Bpba Rules 11 12 Al 2014

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Brooklyn Park


Baseball Rules
11-12 Year-Old American League
Version 1.0
Last Updated April 23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information
1) Rules...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2) Playing Time......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3) Game Length ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4) Run Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5) Field Layout ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6) Pre-game Warm-up ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
7) Game Play ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
8) Strike Zone ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9) Batting .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
10) Bats ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
11) Pitching ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Illegal Pitches ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

12) Visit to the mound.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

13) Courtesy Runners .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
14) Leading Off and Stealing Bases ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
15) Slide Rule ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
16) Overthrows that go out of play ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
17) Infield Fly Rule .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
18) Substitutions on other Teams ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
19) Score Book.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
20) Sportsmanship Rule ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
21) Umpires............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
22) Protests & Suspected Rule Violations .............................................................................................................................................. 6
23) Tobacco and Alcohol ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
24) League Standings ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6

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Last Revision ~ April 23 2014

23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information

1) Rules

High School Baseball Rules as published by the National Federation of High School Associations will govern play in all leagues and
divisions except where BPAA rules, as stated below, override such rules.

2) Playing Time

There will be a continuous batting order in all divisions. No player will sit on the bench one inning more than any other player; this
includes games shorter than six complete innings (the intent is equal play for all players). If a player is not being played for disciplinary
reasons, the opposing coach will be notified before the start of the game.
During a game, the opposing coach must be notified of the removal of a player for disciplinary reasons.
No player may play the same position for more than 3 innings in a game.
2.3)2.4)All players must play at least one inning at an infield position per game. This mandatory player placement must occur within the first
four innings (The intent of this rule is to emphasize that each coach should try to play all players at least two innings at an infield
position per game).
2.4)2.5)Every player must play at least one inning at an outfield position per game. This mandatory player placement must occur within the first
five innings.
2.5)2.6)Each coach is to review their team policy and expectations for missing practices and games at their initial team meeting.

3) Game Length

Regulation length is 6 innings.

Games are official after 4 complete innings or 3 innings if home team is ahead.
Evening games will start at 6:15 p.m. with no new inning starting after 8:15 p.m. For day games, or games played at Brookdale Park
(field number 2 which is lighted), no new inning will start after 2 hours from the time the game starts. Umpires time is official.
If the game is tied, extra innings are played until either a winner is determined or game is called for darkness (or any other reason) or
umpire calls the game a tie.

4) Run Rules

There will be a 7 run limit per inning except in the 6 th inning and beyond during which there will be no limit on runs.


The game will end if the home team is ahead by 10 or more runs (anytime while they are batting) after 4 innings or the visiting team is
ahead by 10 runs or more (before they bat) after 5 innings.

5) Field Layout
11-12 year old American

65 feet

Pitching Mound
52 feet

Player pitch

Home Plate to 2nd Base

Approx. 92 feet

6) Pre-game Warm-up

The home team has infield practice from 5:50 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The visiting team has infield practice from 6:00 p.m. to 6:10 p.m.
No batting practice or pitching practice allowed on the infield.


The defensive team has 2 minutes for the pitcher to throw up to 8 warm-up pitches between innings.

7) Game Play

Coaches and players are not allowed directly behind backstop during games.
The home team bench is considered to be along the 3 rd base line.
On a dropped third strike the batter is out.


The fielder always has the right of way when fielding a batted or thrown ball, whether or not he is in the base path. When not fielding a
batted or thrown ball, a fielder must not stand in the base path.
Batter-training equipment (i.e. lightning sticks, ball-on-a-stick, etc) will not be used during game play or between innings. Such

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23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information
equipment must be used under adult supervision.

If one team is short players, the other team will supply the required number of missing players as outfielders, from the bottom of their
batting line-up. There will be no forfeits in this league or outs recorded for less than 9 players.
All defensive players, except the catcher, will need to have both feet in fair territory until the batter has made contact with the ball or the
ball has crossed the plate.

8) Strike Zone

The strike zone shall be from the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the knee, and one ball width either side of home plat e (big strike
zone), as called by the umpire.

9) Batting

All leagues will use continuous batting. All players must stay in the same batting order throughout the game. If a player shows up late
for a game, that player must be placed at the end of the batting order. If a player shows up after a full batting rotation, the player may
play only at his coachs discretion and after notifying the opposing coach.


If a player is injured during a game and cannot take their turn at bat, that player will be taken off the batting rotation and will have to sit
remainder of the game with no penalty.
There will be no penalty for stepping out of the batters box between pitches. The batter shall not leave his position in the batters box
after the pitcher comes to the set position or starts his windup (the pitch counts if the batter leaves after this time).
The on-deck batter will be allowed to warm up in one of the two shared batting circles. IE: If a right handed batter is batting then the
on-deck batter will be allowed to use the batting circle located by the 3 rd base dugout. If a left handed batter is batting then the ondeck batter will be allowed to use the batting circle located by the 1st base dugout.


10) Bats

Any bat with the diameter greater than 2 3/4 inches is considered illegal.
The 5-ounce bat rule will not be enforced.


Use of an illegal bat, the player is out and any play resulting from its use is nullified.
Effective in 2014, all bats must have a 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor) displayed on the barrel.

11) Pitching



A player may pitch no more than 3 innings per game and 6 innings in consecutive calendar days (i.e. 3 innings per game and no more
than 6 during the mid-season tournament). All players that would like to pitch must have the opportunity to pitch one full inning
(defined as 3 outs, 7 runs, or 45 pitches) during the season.
Any pitcher may leave the pitching position during a game and return again as the pitcher, but this move can be made only one time per
game per player. An appearance as pitcher, even if only a single pitch to one batter, counts as an inning pitched (this however does not
count as an infield position played as far as Rule 2.4 requires unless the pitcher plays the full inning: 3 outs or maximum runs are
Use of an ineligible pitcher should be brought to the attention of the coach immediately and should be rectified. If a coach refuses to
abide by the rule after being notified, it will result in forfeiture of that game.

Illegal Pitches

Curve Balls 1st offense - dead ball and pitch is called a ball.
Curve Balls 2nd offense - dead ball and pitch is called a ball and pitcher is not allowed to pitch remainder of game.
Fake Pitches dead ball no bases. Warn the pitcher.


No intentional walks.

12) Visit to the mound


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A 3rd trip by a coach to the same pitcher in the same inning will cause that pitchers automatic removal from the pitching position only,
may play other positions during game.
The coach is prohibited from making a third visit to the mound while the same batter is at bat.

Last Revision ~ April 23 2014

23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information

13) Courtesy Runners


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Courtesy runners may not be used except in the event of an injury to a base runner. Injured player must be able to run their own bases

Last Revision ~ April 23 2014

23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information


next time at bat or taken out of the lineup for the remainder of the game with no penalty.
Courtesy runner for injured player will be the last out that was made.

14) Leading Off

and Stealing Bases


Leading off:
A runner may lead off a maximum of 2 strikes or 5ft approx. before the pitcher pitches the ball.
A runner may steal only after the ball leaves the pitchers hand (including advancing on wild pitches and passed balls)
No delayed stealing will be allowed (Runner may not hang out between bases trying to cause disruption)
Delayed stealing will be allowed after MidSeason Tournament.
The pitcher is not allowed to pick off the runner, (teach runners to get a lead)
Pitcher can pitch from the windup or stretch


No stealing is allowed if you are ahead by 10 runs or more.

NO Balks will be called

15) Slide Rule


The base runner must slide or attempt to avoid body contact when a tag is being attempted or on a force play to avoid collisions and
possible injuries.
Violation results in the player being called out; the ball is dead.
A fielder may not block a base or home plate without the ball. If he does, the runner is safe (unless the ball is in flight).


Any runner is out when sliding headfirst while advancing a base. Does not apply when returning to a base from a rundown or pick off
15.5)For safety, all runners should run through first base (the intent is to teach running through 1 st base).

16) Overthrows that go out of play


When pitched, runner is allowed one base only.


When ball is fielded in the outfield, runner is allowed two bases (the base the player is approaching - even if one step short, plus one
more) from the time the ball leaves the fielders hand.


When ball is fielded in the infield, runner is allowed two bases (the base the player is approaching - even if one step short, plus one
more) from the start of the play (time of the pitch).
If the runner is required to retouch a base, as in the case of a caught fly ball, the award shall be the base that the runner was required to
retouch and one additional base.


17) Infield Fly Rule


Infield fly rule is in effect.

18) Substitutions on other Teams


Players will play on only one team, but may fill in for teams with 9 or less players. Players may play up as follows:
11-12 year-old National to 11-12 year old American


Players who are brought up may not pitch and also must have their coachs permission to play up.

19) Score Book


All players on the roster who are playing will be listed in the scorebook. This will be the continuous batting order, whether they are
playing in the field or not.
American League scorebooks must be done in pen, last names first followed by first name or initial.

20) Sportsmanship Rule

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A player will be automatically ejected from the game for flagrantly throwing his bat or helmet, or for displaying poor sportsmanship.
Last Revision ~ April 23 2014
23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information

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No Warning. Umpires discretion.

Coaches, players, or fans are not to direct any verbal abuse, profanity, or other form of ridicule at an umpire or another player. A coach
or player doing so will be warned, if it is repeated, the umpire may elect to declare the game a forfeit to non-offending team or eject the
offending coach or player.

Last Revision ~ April 23 2014

23, 2014

Brooklyn Park Athletic Association ~ Baseball 2014

General Rules and Information

21) Umpires

All umpires decisions are final. No protests on judgment calls will be allowed during game.
Balls and strikes are not subject to review; the umpires call is final.


Any possible rule violations shall be directed in a professional manner to the umpire at the game. The coach must show in writing, via
the High School Rule Book or BPAA Baseball Association Rules before the next play begins. Umpire will then review the rules and
determine if a rule has been violated.
Board approved and supported umpires will be furnished for all games.


22) Protests & Suspected Rule Violations



Protest must be made in writing to the Baseball Committee Chairperson (BPBA President). The Protest Committee will review protests.
No protests are allowed on judgment calls. Any head coach filing a protest will submit the written protest within 24 hours along with
$10.00 cash to the chairperson. If the protest is upheld, money will be refunded. If coach loses the protest, the money will be donated to
the baseball program.
Suspected Rules Violations should be discussed with the coaches, umpires and commissioners. Should, after having the violation
brought to his/her attention, a coach willingly continues to violate the rule, disciplinary action, including forfeiture of games may occur.

23) Tobacco and Alcohol


The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches or dugouts. Tobacco is prohibited on
all school properties. Alcohol is prohibited on all Brooklyn Park park properties. Coaches and umpires are strongly urged to enforce
this rule.

24) League Standings


League standings will be based on points accumulated:

3 points for each win
2 point for each tie
1 points for a loss


Tie breakers will be decided by:

Head to head win / loss record
Win / loss record within the division
Head to head run differential
Total run differential
Coin toss

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Last Revision ~ April 23 2014

23, 2014

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