Madeline Kempton: 227 East Carpenter Street Valley Stream, New York 11580

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Madeline Kempton

227 East Carpenter Street

Valley Stream, New York 11580


Anticipated May 2016

University of Maryland, College Park

Bachelor of Arts, Communication
Public Relations Track
Public Leadership Minor
GPA 3.3/4.0


Adobe Creative Suite: InDeisgn, Photoshop, Premier Pro

Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Hootsuite
AP Style, iMovie, Wordpress, SEO, Weebly. Web design


Januray 2015- Present

University of Maryland, Scholars Communication Team
Writer, Editor, and Communication Specialist
Create and edit content for the Scholars program social media, website and newsletter
Design a weekly and community e-newsletter
January 2015- May 2015
University of Maryland, College Park
Teaching Assistant: COMM232 News Editing for Public Relations
Copyedit and grade student coursework
Lead class discussion on PR writing, editing, and media design
November 2013-November 2014
Alpha Chi Omega, Gamma Theta Chapter
Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing
Design internal and external PR plan for Alpha Chi Omega for the Spring and Fall semesters
Created content and design for social media accounts including: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram
and Website, reaching about 500 people per post
Supervised a committee of five members to promote Alpha Chi Omega on campus
August 2013-Present
George Martins Burger Bar
Communicated and promoted food items to costumers
Developed weekly staff schedules
Processed $500 per shift and trained new employees
Multitasked to take orders, communicate with staff and costumers in a fast paced environment


College Park Scholars Public Leadership Program

Two-year program that developed my skills as a leader through implementation and theory
Ten Women Plan

Program through the University of Maryland that discusses domestic violence concerns in our society
Backpacks of Love

Collect supplies for children who are victims of domestic abuse and leaving their abusive environment.
CARE to Stop Violence Peer Educator

Address University of Maryland community on issues of sexual and domestic violence
House and Values Recruitment Team
Designed and managed this event in order to recruit women in Alpha Chi Omega

To see writing and design samples:

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