Technical Report 1 CEng
Technical Report 1 CEng
Technical Report 1 CEng
Control theory
4.4.2 BACnet
4.4.3 LonWorks
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Social benefits
Environmental benefits
4.13.1 VBHQ
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This report:a) Discusses the integration of control and monitoring systems with advanced
reporting networks employed in building services installations e.g. fire detection,
HVAC controls, intruder and panic alarms, self-diagnosing/testing and exception
reporting. These are appraised both technically and qualitatively on issues such
as reliability and cost in terms of revenue and capital.
b) Investigates the opportunities available to the building owner for the use of multivendor (open) systems together with the technologies available to help
incorporate integrated systems to deliver reductions in capital and revenue cost
and deliver improved services to the client.
c) Illustrates how I developed advanced reporting and self-diagnosing control and
specialist monitoring systems, utilising the strengths of open systems and the
operational advantages to both users and maintainers provided by integration of
these systems.
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To demonstrate the following:a) basic control theory, including control algorithms relating to systems in the built
b) types of systems available;
c) the advantages and disadvantages of current systems from a technical view point;
d) methods available for integrating systems utilizing single vendor or legacy
systems compared with open protocol systems such as BACnet, LonWorks etc.;
e) the benefits, if any, of integrated systems in terms of:i. reliability,
ii. capital costs,
iii. revenue costs,
iv. opportunities for energy conservation, through connectivity benefits,
v. introduction of full system logs to comply with controls assurance
vi. self diagnosing systems to improve system availability,
vii. self testing systems such as fire alarms, emergency lights etc.,
viii. customer empowerment with respect to:a. Local Control,
b. Feed Back and Reporting,
c. Interfaces
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During the 1980s and 1990s electronic control and safety systems began to replace the
earlier electro-mechanical systems, enabling more flexible control and monitoring of
engineering systems, such as air conditioning. The earlier systems required craftsmen to
visit site regularly; where as the newer systems allowed this to be done remotely more
often allowing the customer to benefit from reduced maintenance costs. These continued
to be installed as discreet control systems, typically monitoring and indicating alarms,
such as fire, intruder and medical gas, for the building operator to action.
It has been normal practice for manufacturers to maintain their own systems due to their
complexity, different configuration methods, and internal programmes that are often
individually tailored to the manufacturers requirements. It is often either not commercially
viable for potential competitors to train their employees on a competitors system, or the
manufacturer has prevented the client or external maintainer from making system level
or strategic changes to the installation by using passwords.
These earlier closed systems were often unreliable, partly because the manufacturers
could not afford to properly de-bug the operating systems and programs. To improve
reliability, manufacturers kept the systems capability and functionality as simple as
possible, and integration of systems for these reasons rarely occurred.
I have had direct experience in the mid 1980s of the problems of reliability and inflexible
systems at a time when PCs with Windows operating systems were becoming more
common in the mid 1980s. On my main hospital site a large BMS had been installed,
which failed to work because the operating system was poorly written. This bankrupted
the manufacturer. Another BMS on site from a major manufacturer was only a little more
reliable, so with an electronics engineer I developed the software and then hardware to
replace the BMS control and monitoring systems in critical areas of the site.
From the two failed systems and the problems encountered it became apparent that a
BMS could work reliably and control complex building services installations provided:-.
found necessary. An example of this is the in the automotive industry, where the
integration of once separate systems is bringing marketing and competitive benefits.
For these reasons, open systems such as BACnet and the LonWorks Protocol were
developed, allowing clients to develop with like minded integration companies, more
flexible and often cheaper, innovative BMS and other specialist control and monitoring
systems and bring these to the market place.
I became interested in the advantages offered by open systems in the mid 1990s;
installing my first system in 1998. Since then, this initial pilot system has been extended
and has been used in over 40 projects as part of my Health Trusts capital program on
numerous health care sites.
The development of open systems has allowed me to innovate numerous control and
monitoring strategies and to integrate many BMS and other specialist control and
monitoring systems.
The experience gained in implementing and operating integrated open protocol control
systems over seven years has provided me the opportunity to research the opportunities
and constraints applicable in the building services sector.
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4.1 Why use building control and monitoring systems?
Building control and monitoring systems are installed in buildings for a variety of reasons.
These include:
In control, or for that matter management, it is much more desirable for the effectiveness
of the process to be understood by installing a recording device downstream of the
process being controlled as demonstrated by the diagram below
Open-loop control is where the feed-back loop is not installed, and the control of the
process is a matter of judgement, e.g. where a motorised valve feeding a heater battery
in an AHU (Air Handling Unit) has failed and the maintenance fitter opens the bypass to
regulate the flow of heat, in this case there is no feed back to adjust the valve to more
closely meet the preferred temperature. An acceptable form of open-loop control is the
time clock where plant is brought into operation at fixed times in the day.
In the case of control and monitoring systems and the installation of integrated and selfdiagnosing systems these use wherever possible the closed loop monitoring/control
4.3 Types of systems available
Control and monitoring systems used in buildings often have similar base components.
These include:
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The collection and utilisation of data is achieved by digital communications and use of
Control systems can be split into three categories:
These comprise single vendor systems, such as most branded BMS excluding
Honeywell, and the majority of fire alarm, medical gas alarm, security systems, etc.
These systems all receive input data, manage data, and generate outputs to control
equipment or provide information for people to act on.
Closed systems differ from other systems in that they are normally designed for one use
e.g., BMS to control HVAC equipment, or fire alarm systems to detect and report on
incidents. The communication protocols and operating programs have been developed
for the sole use of the manufacturers workforce and agents.
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These systems are relatively expensive to develop and enhance, compared with those
utilising open system protocols as outlined below. The reasons for this extra cost are:
An example is medical gas alarm systems. These were developed for a specialist
market, and due to the relatively large development costs have remained largely
unchanged since the 1980s. The basic input device for the systems remains the
pressure switch which provides a straightforward digital input to operate an alarm lamp in
the event of an alarm condition (see Figure 3). Manufacturers have avoided the use of
pressure sensors and more advanced programs to carry out condition-based
monitoring of the medical gas supply systems e.g. by monitoring the rate of change in
pressure of the supply cylinder manifolds to give early warning of supply systems faults
and to allow more time to resolve these before the gas supply to patients is exhausted.
(See Appendix 1 for discussion on the engineering fundamentals of this monitoring
Initially, Open systems were not employed by the larger BMS and control and monitoring
system manufacturers, although recently they have begun to offer gateways to some of
the open protocols such as LonWorks, BACnet, etc. (particularly those defined by
international standards). The scope and quality of these gateways vary widely (see
discussion on gateways below).
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Maintenance and servicing costs tend to be higher, as the majority of systems are
maintained by the manufacturer with little or no competition for maintenance available
from alternative companies. Consequently, there is little incentive to keep prices down.
Where the manufacturer has appointed independent agents, the manufacturer still sets
the software and component costs to the agents. In effect, a local monopoly exists as the
manufacturer knows that the owner will have to pay again for new infrastructure for most
replacement systems. Infrastructure upgrades make up a significant cost of system
maintenance (as well as system extensions, and refurbishments).
Where there are significant benefits from integrating control and monitoring systems (e.g.
fire alarm system manufactured by x being integrated with system y or a BMS to be
integrated with complex plant such as large chillers), manufacturers sometimes develop
gateways. These act as translators to convey often limited information from one system
to the other. This benefits the manufacturers saving them the cost of developing control
strategies from scratch and taking on extra risk for control and management of the other
system of which the manufacturer may have little or no knowledge. The gateway
converts one communication protocol and communication language of the host system to
that of the receiving system. This often requires the development of new hardware and
software with additional penalties of reduced reliability and in practice a limited number of
parameters that can be sent through the gateway largely as a result of the time and
resource needed to develop these more fully.
4.3.2 Open systems
Open systems are used in most types of building control and monitoring systems. They
are also used in many other fields of engineering, such as transport, manufacturing,
retail, domestic white goods, power industries etc.
Use of open systems across these industrial sectors (see Figure 4) helps to bring down
manufacturing and programming costs as a result of competition.
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Open systems have evolved due to the high cost of developing bespoke operating
systems, and because they have the potential for use in many industrial and commercial
The advantages include:
single companies set up with the sole purpose of developing an open protocol for
other companies to incorporate into their control and monitoring systems e.g.
Echelon (LonWorks);
open systems are attractive to manufacturers because they reduce risk by utilising
a widely used system operating within a defined international standard;
development costs are reduced due to a greater pool of integrators familiar with
the protocol from which to draw information. Code and control algorithms can be
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shared between what were once considered different systems, e.g. intruder alarm
systems with fire alarm systems, saving development costs;
components and the embedded software are much more reliable and resilient due
to their use in so many systems. Problems are reported and discussed openly and
resolved, and because of this, people working with open systems tend to have
more confidence in the protocol, feeling that as information is shared openly
between more people than the would have been the case with closed systems,
the risk associated with the discovery of a previously unknown problem is
because open systems are used in many market places, manufacturers often cooperate to share development costs etc. because they are using the same
technologies in different market places.
Honeywell is the principal major manufacturer to fully embrace open systems. Their
interest in interoperability between their control system products led them to select
LonWorks as their platform;
Because the development and manufacturing costs are lower for a given product, more
advanced control and monitoring facilities are becoming both cost effective and
commercially available. This in itself provides an effective marketing tool for
manufacturers to attract new customers. (See Appendices 2 and 3 where I have
developed advanced control and monitoring techniques illustrating my understanding of
basic engineering principals.)
With the exception of Honeywell, companies using open protocol systems as the backbone of their control and monitoring systems have tended to be smaller, possibly
because the large costs for the development and upgrade of closed systems would have
impaired their ability to finance developments and be competitive.
4.3.3 Closed systems using open protocols
These systems offer a half-way house for some manufacturers who wish to retain control
of their systems whilst reducing their development costs compared with closed
proprietary systems. In the case of a LonWorks system the manufacturer retains control
by using non conforming Standard Network Variable Types2 (SNVTs) this prevents other
closed or open manufacturers using the LonTalk protocol to access another closed
system. Typically these systems are limited to use by a single manufacturer.
Developing these requirements, the stakeholders would want an open protocol system to
have the following characteristics:
a protocol that can handle priority messages (e.g. for life safety systems);
a protocol that allows the customer to minimise the impact of component failure,
e.g. allow cabling and routers to be installed resiliently for critical systems, and for
the installation of smaller controllers to be economic so that the failure of a
controller does not result in significant loss of facility;
for there to be no more than a small charge for licences or other payments direct
to the developer of the protocol;
for the protocol to permit the use of network-powered control devices. E.g. by the
network powering detectors, sensors, speakers, lights (emergency) etc. therefore
allowing manufacturers greater freedom to provide imaginative flexible products;
for the protocol to be widely used. E.g. not only in building services but in other
market places, e.g. manufacturing, domestic and transport;
for the protocol to allow networks to be arranged to suit the most convenient
cabling installation and for controllers to be available in a variety of sizes again to
suit site conditions;
be suited for use with all types of building services control and monitoring systems
and not be designed primarily for HVAC or manufacturing, as with Modbus;
have all major components e.g. controllers, routers etc. available from many
An open protocol used for control and monitoring systems, needs to meet many
requirements both technical and non technical, and all aspects need to be satisfied for its
use to be practical and economical and to meet the needs of all stakeholders particularly
the end-use client.
The customer has many protocols to chose from but very few fulfil all the characteristics
above (See Appendix 5 for an abbreviated list of open protocols, also known as field
It is not the purpose of this technical report to objectively select the optimal protocol as
these may vary according to each organisations needs. The more popular protocols,
such as BACnet, KNX, and LonWorks all meet most of the criteria above, though I
believe when I started to install open protocol systems in the late 1990s the system that
best meets the requirements of control and monitoring systems in the healthcare field,
particularly for integrated and advanced monitoring systems, is LonWorks with their
LonTalk protocol.
A short discussion of principal differences will high-light why careful selection of protocol
is important when linking to proprietary, or installing, new control and monitoring
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completely open: manufacturers can implement the protocol without any licensing
being established as a world standard through ISO and other bodies. No other
protocol is under consideration;
constantly evolving: Built-in mechanism for updating and enhancing the standard
through industry consensus (although this may also be a disadvantage);
widest implementation over a wide range of applications due to early entry into
has power line carrier RF (Radio Frequency) and IR (Infra Red) implementationBACnet does not;
all Lon solutions require multiple software packages to configure the system, such
as Lon Maker, Visio, and OSS2000 These are all lower cost programs than most
rival systems;
Lon is a technology that complies with the standard written after it was put into
use. The technology is replicated in all neuron chips, whilst this reduces
competitiveness (see weaknesses); this technically is a strength as only one set of
software bugs would need to be rectified, reducing overall expenditure.
licensing fees built into the cost of LNS (LonWorks network services) and neuron
chip payable to Echelon;
LNS network tools are proprietary and must be purchased from Echelon
4.4.4 KNX (EIB European Installation Bus)
designed for ease of installation and commissioning, and is best suited for simple
control applications for this reason;
KNX is popular in Europe as a field bus protocol in the building industry but has
not been visible outside that region;
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KNX was initially developed for the field level with a data signalling rate of 9,600
bit/s. A faster speed is available, but is not offered to CENELEC for incorporation
into standard;
This is a far from exhaustive list, but it serves to demonstrate that careful selection is
needed. (also See Appendix 5)
My experience and developments in installing integrated and advanced monitoring
systems have all been based on using LonWorks. Most of the control, monitoring and
management techniques I have developed could also be achieved if any of the other
major open protocol systems available were used.
4.5 Methods available for integrating systems utilizing single-vendor
or legacy systems compared with open protocol systems such as
BACnet, LonWorks etc.
4.5.1 Integration by Network Sharing
In the controls field there are several meanings that can be applied to integration. In this
case, integration by network sharing is where several individual systems are combined
typically through gateways so that each system can be viewed at a PC screen(s). This
is inconvenient for the user to get an overall view of the systems a number of interfaces
have to be visited. Systems can be integrated (so they can be viewed on a single screen)
often at great cost. Often information from one system has to be entered into each of the
other systems and updated as the building use changes over time. The separate system
head ends often share little information between systems, but when information sharing
takes place this will normally be through a PC or Server resulting in a potential single
point of failure if the PC or Server breaks down in this example, apart from being
inconvenient, any alarms generated will not get through. The figure below shows
integration of various open type systems, but these could easily include fire alarms and
other specialised systems, in place of say the BACnet sub-network.
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This method of integration relies heavily on gateways where each control and monitoring
system is supplied by a propriety manufacturer. Gateways tend to be limited in the
amount of information they pass on. They also have the following weaknesses:
unless there is redundancy in the system each gateway represents a single point
of failure;
as can be seen from figure 5 above, having less gateways, increases the
communications cabling required as each sub-net has to be wired back to the
nearest gateway for that particular system. This tends to increase costs;
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Due to the limitations above, limited ability of gateways and the comparative
inexperience of manufacturers integrating their systems with others, most limit their
integration to using volt-free contacts to exchange information.
4.5.2 Fully integrated systems
A system that offers many more opportunities is the fully integrated system, where
control and monitoring information is shared directly between controllers; PCs being
mainly used as a management tool to make modifications and receive information from
the system. Figure 7 illustrates that control and monitoring systems are similar in that
they all have:
Input information, data processing, and the result being sent to;
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Control and
monitoring system
Preset instruction
Plant operation
Sounders, actuators, plant, visual display, reports,
Smoke Detector,
with temperature
Emergency light
16 white LEDs and
4 red LEDs
PIR if required
located here
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courtesy Zytron
This method of integration is still in its infancy, there being few protocols that can support
this level of integration, and no single proprietary systems manufacturer provides a fully
integrated solution. (See Appendix 2 for a practical example of the integrated systems.)
With this method of integration, input/output devices are connected to controllers which
control and manage the flow of information from what would traditionally have been
separate systems. In many cases an input/output device or sensor information is used
for several purposes. For instance in a building, many input/output devices such as
temperature sensors and passive infra-red detectors, are often duplicated, because they
individually control plant or provide information for other systems. This duplicates wiring
and components which have to be individually commissioned and maintained.
With integrated systems, a controller receives information from sensors and/or other
controllers and provides outputs to further controllers and/or devices to achieve the
desired action. (The controllers do not belong to a particular system.) The advantage of
this is that they are located closer to the input/output devices. This has the additional
benefits of requiring:
The following are examples of integrated devices:A passive infra-red detector in a room can be used to:
patient call;
other security situations;
process equipment malfunction;
high/Low temperature;
open door (controlled environment);
or any other audio output.
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At the display and head end of the control and monitoring system there are further
integration benefits when using:
enunciator panels;
head end PCs.
These are often combined e.g. in the healthcare field, I have done this with surgeons
control panels, environmental condition, fire, emergency power, staff to staff call etc. all
replacing individual lights and sounders from numerous independent systems with a
single wall mounted touch screen PC.
With stand alone alarm systems each has its own display system. To obtain information
on conditions (fire alarm/security/environmental etc.) in a particular area would require
perusal of many monitor screens or wall mounted panels. This would also be the normal
method of viewing by the Integration by Network Sharing technique in the event the
systems are not fully integrated.
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With the fully integrated technique, the data uses the same control protocol and this
makes it much easier to view all the conditions in a room of part of a building from one
web page. While at an alarm enunciator panel instead of information from one system,
information from many systems is displayed e.g. intruder, panic, assistance, patient call
alarms etc. see figure 10.
Figure 10: Picture showing integrated alarm system interfaces. Seven once separate systems are accessed and
monitored from these
With the proliferation of alarm systems in buildings (see Figure 2) one of the emerging
problems is confusion caused by the many similar sounding alarm tones and pitches
used by the numerous manufacturers of systems. With the integrated approach many
once separate systems are often provided by a single manufacturer who co-ordinates the
types of sound used to communicate a given alarm (compliant with standards where
specified e.g. BS 5839:20023 and HTM 20154).
4.6 Cable and Component reductions with integrated systems
Fully integrated systems have other benefits, because controllers share input/output
devices even when used for notionally different purposes. This reduces the average
cable length from the input/output device to the controller. Cable savings are further
enhanced by the quantity of devices being reduced by sensors being shared by the
combined network and controllers.
BS 5839: Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings: Part 1 2002. Code of practice for system design, installation and servicing (London:
British Standards Institution) (2002)
With even the simplest office building five control and monitoring systems are typically
fire alarm;
intruder alarm;
temperature control;
lighting control;
emergency Light.
When these control and monitoring systems are integrated, the network and sensor
cable savings are significant, Figures 11 and 12 clearly illustrate this.
Often this list of essential services would be added to with:
access control,;
time and attendance;
personnel alarm;
door entry;
CCTV control systems, etc.
In other industries, integrated systems have similar advantages e.g. Transport, Train
operation and management systems.
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Figure 11: Traditional cabling installation for control and monitoring systems (normal lighting and some BMS
control not shown).
Figure 12: Integrated cabling installation for control and monitoring systems (normal lighting control not
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With other systems, network cable length, between device can be a problem typified by
medical gas alarm systems using RS 485 communications technology. Even in a small
district general hospital signal strengths become very weak and communications
unreliable. With these copper cabled networks typically utilising one of the open
protocols, the limits on length are normally 2400m or 400m utilising free topology.
These distances are rarely exceeded, because the density of input/output devices is
much higher than the non fully integrated systems. Band width of these open systems
is in the range of 78kBits/second (some proprietary systems today still run in the range of
3.6kBits/second). These have the advantage of allowing the designer to choose the most
economical location for the router (LonWorks), or network controller (BACnet) for
connection to the high band width TCP/IP network. Most buildings already have a
TCP/IP network, and the required band width for even a well developed building control
and monitoring system is small (typically peaking at CGH 30 to 40 kBits/second for a Lon
twisted pair network with a high proportion of acknowledged messaging) in comparison
to commercial office data requirements. Using the TCP/IP networks saves further cabling
Why not just use TCP/IP Ethernet to do all communications between controllers, head
end, and other display screens? This is used on some proprietary BMS systems e.g.
Satchwell Sigma. Technically this method works but has some draw backs, including:1. the controllers/outstations used tend to be larger as a result of the cost of
incorporating a gateway/Router to connect TCP/IP;
2. because the outstations can accommodate a larger number of points the
average cable length to the sensors etc. is longer and more costly than a more
integrated approach. (see Figure 11)
TCP/IP was primarily designed to move large quantities of data between points and is
not designed for the control data traffic between controllers/outstations. This solution is
still attractive to manufacturers of systems that have their own network systems running
at a slow speed, as converting to TCP/IP avoids the cost of developing a faster network
between controllers. For control and monitoring systems the ideal network should convey
relatively small packets of data, quickly between individual controllers and other remote
applications. For this reason systems designed to handle small packets of data perform
well e.g. KNX and LonWorks, network speed also helps reduce controller reaction
time. In the case of LonWorks this is solved by the installation of sub-networks between
controllers. Links to other sub-networks and more distant controllers/applications
typically being performed by routers typically to TCP/IP networks.
Note: TCP/IP works better with long packet lengths not the smaller packets originating
from individual controllers. With controllers accessing directly on to TCP/IP this can
generate unnecessary extra traffic. This can cause problems on heavily used networks
often impacting some time after installation.
In some installations, it may not be possible to install or connect to a TCP/IP network
either for security reasons or there being no network. The control networks
communications traffic can be sent using many other methods. LonWorks for example
is particularly strong allowing the protocol to be transmitted via:Page 28 of 69
Fibre optics
Twisted Pair
Infra Red
Power lines
These methods of communication have been used where no other suitable network
exists as illustrated below:The data for several million electricity meters in Italy is collected via power lines. In
addition information from the meters in the homes of participating customers is used to
limit power usage by controlling Lon devices in heavy power consuming equipment
principally white goods such as washing machines, dishwashers, etc. to date
27,000,000 Neuron devices are in use for this application.
In historic buildings, utilising radio and communication over power cables, LonWorks
avoids installing communication cabling.
4.7 Resilience and Risk
One of the reasons given for not using open and fully integrated systems is that if the
network breaks down, more systems will be lost. This is not the case.
In a hospital for example there are typically over 20 control and monitoring systems,
often maintained by as many companies. The Trust uses numerous maintenance
companies to maintain these systems. The Trust often has no choice but to use the
manufacturer of the proprietary systems. These manufactures are often not able to
attend to the fault as quickly as the Trust would like, but it has no choice, because of the
propriety nature of the systems. Even with the newer proprietary systems service is little
better. On the other hand it is not practical or possible for the Trust to employ staff to
maintain these systems because of the sheer number of systems and therefore staffing
costs. The resources needed for each system would include:
Test equipment,
Supplies of spares,
If the number of systems were reduced by using fully integrated system techniques, the
typical number of control and monitoring systems falls from over 20 down to two; the
controllers sub network e.g. LonWorks, and the TCP/IP network. The relatively large
TCP/IP network is already maintained typically by the organisations IT department. It
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can clearly be seen, that it is quite viable for most organisations to be able to directly
employ their own specialist familiar with a single system. For the controller network it is
now feasible to resource the expertise and test equipment to maintain this.
Do TCP/IP and controller sub networks fail at the same time?
The answer is rarely, if ever. TCP/IP and by definition controller sub networks are formed
from separate smaller networks or segments connecting switchers and routers (as
required) to make up the buildings or complexes wide area network (WAN). The
switchers and routers act as isolators in the case of a failure. The way TCP/IP networks
are normally installed in organisations makes this backbone more resilient. Because the
organisations IT usage is essential to its operation, networks between building and
departments are made resilient exampled by the installation of secondary links in case of
a failure. These also help the resilience of the integrated control and monitoring systems.
At the control network level in the case of LonWorks, these sub networks can also be
made more resilient, by installing the network in a loop and having a router at each end.
However if the controller sub network fails the control and monitoring between controllers
would also fail but an alarm would be raised to warn of the problem.
Simplified resilient
site TCP/IP network
Network hub
Loss of any controller
only has a local effect
Lon SubNet
Figure 13: Resilient TCP/IP network to many sites with two methods of creating resilient control and
monitoring sub networks.
How likely is a controller sub network to fail with the loss of connectivity between
controllers, assuming there is only one router connecting the network to the rest of the
communications network?
I have monitored this over the past four years. The method of monitoring is by sending
regular messages from a controller on a subnet to a controller on another subnet. If the
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messages do not get through for more than five minutes in a 24 hour period an email
confirming the failed sub net is generated by the controller, via the head end PC. An
email is also generated if the sub network remains healthy. This is repeated to give a
complete picture of the networks health (this also validates the operation of the TCP/IP
network). Based on the above criterion a LonWorks subnet might fail once in six months.
Of the remaining down times, these are caused by planned installation and modifications
to the network, both at sub net and network levels.
The main causes of failure tend to be cable breaks or controller breakdown. Both would
result in some loss of connectivity and function of the system(s), but as indicated above
the organisation is more able to resource a quicker repair, reducing the effect of a loss to
less than with traditional systems.
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Vending machine management and small scale catering (typically petrol station
forecourt) systems; these are used for stock level/replenishment management,
controlling pilfering, maintenance management. In these cases an open protocol
system LonWorks is being used in the development of these because of its strengths
for control and ease of conversion into other transmission protocols such as TCP/IP and
mobile phones for transmission to base.
I have connected Smoke damper control and reporting systems to open networks,
allowing exception reports to be generated if any dampers close incorrectly. The
dampers are closed when required by the fire alarm (if this is integrated) and coordinated with the location of the fire. I have installed this facility on larger ventilation
systems, because the dampers are networked with the AHUs, it is much easier to
program shutting down the correct plant in a fire as the plant run signal is conditional on
the fire dampers associated with the AHU being open. The operation/condition of the fire
dampers is accessible from PCs by the fire brigade/maintenance etc. This user interface
is easily modified to take account of any changes, and the screen is also much more
user friendly especially to the fire fighters than the more common engraved panel with
LEDs and buttons with a framed plan to the side.
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This lead to the integration of various alarm and monitoring systems and user interfaces
utilising LonWorks sub-nets and TCP/IP backbone WANs, including:Panic Alarms,
Disabled WC alarms,
Nurse Call systems,
User/maintenance interfaces at all PCs in the Trust
User/maintenance interfaces through wall mounted touch screen PCs have been used
wards for:o
Since then I have briefed and managed the installation of more highly integrated
projects. The following systems were integrated on the same networks:Building services
Integration of the above systems is further discussed in (Appendix 2 where I detail how I
applied engineering principles to fully integrate control and monitoring systems).
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User interfaces, being cheaper and simpler to use, can be made available to the
end user at their PC or at a wall mounted touch screen PC where simple to
understand graphics can be used in a web page format. In addition help, or advice
screens can be incorporated to advise and assist the user;
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Figure 17: Integrated surgeons panel (from wall mounted touch screen PC).
Increased capital savings with integrated systems. The provision of more local
control is now more cost effective, providing greater control as discussed in the
previous paragraph but also improving the end users satisfaction with the system.
With self-diagnosing routines, faults with the building services within a building are
detected much earlier resulting in higher system availability and therefore a
reduced number of complaints (also see Appendix 3 for a practical application of
engineering principals for the self-diagnosing technique).
More reliable and more maintainable communications offered by open systems with
self-diagnosing algorithms allow additional benefits in the improved functionality of life
safety systems. In the case of life safety systems e.g. fire alarms, emergency lighting,
medical gas alarms etc., communications reliability is paramount. The more reliable and
maintainable communications results improved availability and better monitoring of
medical gas systems, making management of plant problems much easier, benefiting the
patient with a more reliable supply of medical gases (See Appendix 1 for more detailed
information on how I utilised fundamental scientific principals to this).
Page 36 of 69
Page 37 of 69
Figure 18: A still common method of programming for single vendor BMS.
Page 38 of 69
Figure 19: Change-over unit using visual control program for LonWorks illustrating clarity and simplicity of
visual programming techniques.
The above not only results in program timing savings, typically two weeks on a 40 week
contract, but also results in a better commissioned system (subjective) at a time in the
construction program when slippage is least acceptable.
Page 39 of 69
Figure 20: Network diagram showing points connected to controllers as written in visual control, for variable
speed air conditioning ventilation system for an operating theatre.
Page 40 of 69
Appendix 1
A different approach to Medical Gas Alarm Systems
A) Objective
In this Appendix I aim to illustrate use of appropriate software, innovation, fitness for
purpose, analysis, practical problems, technical knowledge, relevant equipment (in this
case relevant software) and application of engineering practices (in terms of design,
commissioning and maintenance).
B) Advanced Medical Gas Alarm Systems
Challenge:To collectively improve reliability of gas flow to the patient and therefore patient safety
and gas availability.
To use reliability centred maintenance techniques making use of known system and
sensor characteristics:
To improve availability of the systems and reduce near miss incidents including
o Leak and incorrect cylinder change procedure alarms
o Heavy usage plant alarm
o Heavy gas usage warning alarm
o System self monitoring techniques
Designers have tended to specify either larger plant and or pipe-work installations, the
designers sighting design flow rates from the national design standard for medical gas
Page 41 of 69
installations HTM 2022 5 as the reason for the new pipe installations and plant. In the
case of plant replacements even site based evidence of under utilised plant 6 (from hours
run clocks) historically has not been accepted as evidence for sufficient existing plant
Note: Designers tend to assume that with a plant running for an average of 5 minutes in
the hour that the peak consumption is concentrated around one hour a day, in practice
this is not true, but without that proof the designer rightly takes the more cautious route.
Figure 21: Slide taken during a working day the largest plant CRW Basement had not run in the last hour!!!
For designers to assess if an existing medical gas system is suitable for extension, there
are Four questions that always need answering, for which standards and the systems
including alarms offer little or no help. These are:
In this section of the report I will outline how monitoring systems do help answer these
HTM 2022 medical gas pipeline systems Design, installation, validation and Verification NHS Estates 1997
Questioning oxygen flow rate guidance Stuart Ward, P31 HEJ IHEEM August 2004
Page 42 of 69
Supply failures
Wrong gas administered to patient
Poor gas quality etc.
1. Operating Pressures
Regarding system operating pressures these are allowed to vary between predetermined
limits to allow the practical installation of the delivery systems. These limits are set to
prevent the quantity of gas delivered to the patient from varying too widely (regulation at
point of use is by needle valve). The object of the Facilities Manager is to have installed
a medical gas system that just meets these delivery pressure requirements with sufficient
extra capacity installed as required.
2. Flow Rates
These were developed following investigations at a number of hospitals prior to the
publication of the standard, and have lead to significant over sizing of plant and pipeline
systems within the UK (and other countries)2. The Facilities Managers objectives are
similar to the operating pressures above.
3. Gas Alarms
These have remained largely unchanged, e .g. a light is illuminated and audible alarm
sounds when a pressure switch operates because the pressure has fallen below or
raised above a permitted level. In the USA medical gas alarm systems operate in a
similar manner with some combination systems displaying the system pressure on the
plant alarm panels.
Figure 22: Typical Medical Gas Plant alarm Panels from US and UK.
Page 44 of 69
In conclusion the base operating requirements are well founded, but the installations
would benefit from value engineering and would benefit operationally from condition
based monitoring systems to improve reliability and availability8 of systems.
When the existing medical gas alarm system at XXXXX General Hospital needed
replacing I took the opportunity to address the issues raised above.
The new medical gas monitoring system (completed July 2004) comprises:
Figure 23: Sample pressure log for EOL pressure sensor on index run of Oxygen pipeline.
Permitted supply pressure tolerance at ward or departments1 Table 19
Maximum pressure tolerance at ward or departments
Minimum pressure tolerance at ward or departments ( Depmin )
Actual line pressure at pressure reducing valve oxygen
(adjusted for accuracy) ( Po )
Minimum line pressure at EOL (end of line) from log (index run) ( EOLmin )
Maximum line pressure at EOL (information only)
Monitoring Sensor overall accuracy (PS )
Alarm Pressure Switch operating differential (DP)
Note system nominal design operating pressure is
4.92 bar
3.28 bar
4.8 bar
4.25 bar
4.6 bar
0.01 bar
0.1 bar
4.0 bar
To find the working pressures available after sensor accuracies are taken into account
Page 46 of 69
Note: In the current edition of HTM 2022 the minimum pressure at the face of the
terminal is required to be 3.55bar this has been used in this calculation and not the area
alarm low pressure setting. Note this pressure is at variance with the low pressure alarm
( Depmin )
Minimum line pressure at EOL ( Pi1 )
EOLmin PS = Pi1
4.25 0.1 = 4.24bar
The system curve formula may be adapted to give the available capacity expressed as a
ratio or percentage
R = k (Q )
Because at this point the system has not been altered the system constant will remain
unchanged and cancelled out. The formula can be developed to give the revised value of
R if the volume flow of the system is increased
R2 k Q2
R1 k Q1
R2 Q2
R1 Q1
R in this case is the differential pressure between the supply pressure and the end of
index run pressure.
The formula can be modified to:R2 Q2
R1 Q1
Po 2 Pi 2 Q2
Po1 Pi1 Q1
As with this method of calculation the initial volume flow rate is not known, Q2 can only
be represented as a ratio of Q1
Page 47 of 69
Po 2 Pi 2
= 2
Po 1 Pi 1
Po 2 Pi 2
= 2
Po 1 Pi 1
To substitute percentage capacity available (cap%) the volume flow aspects are
modified as follows:-
Po 2 Pi 2 Q2
Po1 Pi1
Po 2 Pi 2
= QRatio
Po1 Pi1
Page 48 of 69
Developing the calculations above can give a much better approximation as to the effect
on the system as a whole of the addition of say a new ward block (C). The following is a
sample calculation based on a much simplified system.
Ward block A
170 Lt/min
Ward block B
170 Lt/min
Supply Plant
( Po ) = 4.8bar
Section 1
HTM Vol Flow Rate
Length 300m
Ward block A
170 Lt/min
Ward block C
68 Lt/min
Ward block B
170 Lt/min
Supply Plant
( Po ) = 4.8bar
Section 1
HTM Vol Flow Rate
Length 300m
Section 2
HTM Vol Flow Rate
Length 50m
Based on HTM 2022 table 61 the diversified flows along each pipe are indicated in figure
4 and 5 above.
In this example the actual peak volume flow rate for the existing system is not known, but
the resultant pressure drop at peak flow is. Based on the diversified flows of the
proposed system (Figure 5) and those of the existing (Figure 4), the ratio between the
proposed and existing can be calculated. The ratio of design diversities in Figs.4 and 5
Page 49 of 69
indicates the peak flow rate would increase by 11% (340Lt/min/306Lt/min), and to this
should be added a contingency dependent on where the connection is to be made
relative to the point of origin. If the calculated spare capacity were in the region of 30%
the risk should be minimal, because this is based on the peak actual oxygen
requirements from the wards. Finally the pipeline resistances can be calculated to check
the pipe installation, can pass the increased flow to the point of connection. A worked
example based on Figures 4 and 5 is outlined in Tables 1 and 2. Tables 3 and 4 give
comparisons with HTM 2022 diversified flows.
The designer has a much improved basis from these index run pressure logs for making
design decisions. Without this information, there is no physical basis for decision
making, unless the area alarms have warned of low pressure in the past. Pressure
switches give no idea of how close the system is to failing, however the common practice
of supplies to new wards being run from the plant and not the pipeline that can take the
additional flow.
In practice an additional load on the system will be connected to a single point of the
pipe-work installation. One of the disadvantages of pressure switch alarms is that the
operator of the system has no idea what the actual system pressure is downstream of
the supply pressure gauge. If there is no alarm registered, the only conclusion that can
be drawn is that the line pressure is above the minimum and below the maximum
permitted. The advantage with pressure sensors is they display the actual pressure and
if these are logged at one minute intervals, the quantity of pressure data makes an
informed decision very much easier.
The minimum line pressure recorded in the log indicates the time of maximum flow on
the system, as outlined in the calculations above. Note, in theory if all the outlets at the
end of the index run were open and few at the origin of the pipeline, it is possible for this
to record a low line pressure at the end of the index run, because of the high flow
through the relatively small pipes at the end of the system. Statistically this is not likely,
however if most of the load is near to the origin of the system, this will have a lesser
effect on the end of line pressure, resulting in a slightly higher pressure at the end of line
pressure sensor than the actual load would suggest. For these reasons it is sensible to
allow a contingency to cover this eventuality.
Page 50 of 69
Outline Calculation
Table 1:
Table 2:
Current average P
In table 1 it is likely that there will be greater flow in section 1 than 170Lt/min and less in
sections 2 and 3. At least likely inconsistencies are easier to see and can be focused on
with this method. With section 1, an increased estimate for the existing flow could be
made (and an equivalent reduction in sections 2 and 3). These in practice will
approximately balance out. As can be seen from the estimated new EOLmin 4.05 bar,
there is still plenty of pressure available.
Tables 3 and 4 calculate the new line pressure at the end of the index run based on the
calculation method recommended in HTM 2022. This results in a new end of line
pressure of 3.32 bar, the new end of line pressure from this calculation would be below
the minimum pressure permitted at the terminal of 3.55 bar. Whilst this method is safe
Page 51 of 69
the client would be expending additional capital for new Pipework etc. that is not
Table 3:
Traditional HTM calculation for Hypothetical medical gas pipe line installation
HTM calculations
Current average P/m
from Appendix J HTM 2022
Estimated existing pressure
Proposed Installation
New HTM 2022 diversified flow
Estimated new average P/m
from Appendix J HTM 2022
Estimated new pressure loss
Table 4:
From the index pressure sensor data, other information about the systems performance
can be derived, e.g. the variation of flow over time expressed as a percentage of the
highest logged pressure or the mathematical average, the results being expressed as a
percentage about or above the datum selected.
Note:Medical gas consumptions (particularly oxygen) vary significantly typically, heavy
consumptions being observed around January. Entonox consumption also varies widely,
this being linked to gas assisted births.
Page 52 of 69
6.2 Estimation of Capacity using Index EOL Pressure Logs and usage Logs
An approximation of available system capacity can be gained by the pressure change
observed in the index sensor, the supply pressure at the origin of the supply system
(physical pressure gauge), and the quantity of gas used. The method of logging the gas
quantity consumed is discussed later.
For useful information to be gained, during the sample period neither the pressure
sensor at the origin of the system or the index run pressure sensor should be adjusted.
Also there should be no gaps in the usage log.
The resultant capacity information can be used as a guide to indicate the general extra
capacity available for additional gas usage. The figure is only true if the increase is
applied to all points of gas usage in the system at the same rate, this in itself is useful e g
oxygen usage is currently increasing at 4% to 6% per year. This can be projected
forward to help generate an action plan, to modify the system, before problems arise.
As with estimating system capacity using index EOL pressure logs above, the same
formula can be used to form the basis for this calculation technique.
Po 2 Pi 2 Q2
Po1 Pi1 Q1
In this case the EOL index pressure sensor log is viewed and the time is recorded with
the value of the lowest pressure. The corresponding manifold pressure log can be
retrieved, and the pressure differential decrease calculated. From this the peak flow can
be calculated.
(Q1 ) Can now be inserted in to the equation to give the value for (Q2 )
Note: It would also be possible to use the manifold pressure logs to calculate the
maximum pressure loss, but this is more complex to identify with readily available
software. It is easier to search for a minimum end of line pressure in a spread sheet.
As can be seen above these techniques give a much better approximation to better
enable effective management of medical gas pipeline systems.
In conclusion information gained in this way can be used to provide proof that there is
sufficient capacity to allow extensions of the system, leading to an overall capital spend
reduction, often far in excess of the capital cost to install the monitoring system
(30,000). Precautions should still be taken when interpreting the information from the
system. The installation of these additional sensors has a further advantage in that when
the extension is completed, it provides a 1st and 2nd stage monitoring system to prove
pressure drops are within the specified requirements (also providing feed back to refine
the design process).
6.3 Active Monitoring of Emergency Medical Gas Manifolds
Page 53 of 69
Existing plant N2O/O2 (Entonox) comprising 2 x 6 cylinder run and standby manifolds
plus 2 cylinder emergency manifolds
nominal full cylinder pressure (oxygen) ( p1 )
cylinder pressure will be below 63% for 25% of time
50% cylinder pressure
10% cylinder pressure
usable cylinder pressure
estimate based on nominal supply pressure
diversified flow rate for system from HTM 20221 (Qd)
G size cylinder capacity at STP
Page 54 of 69
137barg or 138barabs
86barg or 87barabs
68.5barg or 69.5barabs
13.7barg or 14.7barabs
7barg or 8barabs
4.2barg or 5.2barabs
Only if the cylinders are not replenished would this develop on to an abnormal situation.
The next alarm change cylinders immediately would be the start of an emergency
situation. This alarm is generated when only 10% of the nominal pressure remains in the
now duty bank, the other bank still being empty. It is quite possible for the emergency
bank to be just above the 50% pressure alarm point (the pressure at which the
emergency bank generates its own alarm). As the pressure is continuously lost through
the PRV this manifold will be at 86bar (63%) or below for 25% of the time.
6.5 how long might the emergency supply last?
Quantity of unusable gas remaining in each cylinder at 7bar (8barabs)
To illustrate the relative vulnerability of the medical gas supply installation the following
calculation assesses the available time following the initiation of the change cylinders
immediately alarm before the supply of gas is lost.
Full capacity Cap1
Full cylinder pressure p1
Cap1 Cap2
Making Cap2 the subject
Page 55 of 69
Cap2 =
Cap1 p2
5000 8
Cap2 = 290 Lt
Cap2 =
Cap8barabs = 290 Lt
Usable gas for a cylinder at 10% nominal pressure (Cap14.7barabs)
Cap2 =
Cap2 =
Cap1 p2
5000 14.7
Cap2 = 532 Lt
Cap14.7 barabs = 532 290
Cap14.7 barabs = 242 Lt
Cap1 p2
5000 87
Cap2 = 3152 Lt
Cap87 barabs = 3152 290
Cap87 barabs = 2862 Lt
Gas available for use as the change cylinders immediately alarm is initiated
6No. cylinders at 10% (Duty)
Duty = Cap14.7 barabs Cylinders
Duty = 242 6
Duty = 1452 Lt
Page 56 of 69
t = 12 min
Assuming that the change cylinders immediately alarm occurs and this coincides with
the peak diversified flow, the emergency supply may last for only 12 minutes. Whilst it
would not be expected for this flow rate to last for hours, 12 minutes could easily be
With the second emergency cylinder brought on line and the alarm level set to 80% this
figure improves to 25 minutes: by no means satisfactory, but much better than the
previous state of affairs. These problems were highlighted by the pressure graphs
showing pictorially the decline of the emergency reserve over time
The effect of this change in operation is that the number of cylinders used over time rises
significantly, however, this is still a very small cost as the number of cylinders used on
these emergency manifolds is very small compared to the main usage.
The current recommendations1 concerning the sizing/provision of emergency manifolds
Emergency reserve supplies for manifold systems
5.32 A two-cylinder emergency reserve supply would normally be considered adequate
for a cylinder manifold supply system. Clause 5.24 suggests a 4 hour reserve, clearly
inconsistent and a good case for revision of the standard.
Elsewhere in the document reference is made to the operational policy for operating the
medical gas delivery system. This would benefit from an agreed reaction time for
attending to plant alarms.
Page 57 of 69
It should be noted that the guidance only contains information on peak diversified flow
rates, not prolonged consumption rates that would be necessary to assist with the correct
sizing of emergency manifolds.
The pressure sensor provides additional facilities to improve reliability and availability,
these are:-
Note: The pressure sensor cannot in this case be self tested by using say the average
peak pressure of say the last four cylinder pressure changes. Whilst this would negate
most of the effect of the new cylinder pressures for temperature effects on pressure
between summer and winter (approximately 9% from 30 deg c to 5 deg c). Any sensor
drift will also be included in this average, so it would not be sensible to recalibrate the
pressure sensor each time the cylinders are change. Instead the sensor could calibrate
itself to say 10% of the nominal full cylinder pressure. As yet this has not been set up.
Page 58 of 69
p1v1 p2v2
As cylinder volume is constant v1 = v2
p2 =
p1T2 v1
T1 v2
p2 =
138 303
p2 = 150barabs
p2 =
Or about 9%
Page 59 of 69
30C or 303K
5C or 278K
137barg or 138barabs
Page 60 of 69
These sensors can be used to provide information that can be used to prove spare
capacity or verify the satisfactory delivery pressure of the Pipework system as discussed
Additionally these sensors are used to reduce the occurrence of near misses
associated with the medical gas installation by detecting:-
HTM 2022 medical gas pipeline systems Design, installation, validation and Verification
NHS Estates 1997
Questioning oxygen flow rate guidance Stuart Ward, MSc BA CEng FCIBSE FIHEEM
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