Ancient Technologies Portals and Light Merkaba Body Part 1
Ancient Technologies Portals and Light Merkaba Body Part 1
Ancient Technologies Portals and Light Merkaba Body Part 1
Bruce Cathie's theory of the harmonic geodesic formation of planets being dependant on
electromagnetism, a harmonic blue-print of light and gravity. This electromagnetic crystalline
structure in which all the planets formed, coalescing in harmonic node points of
in our stars magnetosphere, this seemsto be similar to crystal lattices being formed by vibration
in Hans Jenny's cymatic experiments. The grid pattern seems to be a major pathway of many
UFOS and the 19.47 hyperdimensional physics vortex portals an intergalactic road for space
The confirmation of NASA's discovery of real life wormholes/portals which they call x-points
seems to give Bruce Cathie and Richard Hoagland's theories more credit towards being based
in reality. These portals that open and close daily thousands of miles above the Earth seem to
be an equilivalent to the antigravity world grid in which ufos are seen traveling and going into
19.47 degree latitude volcano portals. If the Sun is really a galactic hub, it may also be an
electromagnetic dynamo fusion core that generates the magnetic fields of the planets which is
the predecessor to the actual planets themselves. The Tree of Life and many ancient symbols
(sacred geometry, sacred sciences etc), seem to be ancient technologies that connects all of the
ancient civilizations, especially the ones which built megalithic structures and whos sciences
seem to surpass our own modern day technological capabilities; they join together harmonic
proportions and cymatic sacred geometrical blue-prints of electromagnetism, light, the phi and pi
ratios; many of these concepts also being reflected in sacred art are appearing in crop circles all
over the world. These geometries seem to be reflecting a torus, is this related to the torus
shaped electromagnetic field of the human body? Our bodies being a reflection of the
geometries that define time, space, and the properties of light, matter, and electromagnetism,
does this mean the ancient's belief about the light merkaba body being itself capable of
interdimensional travel are true? The ancients describe the shape of the dodecahedron as the
geometry of the ether, being a 12 sided figure and most complex out of the platonic solids. Is
this geometry super luminal or higher in vibration that is detectable by modern day instruments?
The platonic solids in Timaeus are described as ancient advanced atlantean technology. Our
planet being defined by principles of light and electromagnetism, formed into a crystalline grid
within the torsion fields of our star's magnetosphere, are the platonic solids and cymatics
examples of a unified field of all life/biology and energy?
Nassim Haramein. Stargates
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UFO IN THE ERUPCION VOLCANOTwo flying saucers in volcano Ontake OVNI
BEST OF COMPILATION Sakurajima Volcano PORTAL-GATEWAY & UFOs (April 2011).flv (Low)
UFO Sightings Volcano UFO Portals Incredible UFOs Caught On Video Watch Now! 2013
Thrive - Crop Circles are Clues to New Energy Technology!
How To Open A Stargate Portal
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Ancient Technologies...
Anna Sclar The vibrations of aether that form physical matter are actually being duplicated in the other densities, with
a rippling-style effect.
Such a rippling effect of "spheres within spheres" has been seen in the spherical tornado cascades. There can be a
physical object with other levels of aetheric density that are not visible to the human eye, but it nevertheless still exists
in those levels as well.
This is why we can still see all stars and planets with our eyes, even if the life on these planets in higher densities.
Anything that we would call "physical matter" is also creating vibrations in these other planes of existence answering
This Manu is, in fact, the universal mind, and all the planets with their inhabitants are the phases of his existence...
The suns revolve around these centers with the whole of their atmospheres of Prana. This system gives birth to the
Lokas or spheres of life,"There are seven Lokas (spheres of existence)..."like seven globes in the chain,seven
consciousness types.
It is interesting to see how the icosahedron can appear at both ends of the spectrum in the Vedic model, at the
second and seventh dimension, as the monad and the physical body.
In the Vedic cosmology, the sphere and icosahedron are both seen twice, and that is how we get an octave of eight
positions from six basic shapes -- the five Platonic Solids and the one sphere.
In this Octave system, the icosahedron is the first geometry to crystallize out of the sphere and the final geometry to
exist before the vibrations melt back into the purity of the sphere once again.
The Hexahedron is associated with the element of Earth and corresponds to the Root Chakra ( 4 petals). The
Hexahedron sits flat, firmly rooted to its spot.
The Icosahedron is associated with the element of Water and cosmic Astral plane and corresponds to the Sacral
Chakra ( 6 petals).
The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire and is linked to the Solar Plexus ( 10 petals); the center for personal
power and acceptance. It creates the natural balance between the physical and spiritual. It fused all elements into the
star tetrahedron -seven principles.
When solar plexus is added to the sacral and base centres - it produce the new enegy of the fourth chakra - heart,
Octahedron 8 petals, the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra in the head; the center for love and
12 petals - the element of ether, fuse five elements and seven principles and creates the balance between the
unmanifest and manifest worlds via the intuition of the heart, when the forth and the eighth chakra are linked.
The Dodecahedron is linked to the Ethers/Universe and works through the higher Chakras from the 6th Third Eye, 7th
Crown, 8th Higher Crown and above.
We know that sound pitches or tones are nothing but vibrations of air molecules, and that colors are nothing but
vibrations of photons of light. Similarly, the Platonic solids are another form of expressing vibration -- in this case, the
vibrations of the energy waves that converge on a point, rotating and spiraling inwards and outwards from a
commonly shared center, in the form of "The Great Breath."
Lee Anderson makes sense. I was just talking to my brother about something similar earlier, I said how chakras are
probably similar to the platonic solids and each planet is like an expression of an element or specific fundamental
wave-form frequency, like the hexagon on saturn has a hexagon within, probably just like the octave smaller cube 2:1
ratio within the metatron's cube. I said how the base chakra having four pedals was like the tetrahedron with four
sides, but then again I think the cymatic experiments most people think of them in 2D like the hexagon in saturn,
which is probably just an angle of the 3D cube but looks like a hexagon from the angle we view it, so the base chakra
is likely a hexahedron (cube), much like the square is one of the first masculine figures with four sides and in 3D form
is the cube, 4D form is the hypercube with a cube inside in an octave ratio. I know the dodeca icosahedron is the
female and masculine energies/shapes combined
November 14, 2014 at 2:16am Edited