Cause and Effect With Jimmy's Boa Lesson
Cause and Effect With Jimmy's Boa Lesson
Cause and Effect With Jimmy's Boa Lesson
Before Reading:
Go over cause and effect definitions and examples on Flipchart.
Read the title of the book and show the front cover
Say: We are going to read a story today that is titled Jimmys Boa and the Bungee
Jump Slam Dunk. The author is Trinka Hakes Noble and the illustrator is Steven
Let students look at the cover and the title. Say: What do you think this book will be
Say: Looking at the cover of this book, do we think this story is going to be one of
fiction or nonfiction (wait for student responses)? A boa constrictor and rabbits
playing basketball, that looks like fiction to me. Lets read the story and see what
Say: Lets pay close attention to the story to see if we can notice any cause and
effects. After we read the story, we will think about what happened and pair the
causes with their effects from the story.
Say: I am going to read a couple of pages then stop and ask about cause and effect.
Stop after PAGE 3. Say: What was the effect of Jimmy refusing to dance with
anyone but his boa? (Meggie had to dance with Peaches)
After PAGE 5 Say: What caused Jimmys boa to climb up into the basketball net?
(Miss Peachtree hurt his feelings)
After PAGE 12 Say: What effect did Jimmys boa have as a spring for Miss
Peachtree? (She flew into the air and didnt come back down)
After PAGE 19 Say: What caused the bunnies to overrun the gym? (They heard all of
the jumping and wanted to know how to jump like Miss Peachtree.)
After Reading:
Refer back to cause and effect definitions.
Have students use flipchart to pair cause and effect events from the stories.
Throughout the reading of the story students will be graded on participation
asking/answering questions, and using the FlipChart.
After the story, students will return to their desks and draw a cause and effect from the
story in their Reading Journals. The students will label which picture is the cause, and
which is the effect. They will then write a caption for each picture explaining what is
going on.
Students will be graded on:
Accuracy to text
Including proper cause with event and correct labeling
Writing complete sentences using proper grammar, writing conventions and spelling