1-23-15 Minutes

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D2 Council Meeting Minutes

12:00 1:00pm
Room 609

1. Call to order
a. Meeting was called to order by the meeting facilitator, Billy Kwon
2. Roll Call
a. Billy Kwon Present
b. Vandeep "Vinny" Bagga Present
c. Carolyn Chang Excused Absence
d. Melissa Lass Present
e. Sara Zeidan Excused Absence
f. Christina Chun Present
g. Rola Abduljabar Rabah Excused Absence
h. Nabil Khan Excused Absence
i. Kaz Talebpour Excused Absence
j. Erica Heller Present
k. Maham Siddqui Present
l. Atiya Bahmanyar Present
m. Daniele Orellana Present
n. Ava Navasero Excused Absence
o. Bobby Brugnone Present
p. Sean Carey Present
q. Thomas La Present
3. Quick Announcements from:
a. CaC Scrub order update
i. 2018 Scrubs
1. Shipped
ii. 2017 Scrubs
1. shipped
b. TL Photos of GPD or website

i. Email with details will be sent to class in upcoming weeks

details TBD
c. DO/MS Alumni Affairs Update
i. Networking Event
1. March 22, 2015 at 12 pm at the Kimmel Center
2. Approx.. 35 students per year first come first serve
3. Email will be sent with event details, registration, and
survey to fill out with interests for matching students
with alumni
d. AB Outreach Update
i. New outreach opportunities available on www.NYUCD17.com
ii. Students are able to give vouchers and business cards at
outreaches. These vouchers cover cost of comprehensive
exam, radiographs, and prophy
e. CC/AN Clinical Update
i. Schein Store extends hours for us to accommodate our
practical be thankful and polite
f. Maya Ardon New Building
i. Info/problems/complaints/concerns to be sent to Maya
g. Adjournment

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