Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus:
Fifth Grade Vocabulary
Suffixes and Root Words
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted:
RF.5.3 Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis
March 28, 2015
skills in decoding words.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Given a worksheet handed out by the teacher, students will have successfully applied grade
level phonics and word analysis skills by answering eight out of ten questions correctly.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Communication: Students will have Vocabulary):
to communicate with each other
Contextualize: Students will be using context clues during
and the teacher throughout the
the independent practice to fill in which suffix best goes
entire lesson to explain their
with the word given in the sentence.
Self-Correct: Students will be self-correcting themselves
Collaboration: Students will have to during the whole lesson by answering questions asked of
collaborate with group members
them by the teacher and their peers. Students must selfduring
correct to be sure their answer makes sense in context.
Prior Knowledge:
Students will need to have prior knowledge on root words and suffixes.
2. Statement of
for Student
3. Teacher Input
4. Guided Practice
5. Independent
6. Assessment
Methods of
7. Closure
8. Assessment
Results of
Targeted Students
One student has trouble with visual
processing. I will have close monitoring on
that student and help in any way needed
during the lesson.
Student/Small Group
For students who are struggling, teacher will pull
them aside and teach a small group mini-lesson to
get them caught up.
For students who are excelling, the teacher will
challenge their thinking skills and have them
explain their thinking with her and their group
For students who are distracted easily, teacher wil
Worksheet found at: "Roots and Suffixes." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
Reflection on lesson:
While planning this lesson I was concerned that I wouldnt be able to help the students complete
this objective and standard because I was not comfortable teaching suffixes. Once I did some
research and found a good website that had worksheets and information on the subject, I felt
more confident to teach this to the students.
The students in the class were very active during the lesson and eager to get involved. They
seemed to understand the material throughout the lesson and only a couple students struggled.
The main struggle was the students getting the suffixes mixed up when the two suffixes shown
only had one letter different. The students worked well with their groups and were able to come
up with certain words that we had to look up to make sure they were actual words. It was
interesting to watch the students debate over some words and if they were correct or not. This
brought up many interesting and educational discussions during the lesson. I enjoyed teaching
this lesson with the class and I was happy to see that they understood the objective while I was
grading their worksheets and most students did excellent work.