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Topsy Hin, cca ONE ‘opsy lin This Topsy and Tim Go to the Zoo book belongs to This tile wos previously published os part of the Topsy and Tim Leornabout series Published by Ladybird Books Ud £80 Strand pen Jean and Gareth Adamson © Jeon and Gareth Adamson MCMXCY Tis edeton MI “The moro rights ofthe outho/illustrotor have been osserted I adybird LADYBIRD and the device of alodybird ore trademarks of Lodybied Books Lid Al rightscexerved, No part ol this publication moy be reproduced, stor sol system, oF ronsmied dino sys yas in ony form of by any means, elecronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withou! the prior consent of ‘copyright owner, Printed in Italy Topsy and Tim were going to the zoo. First they made sure their pets had all they needed for their day at home. “Let’s ask the zoo animals if they would like to come home with us,” said Topsy. “Animals can’t answer questions!” said Tim. Topsy and Tim met the penguins first. They walked like funny old men but they dived and swam beautifully. Topsy and Tim would have liked the penguins to come home with them but they looked so happy in the zoo. The parrots in the aviary were making a dreadful noise. Topsy had heard that parrots could answer questions, so she asked one, “Would you like to come home with us?” “Ripe bananas, brown bread,” squawked the parrot. “Tm afraid parrots don’t give sensible answers,” said Dad. They took a ride on the elephant’s back. “We're the highest in the whole zoo,” said Tim. Then they saw a giraffe. She was higher still, although her feet were on the ground. “Look!” said Tim. “Horses in football jerseys.” The zebras showed how they could kick. One kicked another with his back hooves. “We don’t want those zebras at home,” said Dad. “They might kick us.” “Look! White teddy bears!” said Topsy. “Those are polar bears,” said Mummy, “and they are very fierce.” “We won't take them home,” said Tim. A crowd of people hurried past Topsy and Tim. “They are going to watch the lions being fed,” said Mummy. “Let’s go too!” shouted Topsy and Tim. The keeper brought huge lumps of meat for the lions. It was fun to see them enjoying their food. Topsy and Tim were hungry. Mummy found a slot-machine that sold orange drinks and chocolate. Topsy and Tim thought it was a good slot-machine. { ey SY The sea-lions were hungry too. The keeper threw them fish from a bucket. ‘— b;\ RX Sep ey KEEN] Z LX SOY bho Cs | oo | SR NOE RO ie i Mae Stee Wer “Can we take a sea-lion home?” asked Tim. “No,” said Topsy. “Tt might eat our goldfish.” KC _ ~ monkeys home. But it was time for Mummy and Dad to take Topsy and Tim home. Topsy and Tim were glad they had not brought any zoo animals home. Their own pet animals were just as interesting and they were good old friends too. “I don’t know why we go to the zoo,” said Dad. “We've got our own zoo at home.” opSy +i, Topsy and Tim have all sorts of new experiences — just like you! Read all about them in Topsy and Tim's Learnabout Storybooks. Look out for the other titles in this series. Start School - Learn to Swim - At the Farm - Have a Birthday Party Go to the Park - Look After Their Pets - Go on an Aeroplane Go to Hospital - Meet the Firefighters - Meet the Police : Go to the Dentist Go to the Doctor - Make a New Friend - The New Baby Prot tay www.ladybird.co.uk ¢€250

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