Mother's Love Volume 1, Issue 1
Mother's Love Volume 1, Issue 1
Mother's Love Volume 1, Issue 1
Vol u m e 1 , I s s u e 1
A Mothers Dream, Serving Wayne & Ontario County 215.450.3100
What is a Doula?
By Carly Wigmore
What is a Doula?
Navigating Natural Birth in a Hospital Setting
Primitive Labor
Upcoming Events
Page 2
Navigating Natural
Birth in a Hospital
By Jennifer Orcutt, MS CNM
Mothers Love
Mothers Love
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Primitive Labor
By Kimberly Henderson, LPN, Birth Doula
I was recently reminded by a birth I attended, as a
friend and doula, about the importance of privacy
and helping a woman disconnect from her
neocortex and tap into her primitive brain during
labor and birth. Labor is a complex dance of
hormones, a woman's hopes, fears, past abuse,
present love, excitement, anxiety and the sexual
nature of letting her sexual organs open and
expand to their full capacity.
When I am invited to attend a birth, I consider how
my presence will affect the birthing mother. If I
don't feel like we have a level of intimacy and trust,
I might not attend the birth. Like the conception,
birth requires a level of safety, intimacy and
privacy for things to go smoothly that we don't
often see in this culture. Unfortunately the modern
hospital is not evolved enough to create the kind of
intimacy and privacy required to let hormones flow
in such a way that facilitates the most easy birth
that mother can have.
Mothers Love
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Oxytocin Molecule
Mothers Love
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Upcoming Events
Breastfeeding support
With Maureen Weidman
Mondays 1pm-2:30pm
Pregnancy Care Center
551 Exchange Street Geneva, NY
Call to sign up 315-331-8415
Baby Caf
Teresa Kennedy, CLC
Joan Diaz, CLC
Child & Family Resources Inc.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 10am11:30am
514 S. Main Street Canandaigua,NY
Child Birth Education Classes
With Tara Rice, IBCE
Fairport and Famington NY
More info at
Call to sign up 585-398-3008