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WHAP: AP Review


Period V 1750 - 1900

20% of the AP Exam
Overall Changes

Technological advances in travel - ships, railroads, etc., increased travel of humans and goods
Huge migration movements to the Americas from Europe and Asia
Industrial Revolution set up mother countries who would have factories and they needed raw
materials - colonies that only were used for raw materials. Economic advances and development
were not carried out in countries controlled by Europe. Let to lack of development that still plagues
Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia today.
Serf and slave systems ended in most parts of the world
Political revolutions and independence movements

Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain because of economic and political stability. It then spread
to the rest of Europe and the world. Some countries had major government involvement in their industrial
revolutions (Russia and Japan) while others relied upon laissez-faire and individual capitalists. Overall the
losers of the Industrial Revolution were the poor who gave the most labor but failed to get an equal share of
the new found wealth and those in non-western countries who lost their materials and were discouraged
from industrializing.
When did the Industrial Revolution begin?
1760s Great Britain
1830s France
1830s United States
1870s Japan
1870s Germany
1880s Russia

19th Century Isms




Political and social philosophy that promotes

retaining traditional social institutions.


Movement with ideas of equality and liberty,

representative gov't and equality before the law and
individual freedoms such as freedom of press,
freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom
from arbitrary arrest.


Idea that each people had its own specific unity,

and strong identification on individuals within
their nation. It manifested itself by a common
language and history. Nationalism led to desire for
an independent political state. Appealed to all
people, liberals, socialists, and conservatives.


Philosophy of science that believed social and

economic problems could be solved by the
application of the scientific method leading to

WHAP: AP Review


continuous progress.


Originally a working class movement that criticized

the impact of industrialization on society by late
19th century has come to symbolize opposition to
capitalism. An economic system characterized by
social ownership of means of production and
co-operative management of the economy.

Utopian Socialism

Utopian socialists hoped to create humane

alternative to industrial capitalism by building
self-sustaining communities whose inhabitants
would work cooperatively.


Movement to create a classless social order

structured upon common ownership of the means
of production.

Political Revolutions and Independence Movements

As the Industrial Revolution began in England the economic changes were accompanied by demands for
political changes that spread to many other areas of the world by the end of the 19th century. Two important
forces behind the change were:
The influence of the Enlightenment - The Enlightenment invited people to use their reason using the
same humanistic approach of Renaissance times. John Locke wrote that a rulers authority is based
on the will of the people. He also spoke of a social contract that gave subjects the right to overthrow
the ruler if he ruled badly.
New wealth of the bourgeoisie - Ongoing commercialization of the economy meant that the middle
class grew in size and wealth, but not necessarily in political power. These self-made men
questioned the idea that aristocrats alone should hold the highest political offices. Most could read
and write, and found Enlightenment philosophy appealing in its questioning of absolute power.
They sought political power to match the economic power they had gained.
1776-1783 American Revolution
1789-1799 French Revolution
1791-1804 Haitian Revolution
1810-1821 Mexican War for Independence
1810s-1830s Latin American Wars for Independence

Western Dominance

Examples of Western

Examples of cultural and

political reactions

South Asia

End of Mughal Empire beginning of Raj, British imperial

control of India

Indian nationalism
Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

Southeast Asia

French colony of Indochina

(Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos)
US colony of Philippines
Dutch colony of Indonesia
Portuguese control of Macao,
Malacca, Goa

Thailand remains independent

WHAP: AP Review


East Asia

Opium Wars (China and Britain)

Spheres of Influence
Japanese imperialism in Korea

Taiping Rebellion
Boxer Rebellion

Sub-Saharan Africa

Berlin Conference, 1885,

colonization of Africa by
Europeans afterwards
Scramble for Africa

Shaka Zulu
Ethiopian defeat of Italians
Boer Wars

North and East Africa

Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia under

French control
Libya, Italian control
Egypt and Kenya, British control
Tanzania and southeastern
Africa, German control

Maji Maji Rebellion

Middle East

Crimean War (England and

Russia fighting over Balkan and
Arab dominance
Suez Canal (Built by French and

Tanzimat Reforms in Ottoman

Tobacco Rebellion in Iran


1853 Matthew Perry (US) opens

Japan up for trading

Meiji Restoration

Latin America

economic dependency
banana republics

Abolition of slavery in Brazil,

Mexican War for Independence
Independence movements under
Simon Bolivar

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