because of this scientific obstacle,
the researcher experienced the limitation of applying wellness as
opposed to well-being instruments in the study. The wellness
instrument that was used, furthermore, was not validated for
extensive use in South Africa, as it was the first-ever application
of it in this country. The future challenge, therefore, is to
experiment with it in conjunction with the American-based 5
Factor Wellness. Holistic wellness research in general was also
lacking in South Africa. This resulted in a limitation of having
to base local research needs on previous studies of holistic workwellness done abroad.
Reliance on the sole use of self-report data was seen as another
limitation, since it was only quantitative by nature. This might
have affected or artificially inflated relationships among
wellness constructs, individual states and organisational factors.
A distinct possibility existed that more objective and explorative
indicators of quality of work wellness might yield a different set
of outcomes; a combination of self-report measures and
qualitative indicators of wellness might have provided richer

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