Unit Plan Gymnastics Grade 5: Unit Summary and Rationale
Unit Plan Gymnastics Grade 5: Unit Summary and Rationale
Unit Plan Gymnastics Grade 5: Unit Summary and Rationale
Unit SLOs.
A5-12 apply and refine basic skills and elements of body and space awareness,
effort and relationships together to form a variety of more challenging gymnastic
sequences individually, with a partner
D5-3 identify and follow rules, routines and procedures for safety in a variety of
C5-6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
C5-4 select and demonstrate responsibility for various roles while participating in
physical education; and, accept ideas from others that relate to
changing/adapting, movement experiences
Essential Questions
o Am I aware of the space my body is using?
o Can I identify problems and use critical thinking skills to navigate through the
o I am demonstrating respect for others and myself?
o Do I push my self to try new ways to begin the activities each day?
Learning Tasks:
Listening Task
Go through the Super hero Training camp
Must follow rules
Leadership task
Become partner who judges if you break a
Formative assessment:
Formative assessment will occur through to ensure students are completing and
understanding skills with quality in mind.
Summative Assessment:
Rubrics judging skill assessment will be counted for marks. Each class students will be
given a mark based on participation out of 4 that will be calculated at the end to decide
behavior mark ( V, A, N).
Learning Activities:
1. Go through each station and
explain rules
2. Begin (9 lessons)
3. Will let students near the end of the
month choose a new starting point.