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r05010202 Mathematical Methods

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Code No: R05010202 Set No.

I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Computer Science &
Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Find a real root of x3 –6x–4=0 by bisection method.

(b) Find the interpolation polynomial for x = 2.4, 3.2, 4.0, 4.8, 5.6, f(x)=22, 17.8,
14.2, 38.3, 51.7, using Newton’s forward formula and thus find f(3). [8+8]
2. (a) Fit acurve of the form y = aebx from the following data.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 1.6 4.5 13.8 40.2 125 300
R1 2
(b) Evaluate e−x taking h = 0.2 using

i. Simpson’s 13 rd
ii. Trapenzoidal rule. [8+8]
3. Find y(.1), y(.2) and y(.3) using Taylor’s series method that dx
= l − y, y(0) = 0.
4. (a) Reduce the matrix A to its normal form.
0 1 2 −2
Where A = 4 0
 2 6  and hence find the rank
2 1 3 1
(b) Show that the only real value of λ for which the following equations have non
trivial solution is 6 and solve them, when λ = 6.
x +2y + 3z = λx; 3x + y + 2z = λy; 2x + 3y + z = λz. [8+8]
5. (a) 
Find the eigen values
 and the corresponding eigen vectors of the matrix.
−2 2 −3
 2 1 −6 
−1 −2 0
(b) Show that if λ1 , λ2 ............ λn are latent roots of a matrix A, then A3 has
the latent roots λ1 3 , λ32 ,..............λ3n and kλ1 , kλ2 , kλ3 ...............kλn are latent
roots of kA. [10+6]
6. (a) Prove that every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as a sum of sym-
metric and skew symmetric matrices.

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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 1
(b) Find the nature index and signature of the quadtratic form 10x2 +2y 2 +5z 2 –
4xy–10xz+6yz. [6+10]

t, 0 < t ≤ π2

7. (a) Represent the following function by a Fourier sin series. f (t) = π
, π2 < t ≤ π

2) R
(b) Using Fourier integral theorem prove that e−ax – e−bx = 2(b −−a π
λ sin λx dλ
(λ2 +a2 ) (λ2 +b2 )

8. (a) Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants
a, b from z = ax + by + (a / b) – b.
(b) Solve the partial differential equation x2 (y 2 − z 2 )p + y 2 (z 2 − x2 )q = z 2 (x2 − y 2 ).
(c) Find the Z transform of 22k+3 . [5+5+6]


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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Computer Science &
Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
h i √
1 N
1. (a) Establish the formula xi+1 = xi +
2 xi
and hence compute the value of 10
using Newton Raphson method.
(b) Using Gauss backward interpolation formula find y (50o 42′ ) given that

x 50 51 52 53 54
y = tan x 1.1918 1.2349 1.2799 1.327 1.3764

2. (a) By the method of least squares fit a parabola of the form y=a+bx+cx2 for
the following data.
x 2 4 6 8 10
y 3.07 12.85 31.47 57.38 91.29
(b) Derive the formula to evaluate a ydx using trapezoidal rule.
R1 dx
(c) Use the trapezoidal rule with n=4 to estimate 1+x2
correct to four decimal
places. [8+4+4]

3. Apply Runge-Kutta 4th order method to find y(.2),y(.4) and y(.6) y’ = – xy2 ,y(0)
= 2 using h=0.2. [16]

4. (a) 
Define the rank ofthe matrix and find the rank of the following matrix.
2 1 3 5
 4 2 1 3 
 
 8 4 7 13 
8 4 −3 −1
(b) Determine whether the following equations will have a non-trivial solution if
so solve them. 4x + 2y + z + 3w = 0, 6x + 3y + 4z + 7w = 0, 2x + y + w
= 0. [8+8]

5. (a) 
Find the eigen values
 and the corresponding eigen vectors of the matrix.
−2 2 −3
 2 1 −6 
−1 −2 0

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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 2
(b) If λ1 , λ2 ,........, λn are the eigen values of A, then prove that the eigen values
of (A -kI) are λ1 − k, λ2 − k, λ3 − k, ..........., λn − k. [10+6]

6. (a) Prove that the inverse of an orthogonal matrix is orthogonal and its transpose
is also orthogonal.
(b) Reduce the quadratic form 3x21 + 3x22 + 3x23 + 2x1 x2 + 2x1 x3 − 2x2 x3 into sum of
squares by an orthogonal transformation and give the matrix of transformation

7. (a) Obtain the Fourier series for the function f(x) =x2 , −π < x < π. Hence show
that 112 + 212 + 312 + ........ = π6
R∞ πλ
(b) Using Fourier integral show that 0 1−cos λ
sin xλ dλ
= 2 if 0 < x < π
= 0 if x > π. [8+8]

8. (a) Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary function
from z = f (y) + φ(x + y).
(b) Solve the partial differential equation (y 2 + z 2 )p − xyq + zx = 0.
(c) Find
i. Z(−2)n
ii. Z (nan ). [5+5+6]


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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Computer Science &
Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Find a real root of the equation xlog10 x=1.2 which lies between 2 and 3 by
bisection method.
(b) Find y(34) if y(10)=35.3, y(15)=32, y(20)=29.2, y(25)=26.1, y(30)=23.2,
y(32)=20.5 using Newton’s interpolation formula. [8+8]

2. Fit a curve of the form y = A1 eλ1 x + A2 eλ2 x for the following data
x 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
y 1.175 1.336 1.51 1.698 1.904 2.129 2.376 2.646 2.942

3. (a) Find y(.1) and y(.2) using Taylor’s series method given that
= x2 − y, y(0) = 1.
(b) Tabulate the values of y(.2), y(.4),y(.6),y(.8) and y(1) using Euler’s method
given that dx = x2 − y, y(0) = 1. [8+8]

4. (a) Reduce
 the matrix 
1 −1 2 −3
 4 1 0 2 
A =
 0 3 0 4
 to the normal form and hence determine its rank.

0 1 0 2
(b) Solve the following tridiagonal system. x1 -3x2 =6, 2x1 +4x2 +x3 =4, x2 +4x3 =7

5. (a) 
Find the eigen values
 and the corresponding eigen vectors of the matrix.
−2 2 −3
 2 1 −6 
−1 −2 0
(b) Show that if λ1 , λ2 ............ λn are latent roots of a matrix A, then A3 has
the latent roots λ1 3 , λ32 ,..............λ3n and kλ1 , kλ2 , kλ3 ...............kλn are latent
roots of kA. [10+6]

6. (a) Prove that the inverse of an orthogonal matrix is orthogonal and its transpose
is also orthogonal.

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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 3
(b) Reduce the quadratic form 3x21 + 3x22 + 3x23 + 2x1 x2 + 2x1 x3 − 2x2 x3 into sum of
squares by an orthogonal transformation and give the matrix of transformation

kx, 0 ≤ x ≤ L2

7. (a) Obtain a half range cosine series for f (x) =
k (L − x) , L2 ≤ x ≤ L
1 1 1 1
Deduce the sum of the series 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 ........
(b) Show that Fourier transform of e 2 is reciprocal [8+8]

8. (a) Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants
a, b from z = ax + by + (a / b) – b.
(b) Solve the partial differential equation x2 (y 2 − z 2 )p + y 2 (z 2 − x2 )q = z 2 (x2 − y 2 ).
(c) Find the Z transform of 22k+3 . [5+5+6]


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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Computer Science &
Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Find a real root of the equation x4 -x-10=0 by bisection method.

(b) From the following table of half yearly premium for policies at quinquennial
ages, estimate the premium for policies at the age of 63. [8+8]
Age: x: 45 50 55 60 65
Premium: y: 114.84 96.16 83.32 74.48 68.48

2. (a) Fit a straight line for the following data.

x 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10
y 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 3 3
(b) Evaluate the following integrals by Simpson’s one-third rule cos2 xdx,(n=6)

3. Tabulate the values of y at x=.1 to .3,using Euler’s modified method given that
x + y = dx and y(0)=1. [16]

4. (a) Findthe rank of thematrix.

2 −2 0 6
 4 2 0 2 
A = 1
 by reducing it to the normal form.
−1 0 3 
1 −2 1 2
(b) Test for consistency the set of equations and solve them if they are consistent.
x + 2y + 2z = 2
3x – 2y –z = 5
2x – 5y + 3z = –4
x + 4y + 6z = 0 [8+8]

5. (a) 
Find the eigen
 values and the corresponding eigen vectors of the matrix
2 2 0
 2 5 0 
0 0 3
(b) Prove that the eigen values of P −1 AP are same as that of A. [10+6]

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Code No: R05010202 Set No. 4
6. (a) Show that every square matrix can be expressed uniquely as a sum of a sym-
metric and skew symmetric matrices.
 
0 2b c
(b) Determine a, b, c so that A is orthogonal where A =  a b −c  [8+8]
a −b c

7. (a) Find a Fourier series to represent the function f(x) = ex , for −π < x < π and
hence derive a series for sinhπ
R∞ 2
(b) Using Fourier integral show that e−x cos x = π2 λλ2 +2+4
cos λxdλ [8+8]

8. (a) Form the

√ partial√differential
 equation eliminating arbitrary function
2z = x + a+ y − a + b
(b) Find Z(2.3n + 5.n) deduce Z[2.3n+3 + 5(n + 3)] using shifting theorem [8+8]


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