Mineral Resources and Depletion

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Resource Depletion

An introduction

features of the environment which
are needed and used by people.
Natural Resources - occur in the air,
water and on land.
Human Resources - labour, skills,
machinery and capital.

Non-Renewable Resources
Are said to finite or non-sustainable
as their exploitation and use will
eventually lead to their exhaustion.

Renewable resources
A flow of nature- being continuous, they
can be used over and over again.
Sustainable- they are renewable and self
generating if left to nature e.g. trees, fish
However, if renewable resources are
overused their existence may be threatened.

Resources Flow Chart

R e s o u rc e s
R e s o u rc e
N a tu ra l

H um an

N o n R e n e w a b le

R e n e w a b le

L a b o u r , C a p i t a l, B r a i n P o w e r , S k i ll s

F o s s il F u e l

M in e r a l

C o n t in u o u s

S u s t a in a b le

C o a l, O il , N a t u r a l G a s

I r o n , T i n , Z in c

W in d , W a v e

F o r e s t s , S o il

are a non-renewable resource (e.g.
coal) which exists in a finite quantity
in the crust of the earth

Fossil Fuels and Minerals

Coal, Oil and Gas are non-renewable resources
created from organic matter
They are used to produce energy and are the
quickest and easiest way of generating vast
amounts of energy
1 modern fossil fuel power station produces the
same amount of energy as:
300 wind turbines
150 km2 of solar panels
100 kms of powerful coastal wave energy

Future Reserves
40-45 years
Natural Gas
50-65 years
200-300 years
MEDCs contain 25% of the worlds
population BUT consume 70% of the
worlds fuels!

Many of these are generally not
destroyed in use and can be recycled
eg. Iron, Copper, Zinc, Tin

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