Meridian Tracing Affirmations
Meridian Tracing Affirmations
Meridian Tracing Affirmations
Inhaling, circle handspalms upout to sides and overhead. Stretching arms high, place
palms together in prayer position. Exhale while mindfully lowering hands to heart chakra.
Center and pause to honor life and all beings.
Affirmations created by Susan Shanley. Based on the work of Donna Eden and David
Feinstein, who describe the benefits of meridian tracing in the book, Energy Medicine (Jeremy
P. Tarcher, 2008). David Feinsteins Energy Psychology Interactive (an electronic resource,
2004) also lists emotions associated with each of the fourteen meridians. See for full description of Nine Hearts, a Radiant Circuit Hook-Up.
From the Handout Bank of the Energy Medicine Institute