Literacy Context For Learning (Task 1)
Literacy Context For Learning (Task 1)
Literacy Context For Learning (Task 1)
is not the case on the daily basis. Each day the students are given about twenty minutes to work
in small group stations. Additionally, writers workshop is about thirty minutes each day. ]
2. Is there any ability grouping or tracking in literacy? If so, please describe how it affects your
[There are four small groups that work collaboratively in ELA stations. Each group has been
organized by the students abilities. In each group there is a higher level student and at least one
lower level student, and the other two are students that are at an average level. The overall
intention for this method is for the higher level student to have the ability to work with the lower
level student and/or vice versa, displaying peer leadership and collaborative learning. I have
found that it has become a natural behavior for the higher level students to provide assistance
even when the teacher desires for the other students to work independently. Also, I have
witnessed it being almost distracting and/ or overwhelming for higher level students when the
lower level students heavily on their assistance. ]
3. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for literacy instruction. If a
textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication.
[ Jouneys ]
4. List other resources (e.g., electronic whiteboard, classroom library or other text sets, online
professional resources) you use for literacy instruction in this class.
[ Readers Notebook, text sets, overhead projector ]
Number of
Supports, Accommodations,
Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Close monitoring, large print text, window
card to isolate text
Number of
Supports, Accommodations,
Leveled text, targeted guided reading,
ongoing reading assessment (e.g., running
records, miscue, conferencing)