hmpd6204 Research Project Design Premela Maruthamuthu

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Premela Maruthamuthu


Topic: Constructing Knowledge through Collaborative Communication in a Social
Network Created Through an Innovative Technology Tool: WhatsApp Messenger

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this study is to investigate the capability of a social network in a group chat to
communicate collaboratively, thus creating new knowledge through a technology tool;
WhatsApp Messenger. WhatsApp Messenger is widely used for informal and social interaction
with family, friends and colleagues that act as a communication tool to send and receive instant
messages to and from one another. This is one of the fastest ways of mobile communication and
should be extended to encourage new knowledge construction among the participants and users
in the same network. The question arises on whether it is possible for family members, friends
and colleagues connected through the social network using WhatsApp Messenger as the platform
to discuss educational and non-social matters that will lead to collaborative learning and
construction of new knowledge.

1.1 Background
Technology has brought learning to a new dimension leading to a creation of various structure
and framework that promotes learning innovativeness in the 21st century. Some of the
contributions are from Dagger, Wade & Conlan (2005) emphasizing on personalized online
learning; Andersen & Ponti, (2014) illustrating on the functions of free technology and open
education resources and the contributions towards learning; Lambropoulos, Faulkner & Culwin
(2012) on peer to peer interaction through learning communities; Kong & Song (2014) on

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inquiry based learning; Chan (2013) on problem solving based learning; Knox (2014) on
availability and access to MOOCs as open education resources for learning purposes; Anderson
& McGreal (2012) on influence of technology on learning; and Alexander, Lynch, Rabinovich,
& Knutel (2014) discussing on the benefits of hybrid learning. These contributions has
influenced the learning journey and learning process of learners making learners influencing
their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

A limit cannot be set when it comes to learning especially age. Somebody is learning something
consciously or unconsciously on a daily basis. Historically, transfer of knowledge and sharing of
discussion were delivered through face to face conventional methods (Todhunter, 2013). As time
passed and technology advanced, teaching, learning and transfer of knowledge began to evolve.
Self-paced learning was introduced. Computer based teaching or e-learning was created to
convey information and transfer knowledge to a wide range of audiences (Toader & Roman,
2012). Technology began to advance in the 21st century making information and content easily
available and accessible by everyone with a connection to the internet and a technology or
mobile device (Huang, Yang, Huang & Hsiao, 2010).

In the content rich environment, users are able to easily retrieve information through available
search engines, mobile devices and supporting web applications that will be able to clear any
doubts and curiosity. They also share experiences, problems, decisions and solutions through the
available online network using the web applications such as Facebook, Google + and Twitter,
thereby encouraging social communication and networking among users (Huang, Yang, Huang
& Hsiao, 2010). Mobile devices are being used to capture pictures and immediately sent over to

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the network of friends in addition to making phone calls. These devices are also used to
communicate messages, files and notes in real time to their network of friends with the
appropriate mobile application. One of the applications that has the capacity to do this is
WhatsApp Messenger.

WhatsApp Messenger has shown its capability to communicate messages, files, notes, pictures
and video to a network of users through a mobile device. WhatsApp Messenger has made
communicating information and contents between users easier encouraging the flow of
information through an online social network. According to social constructivist theory, learning
and construction of knowledge do take place through exchange of information and through
online network (Palincsar, 1998). Using this theory, this study will look into the capability of
group chats created through WhatsApp Messenger to construct new knowledge while
networking on a social context. WhatsApp Messenger has shown its flexibility to create group
chats to stay connected through a social network with selected users or friends. This tool does
not restrict users to create or participate in a limited number of group chats or number of users in
a group chat. WhatsApp Messenger also provides the flexibility to include one user in multiple
group chats. Such flexibility will not limit the flow of information provided by users in the social
network. Additionally, WhatsApp Messenger is able to save the communication and discussion
thread in the chat box allowing users to search and refer back to the required information.

The group chats created in WhatsApp Messenger are socially connected and whether these users
are capable of communicating collaboratively to discuss and share ideas, solve problems, make
decisions and construct new knowledge will be looked at in this study. Bay, Bagceci & Cetin

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(2012) mentioned peer to peer interaction encourages collaborative communication that enhances
individuals critical thinking and problem solving skills that will be applicable in any situation.
Although peer to peer interaction creates content through collaborative communication, the
question arises on whether it can be applied using WhatsApp Messenger among users in group
chats connected through social connection.

The impact of WhatsApp Messenger in learning has beeen seen in the work of Bouhnik &
Deshen (2014) where teachers have created a sharing learning platform for students in
WhatsApp Messenger to share ideas and information. The use of WhatsApp Messenger as a
learning innovative tool has shown positive impact on the communication, social atmosphere and
sharing of information between teachers and students. Bouhnik & Deshen (2014) has indicated
that WhatsApp Messenger has also shown its capability in encouraging learning among students
with collaborative communication with the teachers. Amry (2014) stated that the interaction that
take place among students through WhatsApp Messenger provides the ability to create a learning
community enabling students to construct new knowledge. Further to that, students have shown
preference in using WhatsApp Messenger because it is easier and resolves the problem of
immediate content distribution. WhatsApp Messenger has also taken over the role of other
instant messaging technological tools such as SMS (short messaging system) for communication
purposes. Table 1.1 extracted from the research of Bouhnik & Deshen (2014) WhatsApp
Messenger has benefits too when compared email, Facebook, SMS and Twitter especially in
terms of simplicity and instant messaging mechanism at a minimal cost.

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Table 1.1 Comparison of common social media and instant messaging tools in education
(Bouhnik & Deshen, 2014)











Up to 1$ per


Ability to
change text

Ability to
change text

Fixed text size

Fixed text size

Ability to
change text

about user






Opening a




Not natural


Adding and
members to a

Not possible
the App





Having a
as a group

Not natural



Not natural





Relatively low

Relatively low


Yeboah & Ewur (2014), however, mentioned that WhatsApp Messenger takes learning time
away from students. This is because students are spending more time on their mobile devices
when lectures become boring, by which they use WhatsApp Messenger to interact with their
friends and families on private issues. Instead of using this as a drawback, the researcher would
like benefit from this. It is stated by Yeboah & Ewur (2014) and Amry (2014) that majority of
time spent on WhatsApp Messenger by students and teachers are for private life purposes. It is
evident in the work of Yeboah & Ewur (2014) where 93% of the total respondents in a survey
conducted, used WhatsApp Messenger for social interaction with family and friends; and
retrieving general information while 7% of total respondents use this tool for academic purposes.
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Additionally Yeboah & Ewur (2014) recommended to extend the use of WhatsApp Messenger
for difference audience and difference setting. The researcher would like to look at how
communication with friends and family through WhatsApp Messenger encourage learning and
collaborative communication. With this, the researcher will look into maximizing the potential of
WhatsApp Messenger to encourage collaborative communication among friends and family
leading to construction of new knowledge. This study will reveal that social interaction among
friends and family through WhatsApp Messenger can also lead to creation of learning
communities that will benefit the participants.

1.2 Problem Statement

The purpose of this study is to explore the level of collaborative communication among
participants on a social network to construct new knowledge using WhatsApp Messenger. The
researcher has identified the need to examine the potential of WhatsApp Messenger in hosting a
learning community comprising of family and friends in group chats. As researches have been
conducted on the benefits of WhatsApp Messenger on learning for students and teachers, the
researcher would like to extend this study to examining WhatsApp Messengers capability in
encouraging collaborative communication that will lead to construction of new knowledge for a
different set of audience. Through this medium, a social network will be looked at as part of a
learning community to discuss issues, problems and brainstorm decisions although users come
from different age group, education background, job designation and job area.

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1.3 Objectives
The details and description on the background and problem statement has led to the development
of the objectives and purpose of this study.
a) To assess the capability of WhatsApp Messenger in innovating learning among users on a
social network.
b) To evaluate the extensiveness of collaborative communication for the purpose of problem
solving and decision making among users in group chats created in WhatsApp
c) To assess the level of contribution by each participants during interaction and discussion
on a non-social topic leading to new knowledge construction.

1.4 Research Questions

With the development and elaboration on the problem statement, three research questions have
been created to assist with this study.
a) Is WhatsApp Messenger capable in motivating and encouraging collaborative communication
on a non-social and educational topic in a group chat?
b) What is the response and participation rate from all users in the group chat pertaining to the
educational topic transpired in WhatsApp Messenger?
c) Which participants contributed most in the discussion that took place in WhatsApp Messenger
pertaining to the topic initiated?
d) Did the contributions made by each respondent add value to the overall discussion?
e) Did this discussion require a moderator to motivate and encourage communication among
users on this topic?

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1.5 Significance
This study will display the potential of a social network initiating collaborative communication
leading to construction of new knowledge on non-social and educational topic through the use of
technology; WhatsApp Messenger. WhatsApp Messenger provides the flexibility for users to
create their own social groups within minutes and commence communication immediately
especially with the availability of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and etc. that have
made communication easier and faster. Therefore, it will be a waste to ignore the potential and
capacity of WhatsApp Messenger in motivating and encouraging users in a social network to
communicate and learn collaboratively instantly. Peer to peer interaction is key to collaborative
communication and Lambropoulos, Faulkner & Culwin (2012) has shown that peer to peer
interaction has led to positive learning outcomes for students and this study would like to move
one step further where peer to peer interaction using WhatsApp Messenger will allow immediate
communication and transfer of knowledge among users, thus, initiating construction of new
knowledge. This study will also show that learning can take place in a social network with the
right technological tool involving users of various backgrounds in group chats.

1.6 Conclusion
The background study, problem statement, objectives and research questions illustrate the reason
I am conducting this study. Various research have been done to display the capability of
technology in enhancing peoples learning and the 21st century has led people to innovate their
learning styles taking into consideration technological tools and mobile devices. WhatsApp
Messenger being a one of these tools, has connected people socially on an informal and social

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platform. WhatsApp Messenger is widely used to connect people through mobile interaction and
it will be great to see the potential of this social network group created in WhatsApp Messenger
to collaboratively communicate and construct new knowledge on non-social topics.

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Chapter 2 - Literature Review

2.0 Introduction
The availability of mobile devices and technology evolution changed learning in the 21st century
for more innovation that constantly engages and motivates learners to learn in a technologically
advanced environment. Technology creates a content rich environment for people to access and
obtain information anytime and anywhere (Brazee & Lopp, 2012) with a connection to the
internet. Realizing the potential of technologically advanced and content rich environment,
framework and structure that innovates learning have been introduced. Bay, Bagceci, & Cetin
(2012) found the flow of information throughout the technology and digital environment creates
the ability for people to learn and share such information, thus, creating the opportunity to
collaboratively communicate in solving problems. Collaborative communication has shown its
potential in encouraging learners and users to construct new knowledge through peer to peer
interaction and it is evident from the work of Shears (2013); Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal,
Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman (2013); Sethi, Desai, & Jhaveri (2010); Kelly (2012)
and Tsai (2012).

2.1 Various methodology and framework for innovative learning

There are various methodology and framework introduced ensuring innovation is embedded into
formal or informal learning. Alexander, Lynch, Rabinovich, & Knutel (2014) stated
innovativeness is incorporated into learning through a hybrid environment. Students can view,
listen and participate in real time lectures from their home. Alexander, Lynch, Rabinovich, &
Knutel (2014) further mentioned hybrid learning takes place when students attend lectures while
at home but connected to the internet with access to the virtual classroom. This virtual classroom
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is designed for the purpose of online learning where students are able to communicate with other
participants in this class via online. Such communication is able to take place simultaneously
with other students and the lecturer of that class which is also known as synchronous discussion
(Anderson & McGreal, 2012). Synchronous discussion, as mentioned by Anderson & McGreal
(2012), encourage interaction and participation among learners because instant feedback and
exchange of information takes place. Instant feedback mechanism with learners contributes to
active collaborative communication and increase in learning performance (Wu, Hwang, Milrad,
Ke & Huang, 2012). When instant feedback mechanism and active communication takes place,
creation of knowledge happens within the group (Andersen & Ponti, 2014). Yu & Yang (2014)
and Bay, Bagceci, & Cetin (2012) agreed with Andersen & Ponti (2014) that collaborative
communication can lead to the construction of new knowledge.

Another methodology and framework introduced for learning innovation is activity based
learning. Dagger, Wade & Conlan, (2005) and Brazee & Lopp (2012) stated activity based
learning takes place based on real issues and simulations exposing learners to real life situations.
They further stated that activity based learning assists learners to be directly involved in the
given situation, analyze issues faced, brainstorm for ideas with other participants and provide
possible solutions for implementation. Brazee & Lopp (2012) did highlight the fact previous
learning methodology educate students with theory based information compared to situation and
activities. With the availability of information and technology, learners are able to retrieve these
theory based information easily from the network.

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Kong & Song (2014) stated that in line with the pedagogical principles, learners need to work
with real life scenarios and situations to enhance their learning capability and capacity. Given an
activity, learners will be able to share ideas and communicate collaboratively with other learners
to maximize on their tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is known to be human capital of an
organization if not shared will be gone with the individuals (Mehri, Umar, Saeidi, Hekmat, &
Naslmosavi, 2013). Activity based learning methodology encourages learners to use their tacit
knowledge (Brazee & Lopp, 2012).

In addition to activity based learning, inquiry based learning is another framework and
methodology for learning innovation. Kong & Song, (2014) and Shih, Chuang & Hwang (2010)
stated that inquiry based learning creates the environment where learners will need to respond to
inquiry topics, explore and extend on these topics and finally evaluate and explain details
pertaining to these topics. Learners will be engaged in inquiry based topics requiring high critical
thinking and problem solving skills to brainstorm on issues and share ideas with other learners
(Chan, 2013; Shih, Chuang & Hwang, 2010 and Dunn, Rakes & Rakes, 2014). In order to
ensure active discussion takes place with valuable information, it is important for these learners
to constantly stay motivated and engaged in the learning platforms. With motivation and
engagement, collaborative communication will take place among these participants, thus,
triggering their higher order thinking skills and enabling them to create and construct new
knowledge (Madhuri, Kantamreddi, & Goteti, 2012).

In addition to action based and inquiry based learning, problem based learning is another
framework used as part of learning innovation. This is evident in a research done by Chan (2013)

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and McFalls (2013) where medical students are taught through problem based case scenarios.
They use these cases to brainstorm ideas and provide possible solutions. These methods of
learning are conducted through technology. Wu, Hwang, Su & Huang (2012) stated that mobile
devices were used for the nurses practical training. Each nurse is provided with a mobile device
and provided with a medical problem for discussion and diagnosis purposes. The instant
feedback system embedded into the software for the nurses practical training purposes have
increased the learning performance and progress of each nurse. Shears (2013); Wu, Hwang, Su
& Huang (2012) and Huang, Yang, Huang, & Hsiao (2010) supported further that learners are
able to conduct their study and discussions outside of their formal environment using a mobile
device. They further mentioned that the research done on students learning ubiquitously outside
of their classroom environment did provide the students the opportunity to retrieve information
online for problem solving purposes anytime. Wu, Hwang, Su & Huang (2012) further stated
that with the assistance of mobile devices and internet connection, ubiquitous and mobile
learning has become a way to innovative learning.

Blended learning is another framework used as part of learning innovation where both
conventional teaching method and online learning takes place. Baran & Paula (2014) and Tsai,
Shen &Tsai (2011) stated that the availability of technology has innovated learning to be done
both the conventional and innovative way through personalized learning. Dagger, Wade &
Conlan (2005) understands the benefit of personalized learning through online platform and
stresses that learning methods using this way can be aligned with learning objectives, outcomes
and assessments. Shears (2013) research incorporated blended learning technique into teaching
students using both face to face and online. Students are given the flexibility to use technology

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and mobile devices during lessons for activity based and problem based learning. However,
students must be self-directed and motivated to learn through the online method (Tsai, Shen
&Tsai, 2011). Using concepts of self-paced, self-directed, open learning and personalized
learning, using massively open online courses (MOOCs) for learning purposes is another
framework used for innovative learning. Massively open online courses (MOOCs) are free and
readily available for learners to access and learn. Knox (2014) and Baran & Paula (2014) stated
that MOOCs are becoming common that it provides a threat to the higher learning institutions
due to its availability of massive learning material with no or little cost. Anderson & McGreal
(2012) mentioned that MOOCs being an open education resource could be the latest innovation
to learning. Although Knox (2014) has stated some advantages in using MOOCs as the learning
platform, some drawbacks have been expressed too.

The literature review on learning innovation has demonstrated that technology has enhanced and
innovated learning moving away from the conventional and traditional face to face lecture
ensuring students are ready for working environment with the required skills. The research done
have shown that technology and learning can work hand in hand in educating learners and
students to achieve higher order thinking skills that encourages them to create and construct new
knowledge. Technology can be looked at from the perspective of innovated tools and
applications and also learning materials.

2.2 Peer to peer interaction through technology and innovation

Peer to peer interaction is another framework and methodology introduced by research for the
purpose of innovative learning. Andersen & Ponti (2014); Yu & Yang (2014); Shears (2013) and

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Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman (2013) shared the same
view that interaction among participants in a group encourage collaborative communication thus,
motivating learning and engagement in these discussions. Peer to peer interaction in a formal and
informal setting has proven to increase learning performance (Andersen & Ponti, 2014; Yu &
Yang, 2014; Shears, 2013; Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, &
Witteman, 2013 and Sethi, Desai, & Jhaveri, 2010). It is further supported with the research of
Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman (2013) and Shears
(2013), that peer to peer interaction encourages collaborative communication where participants
share ideas and information, provide possible solutions, assist in decision making and network,
hence opening the opportunity for the participants to acquire new information and construct new

Peer to peer interaction has the potential to instill critical thinking into each participants
(McTague, Edwards, Winterburn & Hicks, 2014). McTague, Edwards, Winterburn & Hicks
(2014) mentioned that collaborative communication that takes place among learners triggers
their thinking capability. The thinking capability is further enhanced with capacity to analyze
problems and issues raised in the discussion forum, hence, providing solutions to the problem
that will require critical thinking and problem solving skills (Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal,
Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman, 2013). This is further supported with the work of
Instance & Kools (2013) where it supports the fact that collaborative communication increases
critical thinking capability and problem solving skills. Participants contributing to the
discussions will use this platform to collaboratively analyze similar problem and brainstorm on
potential solutions. Andersen & Ponti (2014) and Yu & Yang (2014) stated that such

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contributions not only lead to increase in problem solving skills but the ability to co-create
contents. Using readily available information from other participants and the internet, learners
will be able to co-create contents and construct new knowledge. The discussions that take place
in the discussion platform created the ability for participants to construct new knowledge as per
the attributes of Bloom Taxonomy (Ursani, Memon & Chowdhry, 2014).

The flexibility to encourage and introduce peer to peer interaction is made possible with the
existence of technology. Toader & Roman (2012) stated there are available applications to
encourage interaction among learners where these peer to peer discussions can take place
synchronously and asynchronously in a formal and informal setting. Sie, Pataraia, Boursinou,
Rajagopal, Margaryan, Falconer, Bitter-Rijpkema, Littejohn, & Sloep (2013) and Bay, Bagceci,
& Cetin (2012) research similarly mentioned that collaborative communication can take place
through formal and informal platform using technology and mobile device instead of a face to
face meeting and discussion. Mobile devices have given users the privilege and opportunity to
stay connected with their network anytime and anywhere similar to a social connection.

People are getting connected socially with their network of friends through the use of technology
and mobile devices. Understanding the advantage of the social network, Huang, Yang, Huang, &
Hsiao (2010) stated that with mobile devices and internet connection people are also able to
transfer information within a social network. It is further expanded with the work of Shih,
Chuang & Hwang, (2010) that mobile devices has created the capability for users to capture
formal and informal information thus, circulating them to their preferred network. Therefore, the
exchange of information among participants are deemed to be known as social and collaborative

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discussion that can take place anytime, anywhere and with anybody (Huang, Yang, Huang, &
Hsiao, 2010). This shows information sharing can also take place socially with peers connected
informally through a social network. Such sharing of information within a social network
triggers learning and acquisition of knowledge through a social network is possible; and is also
known as social constructivism (Palincsar, 1998). Social constructivism is an extended learning
theory from the three learning theories of behaviorism, constructivism and cognitivism (Bay,
Bagceci, & Cetin, 2012). Bay, Bagceci, & Cetin (2012) stated social constructivism is a theory
that states construction of new knowledge can happen through a network of information that are
connected socially and formally.

Literature review on peer to peer interaction has proven that collaborative learning can take place
in a formal and informal setting among participants anywhere and at anytime through mobile
devices and internet connection. Innovated technological tool has also created the flexibility for
users to participate in discussions on real time basis contributing to ideas and sharing experiences
in addition to being socially connected. Therefore, the research elaborated above has illustrated
the capability of technology, peer to peer interaction and social network to encourage
collaborative communication and construction of new knowledge among participants.

2.3 Learning communities and communities of practice through technology and innovation
Technology and mobile devices have innovated learning by providing the flexibility and features
in incorporating various forms of teaching and learning techniques. Technology is able to extend
learning to problem based learning (Chan, 2013), inquiry based learning (Shih, Chuang &
Hwang, 2010) and activity based learning (Brazee & Lopp, 2012), as oppose to traditional and

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conventional learning with face to face teaching. These methods of innovated learning are made
possible through interaction and communication that can take place under three different
circumstances; peer to peer interaction, peer to content interaction and peer to teacher interaction
(Anderson, & McGreal, 2012). All this is made possible through various platforms such as
learning management system, learning communities and communities of practice. Learning
communities and communities of practice is one of the online platforms that encourage
collaborative communication (Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, &
Witteman, 2013). It is further emphasized by Tsai (2012) that learning and exchange of
information and ideas can take place through learning communities. Discussions through
learning communities and communities of practice increases work performances and learning
progress (Kelly, 2012 and Tsai, 2012).

Learning communities and communities of practice are becoming platform for participants to
share ideas and brainstorm in solving problems. As mentioned by Brazee & Lopp (2012), there
are instances when problem arises within an organization, company brings in external expertise
to identify the problem and provide solutions failing to realize internal workforce are capable of
providing similar or better solutions if opportunity is given to discuss and share ideas. All this is
made possible if there is a platform for such discussion to take place. The research conducted by
Brazee & Lopp (2012) showed communities of practice created by the organization has
encouraged flow of tacit knowledge and sharing of ideas by all relevant participants. While
Urquhart, Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman, (2013) and Sethi, Desai,
& Jhaveri (2010) supported the fact that sharing of ideas can take place in a learning community

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or community of practice, Kelly (2012) showed that learning communities are also beneficial
with organizational workforce.

Learning communities or communities of practice can be platform for formal and informal
discussions to take place and there are various applications and devices that can be used for this
purpose such as Edmodo, Ning, Blackboard, Moodle and Schoology for higher learning
institutions while Facebook, Google + and Twitter for social purposes. Students and working
adults prefer to keep their social network separate and independent from their professional
network (Sie, Pataraia, Boursinou, Rajagopal, Margaryan, Falconer, Bitter-Rijpkema, Littejohn,
& Sloep, 2013). This is made obvious with the differing platform and software for professional
and social purposes. As social network can be linked with network and information transfer, the
social platforms can also be used for collaborative learning purposes. Either way, communication
among participants is essential for successful learning (Baran & Paula. 2014).

Communities of practice and network learning are two different aspects to look at. Communities
of practice or learning communities are deemed to connect with professional background having
similar organizational objectives and performance indicators providing better professional
development for organizational participants (Linder, Post, & Calabrese, 2012). Meanwhile
network learning is looked at as social interaction that take place between participants who are
connected socially and not professionally, thus, may not make transfer of information beneficial
to all participants (Lambropoulos, Faulkner & Culwin, 2012). Lambropoulos, Faulkner &
Culwin (2012) further emphasized that network learning becomes a platform where participants
use to disseminate information. Such dissemination of information in a learning network does

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not require extensive exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences and possible problem solving
solutions that will lead to construction of new knowledge. Mulcahy (2011); Tu, Montes, Yen,
Chan, & Blocher (2012) and Linder, Post, & Calabrese (2012) stated that communities of
practice is different from network learning because of its benefits in developing critical
pedagogy learning with improved self-learning, independent learning, critical thinking and
problem solving skills of the participants. However, network learning has the potential to instill
pedagogy principles to the learners in view with the social constructivist theory (Palincsar,

Literature on learning communities and communities of practice proved that communication

between participants of various age, background and profession are able to communicate
effectively to brainstorm ideas, share experiences and assist to solve problems, thus, having the
ability to construct new knowledge through available online platform. However, differences have
been highlighted between learning communities and learning network. People in learning
communities who share similar professional background are able to communicate effectively
pertaining to an issue while those connected through learning network use this network to share
informal information and contents. People in the learning network are usually connected for
social purposes. With the potential of innovated technology, peer to peer interaction, exchange of
information in a social network and construction of knowledge; this study will look at the ability
of users in a social network to construct new knowledge through collaborative communication
using an innovated technology tool; WhatsApp Messenger.

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2.4 Instant messaging mechanism using innovative technology tool
WhatsApp Messenger is one of the preferred technology tools for instant messaging purposes.
Through WhatsApp Messenger, students are able to socially interact with one another and with
their teachers (Tawiah, Nondzor &Alhaji, 2014). It is evident in Tawiah, Nondzor &Alhaji
(2014) research where students have shown preference to WhatsApp Messenger as their learning
innovative tool. This is because WhatsApp Messenger provides the flexibility to share ideas and
contents through social interaction that leads to collaborative learning (Amry, 2014; Tawiah,
Nondzor &Alhaji, 2014).

Yeboah & Ewur (2014), on the other hand, stated that WhatsApp Messenger takes away
students learning time. This is because students prefer to use WhatsApp Messenger for their
private life purposes than academic purpose. They use WhatsApp Messenger to interact with
their family and friends in their social network due to its instant messaging mechanism. Sie,
Pataraia, Boursinou, Rajagopal, Margaryan, Falconer, Bitter-Rijpkema, Littejohn, & Sloep
(2013) stated the instant messaging mechanism in Twitter has improved students learning
performance with collaborative communication between the teacher and students. However,
Twitter has a limitation in terms of the number of words that can be typed at one time. Such
limitation does not exist in WhatsApp Messenger. The researcher will continue this study in
exploring the potential of WhatsApp Messenger instant messaging mechanism to engage
participants on a social network to communicate collaboratively for construction of new
knowledge purposes.

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Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction
The purpose of this study is to investigate the capability of a social network in a group chat to
communicate collaboratively leading to creation of new knowledge through WhatsApp
Messenger. For the purpose of this research, one group chat was chosen from 5 active group
chats pre-existed in Participant 1s profile. The group chat chosen must at least be familiar with
WhatsApp Messenger during the time of research. A discussion that is not related to their
everyday social conversation in this group chat was initiated and that topic was Creative
Thinking; a topic that would definitely require some critical thinking for good quality responses
and contribution.

Literature review has expressed the benefits obtained when using technology for learning and
communication purposes. Technology has innovated learning for all groups of people of various
age range. Variety of tools and software are being used to initiate interaction among users and
participants that encourage collaborative communication. It is also a mode of communication for
users connected socially. The literature review also stated that learning communities and
communities of practice have been created for working adults to discuss matters pertaining to
their organization on various online platform leading to collaborative communication and
construction of new knowledge. Collaborative communication on learning communities creates
more advantages and benefits with instant messaging mechanism that is available in WhatsApp
Messenger. Based on these points highlighted in the literature review, the researcher would like
to conduct a study that examines the collaborative communication and construction of new

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knowledge among non-academic students who are connected socially in a group chat using an
innovated technology tool.

3.1 Research Design

In order to assist with the research design, 5 research questions have been developed:
a) Is WhatsApp Messenger capable in motivating and encouraging collaborative
communication on a non-social and educational topic in a group chat?
b) What is the response and participation rate from all users in the group chat pertaining to
the educational topic transpired in WhatsApp Messenger?
c) Which participants contributed most in the discussion that took place in WhatsApp
Messenger pertaining to the topic initiated?
d) Are the contributions made by each respondent add value to the overall discussion?
e) Did this discussion require a moderator to motivate and encourage communication
among users on this topic?

An existing socially created group will be used for the purpose of this research. This group has
been connected socially in a group chat in WhatsApp Messenger for the last 6 months. This
group chat was created 6 months ago. This group chat was selected from 5 existing group chats
in Participant 1s WhatsApp groups. Participant 1 is basically the researcher who is currently
pursuing Master Degree program and would like to be directly involved in this study to
understand the potential of WhatsApp Messenger for collaborative communication. However, to
ensure validity of the chat group and sample size taken, certain criteria has been set in selecting
the sample size:

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a) Participants are of various professional background.
b) Participants of various educational background.
c) Participants are connected as family and friends.
d) Group chat is used primarily for social interaction. Nil academic discussion has taken
place in this chat group.
e) Participants are familiar with WhatsApp Messenger.
f) Age range of participants ensuring they have been exposed to the 21st century
technological tools; 15 years old to 45 years old.

This group chat stood out because it comprised of individuals with various professional
background and educational background; and connected as family and friends. The participants
have been using WhatsApp Messenger for the past 6 months since its inception and have been
interacting socially on daily basis. The participants in this chat group are in the age range of 20
years old to 40 years old meeting the criteria set above.

Communication on general and social matters have been taking place since the group chat was
created. The extent of features and functions available in WhatsApp Messenger being used by
these participants for the purpose of interaction was evaluated and assessed. A topic on Creative
Thinking was discussed in the group chat and initiated by one of the participants in the group to
see whether the discussion continues with contributions from other participants in the group. The
level and usage of the features in the WhatsApp Messenger for this discussion purposes was
looked at also in addition to the level of communication, sharing of ideas, continuous discussions
and ability to conclude on this topic will be evaluated. The evaluation and assessment will

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comprise of the quality of information shared and contributed in the social platform whether such
exchange of information and knowledge sharing has transpired construction of new knowledge
among other participants. The level of contribution from each participant was looked at and
analyzed. The number of contributions made by each participant was listed and assessed on its
quality and looked at from the perspective of categories listed in section 3.3 below.

3.2 Sample Size

One group chat from the social network in WhatsApp Messenger was used as the sampling
group as explained in section 3.1. This group chat was picked because the participants have been
using WhatsApp Messenger for the last 6 months by which shows they are familiar with the
features in WhatsApp. This group comprised of 15 participants who are related with one another
between the age ranges of 20 years to 40 years old. These participants are friends and family
connected in this group chat with social interaction taking place on daily basis; thus; being an
active group chat. In the last 6 months, since the inception of the group chat; there has been nil
collaborative communication that led to construction of new knowledge for academic reasons.

The names of the participants in this chat group will remain unanimous. The sample size will be
grouped based on their age, education background, job level and field job area. The contributions
made by each participant will be evaluated and analyzed based on the stated categories. The
sampling size is kept at minimum to ensure effective communication takes place (Tsai, Shen &
Tsai, 2011). High number of participants taking part in discussions will hinder the effectiveness
of the collaborative communication among participants. This is seen in the work of Knox (2014);

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where high number of participants in the forum discussion of MOOCs are not engaged and
motivated to communicate.

Table 3.1 Sample size by Management Category


Management - Category

Sample size


Assistant Manager




Table 3.2 Sample size by Job Field Area Category


Job Field Area - Category

Sample size








The sample size was broken down to department and management level to show us a better
picture on which aspect of the career category will show significant contribution to the

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discussion. The results obtained will show whether participants with higher management
responsibilities able to make constructive contributions as oppose to those working in specific

Table 3.3 Sample size by Education Qualification Category


Education Qualification - Category

Sample size

Master Degree

Bachelor Degree


Education qualification will also be another factor looked at when analyzing the contributions
that will provide information on whether constructive contributions are made by participants
with certain qualifications.

Table 3.4 Sample size by Age Range Category


Age Range - Category

Sample size

20-25 years old

25-30 years old

30-35 years old

35- 40 years old

The age range is further categorized to every 5 years ensuring each sample size comprise of

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3.3 Instruments and Data Collection

The interaction among participants will be done on WhatsApp Messenger through an existing
group chat. One of the participants will be given the task to initiate a discussion on WhatsApp
Messenger. The time for the discussion took place one afternoon on a week day. The other
participants are not aware of the purpose of this discussion ensuring the validity of the outcome
that will contribute to this research. The contribution and discussion of each participant is done
on WhatsApp Messenger group chat. Figure 3.1 displays the group chat forum in WhatsApp

Figure 3.1
Each contribution from each participant will be recorded and tabled according to their work and
education qualification, age and field area of job. The ratio of contribution per participant in each
Premela Maruthamuthu

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category was calculated. The ratio information showed exactly the number of contribution per
participant in each category.

In order to evaluate the capability of WhatsApp Messenger to encourage and motivate

participants to communicate collaboratively, a qualitative research will be conducted. A survey
was distributed to the participants who contributed to the Creative Thinking in WhatsApp
Messenger discussion i.e. 9 participants. These 9 participants out of total 15 participants will be
the respondents to the research survey. This research survey is distributed to the 9 respondents
through an online survey tool and interviews for those who are not able to access the site. These
research questions will be able to obtain the feedback from the respondents on the capability of
WhatsApp Messenger in encouraging and motivating collaborative communication in a socially
connected group chat.

Table 3.5 Research Questions on WhatsApp Messenger capability to encourage and motivate
collaborative communication.



Are you familiar with WhatsApp features?

Do you like to use WhatsApp social interaction


Do you like to use WhatsApp for academic

discussion or work related issues?


Premela Maruthamuthu

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Did you find the discussion 'Creative Thinking'


Did you learn anything new from this discussion?

Did you find other participants' comments, feedback

and examples beneficial to you?

Will you be able to apply the new information

acquired from this discussion in your workplace?

Were you able to summarize the comments of other

participants to fit your understanding of 'Creative

Do you think WhatsApp is a good tool to conduct

this discussion?

Did you find WhatsApp features encourage and

motivate you to effectively conduct the discussion on
Creative Thinking?

Did you find the instant messaging mechanism in

WhatsApp encourage you to continuously engage in
the Creative Thinking discussion?

Will you participate if such discussion takes place


3.4 Data Analysis

Data obtained from the WhatsApp Messenger discussion was analyzed and assessed based on
each participants contribution to the group discussion. The analysis on the level of contribution
by each participant was done in comparison to the following criteria:

career background (job designation and field of job area)


education background



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The ratio of contribution displayed the category that encourages and motivates collaborative
communication in WhatsApp Messenger. The number of contribution or each message popped
out in WhatsApp Messenger was noted and counted as the number of participation. Each
contribution made was analyzed and assessed on whether they met the criteria that was set. The
criteria to evaluate the quality of information and content discussed have been situated below in
view with the Bloom Taxonomy (Ursani, Memon & Chowdhry, 2014):
a) Discussion is relevant to topic.
b) Initiates feedback and comments from other participants.
c) Discussion is relevant to real life examples.
d) Discussion supports other contributions.
e) Able to provide interpretations based on participants contributions.
f) Provide summary and conclusion on participants contributions.

The ability for participants to provide their own interpretation, summary and conclusion based on
participants contributions show the individuals capability to construct and create new

In terms of WhatsApp capability in encouraging and motivating collaborative communication

among participants, the data are analyzed through the results obtained from the survey. The
survey results are evaluated based on the number of responses for Yes and No by each
respondent. Percentage of responses are calculated individually and a higher percentage for
Yes will indicate that WhatsApp Messenger has encouraged and motivated collaborative

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communication. Individual components of Section B will be looked at to understand in detail
each responses.

3.5 Conclusion
Discussions and communication through WhatsApp Messenger is happening frequently for the
purpose of quick interaction between users who are in possession of mobile devices. Social
interaction takes place through this platform. WhatsApp Messenger provides the flexibility to
create groups within seconds to communicate instant messages to all the participants in that
group including pictures and videos. Looking at the benefits of this tool, I would like to expand
the use of WhatsApp Messenger to initiate and hold formal and intellectual discussions within a
social network. This research will also reveal the capability of WhatsApp Messenger to host this
collaborative communication that will potentially lead to construction of new knowledge. The
sample size taken comprises of a mixed age group ranging from 20 years old to 40 years old;
differing career and education background. The reason is to evaluate the level and quality of
participation by categories of age, career background and education background.

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Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results

4.0 Introduction
The discussion on Creative thinking by the sample size in WhatsApp Messenger was initiated
by one of the participants and the results obtained showed positive results that collaborative
communication within a social network can lead to peer to peer interaction leading to
construction of new knowledge. The results were analyzed based on pre-defined categories and
criteria set in Chapter 3 and based on the research questions.

4.1 Research Question 1

Is WhatsApp Messenger capable in motivating and encouraging collaborative communication on
a non-social and educational topic in a group chat?

WhatsApp Messenger is an application that can be used to instantly communicate with other
users through a mobile device. Figure 4.1 reveals the way the interaction took place among
participants in WhatsApp Messenger using the available features. Each discussion is displayed in
pop-up dialog boxes with the name of the participants or their mobile number. Each participants
names are colour coded making it obvious to other users of who is communicating in the
WhatsApp Messenger group. This allows simultaneous discussion to take place within the group
chat window. With reference to Appendix A, few discussions and simultaneous discussions are
taking place within 1 minute within the same frame of the chat group.

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Time of communication taking place.
Chat group description

Name and contact number of


Icon that will pop up more emoticons

to be included in the chat.
Text box for typing messages.

Audio and voice recording.

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 is taken with the use of a mobile device IPhone 3GS with smaller screen size.
Therefore, lesser conversation pop ups are seen if compared to a bigger screen mobile device.
Despite the screen size, it shows collaborative communication can take place among a social
network using WhatsApp Messenger. The features in WhatsApp Messenger are easy to use and
do not require navigation to various other sites or pages making it easy to use by users.
Therefore, it is an innovative tool that can be used by users to learn new knowledge regardless of
the social network they are in.

The sample size is a social network that is connected for social purposes with daily interaction
between one another on regular matters. In addition to the text messages in the chat group, the
features in the mobile device and WhatsApp Messenger can be used by the participants to attach
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pictures and links to other sites. Participants are able to use these features to substantiate their
contributions and make their contributions more interesting to encourage more motivation and
engagement in the discussion that is taking place (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2
One of the participants has used this feature to notify other participants of the availability of an
extra reading material pertaining to the topic (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Details of Participant 10


Participant 10

Age range

Master Degree

Field of Job

Specialist Lecturer

Another participant (Participant 6), on the other hand, who only made one contribution during
the discussion by posting a picture that is relevant to creative thinking (Figure 4.3).

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Figure 4.3
This shows that WhatsApp Messenger has the capability in being the innovative learning tool to
encourage and initiate learning among users in a social network.

In addition to the above, the survey results showed that overall respondents answered Yes to
most of the questions in the survey. Table 4.6 illustrates results of the survey derived from the
details of the survey in Appendix B.

Table 4.6 Results of the Survey




Premela Maruthamuthu

No of
No of
for Yes
for No
for Yes

for No

37 | P a g e



Are you familiar with

WhatsApp features?
Do you like to use WhatsApp
social interaction purposes?
Do you like to use WhatsApp
for academic discussion or
work related issues?




























Did you find the discussion
'Creative Thinking' beneficial?
Did you learn anything new
from this discussion?
Did you find other
participants' comments,
feedback and examples
beneficial to you?
Will you be able to apply the
new information acquired
from this discussion in your
Were you able to summarize
the comments of other
participants to fit your
understanding of 'Creative
Do you think WhatsApp is a
good tool to conduct this
Did you find WhatsApp
features encourage and
motivate you to effectively
conduct the discussion on
Creative Thinking?
Did you find the instant
messaging mechanism in
WhatsApp encourage you to
continuously engage in the
Creative Thinking discussion?
Will you participate if such
discussion takes place again?

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38 | P a g e

Under Section A, all respondents answered they are familiar with WhatsApp Messenger and like
using WhatsApp Messenger for social purposes. There are however, 67% of respondents do not
like using WhatsApp Messenger for academic discussion or work related issues. The same 67%
of respondents answered No to questions B6 to B8 that are related to Question A3. These
respondents do not prefer to use WhatsApp Messenger for academic purposes, therefore, do not
find WhatsApp Messenger a good tool that motivates and encourages them to effectively
conduct such this discussion. In contrast, 67% of total participants agreed to Questions B6 to B8
by which WhatsApp Messenger is a good tool to host such discussion, motivates and encourages
participants to communicate collaboratively and an instant messaging tool that keeps participants
engaged in the discussion.

In terms of construction of knowledge, all respondents to this survey agreed they had learnt
something new from this discussion and found it to be beneficial. The respondents further agreed
that other participants feedback, comment and examples are beneficial to them as they are able
to summarize the important points of the discussion and apply it when necessary. Although there
are 33% of respondents do not find WhatsApp Messenger a good tool to conduct this discussion,
they are willing to participate again if such discussion is to take place again.

4.2 Research Question 2 and Research Question 3

b) What is the response and participation rate from all users in the group chat pertaining to
the educational topic transpired in WhatsApp Messenger?
c) Which participants contributed most in the discussion that took place in Whatsapp
Messenger pertaining to the topic initiated?

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Discussion on creative thinking was initiated by Participant 10 with an announcement on an

invention that had won an award (Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.4
This announcement led to an open discussion on creative thinking that was started by Participant
10. The discussion took place on a working day between 12.16pm to 12.31pm. Each participant
in the social group had the opportunity to participate in the discussion to provide their thoughts
on creative thinking. However, only 9 participants contributed their thoughts. The results of the
participation can be seen in the below tables:
a) number of contributions made by each participant in this group chat (Table 4.2),
b) number of contribution by age range (Table 4.3),
c) number of contribution by occupation (Table 4.4),
d) number of contribution by field area (Table 4.5); and
e) number of contribution by education qualification (Table 4.6).
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Table 4.2 Total contribution by Participant




Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 5
Participant 6
Participant 7
Participant 8
Participant 9
Participant 10
Participant 11
Participant 12
Participant 13
Participant 14
Participant 15

Number of Contributions
(number of comments)

Table 4.2 shows that 9 out of 15 participants have contributed to the discussion on Creative
thinking in this social network with number of contributions ranging from the lowest of 1
contribution from participant 2 to the highest of 28 contributions from participants 1 and 3. This
shows that within 15 minutes 105 total contributions have been transpired from the participants
in the social network pertaining to a specific topic.

Table 4.3 Total Contribution by Age

Number of
(number of comments)

Number of

Ratio of contribution
per participant


Age range









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Table 4.3 shows that the most contributions came from the age range of 35-40 years old and age
range of 20-25 having the least number of contributions. There is, however, an increasing trend
in the number of contributions as the age range increases.

Table 4.4 Total Contribution by Management Category

Number of
Number of
No Management
(number of comments)

Ratio of
contribution per

Assistant Manager












Although the participants in the Specialist category has more discussion thread compared to
other occupation category, the contribution made by each participant in the Assistant manager
category is higher. Meanwhile, Table 4.5 revealed that participants in the area of Engineering
and Education have contributed more discussions in the chat group compared to other field areas.
Each participant, on an average basis, has 10.5 comments (Engineering field) and 11.3 comments
(Education field). This is further supported with the education qualification of each participant
where the higher the education level is, the higher the number of contributions made in the group

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Table 4.5 Total Contribution by Field Area of Job

Number of
No Field area of job
(number of comments)



Ratio of
contribution per












Nil (Housewife)


Table 4.6 Total Contribution by Education Qualification

Number of
(number of

Number of


Number of

Ratio of
per participant

Master Degree



Bachelor Degree



Diploma (Housewife)


The extend and level of contribution made by each participant in the discussion on Creative
Thinking in the WhatsApp Messenger social network group is influenced by the age group, field
of job area and education qualification of these participants. The level of contribution increases
as the age group and education qualification increases.

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4.3 Research Question 4 and Research Question 5
d) Are the contributions made by each respondent add value to the overall discussion?
e) Did this discussion require a moderator to motivate and encourage communication
among users on this topic?

The discussion thread that took place pertaining to Creative thinking showed that participants
have expressed their thoughts on that topic (Appendix A). Although only 60% of total
participants contributed in this discussion, the content of the discussion was meaningful and able
to educate other participants on the topic. The discussion started with Creative thinking that led
to critical thinking and innovation (Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.5

Figure 4.6

Further explanation was provided by the participants following through the ideas and experience
sharing done by other participants. In Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8, examples on creative and
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innovative thinking are given by Participant 3 and Participant 10. This has led to construction of
new knowledge where Participant 3 has provided some examples in this discussion where at
some point Participant 10 was asking for reassurance. Participant 1 (in green chat bubble) has
shown the capability to play the mediator role in encouraging more discussions from the group
(Figure 4.5). However, there are other participants who have played the role in providing
feedback and comments to other contributions that led to further communication on the topic.

Figure 4.7

Figure 4.8

There are instances too where participants have summarized and concluded the discussion that
has been taking place as per contributed by Participant 11 (Figure 4.9) and Participant 4 (Figure
4.10). These participants were able to interpret other participants contributions and summarize
the discussion flow to better their understanding of the discussion topic, thus, being able to
contribute further and helping others to understand it too. This has shown the ability for
participants to construct new knowledge following a discussion in a social network.
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Figure 4.9

Figure 4.10

Therefore, the criteria set to evaluate the quality of information and content discussed in the
WhatsApp Messenger group chat have been met:
g) Discussion is relevant to topic
h) Initiates feedback and comments from other participants.
i) Discussion is relevant to real life examples
j) Discussion supports other contributions
k) Able to provide own interpretation based on participants contributions.
l) Provide summary and conclusion on participants contributions (creation of new

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4.4 Conclusion
The results indicated that participants in a social network is capable in communicating
collaboratively to construct new knowledge. It is evident through this study where the
collaborative communication was hosted in an innovative technological tool, i.e. WhatsApp
Messenger. It is also evident that as the age group increases, the number of contribution
increases too. Further to that, education background and career background have shown an
influence in the number of constructive contributions made using this platform.

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Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion

5.0 Introduction
In this study, the capability of construction of new knowledge through collaborative
communication taking place in a social network through WhatsApp Messenger has been
analyzed and evaluated. A group of people connected in WhatsApp Messenger for social
networking purposes with 15 participants has been used as the sample size. A topic on Creative
Thinking was used to initiate the discussion among the participants leading to application of
critical thinking and problem solving skills. These participants have executed the discussion
thread for this topic well and able to share experiences and ideas, brainstorm, provide examples,
feedback and finally summarize and conclude other participants comments. The peer to peer
interaction that took place in this social network and WhatsApp Messenger platform has evolved
from understanding phase to creating phase with reference to the Bloom Taxonomy (Ursani,
Memon & Chowdhry, 2014).

5.1 Summary of Findings

Participants have shown the capability to construct new knowledge in the discussion hosted in an
innovative technological tool; WhatsApp Messenger; although they are from different age group,
educational background, and job field area and job designation. This study was able to show that
these participants grouped for social networking purposes is able to provide constructive
feedback on comments and views on Creative Thinking, thus creating the potential in creating
new knowledge. WhatsApp Messenger being the technology tool that is capable in instantly
communicating and sending snapped images and texts to other users has been utilized to conduct

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this study and has proven its capability in hosting constructive discussions among participants in
group chats. Participants have used the available features in WhatsApp Messenger to
communicate pictures and emoticons in addition to texts to convey their discussion points to
other participants. There was a continuous flow of discussion thread on the Creative Thinking
topic for a solid 15 minutes between 12.16pm to 12.31pm in this social network with participants
providing their thoughts, examples and explanations.

Although there were only 9 out of 15 participants who actively participated in this discussion, the
number of contributions received in this platform is 105 contributions that brings to average of
12 contributions per person and 7 contributions per minute. This shows that participants are able
to participate actively in a discussion on Creative Thinking within the short time frame through
an innovative technological tool within a social network. The results of this study show that as
the age group increases, the number of contributions increase along with it. Participants in the
age group of 35-40 were sharing more knowledge and ideas compared to those in the age group
of 20-25. Table 5.1 features the education qualifications, job designation and area of job field of
the participants in that 35-40 age group. These participants are Master and Bachelor degree
holders with Assistant Manager and Specialist as their job designations. Two of the participants
are particularly Specialist in the Education job field.

Table 5.1
Participants Education Qualification, Field Area of Job and Job Designation with reference to
Age Range.


Premela Maruthamuthu


Field of Job


No of
49 | P a g e

Participant 1
Participant 3


Bachelor Degree
Master Degree

Participant 6
Participant 10


Bachelor Degree
Master Degree


Telecommunications Manager


Education job field has been focusing on innovative learning with the use of technology to
support teaching and learning. This is in view with different frameworks and methodologies
highlighted by Alexander, Lynch, Rabinovich, & Knutel (2014) for hybrid learning environment;
Wu, Hwang, Milrad, Ke & Huang (2012) for instant feedback mechanism embedded in learning;
Dagger, Wade & Conlan, (2005) and Brazee & Lopp (2012) for activity based learning; Kong &
Song, (2014) and Shih, Chuang & Hwang (2010) on inquiry based learning; Chan (2013) and
McFalls (2013) on problem based learning; Shears (2013) on blended learning environment and
Anderson & McGreal (2012) on learning through massively open online contents (MOOCs).
Therefore, the participants from the Education area of job field would have definitely been
exposed to these methods of learning and teaching. Understanding the benefits of peer to peer
interaction and collaborative communication, the participants from the Education job area are
able to interact and provide constructive information during the discussion in WhatsApp

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Table 5.2
No of Contributions of Participants with Bachelor and Master Degree
Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 5
Participant 6
Participant 7
Participant 8
Participant 9
Participant 10
Participant 11
Participant 12
Participant 13
Participant 15



Field of Job


Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Master Degree
Master Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor Degree


Assistant Manager
Assistant Manager

No of

The outcome of this study also shows that the most sharing of knowledge was done of those
participants in the category of Master and Bachelor degree with 55% of the discussion coming
from Master degree holders (Table 5.2). It shows that as age progresses and education
qualifications increases, participants are able to share knowledge, ideas and examples with other
participants of different background in a social network.

In summary, the results of this study has revealed that participants falling in either of the
categories listed below have made more contributions to the discussion that encompasses sharing
of ideas, experiences, examples and feedback:
a) Age group 30 to 45
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b) Job designation Specialist
c) Job field area - Education
d) Education qualification Master Degree

These participants have shown their potential to become the mediator in this social network to
encourage more participation from other participants to at least share their experiences and
understanding. Participant 1 particularly showed the potential in keeping the continuous flow of
the discussion that lasted for 15 minutes. Mediators play an important role in ensuring full
participation in forum platform for peer to peer interaction ensuring participants are brought up
to the zone of proximal development (Linder, Post, & Calabrese, 2012). The discussion thread
that took place in the WhatsApp Messenger came from those 9 participants who are active with
their thoughts. An increase in the discussion thread can be been seen if Participant 1 had actively
involved other participants too.

Ideas, comments, feedback, experiences and questions were discussed in the WhatsApp
Messenger platform pertaining to the Creative Thinking topic. Discussion started with creative
thinking that led to critical thinking and finally innovation. Detailed examples were shared by
Participants 3, 10 and 11 that shed light on the other participants making them ask questions and
feedback accordingly to increase their understanding on this topic and finally summarize other
participants contributions, provide own interpretation and conclude the discussion points based
on their understanding (Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2, Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4).

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Figure 5.1

Figure 5.3
Premela Maruthamuthu

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.4
53 | P a g e


The comments and feedback from the participants are evidence of ability to construct new
knowledge in a social network using the WhatsApp Messenger tool. In addition to this, the
majority of survey results obtained from the feedback of 9 respondents indicated participants are
familiar with WhatsApp Messenger and like using this tool for social interaction and academic
discussion purposes. Furthermore, the respondents indicated the discussion that took place
through WhatsApp Messenger was beneficial and is an innovative learning tool that encouraged
and motivated respondents to effectively contribute to the discussions. Respondents learnt
something new from this discussion by constructing new knowledge from the comments,
feedback and examples provided by other participants. With this, participants connected through
social network created using WhatsApp Messenger is able to construct knowledge through
collaborative communication.

5.2 Discussion
It is evident that WhatsApp Messenger has shown its capability to host constructive discussions
that led to creation of new knowledge among participants in the group chats created through
social network. However, the contribution on the discussion thread came from the participants
with high educational background and higher job experiences. This is in view with the higher
contributions in the discussion thread as the age group increases. People in the workforce have
had the experiences in sharing ideas and thoughts for brainstorming purposes to tackle an issue at
the workplace. Technology has taken its role in making such sharing of ideas and experiences
simpler by creating learning communities and communities of practice. As stated by Urquhart,
Cornelissen, Lal, Colquhoun, Klein, Richmond, & Witteman (2013), collaborative

Premela Maruthamuthu

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communication do take place with those of common professional background learning
communities and communities of practice. Combining learning network and communities of
practice in this study has revealed the potential in new knowledge construction. WhatsApp
Messenger has also shown its capability to host learning communities through group chats that
are socially connected and encourage collaborative communication among participants.

Although learning communities and communities of practice have been defined as a platform
that increases critical thinking and problem solving skills through collaborative communication
with people of common professional background, it still differentiates itself from learning
network where it is a place for sharing information. Using these two concepts, this study has
shown the potential of a social network to become a learning network and community of
practice. Construction of new knowledge that took place among this social network has proven
that a network of participants with different background can communicate collaboratively using
the current innovative technological tool. This is in view with the social constructivist theory.

5.3 Implications / Suggestions / Recommendations

This study has brought the attention that participants of the younger age group are showing less
participation in the discussion compared to those of the older age group. The younger age group
are the group of people whom have just graduated from university and beginning their next step
in the work force. It comes back to the question on the capability of the education system in
equipping the younger generation to cope with the working environment. As highlighted by
Brazee & Lopp (2012), the conventional and traditional teaching methods in the higher learning
institutions do not have the potential in preparing students for the real working experiences in

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organizations. Therefore, it will be great to conduct another study with an increase in the sample
size of younger age group (age 20-25) from different educational background and various higher
learning institutes to evaluate their capability and potential in communicating collaboratively for
the purpose of new knowledge construction although studies have shown that collaborative
communication take place among students and teachers using WhatsApp Messenger (Amry,

As WhatsApp Messenger was used as the technological tool to encourage collaborative

communication among the participants in this social network, the capability of this tool should
be further tested with students and lecturers in higher learning institutions as proposed by
Bouhnik & Deshen (2014). The capability of WhatsApp Messenger in hosting peer to peer
interaction among students and lecturers for sharing of ideas and experiences and problem
solving purposes should be looked at. Although it is evident that 105 discussion thread can take
place within 15 minutes, it will definitely be exciting to see the number of discussion threads
students can contribute over a common topic that is related to their study field.

The unannounced discussion took place on a working day between 12.16pm to 12.31pm that
could have posed a restriction in obtaining full participation from all the 15 participants. The
remaining 6 participants could have been busy with meetings, workloads, lunch and etc.
Therefore, such timing for discussions to take place should be considered ensuring all
participants are free and available to take part in these discussions. Additionally, the topic of the
discussion should be announced in advance to the participants for them to prepare and giving
them more than 15 minutes to throw their thoughts in since all of the survey respondents

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highlighted they are willing to take part of such collaborative discussion using WhatsApp

5.4 Conclusions
It is evident that construction of new knowledge can take place within a social network that are
connected through group chats in WhatsApp Messenger. Although a trend is seen between the
age group, educational background, area of job field and job designation with the number of
discussion thread contributed, it is clear there are certain categories that has shown active
participation. Some factors and recommendations have been provided for future research in view
with peer to peer interaction, collaborative communication and innovative technology tool.

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Appendix A

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Note: The green bubble chat belongs to Participant 1.

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 3

Screen 4

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Screen 5

Screen 6

Screen 7

Screen 8

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Screen 9

Screen 10

Screen 11

Screen 12

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Screen 13

Screen 14

Screen 15

Screen 16

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Screen 17

Screen 18

Screen 19

Screen 20

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Screen 21

Screen 22

Screen 23

Screen 24

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Screen 25

Screen 26

Screen 27

Screen 28

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Screen 29

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Screen 30

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Research Survey Results - WhatsApp Messenger in Encouraging and Motivating Collaborative
Communication Among Participants in Group Chat.







Are you familiar with
WhatsApp features?
Do you like to use
WhatsApp social
interaction purposes?
Do you like to use
WhatsApp for academic
discussion or work
related issues?



Did you find the
discussion 'Creative
Thinking' beneficial?
Did you learn anything
new from this
Did you find other
participants' comments,
feedback and examples
beneficial to you?
Will you be able to
apply the new
information acquired
from this discussion in
your workplace?
Were you able to
summarize the
comments of other
participants to fit your
understanding of
'Creative Thinking'?
Do you think WhatsApp
is a good tool to conduct
this discussion?
Did you find WhatsApp
features encourage and
motivate you to
effectively conduct the
discussion on Creative
Did you find the instant
messaging mechanism
in WhatsApp encourage
you to continuously

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73 | P a g e

engage in the Creative
Thinking discussion?

Will you participate if

such discussion takes
place again?

Note: Survey taken by participants who contributed to the Creative Thinking discussion that
took place on WhatsApp Messenger.

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