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ENGINE BASE SERVICE MANUAL MITSUBISHI S4K,S6K REFERENCE ONLY - EXCAVATOR(10TON, -7SERIES) HYUNDAIINTRODUCTION ‘This service manual has instructions and procedures for the subject on the front cover. ‘The information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are on the basic of the information that was current at the time this issue was written Correct servicing, test and repair procedures will give the engine a long service life. Before starting a test, repair or rebuild job, the serviceman must read the respective sections ofthis manual to know all the components he will work on. Continuing improvement of product design may have caused changes top your engine which are not included in this manual. Whenevera question arises regarding your engine, or this manual, consult your Mitsubishi dealer for the latest available information. Pub No. 99499-10190HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This service manual covers standard specifications for the Mitsubishi Diesel Engine, and describes specifications, ‘maintenance standards, adjustments, disassembly inspection and repair, and reassembly. Following is a brief summary of the system used in compiling this service manual. 1. The fuel injection pump, governor, and turbocharger are covered in the supplement of this manual. 2. The sections of the manual and their contents are listed in the index furnished at the beginning of the manual. The contents of each section are listed in the index furnished at the beginning of the section. 3. For operation and periodic maintenance, refer to OPERATION MAINTENANCE MANUAL; for component parts and ordering of replacement parts, refer to PARTS CATALOGUE; for systems operation, refer to ‘TRAINING MANUALS. 4, The parts read in the texts or shown in the disassembled views are numbered in the disassembly sequence. ‘5. What to be inspected for during disassembly are indicated in [in the disassembled views. 6. ‘The maintenance standards or specifications to be referred to for inspection and repair are indicated in easy- to-refer passages of the texts and also in Section 2 in a tabulated form. 7. The following symbols are used in this manual to emphasize important and critical instructior ~ Indicates a condition that is essential to highlight. - Indicates a condition that can cause engine damage. - Indicates a condition that can cause personal injury or death. 8. Tighten Torque in “wet” condition is indicated as [wet]. Unless indicated as such, the torque is to be considered in “dry” condition. 9. The following terms are used in the dimensional and other specifications: Nominal size Is the named size which has no specified limits of accuracy. ‘Assembly standard........18 the dimension of a part to be attained at the time of assembly, or the standard performance. Its value is rounded to the nearest whole num- ber needed for inspection and is different from the design value. Is the clearance to be obtained between mating parts at the time of as- sembly. Js the maximum or minimum dimension specified for a part. A part which has reached this limit must be repaired. Is the maximum or minimum dimension specified for a part. A part which has reached this limit must be replaced.TABLE OF CONTENTS Oil seals, O-rings, bearings, lock plates, pins Section Contents No. ‘External views; sectional views, engine serial number location;| General information specifications; engine model and application codes; 1 suggestions on disassembly and reassembly ‘Maintenance standards ‘Maintenance standards; tightening torques; sealants 2 Special tools Special tools list 3 faaaaaat Determining when to overhaul the engine; measuring the : eee ‘compression pressure ‘Testing and adjusting ‘Adjusting; bench test; performance test 3 ‘Preparation removal and installation of turbocharger; exhaust Bagi removal ‘manifold; thermostat; fuel filter; fuel injection pipe; fuel iia {injection nozzle; inlet manifold; fuel injection pump; fan; 6 eee ‘water pump; starter; altemator; ol filter; oil pan; oil cooler; bg ‘Disassembly, inspection and reassembly of engine proper: Engine proper Cylinder head and valve mechanism; flywheel; timing gears, 7 camshaft, pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft, crankease ‘Disassembly; inspection; external views of inlet and Air inlet and exhaust system | exhaust system: 8 Air cleaner (paper-clement type), exhaust manifold ate ‘Disassembly; inspection, assembly; oil pump; oil filter; eeeeenaa pressure relief valve; ol strainer, cl cooler; safety valve - af ‘Disassembly; inspection; assembly; Ac hi ‘water pump; thermostat; radiator; fan; fan belt 10 Disassembly; inspection; assembly; ree fuel filter; foel injection nozzles 7 eos Disassembly; inspection; assembly; i starter, altemator, air heater Wodkshop theory Precautions for disassembly and reassembly of general parts: =GENERAL INFORMATION 1, GENERAL. 1.1 S4K-T diesel engine - External views .. 1.2. SOK-T diesel engine - External views .. 1.3. Engine serial number location .. 1.4. Engine model and application codes 2. SPECIFICATIONS 3. SUGGESTIONS ON DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 3.1. Disassembly 3.2. Reassembly 12 13 18 18 _ 18GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GENERAL 1.1 S4K-T diesel engine - External views Exhaust valve ‘Turbocharger oe ‘Water outlet pipe | |}—— Inlet valve Thermosiat—{_ | Cytinderhead | ~xhaust manifold rea —L |] 2 Flywheel T* ° ‘Aerator fo Fan belt’ 7 — = = 4 Fiyobes housing as ' Front side. aa Rear side| opis switch ‘Crankcase Oil pan ‘Oil drain plug Left-hand side Oil filler cap Air heater Breather Fuel filter Intake manifold 5 ay y Water inet pipe oe : A Fos injection pap ao Oil pump | Front side | Relief valve“ b—~ Oil filler Governor (Right-hand side NOTE Direction of rotation when viewed from the flywheel side is to the rear left (counterclockwise). 121.2 S6K-T diesel engine - External views GENERAL INFORMATION acta Estat valve ineevave Water ote oitfitercp pi Brier ‘Thermostat —}—| Rocker cover 0} LFF} —cotnir tes rot oO ‘Exhaust manifold Alternator —T | | ster 3 yviel ‘e q housing [Frontside Rear side it reste sich ccankese a. Ot asin lag sicher eel er nate 6 ter inet ‘manifold. Pipe | wer pp Oil cooler———__|_g=~ = afte tra instion Fyre] [pimp 1 }—Feed pump. Water drain j Le; plug Sp q = [Resate] |} on Gover oi fer = / Relief valve oiftevel gauge [Right-hand side| (Note } NOTE Direction of rotation when viewed from the flywheel side is to the rear left (counterclockwise). 1:3GENERAL INFORMATION 1.3. Engine serial number location ‘The engine serial number is stamped on the left side face of crankcase. 4 Engine model and application codes soo-o (__ 7" stands for turbocharged unit. Series code Number of cylinders Initial of “Sagamihara Machinery Works” 1-42, SPECIFICATIONS [ (GENERAL INFORMATION Sections marked with % indicate Mitsubishi Standard] specifications (extemal diagram). Model designation S4K S4K-T_ S6K S6K-T Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Type engine with engine with turbocharger turbocharger Cooling system Waterodoled| Gyele stroke cycle No. of eylinders — arrangement inline Ginline ‘Type of combustion chamber Diretnjection ‘Valve mechanism Overhead q Bore x stroke mm Gin.) 102 x 130 (4.02 x 5.12) & [Piston displacement Titer (euin)| 4249 259.3) 6373 G889) ‘Compression ratio ra Fuel (ASTM specification) Diesel fuel (JIS K2204 Special Grade 2) Firing order 1-3-42 1-5-3-6-2-4 Direction of rotation Counterclockwise as viewed from flywheel side | 857 873 1143 Overaltiengthmméin) | 37H | G43 | 4s @ Pipewsions | owt wisn miman) | geen | ana | cron | cas Ovi mmo) | hin | cosy | coto | aka 5 340 350 465 415 enced e®) a5) _| 7m) _|_ca02s)_|_cao47) “ype of cylinder sleeves ry, special east iron No. of piston | Compression ing 2 a Oil ring 1 (w/spring expander) 10° BED. 5 | Valve timing = 2 Per 54°BBDC. a Close 10°ATD.C. Staring system Blecrie starter Starting id ‘A eater [aH e| Aircteaner [type Paper element =: A ‘TDOGH #8 | Turbocharger | Type - | ermoa| - ‘TDOSH Pressure fos by oll pump g API service classification cD cD cD fo) : Rempssy icf | aaa 20364 3 Type Gear | oitpump ‘Speed ratio to crankshaft 10. a Delivery capaci S. gal) 40 (10.57/2000 66 (17.44)/1800 15(GENERAL INFORMATION Model designation sax [sat [sox [sox ‘Type Piston valve i Retetvave [Ones res 3.5£02 (49.79 £2.85) (034 + 0.02] & | Oitcooler ‘Type ‘Watercooled multi-plate type & [ontiter ‘Type ‘Cartridge type paper clement B [Safty valve | Opering pressure a 5 [Gamo aetna 122 1070781425120.) Safty valve | Opering pressure = " a Gocomeyy [elven ey inary 10 + 1(042.25214.225) [1.0 # 0.1) Refill capacity engine water jacket) eos a 606) 904) Type ‘Contrifugal Water pump | Delivery capacity 130 G43) | 145 G83y iter (0. gayiningpm | 1800" | 1600 |__17459)/1800 ses ff seme see et es B [Fanbet ‘Type Low-edge cog B type V-belt 3 Type ‘Wax pellet anemone ‘Valve Tol T= 2 (159.8 + 35.6) ‘Dpe Polypropylene-blade circular are Fan No. of blades 7 Diameter ‘mm (in) (600 23.6) Injection “Type. ‘Bosch Aor AD pump Diameter of plunger _mm Gn.) 9.5 (0.374) or 105 (0.413) ype Bosch, piston peor | cman ‘mm Gin.) 15 (0.06) Governor ype Centrifugal i ‘Type of nozzle holder Bosch RSV_ & [Type of nozzle tip KBALP 2 ‘No. of spray holes 4 Injection cee) 03 0.012) | Spray angle 155° vate ope) MPA] 220 (3128) [21.6] Fuel filter Type ‘Cartridge of paper element 146GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Model designation 4K SKT SOK SOKT Blectrical system ‘Voltage — polarity 24V negative ground Starter ‘Model Type, ‘Output V—EW. ‘No. of pinion teeth No. of ring gear teeth Alternator Type ‘Output V— A. Rated voltage generating speed pm ‘Rated output generating speed pm Maximum speed rpm. ‘Speed ratio to crankshaft 216 ‘Air heater, ‘Type, Electric Capacity kW 24 Heater relay Fuse capacity A 127 17GENERAL INFORMATION SUGGESTIONS ON DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY This section outlines basic recommended procedures, some of which require special tools, devices or work ‘methods, and contains basic safety precautions. ‘The safety precautions contained herein, however, are not for the whole of service work. It is the responsibility of the service personnel to know that specific requirements precautions and work hazards exist and to discuss these with his foreman or supervisor. Following is a list of basic precautions that should always be observed. 3.1 Disassembly (1) Always use tools that are in good condition and be sure you understand how to use them before performing any service work. (2) Use an overhaul stand or a work bench, if necessary. Also, use bins to keep engine parts in order of removal. (3) Lay down the disassembled and cleaned parts in the order in which they were removed to save time for assembly. (4) Pay attention to marks on assemblies, components and parts for their positions or directions, Put on marks, if necessary, to aid assembly. (©) Carefully check each part for any sign of faulty condition during removal or cleaning. ‘The part will tell you how it acted or what was abnormal about it more accurately during removal or cleaning. (©) When lifting or carrying a part too heavy or too awkward for one person to handle, get another person’s help and, if necessary, use a jack or a hoist. 18 3.2. Reassembly (1) Wash all parts, except for oil seals, O-rings, rubber sheets, etc., with cleaning solvent and dry them with pressure air. (2) Always use tools that are in good condition and be sure you understand how to use them before performing any service work. (3) Use only good-quality lubricants. Be sure to apply a coat of oil, grease or sealant to parts as specified. (4) Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten parts for which torques are specified. (Refer to 2, Group No. 2.) (5) Replace gaskets and packings with new ones. “Apply sealant as necessary. ‘When using sealant, be careful not to apply an excessive amount.MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 1, MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 2. TIGHTENING TORQUE. 2.1 Important bolts and muts ... 2.2 General bolts and nuts . 23 Standard stud bolts 2.4 Standard plugs .. 2410 2-10 3. SEALANTS..MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 1. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Unit: mm Gin.) : Repair | Service [Nominal] Assembly Standard vic Group| lem Limit imi Size. |(sandard clearance | arance) fae cane Maximum speed, (rpm) a Adjust governor Minima spots ep) orSin to specications, on Compression pressure, 3042 29] 27.84) Pyereonian: gficm? (psi) [MPa] at 300 1pm. 26) (68 10 86%) 204 (28 to 57) [0.2-0.4] 1,521.3) Engine oil pressure, at 1500 rpm_ {0.15} [Oil temperature Z 7010 90°C Aegtlem® (psi) [MPa] 1(142) (0.4, minimum | 05) G58 «0 194) at low idle speed (0.05) Inlet valves open 10°BTD.C. Inlet valves close | 50°A.B.D.C. Valve | Exhaust valves open | 54° BB.D.C. __| timing | Exhaust valves close] 10° AT.D.C. z 23° (crank angle) 3 |yatvecenee 025 6008 Beal ‘Standard injection ‘timing is indicated hare. ‘The timing for ‘each model of engine Fe injection ining le BIDS, saeco to verify the timing by| referring to the specifications of each model. ‘Push belt inward with Fan drive belt tension 12,0473), approx. thumb pressure and measure sag. 7 020 ‘Regrind if warpage of top face (0.0079) ieminor. | Inside diameter of 12 | 102.010- 102.045 | 102.200 | 102.700 | Refinish sleeves to & | bore (cylinder) (4.02) | (4.01614 - 4.01752) | (4.02361) | (4.04330) ain eeaaer: & | Ourotroud of 0.01 ©0008), eee bore (cylinder) ‘maximum, honing and use the “Taper of bore (0.015 (0.00059), same oversize pistons (linéer) maximum and piston rings. 22MAINTENANCE STANDARDS. Unit: mm (in.) Repair ] Service 7 : INominal] Assembly Standard | REPS eo or a Size. tandard clearance) | caearnce)|(clearnce)| repair imitis reached, replace metals. IFitis it clearance (clear: 09 | exceeded, regrind ance between rank- (0.050100.118) } (0.200) | 0.035) | journals and use | shat journal and (0.00197 t0 0.00465)|(0.00787)] as journal | undersize metal: & | main bearing) diameter | Undersize metals: 3 025 (0.0068) 2 -0:50(-0.0197) 0.75 (00295) ay in thr Width of thrust 0.10010.0264 | direction 2 journals (end play) (0.00394 to 0.01039))| (0.300) Replace thrust plate g (oust) 5 2 | 2.00010 22.021 22.100 © |g [Inside diameter | (0.87) k.s6614 1 0.86697) 087008) 7 40.10 : Clearance between | 22 | (003500086 | (120) | ¢+0.0039) | ¥ repair limit is (0001378 ode. | reached, replace tappetandbore | 87) | Ose) [004720] asinside |e Camshaft bushing repair Limit is (S6K) Clearance @04r00.09) | 0.15) exceeded, replace ‘Crankease can | nats (0.0016 to 0.0035)) | ((0.0059)) bushings. Ream if bushing Hs necessary. (4K) wy _| Warpage of gasketed 005 @.0020, | 020 Regrind if warpage Bog | suri ‘maximum | (0.0079) is minor. Se | Avinstalled 17 ++0.10 thickness of gasket_|(0.067) | __ (40.0039) 3 Inlet 7940 107.955 71900 ag [Diamete | valves (0.31260 10 0.31319) (031102) @ (oe fen 71900197940 7850 7 valves {31181 190.31260) (030905) B |Ctearance finer [008 | (0.055 000.085) (0.150) & between [valve | (0.03) |(.00217 to 0.00335] (0.00591) B |g | sudeana [Exhaust | 90.8 | (0.07000 0.105) (0.200) = | & [stem__[vatve | (0.03) (0.00276 to 0.00413] 0.00787) 2 | © [Asinsatied depth of] 17 203 5 valve guide cost | __ (20.012) “Angle 30° 04 Ss Inlet pete (2819) | 49.4 ¢20.00394) tae 2 | sinkage 05 (0.043) 3 Exhaust | @ 20) 3 | wisn 14 | 10.2 (20.008) i me Fe (0.055) » (0.071)_| Vatve seat_vaive ™®" Upto 120 | me sinkage Valve margin 2.13 0.0839) (0.047) by 23MAINTENANCE STANDARDS: Unit: mm Gn.) [Nominal] Assembly Standard | Repair | Service Group Item Size |(standard clearance)| Limit | Limit Remarks (clearance) | (clearance) 56.40 35.00 ane 2.2205) 2.1654 2 Difference in angle -E | Sauareness 2°, maximum between ends with 5 respect to centerline z 2.719251 212 eee eee 60.1 19553) 67 1222.6 0 246.1) (208) i ici esate 144 (1.73) 144(1.33) 5 Inside diameter of | 20 | 20011 tq20.094 2 g [rockerarm Couing| 7 [0.787841 079110) s Diameter of| 20 | 19.984 tg 19.966 4 rocker shaft (0.79) |(078677 19 0.78606) & {Clearance of bushing] 20 | (0.027190.128) | (0.15) oon shaft (0.79) |(@.00106 1a 0.00504) (0.0059) ‘Runout measured with 2 pushrod supported at A Runout (bend) oe centerlines ofits 2 spherical ends (Dial gauge reading) Runout 0.02 (0.10008), | 005 maximum | (0.0020) Diameter of 9% | -0c3(-o002) | 015 | —090 journal 54) | -0.05\-o.0020) | (0.0059) | ¢-0.0354) Diameter of 69 | 0035 0.00138) 020 crankpin 2.36 | -0055 {0.00217 (0.0079) Distance from center| ofjoumnal wo center | gg) | 20.05 (+0.0020) of crankpin 2 ; Ronout: Parallelism between r : 10.01 0.0004), E | [omaancemion oan B | & [Ourotround of & | | ioumal and crankpin 0.01 (0.0004), 0.03 £ | & [taper ofjounal and maximum | (0.0012) 3 crankpin Fillet radius of 3R journal and crankpin | (0.12) |_*22 0.008) fvepar limits reached, replace thrust plates. Hit is exceeded] (0.100 90.264) (0.300) _} 's0 oversize thrust ee (0.00394 tq 0.01039) coonsiy) Bees: Aonarethiee ++0.015 (40.0059) ++0.30 (40.0118) 40.45 (40.0177) 24MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Unit: mm Gin) : Repair ] Service Nominal] Assembly Standard | P&T | SPrviee oe eee in ‘Size | (standard clearance) (cjearance) | (clearance) 3 TOL915 w 101945 101.730 [Sune (4.01239 10 4.01357) (4.00511) s3 0.25 (0.0098)} 102 | 102.165 t0 102.195 101.980 Se loversize | (402) |c4.02224 to 4.02343) 4.01495) ~ [os @0197) 102.415 to 102.445 102.230 S| oversize (4.03209 1 4.03327) (4.02480) ou 05510115 Cheek metal Baraca (0.0217 100.0453) clearance. ‘Maximum penis difference between 580202, average weight ofall ‘maximum Pistons in one engine 8 wal wea act 30 (0200) EE © bring [0.118 | @.08 100.12) (0.00787) a wa aig | ly ommsreoonm an a a 40 | (0.025 100.065) (0.00591)) GB] OMsing | 0.157) |(@.00098 1 0.00256) 03010 0.45 € g (0.0118 100.0177) 150 & z 0.30100.50 (0.0591) z (0.0118 00.0197) 3 34 | 33993 10 34.000 . eee: (134) {1.33830 10 1.33858) | & [Gemmostewens 0.00210 0.019) (0.050) | pinand bore (0.00008 to 0.00075) (00197) © | clearance between (0.023 10 0.9054) (0.080) | er ean if pin and bushing (0.00091 1 0.00213)) 0.00315) lee Inside diameter of | 34 | 340201034045 bushing (134) |¢1.33937 wo 1.34035) 0.057100 aus Twistbend €0.002013.94), | (@.G059) maximum | Clearance between | crankpin and con- (0.035 to 0.100) (0.200) | Replace connecting Z necting rod metal ((0.00138 to 0.00394) ((0.00787))| rod metal. (cil clearance) 5 (01510035) (@.50) | Replace connecting S | Endplay (0.0059 0 .0138)) (0.020)) | rod. ‘Maximum permissible difference between average weight of all WeGN55 on, connecting rods in one engine 25MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Unit: mm Gin.) Service INominal] Assembly Standard | R&Pa 7 ae a ot Size” (andar clearance) | tarene) |(earane)| fi) a= 0.150.005, | 050 | B |ieccnnon mmsimim "| 020 : ‘0.02 (0.0008, | 0005 ‘Staighten by cold eae maximum "| (0.0020) working or replace Inlet [Dr DD: Deb: [valves fan sth | =6.589 189 De 2 jms | (0.26335) 024366) E [Ds DD: DD: Bi § [ems Mase | ree Posi - June-S3| (0.28913) (026545) = No.2] 54 | 539410 53.56 5390 Ez Z wg | G13) | 2.1236 102.1244) (2.1220) ind 21°83 [Nos 33 52.94 to 52.96 52.90 “ $ (2.08) | (2.0842 0 2.0850) 0821) 5 & | _|Nou | 54 | 5390005396 33.90 2 B leg |23 (2.13) | (2.1236 to 2.1244) (2.1220) z Beha | 33 | 529405296 32.90 5 4 | 05) | 2.0842 102.0850) 2.0827) 5 | @1010025) (0.300) fe (020) | (0.00390 0.0098)) corre | RePise® rest Paes Clearance between (0.009 to 0.080) (0.100) : shafi and bushing (0.00035 6.00315) @.00394))| Replace bushing g 26 | (0.0510 0.20) 35) & eae (1.02) | (0.0020 1 0.0079) 0.0138) | Repiace thrust plates 2 Ss [omen bn 137) | a0003s0-00017) (0.031001) (025) en (0.0012 100.0067) (0.0098) | Replace gees. se (0.10100.19) (038) tee ((0.0039 to 0.0075)) (0138) sax | 22 Sram" |sax-a] (87 | (00210-0034) 15) 5 fgeusin case {SOK | 36 (+0.000810-0.00134)} (0.0059) a]. s6K-a] (1.42) & | & [Radial clearance of (0.05 to 0.098) (0.10) 2 | E | pump gears incase (0.0020 0 0.00386) 0.0039), EB | 2 [ctearance of 3 et (0.04 to 0.07) (0.15) aera (0.0016 10 0.0028)) (0.0059) : : 25 | 249391024960 Diameter of spindle | (0.98) {0.96185 10 0.98268) Tnside diameter of | 25 | 250001025021 idler gear bushing | (098) |(0.98425 10 0.98508) 26MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Unit: mm Gn.) Repair | Service [Nominal] Assembly Standard | [7 : Item m Limit | Limit Remarks Size | (standard clearance) | cjearance) | clearance) 35205 Relief valve | Opening (98228) pressure, (0.34: 0005) gflem? 10x10 Safety valve | (psi) MPa] (1422 14.2) U0 Fit (interference) of | 25 | (0.035 100.065) «=, [Pump shaft in flange | (0.98) |((.00138 0.00256) : A E | Fit Gnterference of imac |B | Rttaerterne of) 13 | o.0s2 100.06) reassembled 2 times. § ne (051) {(0.00126 t00.00256)] 2 in impeller 2 Clearance of 141016 3 impeller in case (0.055 to 0.063) & |g [rem aw 712°C | valve starts opening. (159.823.6°F) “Temp. at which valel : lifts more than 10 4) eer ‘Make shim adjustment. Valve opening 220 225-235 Pressure varies by 14 pressure, kgffem* | (3128) | (3200-3342) (199) [1.4] per 0.1mm (psi) [MPa] 21.6] [22.1 - 23.0] (0.004 in.) thickness of z “Test by means of < hand tester, using a] ae Ble | pis 158° (68°F). If discharge mice |e charge angle | 11°) pattern is bad even 2 after nozzle is washed a ‘in clean diesel fuel, replace nozzle tip. ‘Seat shall hold a text pressure Cittightness of | 20 kgffem* @84.4 psi) [20 Wash or replace needle valve seat | MPa] lower than valve opening nozzle tp. pressure for 10 seconds. Diameter] 32.0 314 Commu- (1.260) (1.24 ‘ator | Runout 0.03 (0.0012) conn § ‘Mold depth between [0.2 (0.008) B | [scanens reeximumn z 2 Length {18 (0.71) 11 0.43) z prise |eae, powaal 14 7 nearees thao) (6.610 8.8), B.D) [29 39) 03.7) & “Thrust gap of 04101 pinion shaft (0.016 10 0.043) 27MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Unit mm Gn) Service |Grouy Item [Nominal] Assembly Standard | 1 mit ‘Limit Remarks i Size | Standard clearance) | (jearance) | clearance) 05-20 fama! (0.020- 0079) p | [__Novontchanceinies [osteo charters — [Magnetic sch operating vlogs E | | Wotage,ViCunen. a Gpedspnoag, V[ Curent, ARpeed,pulSwitin V|_— Switching of g Shall tam of pon é 23 | 85,max.| 3300 | 9 |1400,max| 9.0,min. | 16,max. |tuming off of Rarer a switch tl eee] 3) a = eal eeeeae {63} | 57-69) 28) Blows (2, asp eter eee oui0sa A206) 282. TIGHTENING TORQUE 2.1 Important bolts and nuts MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Tread | Width Tiahoning torque Secured part orcomponent | dit pitch | across Remarks mm flats mm kgfm Ibf-ft Nm Glinder head bois Beis | 19 | i205 | 786 | tees | Wed Rocker cover nus ga ias | 14] 0852015 | 6151.08 | 835=145 Rocker shah bneketbons [8-125 | 2 | 13005 | Wa36 | 149e5. Main metal cap bolts 4-2 ma [1203 | 1ore3.6 | 137205 | (well Connecingrod cap mis [12-125 | 17 | toseos | 76e56 | tosas [Owed Flywheel bolt 2-125 | 17 | 8205 | ois | 33549 Camshaft thasiplawbok | 81257] 12 | diswois | 83e108 | 14s Front plate bolt ions [14 | 36206 | 264 | 35:2505.85 Timing gear ase bolt 10-15 || 3606 | 2604 | 353859 ‘Crankshaft palley ut 30-15 [46] Stet | _s62e7 | 49010 Taler thrust pate Bot 10-125 | 14] 35205 | 25036 | 343549 ‘il pan bolt sa12s | 12 | 1852035 | 134225 | 18156345 Oil dain vale mois [| sts | 3636 | ao.058495 : isis [mp eos [2936 | s92e49 | SaK il pan drain plug geais [oat | as | ase | ates | Sa Gases s-125 | 12 | 22202 | t6e1as | 217sei5 Injection punp deliver [APS yp eases | Seana | a4 valve holders AD op 5252025 | 381.81 | 515825 Fuel leakcoff pipe pouting 2213 | 17 | 25402 | Wrei4s_[ 255521.95 Tajection pump gearnut’ [1-15 19 | 85-100 | 61-72 | 93-98 Air hemer terminal nats 1 10 [13201 | 92072 | 12752095 Totake manifold bots ea 1a [ae]. as035 [134253] 18.1583.45 Exhaust manifold bolts sais [12 | 185035 | 15253 | 1815345 Relief valve mais [27 | 5205 | 3636 | 9s Safety valve Tea15 [2] asus | 3836 | Hte49 Injection pipe nus ais [19 | 3803 | 2.722 | 29.4522.95 rae w-1s | 19 | 2302 | re1as | z2ssei9s Ting bolts Das || ess | eae | aS Starter B terminal $125 |_| 10-12 | 7-9 | 10-2 Plugs i6=1s | 28 | asos | s25a36 | Miat9 Balancer 8-125 12 5.4205 393.6 52.945 Inston rompitrei oe | yo | 17 | tgsanas | teense | toasenas Tnjecion pump eebok ais || esas | erase | 2a7=A7 Tajeation pump overflow valve 17 | 2252025 | | 22252225 Remarks: Apply engine oil to threads of parts specified as [Wet] in Remarks column, 29MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 22 Standard bolts “Tightening torque ‘Thread diameter a Nm kgfm Toft Nm Tobeft M6 451 o4s0.1 | 2952074 921 59.7420.74 MB, Weis | 1.152015 | list 1823 13282221 M10 2183 2.158035 | 15442221 | 3556 ; 25812443 Mi2 3526 3.6206 | 25812443 | 64210 6521 | 4722738 2.3 Standard stud bolts Embedding torque ‘Toren diameter ‘When embedding in aluminum ‘When embedding in ron Nm kgm bE Nm kgtm FR MB 74zi 075201 | 5.A6x0.74 Beh 1320.1 | 93930.74 Mio 141 1420.1 | 10332074 | 24a2 24002 | 1772148 2.4 Standard plugs “Tightening torque ied diet ‘When installing in aluminum ‘When installing in ron Nm kgm Ibi Nm em Ff NPIF 1/16 64x15 | 0652015 | 47221.11 1022 10202 | 0742015 pris 1022 10202 | 7382148 1823 1.852035 | 1.36422.12 POU4NPTF IA | 2585 25205 | 18442369 | 3985 4.0205 | 28.7633.69 Pris = i = ‘5410 6521 | 4728738 NOTE; (a) The indicated tightening torque values are for standard bolts and nuts. (b) The indicated values are tightening torque for bolts with spring washers. (© The indicated values are standard tightening torque, with an allowed range of +10%. (@)Use the indicated tightening torque, unless otherwise specified. (©)Do not apply oil on bolt threads (dry). 2-10MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3. SEALANTS Tato Naa Saat Teron Fp lover od snippet sRewrmeatcspscat | ryeepond 10s | fmt doer + Lover sottontpiate | 0° sect nea ot Waris saagcapter | > Cron crankoase and sealing cap ‘ThreeBond 1307N_ Apply to holes before for main oil gallery : Hermeseal S-2 installing plugs. « Warring eapor |» ylinerend otra ‘Screw plug (taper plug) for on je crankcase main oil gallery Coiowe i eR ‘Thermostat cover, elbow a 3 7m os ‘Water bypass hose andpipe | 2M water pump Loctite Apply to Rearmal peat | Meat ap (en seal | Tis TED — | py om re of crankcase contact surface) (No. 5) installing rear bearing cap. : ; “ecoal HY Appiy se sate tewacgtn [Ting | ply et ; py opt sve it pump cover ‘Timing gear case TeeBond 1205 | APs eset Ay odeve mong Front oil seal sleeve (Crankshaft pulley ‘ThreeBond 1205 cas eae alley. 241SPECIAL TOOLS SPECIAL TOOLS LIST.SPECIAL TOOLS SPECIAL TOOL LIST ‘Tool name Part No. Use ‘Valve guide installer | 34491-00400 ‘Valve guide installation Valve guide remover | 31391-10500 Valve guide removal ‘Valve spring pusher | 30691-04500 ‘Valve spring removal/ e installation Valve seat insert Tnlet ‘Valve seat installation caulking tool 36791-00200 Exhaust 36791-00300 Sleeve installer "34291-00200 5 (Cylinder sleeve installation Piston ring pliers "30091-07100 Piston ring removal/ Z z. installation Piston guide 34291-00100 Piston instalationSPECIALTOOLS ‘Tool name PartNo. Shape Use Tiler shaft puller MEOGIO77 Tiler gear shaft removell Taler gear bushing | 30081-07300 Tiler gear bushing removal installer Ss installation Connecting rod "MH061296 ‘Connecting rod bashing bushing puller Ss removalinstallation Oil filter wrench 34591-00100 Oil filter and fuel filter removalinstallaion ‘Universal extension 30091-01101 Fuel injection pump S removal/nstallaion Socket 58309-73100 ‘Engine cranking Gauge adapior 36791-00100 Engine compression pressure measurement 33‘SPECIAL TOOLS “Tool name PartNo. Shape Use Poller assembly | 64309-12900 Crankshaft gear and cranksbalt pulley removal ‘Compression gauge | 35391-02100 Compression pressure testing, Rear ol seal insialler | 34291-00020 Tnstallation of ol sal stinger in 2 ©” rearsideof enna ‘Camshaft pushing | 30681-00010 Canshaft bushing installer set removalinstallation ye (S6K/S6K-T only) Crankshaft sleeve | 34291-00010 Tasiallation of doblelp oll sel installer sleeve on crankshaft rear side 34GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. DETERMINING WHEN TO OVERHAUL THE ENGINE 2, MEASURING THE COMPRESSION PRESSURE ..(GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. DETERMINING WHEN TO OVER- HAUL THE ENGINE Generally, when to overhaul the engine is to be determined by taking into consideration a drop in ‘compression pressure as well as an increase in lube cil consumption and excessive blowby. Lack of power, increase in fuel consumption, drop ‘in lube oil pressure, hard starting and abnormal sound are also engine troubles. These troubles, however, ‘are not always the result of low compression pressure and give no valid reason for overhauling the engine. The engine develops troubles of widely different varieties when the compression pressure drops in it. Following are the list of typical troubles caused by this compression pressure fault: (1) Lack of power (2) Increase in fuel consumption (3) Increase in lube-cil consumption (4) Excessive blowby through breather due to worn cylinders, pistons, etc. (5) Excessive blowby due to poor seating of wom inlet and exhaust valves (© Hard starting (7) Abnormal sound (8) Abnormal color of exhaust gas from engine after warm-up. 42 In most cases, these troubles occur concurrently. ‘Some of them are directly caused by low compres- sion pressure, but others are not, Among the trou- bles listed above, (2) and (6) are caused by a fuel injection pump improperly adjusted with respect to injection quantity or injection timing, faulty injec- tion nozzles, or poor care of the battery, starter and alternator. The trouble to be considered as the most valid rea- son for overhauling the engine is (4); in actually de- termining when to overhaul the engine, itis reason- able to take this trouble into consideration in con- junction with the other troubles.2, MEASURING THE COMPRESSION PRESSURE (1) Remove the injection nozzle from a cylinder on which the compression pressure is to be measured, (2) Attach the gauge adaptor (36791-00100) to the cylinder, and connect the compression gauge to the adaptor. (3) Crank the engine by means of the starter, and read the compression gauge indication when the engine begins to run at the specified speed. (4) If the compression pressure is lower than the repair limit, overhaul the engine. (CAUTION a) Be sure to measure the compression on all eylinders. It is not a good practice to ‘measure the compression pressure on two orthree cylinders and judge the compression pressure of the remaining cylinders therefrom. b) The compression pressure may vary depending on engine rpm. This makes it necessary to check the engine rpm when ‘measuring the compression. Unit: keflom* (psi) [MPa] “Assembly | Repair wo | Sani] Se | 30 2 Compression aan G84) 29) 2.6 NOTE Itis important to measure compression pressure regularly to obtain data of the gradual change in compression pressure. ‘Compression pressure is usually higher when the ‘engine is new and immediately after an overhaul ‘due to tight clearances of piston rings and valve seats, and gradually decreases as the engine breaks in. 43 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSADJUSTMENTS, BENCH TEST, PERFORMANCE TESTS 1, ADJUSTMENTS 1.1. Valve clearance inspection and adjustment .. 1.2. Fuel system priming .. 1.3. Fuel injection timing inspection and adjustment . 1.4 No-load minimum (idling) speed and maximum speed setting inspection and adjustment, 1.5. Fan drive belt inspection and adjustment 5-2 5-3 54 S-ll 2. BENCH TEST 2.1 Starting up 2.2. Inspection after starting up 2.3. Bench test (dynamometer test) conditions 2.4 Inspection and adjustment after bench tes. Sel Sl Si S11 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 3. PERFORMANCE TESTS 3.1 Standard equipment .. 3.2. Test items 3.3. Test methods‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING 1, ADJUSTMENTS 1.1 Valve clearance inspection and adjustment. Check and adjust the valve clearance when the engine is cold or when it is warm in whole. Unit: mm (in) Item ‘Assembly standard Valve clearance {Inlet (old) Exhaust | 075 0008 (1) Inspecting valve clearance (@) Check the valve clearance by the firing order, by turning the crankshaft by the specified ‘crank angle in normal direction at a time to bring the piston to its top dead center on ‘compression stroke. No. ofcylinders | Firing order | Crank angle 4 13-42 180" 6 153-624 120" "NOTE J ‘To tum the crankshaft, disconnect the universal joint from the damper on the engine and rotate the crankshaft pylley mut using a socket and ratchet hapdle. Unit: mm Gn, “Width across flats of crankshaft pulley nut] 46 (1.81) (b) The top dead center on compression stroke of the piston is identified by the timing mark “0” (on the crankshaft pulley) being aligned with the pointer on the gear case. With the piston so located, either inlet and exhaust valve rocker arms are not being pushed up by their pushrods. NOTE On the 6-cylinder engines equipped with a vibration damper, align the timing mark on the damper with the pointer on the gear case. (©) _ Insert a feeler gauge into between the rocker arm and valve cap, and check the valve clearance.‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING (2) Adjusting valve clearance (@) Loosen the lock nut for adjusting screw, and adjust the clearance by tuming the screw in either direction to the extent that the gauge is slightly gripped between the rocker arm and valve cap. (b) After adjusting the clearance, tighten the lock rut, and again check the clearance, making sure that itis correct. 1.2 Fuel system priming (1) Fuel filter (@) Loosen air vent plug © at the top ofthe filter (by turning it about 1.5 rotations). (©) Unlock priming pump handle @ by turning it counterclockwise, and operate the priming pump. (©) Tighten the air vent plug when fuel flows from the vent hole without bubbles. (2) Fuel injection pump Loosen © to release air| (a) Loosen air vent plug @ on the injection pump (by tuning it about 1.5 rotations). (b) Operate the priming pump handle. (© Tighten the air vent plug when fuel flows from. the vent hole without bubbles. Lock the priming pump by turning its handle clockwise while pushing it down before tightening the last vent plug. (@) I all vent plugs are tightened before the priming pump handle s locked, fuel pressure acts on the feed pump, making it impossible to restore the handle. (b). Wipe off fuel spilt from the vent holes with acloth.‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING 1.3 Fuel injection timing inspection and adjustment ‘The injection timing for each model of the engine ‘aries according to its output, speed and specification. Be sure to verify the timing by referring to the specifications of each model. (1) Bringing No. 1 piston to top dead center on compression stroke (a) Put socket (58309-73100) to the crankshaft pulley, and tum the crankshaft in normal direction (clockwise as viewed from the front side of the engine). (©) Stop cranking the engine when the timing mark “0” on the crankshaft pulley is aligned with the pointer. (© Move the inlet and exhaust valve rocker arms for the No. I cylinder up and down to make sure that they are not being pushed up by their pushrods. Now the inlet and exhaust valves should have a clearance to be checked. (2) Inspecting fuel injection timing (@) Remove the delivery valve holder from No. 1 pumping clement of injection pump. Take delivery valve, spring and stopper out of the holder, and restore the holder to the pump. (b) Attacha spare injection pipe toNo. 1 pumping clement, with its free end held downward to that you can see fuel flow from that end. (©) Tum the crankshaft to bring No. 1 piston to ‘about 60° position before top dead center on ‘compression stroke.‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING (@_ While operating the priming pump to allow fuel toflow from the injection pipe, crank the ‘engine in normal direction. Reduce cranking speed when the fuel just starts to stop flowing. Stop cranking when the fuel stops flowing. (©) Make sure that the timing mark on the ‘crankshaft pulley is aligned with the pointer. (3) Adjusting fuel injection timing (@) If the timing is advanced, tilt the injection pump toward the crankcase. If itis retarded, tilt the pump away from the crankcase. (b) One graduation of the scale on the injection pump coupling changes the timing by 6° in terms of crank angle.‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING 1.4 No-load minimum (low idle) speed and no-load maximum speed setting inspection and adjustment {QCAUTION } a) The no-load minimum (low idle) speed and no-load maximum speed are set for each ‘engine on the test bench at the factory. The set bolts are sealed. Inspection and adjust- ‘ment of these speeds are to be made at the ‘Mitsubishi-authorized service shop only. b) After adjusting the governor by breaking the seals, be sure to re-seal all stoppers, making them appear as if they were sealed atthe fac- tory. ©) Whether the stopper seals are intact or not has important bearing on the validity of claims under warranty. 4) When inspecting and adjusting these speeds, bbe on the standby to operate the engine stop lever manually in the event of engine over- mn, For inspection and adjustment, warm up the engine thoroughly until the coolant and oil temperatures are above 70°C (158°F). (1) Starting engine (@) Move speed control lever to the high speed position and tum the starter switch to START position to crank the engine. (b) The engine will ire up at.a speed of approxi- mately 1501pm. When the engine fires, hold the engine speed between 800 and 1000 rpm by operating the speed control lever. (©) When the engine runs with a steady speed, move the speed control lever back to the low idle speed position. 5-6(2) Setting no-load minimum (low idle) speed (a) Set the speed control lever at the position for no-load minimum (low idle) speed with the low idle speed set screw @. —{&CAUTION If acritical speed (the speed at which the engine excessively vibrates due to torsional resonance) might exist, shift the setting to a lower or high idle speed level. (&) Turning the low idle set screw clockwise raises the idling speed. (©) _Hfengine speed tends to fluctuate, tum the idle sub-spring adjusting screw @ clockwise to push in this spring, making it come in slight contact with the tension lever. With the idle sub-spring exerting some force to the lever, the speed will rise slightly but will stop fluctuating. -(A\CAUTION t ‘Tightening the idle sub-spring adjusting screw is likely to cause the engine to overspeed when the load is dumped during duty operation. When tightening the adjusting screw, be sure to tighten it ust enough to eliminate the unstable condition. (@ Rack setting (setting no-load maximum speed) (@) Hold the speed control lever at the position for the indicated output and speed (specified for purpose of governor adjustment). (®) Under this condition, check to be sure that the engine is running in a steady state. (© With theengine running in a steady condition, adjust the full-load stopper bolt, as follows: (@ Reposition the full-load stopper bolt by tightening or loosening (to push or pull out the fuel control rack through the levers) in order to find out-just where the engine produces the rated output. TESTING AND ADJUSTING‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING (©) Having positioned the stopper bolt properly (or the rated output), back it off slowly while ‘observing the speed (which will be above the rated speed). Stop backing it off just when the speed begins to fall from the rated level. ‘Secure the stopper bolt (rack set bolt) in that position with its lock mut. (© At that time, the speed control lever should be at the maximum speed side. (g)_ Taming the full-load stopper bolt clockwise will increase the injection quantity (engine ‘output), and vice verse, (A) Governor setting (setting for limiting the maximum engine speed) (@) Hold the speed control lever at the indicated maximum speed position while applying full Toad to the engine. (b) Sethe govemor set bolt @ (maximum speed set bolt) at the indicated speed position.(5) Determining the speed regulation (speed droop) [1] Speed regulation upon removing load (@) Rum the engine with the speed control lever set for the rated condition of load and speed. (©) With the control lever held there, remove the load to bring the engine into no-load condition. Do not move the speed control lever. (©) The speed will increase once and decrease, as shown and settle ata new steady state level Read the highest speed (N2) occurring in this ‘transition and the speed (Ns) after setting, and the time (tt) from the moment of removing the load at initial speed (Ni) to the speed settling at the new level (N3).. [2] Speed regulation upon applying load With the engine running in no-load condition, apply specified load momentarily, and record the peak engine speed, the engine speed after settling, and the ‘time from the moment of load application to the time the speed settles. 13] Computing the speed regulation From the values obtained above, compute the speed regulation for each load change. If the computed values are at variance with the prescribed values, “governor notch adjustment” must ‘be made to eliminate the variance. ‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘Speed regulation upon removing load Ne No Instantaneous speed. regulation (%) Na—N N-Ni 00 Ni a Ni 1N1= initial speed, rpm, before load is removed Nz= highest speed, rpm, during transitional period N3= speed, rpm, at which the engine settles after load is removed t= stabilization time ‘Speed regulation upon applying load e Ns Instantaneous speed regulation (4) NN x 100 1N¢= inital speed, pm, before load is applied N5= lowest speed, rpm, during transitional period N= speed, rpm, at which the engine settles afer loadis applied stabilization time‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING. © Speed regulation adjustment (governor notch adjustment) (a) This adjustment is to be made by turning the adjusting screw for swivel lever to increase or decrease the preload of governor spring. (b) To gain access to the adjusting screw, remove the plug at the top of governor housing, and ‘tum the speed control ever all the way to the low idling set bolt: this will turn up the swivel lever, pointing the head ofthe adjusting screw toward the plug hole. Insert a flat-tip screwdriver through the hole to catch the serew head. (©) Thightening the adjusting screw increases the preload of governor spring to narrow the speed regulation; loosening it decreases the governor spring preload to widen the regulation. One notch corresponds to 1/4 turn of adjusting screw and to 3 to 5 rpm change of engine speed. (@ Changing the setting of this adjusting screw changes the governor setting (for limiting the ‘maximum engine speed). After making a govemor notch adjustment, be sure to readjust the governor setting. (©). Tightening the adjusting screw, mentioned above, will increase the maximum speed, and vice versa. AXCAUTION The adjustable range is 20/notch (5 rotations) Jong. Never loosen the screw by more than 20 notches from the fully tightened position or the control action of the governor will become hazardous. (7) Sealing Seal each set bolt.1.5 Fan drive belt inspection and adjustment Apply thumb pressure to the belt midway between the pulleys to inspect the belt tension. Ifthe tension is incorrect, make an adjustment by means of bolts @. Unit: mm Gn.) Ttem [Assembly standard Fan drive bel tension (deflection) | 12 (035), approx 2, BENCH TEST An overhauled engine should be tested on a dynamometer. This testis also for “break-in” of the ‘major running parts of the engine. 2.1 Starting up (1) Check the fluid levels in the radiator, oil pan and fuel tank. Bleed the fuel and cooling systems. (2) Crank the engine with the starter for 15 seconds to permit lube oil to circulate through the engine. For this cranking, do not supply fuel to the en- gine. (3) Slightly move the speed control lever in the di- rection of increasing the injection quantity and ‘tum the starter switch to the START position. (Do not move the speed control lever to the full in- jection position.) () After the engine starts, allow it to idle by operat- ing the speed control lever. 2.2 Inspection after starting up After starting the engine, check the following items. Upon discovery of any faulty condition, immediately stop the engine and investigate for the cause. (1) Lube oil pressure — Should be 2 to 4 Kgflem? (28 to 57 psi) (0.2 to 0.4 MPa] when the engine is running at rated speed. It should be 1 keflem? (14.2 psi) (0.1 MPa] when the engine is running at low idle speed. (2) Coolant temperature — Should be 75°C to 85°C (167°F to 185°F). (3) Lube oil temperature — Should be 70°C to 90°C (158°F to 194°F). ‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING (4) Oil, coolant or fuel leaks. (6) Knocking — Should die away as the coolant tem- perature increases. No other defects should be noted. (© Abnormal exhaust smoke and smell. 2.3 Bench test (dynamometer test) conditions Step | Speed (rpm) Load (PS) _| Time (min.) Tt [Noted | 30 3 ae 5 _| specifications) 15% 30 j woo [0 2.4 Inspection and adjustment after bench test (1) Adjust the valve clearance, (2) Check and adjust the injection timing. (@) Check under and around the engine for loose bolts or nuts.‘TESTING AND ADJUSTING 3. PERFORMANCE TESTS There are various testing methods to evaluate the performance of an engine. The following describes the diesel engine performance test method [JIS 11005 (1986)]. Other test items must also be added according tothe particularuse of the engine. Evaluate all test results to determine the performance level of the engine. 3.1 Standard equipment ‘The engine should be equipped with fan, air cleaner and alternator. 3.2 Test items (1) Fuel consumption test (2) No-load maximum speed test (@) No-load minimum speed test 3.3 Test methods (1) Fuel consumption test (@) Speed (rpm) (b) Fuel injection quantity © Output (2) No-load maximum speed test For this test, the governor must be set for no-load ‘maximum speed. (3) No-load minimum speed test (@) The speed control lever must be set for stable ‘minimum speed. By “stable minimum speed” ismeant a minimum level to which the engine speed can be quickly dropped from the maximum level without stalling. (b) Specified no-load minimum speed @) Others During the performance tests, check for gas, coolant or oil leaks, abnormal sound and hunting. () Engine output correction calculation ‘The output ofa diesel engine varies depending on atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the measured output values to obtain output performance values under the standard ambient conditions (atmospheric pressure: 750 mmHg, temperature: 25°C, atmospheric steam partial pressure: 11.4 mmHg). Use the correction coefficients obtained from the following equations to convert the measured shaft output and torque values. (Poy 8.97) (natural aspiration k= (gi (turbocharged engine) yy Po: Measured atmospheric pressure (mmHg) P Standard dry atmospheric pressure (743 mmHg, 99 kPa) + Measured temperature (°C +273) Standard air temperature (298 K, 25°C) fm, fi’: air/fuel consumption coefficients fm =0036 9 -1.14 405 4 5 65) =03(4 240) =120655 7) + Amount of fuel supply per I liter of cylinder volume and per 1 cycle (mg/l cycle) Compression ratio of turbocharger (r = 1 for natural aspiration) Application range of k shall be 600 5 p 5 825 mmHg {805 p< 110 KPa} 10 5 0-273 = 40°C {283 $05 313k} q r and k shall also be 0.9 ks 1.1. When kisnot within the range and also when p and @ are within the limit range, indicate the values converted by using the correction coefficients and record the test conditions ‘on the test record sheet.ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 2. ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL woe 62 3. ENGINE ACCESSORY INSTALLATION 67ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. ‘This section explains the procedures and suggestions for removal and installation of the accessories - the preparatory steps to go through for overhauling the engine. 1. PREPARATORY STEPS (@) Shut off fuel supply, and disconnect the starting system from the engine. (b) Loosen the drain cock, on the left rear side of crankcase, and drain coolant. (©) Loosen the oil pan drain plug, and drain engine oil. BA WARNING Hot engine oil can cause personal injury if it ‘contacts the skin. Use caution when draining the oil. 2. ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL (1) Removing turbocharger [tubocharged engines] (a) Disconnect pipe @ between the turbocharge and inlet mainfold. () Disconnect turbocharger lubricating oil pipe @ and drain pipe @. (©) Remove turbocharger @ from the exhaust (2) Removing exhaust mainfold Unscrew bolts securing exhaust mainfold @, and remove the mainfold and gasket @).(3) Removing thermostat (S4K, S4K-T) (@) Disconnect water bypass hose D. (b) Remove thermostat case @. (4) Removing water outlet pipe and thermostat (S6K, S6K-T) (@) Disconnect water bypass hose D. (©) Remove water outlet pipe @ and thermostat case @ as an assembly. (5) Removing fuel filter (@ Disconnect fuel pipes D and @. (b) Remove fuel filter @ and bracket © as an assembly. (© Removing fuel injection pipes (a) Remove pipe clamp @, and disconnect injection pipes @. (b) Unscrew lock nut @, and remove leak-off pipe @ - (ZXCAUTION), Be sure to fit rubber caps to the openings of the injection pumps and nozzle holders to prevent ust from getting inside the fuel system. ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION, (7) Removing fuel injection nozzle Take off nozzle gland (, and remove injection nozzle @ and gasket @. (8) Removing inlet manifold and air heater Unscrew the bolts securing inlet manifold @, and remove the manifold and gasket @ complete with air heater @. (9) Removing stop solenoid (for engine equipped with stop solenoid) (@) Disconnect the govemnor stop lever and rod @. () Remove themounting bott, and dismount stop solenoid @. © Remove bracket @. (10) Removing fuel injection pump @ Disconnect oil pipe O, and remove cover. (©) Unscrew bolts @, and remove injection pump ® complete with gear and mounting flange from the front plate. 6-4ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION, (11) Removing fan and water pump. (@ Remove fan mounting bolt @ and fan @. (b) Loosen the alternator holding bolt and adjusting plate holding bolt, then remove fan belt @. (c) Remove the mounting bolts of pulley @, and remove the pulley. (Remove the mounting bolts of water pump ©, and dismount the water pump. (12) Removing alternator (a) Disconnect hamess (, and unscrew bolt @ securing the belt adjusting plate. (&) Unscrew bolts @, and remove altemator @. (13) Removing starter (@) Disconnect hamess D. Unscrew nuts @), and remove starter @. (14) Removing oil filter ‘Unscrew bolts ®, and remove oil filter @ and filter bracket @ with gasket ©. 65ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION (15) Removing oil pan ‘Unscrew bolts D, and remove oil pan @. (16) Removing oil cooler Unscrew bolts @, and remove the oil cooler attached to cover @). Remove gasket @. (17) Removing air heater ‘Unscrew the bolts securing air inlet elbow @, and remove the elbow, airheater @ and gaskets @ @. NOTE When installing gaskets @ and @, make sure gasket @ faces the manifold. 663. ENGINE ACCESSORY INSTALLATION To install the accessories, follow the reverse of removal procedure, and take the following steps: (2) Installing fuel injection pump ‘When installing the pump, make sure that ‘matching marks on pump drive gear and other gears are aligned with those on idler gear respectively, as shown. NOTE With these matching marks are all aligned, No. 1 cylinger piston is at top dead center on compression stroke. (b) Refill the engine with recommended oil up to the specified level. (©) Refill the cooling system with coolant. (@_ Check each pipe connection for oil or coolant leaks. (©) Prime the fuel system. (© After installing the fuel injection pumps, inspect and adjust the injection timing. (Refer to 1.3, Group No. 5.) 67 ENGINE ACCESSORY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Injection pump ative gestENGINE PROPER 1. CYLINDER HEADS AND VALVE MECHANISM .. 1.1 Disassembly . 1.2. Inspection and repair. 1.3 Reassembly .. 2. FLYWHEEL, TIMING GEARS AND CAMSHAFT .. 2.1, Disassembly. 2.2 Inspection and repair. 2.3. Reassembli 3. PISTONS, CONNECTING RODS, CRANKSHAFT AND CRANKCASE, 3.1 Disassembly . 3.2. Inspection and repair. 3.3 ReassemblyENGINE PROPER 1. CYLINDER HEADS AND VALVE MECHANISM 1.1 Disassembly Sota — Replace oil leaks. Tai Chk Ta Gamgt dsl Sees ‘Check for wear and Sees ta Cask ive Check for worn valve [cap contact surface and clogged oil hole. AN = Check for worn ends| cone ree Checker wears Sosa Check for wear.| IS ‘Check cracks, tear and Check for cracks, damage and] 5 carbon or scale deposit. ic Caeser Cae em Rs cercsannese @ Rocker cover @ Washer @® Cylinder head @ Eye bolt @ Inlet rocker arm @® Valve cotter @ Oilpipe @ Rocker shaft bracket @ Valve retainer @ Adjusting screw @ Exhaust rocker arm @® Valve spring © Bolt (short) @ Rocker shaft spring ® Valve © Bolt (long) @ Rocker shaft @ Valve stem seal @® Valve cap ® Valve pushrod @ Cylinder head gasket ©® Snap ring © Cylinder head bolt 72(1) Removing rocker shaft assemblies, (@) Loosen the adjusting screw one turn. () Loosen the bolts, long and short, that hold the rocker shaft bracket to the cylinder head. Be sure to loosen the short bolt first. Remove the rocker shaft assembly from the cylinder head. —{A\CAUTION If the long bolt is loosened first, the rocker shaft bracket might suffer damage. (2) Disassembling rocker shaft assemblies ‘The rocker arms must be restored to the rocker shafts from which they were removed during disassembly. Afier removing the rocker arms, mark them for their rocker shafts to insure the original clearance between the arm and shaft atthe time of assembly. (3) Removing cylinder head Remove the bolts that hold the cylinder head. Lift off the cylinder head from the crankcase. —(NOTE (@) When removing the gasket from the crankcase, be careful not to damage the ‘mounting face of crankcase. (b) If any parts of the cylinder head are faulty, ‘check the cylinder head bolts for torque with a torque wrench before removing them. (@) Removing valves and valve springs ‘Compress the valve spring squarely with valve spring pusher (A) (30691-04500) and remove the valve cotters. NOTE } Ifthe existing valves are to be reused, put a mark ‘on each valve for its location to aid installation at the time of reassembly. ENGINE PROPER, 73ENGINE PROPER, 1.2 Inspection and repair Rocker arms, rocker bushings and rocker shafts (1) Measuring inside diameter rocker of arm bushing and diameter of rocker shaft Measure the inside diameter of the rocker bushings and the diameter of the rocker shaft, as shown in the illustration, to check the clearance between the rocker bushing and shaft. If the clearance is not correct, within the repair limit, replace the rocker bushing. Ifitexceeds the repair limit, replace both rocker shaft and bushing. Unit: mm Gin) Tem [Nominal] Assembly | Repair Size | Standard_| Limit ae 20011 to roeeans| 20 | alee a a 0:79) | (07878410 fea 0.79110) 19.984 to Diameterof | 2.0 | 19966 rocker shaft | (0.79) | (0.786770| 0.87606) Clearance 0.027 0 between rocker 0.128 os bushing and (0.00106 0 | (0.0059) shaft E 0.00504) (2) Replacing rocker arm bushing ‘When replacing the bushing, align the oil hole of the bushing with the hole on the rocker arm. ‘Valves, valve guides and valve seats (1) Measuring valve stem ‘Measure the diameter of the valve stem, as shown in the illustration, If the stem is wom beyond the service limit, replace the valve. Unit: mm (in ‘Assembly | Service bi Standard | Limit 7940t0 Inlet 7.955 7.900 . (03126010 | (0: a waves | 03120 | sien of valve ‘eal 7920%0 Exhaust | 7.940 7850 valves | (031181 t0 | (030905) 031260) ‘Measuring rocker bushing and rocker shaft ‘Measuring valve stem 74(2) Checking clearance between valve stem and guide ‘The valve guide wears more rapidly at its both ends ‘than at any other parts. Measure the guide at its ends and in two directions at right angles to each other, to check the clearance. If the clearance exceeds the service limit, replace the guide. ENGINE PROPER, ‘Unit: mm (in.) fe [Nominal] Assembly | Service Size _| Standard | Limit 0.055 tp inet | gg | 0085 | 0150 ‘Clearance | valves (0.00217 to| (0.00591) between 0.00335) valve stem] 0.070% and guide Jexhaust| 5g | 0.105 | 0.200 valves (0.00276 to| (0.00787) 0.00413) Heighttotopof | 17 | 203 | — valve guide 067) | (20.012) (3) Replacing valve guides (@) To remove the valve guide for replacement, use valve guide remover (A) (31391-10500). (©) Toinstall areplacement valve guide, use valve ‘guide installer (B) (34491-00400). (@CAUTION ‘The height to top of valve guide is specified; be sure to use the valve guide installer to insure the correct height. TTmm (0.67 in)ENGINE PROPER (4) Checking valve face Coat the valve face lightly with red lead and, using a valve lapping tool, check the valve contact with the seat, as shown in the illustration. Ifthe contactis not uniform, repair or replace the valve and valve seat. Check the valve seat angle, valve seat width, valve sinkage and valve margin. If any of these items exceeds the service limit, replace the valve. NOTE 1) Check the valve contact after checking or replacing the valve guides. b) Press the valve coated with red lead into the seat without rotating it. ©) _Afterrefacing or replacing the valve or valve seat, lap the valve in the valve seat. (See Group 1, Section (8) regarding the ‘method of lapping valve in valve seat.) Units man Gin.) ‘Valve contact pattern “Assembly Servi an Standard Limit [Angle 30° Oaz01 (0.016 + 0.004) E |vave Gites) 1 |sinkage 0540.1 (0.043) s (0.020 0.004) (exhaust) 14202 18 ber (0.05520.008)_| (071) Valve 213 icone. margin (0.0839) sell (S)_ Refacing valve face If the valve face is badly wor, reface the valve with valve refacer. NOTE a) Set the valve refacer at an angle of 30°. b) The valveshavea stllite facing, Ifthe valve margin seems to be less than the service limit, when ground, replace the valve. 76(© Refacing valve seats, Using a valve seat cutter ora valve seat grinder, cut the valve seat. After cutting, grind the seat with a ‘sandpaper of #400 grade or so inserted between the ccutter and valve seat, NOTE a) Donotcut or grind the valve seat more than is necessary for refacing. b) If the seat width seems to be greater than the service limit when refaced, replace the valve seat. (D Replacing valve seats (@) Weld a stud or bar to the valve seat. Insert a bar through the valve guide from the upper side of the cylinder head to put its end on the stud, as shown in the illustration. Then, drive the seat off the head. NOTE ‘When welding the stud to the valve seat, avoid ‘contact of any spatter with the machined surface of the cylinder head. (b) Before installing a replacement valve seat, ‘measure the bores in the cylinder head for the valve seats to make sure they are correct in dimension. ENGINE PROPER PS Ry Ss ons SAO Refacing valve seat 77ENGINE PROPER (©) Chill the valve seat in liquid nitrogen of -170°C (-274°F) for more than 4 minutes, with the cylinder head kept at normal temperature, or heat the cylinder head up to 80°C to 100°C (176°F to 212°F), with the valve seat chilled in ether or alcohol ‘containing dry ice. @ Using a caulking tool ®, drive the seat into Tools needed “Applicable model Part number ‘Caulking tool (for infet| valve seat) ‘Caulking tool (for exhaust valve seat) 36791-00200 36791-00300 (8) Lapping valves After refacing or replacing the valves and/or valve seats, be sure to lap the valve in the valve seat. (@ Puta small amount of lapping compound on the valve face. NOTE a) Do not put the lapping compound on the valve stem. ‘Lapping compound b) Use a compound of 120 to 150 mesh for initial lapping and a compound of finer than ‘Coating valve with lapping compound 200 mesh for finish lapping. ¢) Mixing the compound with a small amount of engine oil will facilitate putting the compound on the valve face. (b) Using a lapping tool, hold the valve against the seat and rotate it only a part of a turn, then raise the valve off the seat, rotating ittoa new position. ‘Then press the valve against the seat for another part of a tum, Repeat this operation until the ‘compound wears and loses its cutting property. (©) Wash the valve and valve seat with dry cleaning solvent. (@ Putengine oil on the valve seat and lap the valve in the seat. ‘Lapping valve in valve seat (©) Check the valve face for contact with the seat. 78Valve springs Check the squareness of ends and the free length, as shown in the illustration, If the squareness of ends is not correct, or if the free length is less than the service limit, replace the spring. Unit: mm Gn) aan “Assembly Service Standard Limit Freelength | 56.40 (2.2205) | 55.00 2.1654) ENGINE PROPER, ‘Squareness of ends| 2°, maximum = ‘Length under test force 431.69) 2710251 | 242 entooe | Gousoss | Gen (222.6 to 246.1) (208) acts) | 1440.73) Cylinder head Using a heavy accurate straight edge and a feeler gauge, check for warpage in three positions engthwise, two crosswise and two widthwise, as shown in the illustration. If warpage exceeds the repair limit, reface the head with a surface grinder. ‘Unit: mm Gin.) a 7 =| ‘Warpage of bottom 0.20 face (0.0079) Valve push rods Using V-blocks and a dial indicator, check for bending, as shown in the illustration. If bending exceeds the assembly standard, replace the push rod. Unit: mm Gn.) [ Trem “Assembly Standard ‘Bending (dial indicator reading) of valve push | 0.4(0.016), maximum 7-9ENGINE PROPER 1.3 Reassembly ‘Reassembling sequence 3-9-9 9 8 +98 8 @ 88-99-98 HOO 38-9 8 39-0 70(1) Installing valve stem seals After installing the stem seal to the valve guide, make sure that the seal is properly fitted in the groove of the guide. ‘Donot apply any oil or sealantto the mating face of stem seal that comes in contact with the valve ‘guide. When installing the stem seal, coat the seal rubbing surface of the stem with engine oil to insure initial lubrication of the stem lip. (2) Installing valves and valve springs (@_Putthe valve spring and retainer on the valve guide. Using valve spring pusher (A) (30691- (04500), compress the valve spring and install the valve cotters to the valve. (b) Tap the top of the valve with a soft faced hammer several times to make sure the valve spring and valve cotters are properly installed. (3) Installing cylinder head (@) Screw two guide bolts into the crankcase to hold the gasket in place. (b) Place the cylinder head on the crankcase as guided by the two guide bolts. Apply engine oil to the threads of cylinder head bolts, and insert the bolts into the head. ENGINE PROPER ‘Stem seal’ ‘Valve guid ELA Yrz (CAUTION Do not use liquid gasket. Inspect the upper face of the crankcase to make sure there is no dent. TALENGINE PROPER, (©) Tighten the cylinder head bolts to the specified torque in two or three steps, in the sequence shown in the illustration, Unit: kefim (bff) [N-m} 12805 (8733.6) 111885) ‘Tightening torque [Wet] [S6K]: No. of bolts (132) (4) Assembling rocker arms and rocker shafts ‘When installing the rocker arms to the rocker shaft, position the arms with their assembly marks pointing forward. After installing the arms, make sure they move smoothly. [S4K]: No. of bolts (17) (©) Installing rocker shaft assembly ‘When tightening bolts on the rocker shaft bracket, tighten long bolt @ first, then tighten short bolt @). (6) Adjusting valve clearance Refer to 1.1, Group No. 5. 7-12ENGINE PROPER 2, FLYWHEEL, TIMING GEARS AND CAMSHAFT 2.1 Disassembly Chek or ack mad 4 tal See dwelt be > g Tie fo cad leave : Z Gecltoisand won er damaged ring gear. p q & \ “xe [Replace pacing] a aT 9) Cia orwen, toe ad dao Cs 41 Pree eee ea area iS aaee é Check for conn Stet ee 7. Cis can cotta ‘Sey suc for wear . F ‘Check for cracks and defective dowel holes. Cheak for woo belt grooves. 6® © Flywheel © Oil seal © Camshaft gear @ Flywheel housing © Thrust plate @ Valve tappet Q Oil seal @ lier gear @ Front plate @ Crankshaft pulley @ Thus plate © Timing gear case assembly @ Camshaft TASENGINE PROPER, (1) Removing flywheel (@) Unscrew the flywheel mounting bolts. @) Screw the jacking bolts (M10 1.5 or M16 2) into the holes provided in the flywheel uniformly, and remove the flywheel. CAUTION When removing the flywheel, be careful not to get injured by the ring gear. (2) Remoying flywheel housing Unscrew the housing mounting bolts, and remove the housing. AACAUTION Oil seals cannot be reused. Be sure to install new oil seals during reassembly. (3) Removing timing gear case assembly ‘Remove the crankshaft pulley and timing gear case assembly. CAUTION ‘Take care not to damage the oil pump idler gear and crankshaft gear. (4) Measuring backlash and end play ‘Measure the backlash and end play on each gear to obtain the data for parts replacement. (Refer to 2.2, Group No. 7.)(5) Removing idler gear Remove the thrust plate mounting bolt. Remove the idler gear by tuming it in the direction of helix of gear teeth. (© Removing camshaft (@) Tum the crankcase upside down. (b) Position the camshaft gear so that its two jacking bolt holes come to top and bottom. Unscrew the thrust plate bolts, and remove the camshaft from the crankcase. After removing the camshaft, remove the tappets. ‘Take care not to damage the cam faces of ‘camshaft and the bushings. (7) Removing camshaft gear Using a hydraulic press, remove the gear from the camshaft. Now, the thrust plate can be removed. NOTE Itis not necessary to remove camshaft gearunless ‘camshaft gear and thrust plate is detective. ENGINE PROPER ‘Thrust plate TASENGINE PROPER, (8) Removing front plate Unscrew the front plate mounting bolt, and remove the plate from the crankcase. 2.2. Inspection and repair Camshaft and camshaft bushings (1) Measuring end play of camshaft If the end play exceeds the Service limit, replace the thrust plate. Unit: mm Gin.) ‘Assembly ‘Service Kem Standard Limit End play of 010-025 0.300 camshaft (0.0039 -0.0098) | @o1181) (2) Measuring cam profile Using a micrometer, measure each cam in two directions and at two positions as shown. If the ‘measurement exceeds the Service limit, replace the camshaft. ‘Unit: mm (in.) ‘Nominal Assembly | Service Hem Value | Standard | Limit Di Di-Ds | Di-Ds gine | s5911-3 | = 6689 | =6199 £ (1.84689 84) | (0.26335) | (0.24366) 5 Di Di-D: | Di-Ds Exhaust) 4625633 || =7.344 | = 6.844 4.82110 ai) | (0.28913) | (0.26945) TAG(3) Measuring runout of camshaft If the ramout exceeds the Repair limit, straighten the camshaft by means of apress, orreplace it with. anew one. (AXCAUTION Set up a dial gauge on the camshaft, and turn the camshaft, Take one half (1/2) of the gauge indication as the runout. Unitmm (in) “Assenbly | Service bi Sundard_| Limit yee 0.05 Runout ofcamshatt | 0008), | geno) maximum (4) Measuring diameters of camshaft journals Ifthe journals exceed the Service limit, replace the camshaft bushings. ENGINE PROPER, ‘Removing crankshaft pulley Unit mm (in) pas ‘Assembly | Service Standard Limit Noi] 5394-5396 | 53.90 sax [2 | @.1236-2.1244) | (2.1220) SaK-T 5294-5296 | 52.90 (2.0842 - 2.0850) | (2.0827) No. 1,| 5394-5396 | 53.90 [No.3 Diameters of camshaft journals s6oK [2,3 | (@.1236-2.1244) | (2.1220) SeK-T |x, 4] 5294-5296 | 5290 ** | (20842 —2.0850) | (2.0827) 015 (Camshaft journal 0.04-0.09 | (0.0059) clearance in bushing | (0.0016— 0.0035) | (Repair limit) ‘Measuring camshaft journal diameter “Measuring camshaft bushing inside diameter TATENGINE PROPER (5) Replacing camshaft bushings (@) Toreplace the bushings, use camshaft bushing installer set (30691-00010). (b) To install replacement bushings, align their oil holes with those from oil gallery and drive the bushings in, Valve tappets () Inspection Check the cam contact face of each tappet for abnormal wear, and replace it if necessary. (2 Measuring tappet clearance in tappet hole If the clearance exceeds the Assembly standard, replace the tappet. Unit mm (in.) a ‘Assembly | Repair | Service Standard | Limit | “Limit 22.000 Inside diameter | -22.021 22.100 of tappethole | (0.86614 (0.87008) 0.86697) 0.035 Tappet 0.086 | 0.12 clearance (0.00138 | (0.0047) = 0.00339) 718‘Timing gears ‘Measuring backlash ‘Set up adial gauge so that it contacts the pitch circle of the gear, and move one gear back and forth to measure the backlash between the gears. If the backlash exceeds the Service limit, replace the gears. ENGINE PROPER, Unit mm (in.) Standard Service ee ee Backlash of timing | _ 0.03-0.17 025 [gears (@.0012~0.0067) | (0.0098) NOTE, Install the injection pump gear to the front plate in the state of being installed on the injection pump. Idler, idler bushing and idler shaft (1) Measuring end play of idler Measure the end play with a feeler gauge or dial gauge. If the end play exceeds the Service limit, replace the thrust plate. Unit mm (in.) Standard Service ao Clearance Limit End play of idler | 005-020 035 (0.0020-0,0079) | (0.0138) (2) Measuring inside diameter of idler bushing and diameter of idler shaft If the idler shaft clearance in bushing exceeds the Service limit, replace the bushing. Unit mm (in) ‘Assembly ‘Service g baal Standard Limit ‘der shaft 0.009 - 0.080 aia clearance in (0.00035 o.00394) bushing 0.00315) : ‘Measuring idler shaft and bushingENGINE PROPER (3) Replacing idler bushings (@) To replace the bushing, use idler bushing puller (A) (30091-07300). (b) When installing replacement bushing, press it in until its end face is flush with that of ‘gear boss. () Replacing idler shaft To remove the idler shaft for replacement, use idler shaft puller (A) (MH061077). -(NOTE Install the idler shaft to the crankcase with its oil holes positioned upward. Flywheel and ring gear (1) Measuring flatness of flywheel Set the flywheel on the surface plate and, measure the flatness of the friction surface by moving adial ‘gauge on the along that surface. If the flatness exceeds the Repair limit, refinish the friction surface. Uait mm Gn.) ‘Assembly | Service ene Standard Limit 0.15 (0.0055, | 0.50 Flatness of fywhes!| O45 fe(2) Measuring face runout of flywheel ‘With the fly wheel installed on the engine, measure its face runout. Ifthe runout exceeds the Assembly standard, check for improper installation or foreign matter lodged in the mounting face. Usit: mm Gn.) a ‘Assembly | Service ‘Standard Limit Face runout of 0.15 0.0059) [050 flywheel maximum | (0.020) G) Replacing ring gear (Check the ring gear teeth for wear or other defects, and replace the gear if defective. To remove, proceed as follows: (Removal) (@) Heatthe ring gear uniformly with an acetylene torch. (b) Using a bar, give light hammer blows to the periphery of ring gear. istallation) Heat a replacement ring gear up to about 150°C (212°F) in a piston heater, and press the gear onto the flywheel with its unchamfered teeth foremost. Crankshaft pulley Inspecting V-belt groove Check the grooye for wear. Wrap anew beltaround the pulley, pressing it in the groove as farasit goes, and see if the top surface of the belt is above the top of the pulley. Ifthe top surface of the belt is uniformly above the top of the pulley all the way around, it is not necessary to replace the pulley. If the top surface of the belt sinks into the groove more than 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) replace the pulley. ENGINE PROPER, l “Measuring flywheel face runout Replacing ring gear oot Tot ft 7 1.6mm (0.06 in.), minimum, Inspecting V-belt groove in crankshaft pulley 724ENGINE PROPER 2.3 Reassembly Ul <= _-e se - “4 A I? Qa ‘Reassembling sequence 8-8-9909 -8 0-9 © +9 838-0 7-22(1) Installing camshaft gear and thrust plate Heat the gear for installation, {ACAUTION Have the thrust plate installed in advance. (2) Installing camshaft (@) Carefully insert the camshaft into the crankcase. (b) Tighten the mounting bolts to the specified torque. Unit: kfm (bff) [N-m) “Tightening torque 18.03) (18) (3) Installing idler (@ Install the idler while aligning the matching marks each pair of gears. (b) Tighten the thrust plate mounting bolt to the specified torque. Unit: kef'm (bE) [Nem] “Tightening torque 35253) 134] (4) Installing cil seal To install the oil seal, use the installer. () Installing rear oil seal Install the rear oil seal after mounting the flywheel housing to the crankcase. For installation Procedure, see page 7-35. ENGINE PROPER, 1 3 We) Skgim o a) 3.5 kgfim (25.3 IbE-A) [343Nn] 7-23ENGINE PROPER Inspecting and adjusting timing gears after installation After installing the timing gears, be sure to inspect and adjust them as follows: (specting timing gear backlash and end play) After installing the timing gears, inspect the backlash between the gears in mesh and the end play of each gear. (Refer to 2.2, Group No. 7.) Gnspecting valve timing) It is not necessary to inspect the valve timing, provided that all matching marks on the timing ‘gears are aligned. Inspect the timing for verification as follows: (@)_ Using a flat plate with thickness of 3 mm, adjust the valve clearances of the inlet and exhaust valves for cylinder No. 1. (&) Insert a 0.05-mm feeler gauge between the top of the valve cap and the rocker arm, and slowly tum the crankshaft. (©) Find a position where the feeler gauge is firmly gripped (valve opening position) and a position where the. gauge becomes loose (valve closing position). (@) Check to make sure these positions correspond to the angular positions shown in the valve timing diagram (with 3 mm clearance on valve side). TDC 108 1° Direction of rotation { taket Exhaust BDC. ‘Valve timing diagram (with 0.25 mm clearance on valve side) ‘Valve timing diagram (with 3 mm clearance on valve side) 7-24ENGINE PROPER 3. PISTONS, CONNECTING RODS, CRANKSHAFT AND CRANKCASE 3.1 Disassembly Chex for wear] ‘Check forwear ‘and damage, ‘Cheek or weakness | Check Tor wear and clogged ol holes. ‘Chek for erac “Chek for sale ‘deposit, corrosion land other defects. Check Tor logged oil hole. ‘Check for cracks, scored or ‘wom jounals and clogged oll holes. ‘Check for nicks, chips and uneven tooth contact. ‘Chesk for soorng, PRUNE, ‘lacking, chipping and los of overly. ‘Chesk for each. = Sealing marks, cracking, Gamage, ‘wear, carbon deposits on outer wall “Check for wear, scoring] ‘sacks and rusting, fersararat ‘Check For damaged] threads. @ Nut @® Connecting rod cap @ Connecting rod metal ® Top compression ring © Second compression ring © Oilting © Snap ring © Connecting rod @® Metal cap bolt ® Main metal cap ® Side seal @ Thrust plate 7-25 ® Main metal (lower shell) ® Crankshaft ® Main metal (upper shell) ® Check valve ® Crankcase ® Baffle plateENGINE PROPER (2) Removing connecting rod caps (@) Unscrew the nuts securing the cap. Give hammer blows to the bolts squarely and evenly and, after the cap comes off the reamer bolt, take off the cap. (b) Mark the removed connecting rod metals for identification of cylinder numbers and kinds, upper shells and lower shalls. (2) Preparatory step for removing pistons (@) Lay the crankcase on its side. (b) Remove all carbon deposits from the upper areas of cylinder sleeves with a cloth or oil paper. Carbon deposits, if any, will make it
Lt ) all ‘Apply ThresBond 5 a (2 past APP ot iH “2 Tae 7-43ENGINE PROPER (4) Installing metal cap bolts Apply engine oil to the bolts, and tighten them to the specified torque. (5) Measuring end play of crankshaft Afier installing the metal caps, measure the end play to make sure that itis correct. (Refer to 3.2, Group No. 7.) (6) Assembling piston and connecting rod (a) Assemble the piston and connecting rod with their weight and matching marks on the same side. (©) Apply engine oil to the piston, and connect it to the connecting rod. (©) Using a snap ring pliers, fit the snap rings to the grooves in the piston, making sure that they are not weakened. NOTE Position the ends of the snap rings on the lower side of the piston. 13.5 14.5 kgfm (97.6 ~ 105 Ibt A) (132-142 Nm} 7-44D Installing piston rings ENGINE PROPER aS = Nol (a) Using piston ring pliers (30091-07100), install ‘Up mark aoe the compression (No. 1 and No. 2) rings and oil ring on the piston. No.2 LLB ws =. ee sion ring ‘When installing piston rings, position the rings Zp 0 that either “R” or “T” mark faces up. fee 5 ¥ Oilring Lia Piston and piston rings (b)_ The oil ring must be installed on the piston with the ring end gap 180° from that of spring expander. Attach teflon tube to the expander close to the oil ring end gap. (8) Preparatory steps for installing piston assemblies (@) Lay the crankcase on its side, () Clean the bores with a clean rag and apply engine oil to the bores. (9) Installing connecting rod bolts and metal (@) Install the connecting rod cap bolts in the big, cend of the connecting rod so the flats of their heads fit on the connecting rod properly. (b) Install the upper half of the connecting rod ‘metal in the big end of the connecting rod. ‘Make sure the tab on the back of the metal is in the notch of the connecting rod. End gap of spring expander 7-45ENGINE PROPER, (10) Installing pistons Camshaft side (@) Apply engine oil to the piston rings, and reposition the rings by keeping their end gaps away from the direction of piston pin and thrust side. (b) Bring the crankpin to which the piston is to be installed to top dead center position. Using piston installer (A) (34291-00100), insert the piston assembly into the cylinder sleeve. (©) After resting the big end of connecting rod ‘on the crankpin, turn crankshaft by 180° while pressing down on the piston head to bring the big end to a position where the cap can be installed easily. oO (11) Installing connecting rod cap (@) Install the lower shell of the metal in the cap by fitting its locking lip in the recess of the ccap, apply engine oil to the inside surface of the shell. (®) Install the cap, and apply oil to the threads and seats of the nuts. Then, tighten the nuts to the specified torque. Unit: kgfim (bE) (Nm Tightening torque | 1052055 (16:3.6)(103=5) {ZACAUTION} ‘Make sure that the matching marks of the cap and rod are on the same side. 7-46AIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 1, DESCRIPTION 2. PAPER-ELEMENT TYPE AIR CLEANER 8.2 8:2 Disassembly and inspection. 3, EXHAUST MANIFOLD. Inspection.AIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 1, DESCRIPTION ‘Turbocharger Air cleaner ‘Cylinder 2. PAPER-ELEMENT TYPE AIR CLEANER Disassembly and inspection > Clean element when dust indicator @ shows] red or every SOOhours. + Replace element every 1000 hours. © Wing nut © Aircleaner cap (QeauTIOn) Element reer & Dostintcaoe ‘When removing the air cleaner for servicing, be @® Air cleaner body sure to stop the engine and cover the air inlet port to prevent dirt from entering the engine. 8-2Inspection EXHAUST MANIFOLD (@) Check each flange for cracks. (b) Check each flange for warpage. If the warpage exceeds the Assembly standard, AIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM repair the flanges. Unit: mm (in.) Item ‘Assembly standard ‘Checking exhaust manifold flanges for warpage ‘Warpage of exhaust (0.2 (0.008), manifold flanges ‘maximum 83LUBRICATION SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION 2. OIL PUMP. 2.1, Disassembly... 6. SAFETY VALVE (PRIMARY) Inspection 7. SAFETY VALVE (SECONDARY)LUBRICATION SYSTEM 1, DESCRIPTION ‘Turbocharger- —_ ™ = Piston canta XL DT J |_Feet injection pump oo Lom ‘Main oil gallery (WV, | Oil jet | Relief valve ol 92LUBRICATION SYSTEM 2. OIL PUMP 2.1 Disassembly [Check for wear lace packing. ‘Chick for eracks s and damage. ‘Check for worn and defective teeth. Check for cracks and damage. ‘Check for worn and defective teeth. F 6 So © Cover assembly, packing @ Oil pump gear © Spinate @® Driven gear assembly @® Driven gear assembly © Idler gear assembly , (NOTE) Before removing the gears, check and repair the pump parts by referring to 2.2. (1) Removing oil pump gear ‘Using a puller, remove the gear. {NOTE } NOTE } Removal of the pump gear makes the pump gear and drive gear unserviceable: replace these gears with new ones.LUBRICATION SYSTEM (2) Removing spindle and idler gear Remove the spindle and idler gear as an assembly by pushing the gear with a wood bar through oil seal mounting hole. Rotate the gear while pushing it. 2.2 Inspection and repair Drive gear and driven gear (1) End clearance of gears in case ‘Using a dial gauge, measure the clearance. If the clearance exceeds the Service limit, replace the gear assembly. Unit: mm Gin.) = [=] eae ea of pump gears | — (+0.0008 incase =~0.00134) Service ~o1s (0.0059) (2) Radial clearance of gears in case Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance. If the clearance exceeds the Service limit, replace the gear assembly. Unit: mm Gn) Standard Service Item clearance Timi, Radial clearance] 0.050.098 a cof pump gears (0.0020 ! incase 000386 | 0%) 9-4LUBRICATION SYSTEM Cover, timing gear case and gear shafts ‘Measuring clearance of gear shaft in case and cover (@) Check the gear teeth for condition, and replace the gear assembly if they are defective. (b) Measure the diameter of the gear shaft and the inside diameter of the cover and case to determine clearance. If the clearance exceeds the Service limit, replace the gear assembly, cover or case whichever is badly wom. Unit: mm (in.) ‘Clearance of gearshaft in case and cover Replace the drive and driven gear as an assembly. Tait mm Gn) Standard Service Tom clearance limit ‘Clearance inside| diameter of 2 0.04-0.07 O1S case and cover Spindle and idler gear ‘Measure the diameter of the spindle and the inside diameter idler gear bushing, Replace the parts ifthey are badly won. Standard | Service a =] [=], f sax | 4002-—0034 | 015 Clearance | |saxt| «nooo | 20089) { J searshaftin ~0.00013) cease and cove sax |40.01--0.0054 [015 S6K-T] (+0.000394~ | (0.0059) { ) 0.000213) (ACAUTION E = Unit: mm (in.) nem | Nomi sett stndard Diameter of 7493924960 spindle 25 | (0.98185 ~0.98268) Inside diameter of | (0.98) 25,000 - 25.021 idler gear bushing (0.98425 — 0.98508) 9-5LUBRICATION SYSTEM 2.3 Reassembly Unit: mm Gn.) ‘Shrinkage fit 180 ~ 200 (356 -392°F) Backlash: 0.10 — 0.19 (0.0039 0.0075) [Service limit: 0.35 (0.0138)) ‘Reassembling sequence @3@ 9-8-8 0 (1) Assembling oil pump gear and drive gear assembly (a) Heat the oil pump gear up to 180 to 220°C (356 to 428°F). (b) Support the end (A) of the shaft, and fit the gear to the shaft until their ends are flush. AXCAUTION} Replace the oil pump gear and drive gear assembly (which are unserviceable) with new ones. broad Ba “A”LUBRICATION SYSTEM 3. OILFILTER Disassembly and inspection ‘Vertical-mount type “Apply engine oll to The packing. After the packing contacts the mounting surface, tighten the filter by 3/4 to one tun. ‘Check for clogging and cracks. Replace every 250 hours. © Filter element @ Bracket @ Gasket Horizontal-mount type “Apply engine oil to the packing. After the packing ‘contacts the mounting surface, tighten the filter by 3/4 to one turn. gq © Filter element 97LUBRICATION SYSTEM Check for “Apply engine oll to clogging and | | the packing. After cracking, ira Replace: every| | the mounting 250 hours. surface, tighten the filter by 3/4 to one tum, 2985 Nem (340.5 kgm) 4985 Nem {520.5 kgm) o—_§ ‘Repeat tightening and loosening 3 eee oo 4 times to ensure uniform contact before installing the filter. © Filterclement @ Bracket @ Bypassvalve @ Drainvalve @ Gasket © Oil outlet 4, OIL COOLER Inspection _ Check for cloggi rupture and crac fa “fe es [ Replace packings] B ‘Check for cracks. GE oy, ® Gasket @ Element 985, RELIEF VALVE Inspection (1) Check the valve seat for abnormal contact. Also check the spring for weakness and breakage. (2) Measure the relief valve opening pressure. If it exceeds the Assembly standard, make an LUBRICATION SYSTEM adjacent by string | rte | Sin ‘Unit: keffcm? (psi) (MPa] Trem “Assembly standard : : 35205 Rel ave cena an oa 10:34 = 0.02} 6. SAFETY VALVE (PRIMARY) ie Ball (EQUIPPED ON S6K AND S6K-T) Spring, Inspection Check the valve seat for abnormal contact. Also check the spring for weakness and breakage. Tem Assembly standard 124 1.0 kgficm* ae ‘Valve opening pressure 71s 42pe) {1.220 MPa 7. SAFETY VALVE (SECONDARY) Inspection Check the valve seat for abnormal contact. Also ccheck the spring for weakness and breakage. Tem ‘Assembly standard 10 1.0 kgffem? ‘Valve opening pressure (142 142 psi) (1.0+0.1 MPa) Safety valve. Spring. 9-9COOLING SYSTEM 1, DESCRIPTION 10-2 2. WATER PUMP 102 2.1 Disassembly 10-2 2.2. Inspection 10-3 10-5 2.3. Reassembly .. 3. THERMOSTAT Inspection... 10-7 10-7 4, RADIATOR, FAN AND FAN BELT. Inspection,‘COOLING SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION ‘Water outlet pipe a Bypass pipe Radiator. PP PLP PP Oil cooler Water] cet Cooling fan (SOK, S6K-T) (S4K, S4K-T) 2, WATER PUMP 21 Disassembly ‘Check for corrosion, Replace Check V-belt : ro] oe for wear ‘oethonea cna Check for distortion] Lops forwear and damage. ‘Check for binding. © Water pump pulley © Impeller © Bearing ® Oxing © Unit seal ® Washer @ Flange © Bearing © Shaft ® Snap ring ©® Spacer @ Case 10-2‘COOLING SYSTEM (2) Removing flange Using a paller, remove the flange. (2) Removing impeller and shaft (@ Remove the snap ring. (b) Using apress, remove the shaft complete with the bearings. Remove the impeller. 7 NOTE If the case is heated up to 80°C (176°F), the parts ‘can be removed easily. 2.2 Inspection Unit seal Checking for water leakage Check the unit seal for condition. Replace the seal if any sign of leakage is noted during operation. Unit: mm (in.) ‘Assembly | Service tem Standard | ime | Carbon promusion | 150005) | 0 | : 21821 Freesaiebeight | (0858004) i 10-3COOLING SYSTEM Water pump shaft ‘Checking fit (interference) of pump shaft in flange Removal of the flange or impeller from the pump shaft affects the fit between the two. Replace the parts with new ones if the ft is out of specification even if the pump has not been reassembled 2 times. Unit: mm Gn.) ‘Standard bie clearance Fit (interference) of 0.085 — 0.065 pump shaft in flange (0.00138 - 0.00256) Fir (interference) of 0.032 — 0.065 pump shaftin impeller | (0.00126 —~-0.00256) 10-4COOLING SYSTEM 2.3 Reassembly N Make shaft and impeller Lx ends flush. d 2 ai APY rN Apply TrceBond 1102 tw outside surface of awit grease nit seat (Ove Louver MP No2 4 grease 50 g, manufac- tured by Kyodo Yushi) [Reassembling sequence ®-9-9-©. 0500-63-20 CAUTION (@ Install the water pump to the timing gear ‘case, and make sure that the impeller does not touch the case. (©) Do not reassemble the flange and impeller more than 2 times. (2) Installing unit seal To install the seal, use a unit seal installer. ‘Whenever removing the unit seal from the pump case, be sure to replace it with new one. 10-5COOLING SYSTEM 3. THERMOSTAT Inspection Heat the water uniformly in the pan and measure a temperature at which the valve starts opening and a temperature at which the valve lift (distance) is moré than 10 mm (0.4 in. If the valve does not start opening at the correct temperature, or if it does not open to the correct lift, replace the thermostat. temperature uniform. up. Item ‘Assembly Standard ‘Temperature at which 76522°C valve starts opening (169.723.6°F) ‘Temperature at which valve life is more than 10 90°C (94°F) mm (0.4in.) ACAUTION a) Stir up the water with a stick to keep the 'b) Install the thermostat with its air vent hole wal 07285, (15982356) (185) “Temperature, °C Valve Hi mm 10-64. RADIATOR, FAN AND FAN BELT Inspection COOLING SYSTEM ‘Chee fan blades for distortion and cracks. ‘Check fins for dust buildup. ‘Check core for scale deposit and rusting. (Check belts for stretching, cracks and deterioration, 10-7FUEL SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION 2. FUEL FILTER Disassembly and inspection. 3. FUEL INJECTION NOZZLES 3.1 Disassembly 3.2. Inspection and repair. 3.3. ReassemblyFUEL SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION Fuel filter al Fuel injection j ou (Dp Furlleakeoff 2, FUEL FILTER Disassembly and inspection ‘Cartridge type paper element Sg" vent plug ‘Check for eracks and] threads. OVS “Apply engine ofl to packing ‘when instaling filter. ‘Check for clogging and tears. = Replace every 500 hours. © Element assembly @ Bracket 11-2FUEL SYSTEM 3. FUEL INJECTION NOZZLES 3.1 Disassembly Chak free Chak fr wens euceaenes = Geckterwer] —® and damage. i—@ Tha fr catbon Spa sndogsed spay le @ Retaining nut @ Tip packing @ Shim @ Nozzle tip © Pressure pin @® Nozzle body @ Straight pin © Pressure spring 3.2 Inspection and repair (1) Injection pressure (@) Install the injection nozzle on the tester. ‘Slowly operate the tester handle fall strokes to bleed (remove) air from the pipe and nozzle. (©) Make alow increase in pressure by operating the tester handle at a speed of more than one stroke per second while observing the pressure gauge. ‘Testing injection nozzle (© The pressure gauge reading will slowly increase and, when the nozzle starts discharging fuel, it wll go down fast. Take (BCAUTION the gage reading eh ten ash injoin | cn eng the injaton zl, esp iti Pe stckafem? (psy aay | Pointed away from the operator. Fuel from the eee Ration Ga al ‘orifices in the tip of the nozzle is under high ae Nominal | Assembly pressure and can cause injury tothe operator. Injection pressure | 200 725-235 (alve opening | (3128) | (3200-3342) pressure) 216) (22-23) 113FUELSYSTEM (@)_ If the injection pressure is not correct, make ‘an adjustment of the nozzle by adding or removing the shims inside the nozzle holder. {NOTE ‘An increase or decrease of the shim thickness by 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) will vary the injection pressure a by 14 kgf/cm? (199 psi) [1.4 MPa]. The shims Jt are available in nine sizes from 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) to 0.58 mm (0.0228 in.). Removing nozzle tip Unit: mm (in.) ‘Shim thickness OL 02 | 03 04 0s (0.0039) | (0.0079) | (0.0118) | (0.0157) | (0.0197) ‘Shim thickness 052 | 054 | 056 | 058 (0.0205) | (0.0213) | (0.0220) | (0.0228) (2) Orifice discharge pattem (@)_ When anozzle tester is used for inspection of ‘a fuel spray condition, check the nozzle for injection hole clogging, spray condition and Y fuel leakage at the same time. Y Y YQ uo (b) Check to make sure a fuel mist spreads from ‘each of the four holes to form a uniform cone shape having an angle of approximately 155°, () Washing or replacing nozzle tip (@) Loosen the retaining nut, and remove the nozzle tip. Wash the needle @ valve and body @. _(AXCAUTION Be careful not to cause damage to the tip when removing it from the nozzle body. 11-4FUEL SYSTEM (&) Wash the nozzle tip in clean gasoline. After ‘washing, assemble the needle valve and body in clean diesel fuel. —(NOTE }- The needle valve and body are precision parts. ‘Therefore, handle them with care, and never change the combination of the original needle valve and body set. (©) After cleaning the nozzle tip, install it to the nozzle body and tighten the retaining nut to the specified torque. @) If the discharge pattem (nozzle) is still bad afier the nozzle tip has been washed, replace the tip. (NOTE } a) Donottouch the sliding surface of the needle valve. b) When installing a new nozzle tip, remove resin film from the tip and slide the needle valve in the body in clean diesel fuel to wash off inhibitor completely. 33 Reassembly 35205 kgfm (243.6 bE) [34.345.0 Nam] Reassembling sequence 0-98-98 115ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-8 12-1 12-11 12-12 12:13 12:13 12-14ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1, DESCRIPTION TE aE satay rey [Bey TIRE [ TNCIROATTXE Dav [VSR BAV-38A | V35A Teal], |, : a fedre] c nolo oF 16 nee Tot To slot Totets Symot 88S 085 mm or more ee Sta orm ES imam ‘Remarks: 1. The standard circuit is shown. The circuit varies according to the specification and application of the engine. 2. If the battery charge pilot lamp is not used, or if a used, connect a circuit (*). 3. Parts marked with “#” were manufactured by companies not affliated with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. rat or smaller battery charge pilot lamp is 1222, STARTER 2.1 Disassembly ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ‘Seulfing and seling on Comamutaor, RRS formed by wear, worn or damaged 2 vy Def ae ad ld Sanu ‘Brush particle sdhesion, uneven wea, movement | a incr Oil seals, O-rings and reine rings are not reusable. © Pinion set @ Ball bearing © Internal goar @ Auxiliary switch @ Ball @ Overrunning clutch @ Switch @® Packing set © Front bracket @® Rear bracket © Gear ® Bearing © Brush holder ® Lever ® Oil seal © Yoke @ Washer set @® Armature ® Gear shaft {A\CAUTION s Before disassembling or replacing the following parts, remove the pinion. ‘Remove the pinion before disassembling: 1, Front bracket, or bracket bearing and oil seal 2. Reduction gears 3. Overranning clutch (2) Removing pinion Supply electric current to the switch to set the pinion in the protruded condition. Remove the M-terminal connector, and connect the battery and starter, as shown in the diagram. Close switches S1 and $2 to set the pinion in the protruded condition. Then, open switch S2 to stop the pinion rotation. Seta pipe-shape 12-3 tool on the pinion stopper, and lightly tap the tool with a hammer to remove the pinion. In some cases, the stopper does not dislodge from the position and the pinion retracts into the original position. When this happens, repeat the procedure. @ Ball ‘The ball serving as the bearing in the armature thrust direction may be stuck to grease on the tip of the shaft when the armature is removed. Do not loose this bearing ball.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 2.2 Inspection and repair (1) Armature (a) Testing for short circuits Place the armature on a growler, and slowly revolve it with a hacksaw blade held above the armature core. The hacksaw blade vibrates against the core when it is above a slot containing a shorted winding. Replace the armature if shorted. (b) Testing for grounded circuits If there is continuity between the commutator and shaft (or core), the armature is grounded and should be replaced. (©) Inspecting commutator 1) Measure the runout of commutator with a dial gauge. If the rout exceeds the Repair limit, repair the commutator by turning it in a lathe within Service limit for the outside diameter. If the commutator surface is rough, smoothen it with a sandpaper of #300 to #500. Unit: mm Gin.) ‘Assembl Service = standard Timi Runout of ro | 003400012) | 0.1 (0.0039) 12-42) Measure the outside diameter of commutator. If it is smaller than the Service limit, replace the armature. Unit: mm Gin.) ‘Assembly | Service Tem standard | limit Diameter of 320 314 commutator 1260) _| 42 3) Measure the depth of each mold between segments with a depth gauge. If the depth exceeds the Repair limit, recondition the mold. Unit: mm in.) Item Repair limit ‘Depth of commutator mold | 0.2 (0.008), maximum (2) Field coil (@) Testing for open circuits If there is no continuity between the lead wire and positive brush, the field coil is open and the yoke assembly should be replaced. (b) Testing for grounded circuits Ifthere is no continuity between the yoke and positive brush, check the insulation, and repair or replace the yoke assembly. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ‘Segment Moi depth Bad 12-5ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (3) Brushed and holders (a) Wear of brushes ‘Measure the brush length and, if tis less than the Service limit, replace the brushes. If the brushes are unevenly worn or rough, recondition them with a sandpaper of #300 to Brush #500. Unit: mm Gin.) Assembly | Service Item standard | limit, Length of brush we@7) | 1043) (b) Brush spring tension ‘Test the spring tension (test force) using anew brush. In this test, read the load at the moment that the spring moves off the brush. If the tension is below the Service limit, replace the spring. Unit: kgf 9 INI ‘Assembly | Se Ttem sandard | limit 30040 | 14 Pressure of brush spring | (6610) | G.1) 291039) | 03.7 (©) Testing brush holders for insulation If there is continuity between the positive (+) brush holder and negative (-) holder plate, replace the brush holder assembly. 126(@) Overrunning clutch ‘Make sure thatthe pinion shaft tums smoothly when ‘turned in the direction of driving (clockwise) and that it locks when tumed in the opposite direction. If not, replace the overrunning clutch. (©) Gear shaft thrust gap The pinion shaft thrust gap is the play exhibited by the pinion shaft when it is moved in the thrust direction. Unit: mm (in.) tem Assembly standard “Thrust gap of pinion oF 0.4~ 1.1 (0.016 -0.043) (© There is no need to adjust the armature thrust gap. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Adjusting washer 12-7ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 2.3 Reassembly tb ee surface of lever. Z cece [Apply erease.] gO : Z| —d z y v ‘Apply grease] (Apply areae:| \ Apply Tease. ‘Reassembling sequence @3® 39 38 39389 9 8 9 9 © 99 9B 128Inspection and testing after reassembly (2) Pinion gap adjustment (@) If the assembled starter is wired as shown, the pinion will shift and tum slowly. Remove ‘the connector from the M terminal to stop the pinion. (b) Under this condition. lightly push in the shaft toward the armature, and measure the ‘movement (gap) of the pinion. (©) Ifthe assembly standard is exceeded, replace the lever. Unit: mm Gn.) Tem ‘Assembly standard inion gap 05-20 (0.020-0.079) NOTE Do not test the starter continuously for more than 10 seconds to prevent the switch coil from overheating. (2) No-load test After adjusting the pinion gap, hook up the starter as, shown, and test it for no-load characteristics. (QCAUTION Use wire as thick as possible and tighten each terminal securely. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — Starter | Voltage | Current | Speed 0) @ (pm) No-load 2B 35, 3300, characteristic maximum | minimum I 12-9ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (3) Magnetic switch (@) @) © ‘Testing coil for open circuits If there is no continuity between S and M terminals and between S terminal and body (ground), replace the switch. Checking contactors for fusion If there is continuity between B and M terminals, replace the switch. Checking contactors for poor contact action Check for voltage drop. If voltage drop is excessive, the contactors are defective. 12-10ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 3, ALTERNATOR 3.1 Disassembly © Nut, washre © Rotor assembly @ Rectifier assembly @ Paley © Suator @ Nuset @ Screw © Rear bracket ® Connector assembly © Front bracket assembly © Regulator assembly 12-41ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 3.2 Inspection (2) Brushes Replace the brushes if they are wom down to the ‘wear limit line. Unit: mm Gin.) Assembly | Service Lael standard | limit Brush length 21.5 (0.846) | 8 (0.31) (2) Field coil ‘Measure the resistance between the slip rings. If the resistance is out of Assembly standard, replace the rotor. Unie tan fete Tasca std Tnimmcotemenaip | 50-103 rings (at 20°C - 68°F) (3) Stator coil ‘Check for continuity between the lead wires. If no continuity is noted, the coil is open-circuited. Also check for continuity between the lead wire and coil. If any continuity is noted, the coil is grounded. If the coil is open-circuited or grounded, replace the stator. ) Rectifier ‘Test the resistance between the diode lead wire and heat sink. To test, connect the positive (+) lead wire of the tester to the diode and then the negative (-) lead wire of the tester to the diode. If the resistance is infinite in both cases, the diode is open-circuited. If it is nearly zero in both cases, the diode is short- ‘circuited. If the diode is open- or short-circuited, replace the rectifier. 12-12 Unit: mm (in.) Service limit fee T 8031) 23.091)| ‘Heat sink (+) Diode terminalELECTRICAL SYSTEM 33 Reassembly 9.0 135-165 kgm (@8~119 BF) 1132-162 Nm} Ch Reassemibling sequence Q39-9 © @36209—Lo (1) Holding brash Push the brush into the holder, and hold it there by =a inserting a 2 mm (0.08 in.) diameter wire into the hole in the brush. Then, install the rotor. Remove Wire the wire after installing the rotor. \ Ih 4, HEATER RELAY Inspection Check for continuity between the B and C terminals by flowing exciting current through A terminal and ground (body). Also check the fuse. Ifthe fuse is bumt out, investi- gate the cause before installing a replacement fuse. Be sure to use a replacement fuse of the same am- erage. 12-13ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5. AIR HEATER Inspeetion Check the terminals for looseness. Also check the heater element for any signs of defects. 12-14WORKSHOP THEORY 1, SUGGESTIONS ON DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 1.5. Split pins and spring pinsWORKSHOP THEORY 1, SUGGESTIONS ON DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 1.1 Oil seals ‘When installing oil seals, carefully observe the following points: (A) Driving oil seals into housings (@) Make sure that seal lip is not damaged, and position it correctly with respect to oil compartment. (b) Apply a small amount of grease (ThreeBond 1212) to the surface of oil seal to be fitted into housing bore. (©) Using a tool of the type shown to guide seal lip, drive oil seal squarely. Never give any hammer blows directly to oil seal since this will damage the seal, resulting in ol leakage. Oil seal driver (2) Driving oil seals onto shafts (@) Apply a thin coat of grease to oil seal ip. (©) oil seal guide of the type shown when driving oil seal over stepped portion, splines, threads or keyway to prevent damage to seal lip. 13-21.2 O-ring Use an O-ting guide of the type shown when installing O-ring over stepped portion, splines, threads or keyway to prevent damage to the ring. Apply a thin coat of grease to O-ring. 1.3 Bearings (1) When installing a rolling bearing, be sure to give ‘a push to the race, inner or outer, by which the bearing is fitted. Be sure to use a bearing driver of the type shown. (2) Use apress whenever possible to minimize shock to bearing and to assure proper installation. WORKSHOP THEORY (O-ring guide 13:3 Bearing installation by a pressWORKSHOP THEORY 1.4 Lock plates Bend lock plate against one of the flats of nut or bolt head as shown. 1.5 Split pins and spring pins Generally, spring pins are to be replaced at the time of disassembly. Drive each spring pin into position so that it may not get out of place after subsequent installation of parts has been completed. 13-4 ‘Bending lock platesMAINTENANCE CHART + Regular maintenance is important to prolong the service life of the engine and to ensure safety. Be sure to conduct inspections according to the maintenance chart. 1. The maintenance chart shows the standard service intervals. When you think the engine should be serviced more frequently due to particular operating conditions, adjust the intervals accordingly. NOTE: Appropriate service intervals vary depending on the usage and operating conditions as well as the fuel, oil and cooling water used. Check the operating record of the engine to determine the most appropriate service intervals. 2. Perform service items with shorter intervals that correspond to the interval of the service being conducted. (Example) During inspection conducted at “Every 500 Service Hours," also include service items listed under| “Every 50 Service Hours" and “Every 250 Service Hours.” 3. Items marked with an asterisk (*) require special tools and large equipment. For inspection of these items, consult your Mitsubishi dealer. Interval Service Item Femarks (service data) Page| Every 50 service | rain water from fuel tank. Seinen all Reslghion bots and nuts on engine. First 50 service Engine oll capacity: hours for new or approx. 18 [3.4 U.S. gal] (S4K) ‘overhauled ‘Change engine oll and change oil fiter. approx 20.5 ¢5.4 US. gal] (S8K) engine Recommendes oil: ‘Class CD (AP! Service Ciasstication) Giean radiator fins. co Engine oil capacity: approx. 13 £[3.4 U.S. gal] (S4K) Change engine oil and change oil fit approx. 20.5 ¢[5.4 U.S. gal] (S6K) Recommended oil: ‘Glass CD (API Service Classification) Every 250 service hours, “Rad grease to ink joins, ete Valve clearance (intake and exhaust valves): + Check valve clearance, 025mm {0.0098} ‘Change fuel fier. Cartridge type Check and adjust V-belt tension. ees [aap peeae Giean air cleaner element. Clean gauze fiter. Bieed air ing. Ft 1s. _| Fuel injection star pressure: Inspect and acjuet fuel injection nozzles. | Fuel injector 120 lotion? 1190 pall Ri “Inspect turbocharger ‘Change air cleaner element, * inspect starter. inspect alternator ‘Cooling water capaci ‘Change cooling water. approx. 6 £[1.6 U.S. gal] (S4K) approx. 9 ¢2.4 U.S. gal] (S6K) fuel system. heck specific gravity of battery fluid.MAINTENANCE [Every 50 Service Hours] ™ Draining water from fuel tank AXcaution Make sure flames are not used near the engine. Wipe spilled fuel to prevent a fire. If water or dust mixes in the fuel, it can not only reduce the output power but also cause malfunctioning of the fuel system. Open the drain valve of the fuel tank to drain water and dust collected on the bottom of the tank. Drain atileast 1 102 £[0.3t00.6U.S. gal of fuel to make sure water and dust are removed together with the fuel.MAINTENANCE = Cleaning radiator fins Check the radiator fins for holes and cracks. To clean the radiator fins, blow compressed air in the direction opposite the normal ar flow. Be sure to wear protective goggles and dust protective mask when cleaning the radiator fins. = Changing engine oil and oil filter A\caution Wear gloves when draining oll and changing oil filter. Hot oil and parts can cause burns. © Draining engine oil While the oil is still warm after the engine is operated, remove the drain plug on the oil pan to drain the oil. NOTE: (1) Oil drains smoother when it is still warm after engine operation. (2) Waste oil must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Consult your Mitsubishi dealer for disposal of waste oil. © Changing oil filter 1, Place a container under the oil filter. Using an oil filter wrench, loosen and remove the oil iter. 2. Apply a thin coat of clean engine oil tothe gasket ona new oi filter. 3. Clean the oil filter mounting surface. 4, Install the new oil filter to the filter mounting position on the crankcase. The oil filter should be turned about 3/4 to 1 tum after the oil filter gasket contacts the mounting surface. NOTE: If the element in the removed filter has collected metallic particles, consult your Mitsubishi dealer. [Every 250 Service Hours] Gasket.MAINTENANCE Every 250 Service Hours Pouring oil into engine . Reinstall the drain plug. . Pour oil of the specified amount through the oil filler. ‘Oil capacity Engine model (Whole engine) S4K, S4K-T Approx. 13 ‘Approx. 20.5 & {5.4 US. gal.) ‘S6K, S6K-T |. Start the engine and let it idle for several minutes. While the engine is idling, check for oil leaks. Ian oil leak is found, tighten the oll filter. |. Stop the engine. After several minutes, check the oil level. The oll level should be between the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM lines on the oil level gage.MAINTENANCE Every 500 Service Hours: Changing fuel filter + Remove the fuel filter using a filter wrench. * Apply a coat of fuel to the O-ring of the new fuel filter. + Tighten the new filter by hand to install. Do not use a filter wrench for tightening. + The filter should be dry. * Donot add fuel in the fuel filter before installation. If fuel is poured in the fiter, unfiltered fuel enters the fuel pump. *+ Bleed air out of the filter. Fel iter = Checking and adjusting V-belt tension Acaution Do not make the V-belt too tight. Excessive belt eee tension damages the bearing and belt. Keep the V-belt free of oil and grease to prevent ab slippage that can shorten the service life of the belt. If the V-belt is loose, it can cause insufficient battery charge and engine overheating. Be sure to maintain proper belt tension. * Press hard on the center section of the V-belt using a thumb. If the belt deflects approximately 12 mm [0.47 in. the tension is appropriate. + To adjust the V-belt tension, loosen the retaining bolt of the alternator and adjusting plate, then loosen and move the adjusting bolt.MAINTENANCE [Every 500 Service Hours] ® Cleaning air cleaner element AX caution When using compressed air, wear protective goggles and a dust protective mask. Never service the air cleaner while the engine is operating. Operating the engine without the air cleaner element in place can cause dust to enter the engine. Dust causes rapid wear of internal engine parts and shortens the service life of the engine. Do not strike or apply impact to the filter element. . Remove the air cleaner cap. . Remove the wing nut holding the filter element in place, then pull the element out of the body. Install a clean filter element. .. To clean the filter element, blow compressed air of 0.69 MPa {7 kgt/cm*} [99.6 psi] from the inside of the element toward the outside to remove dust and other particles. . After cleaning, hold the element against a light and check for pinholes, scratches and wom sections. If the dust indicator remains red after the filter ‘element is cleaned, it indicates that the element is clogged. Replace it with a new filter element. ™ Cleaning gauze filter When the gauze filter is clogged, it reduces the fuel supply, thus causing the engine to produce less output and stop suddenly during operation in some cases. Remove the hollow screw located at the inlet side of the fuel feed pump. Remove the gauze filter from the hollow screw using a screwdriver. . Immerse the gauze filter in a cleaning solvent and clean with a brush. . After cleaning, install the gauze filter on the hollow screw using a screwdriver. ;. Install the hollow screw to the fuel feed pump. . Bleed air out of the fuel filter.MAINTENANCE Every 1000 Service Hours] ® Inspecting turbocharger caution Be sure to inspect the turbocharger when the engine is cooled. Also inspect the turbocharger when abnormal color is found in exhaust smoke. Do not start the inspection before confirming that the wheel rotation has stopped. Replace the bearings if you find some excessive play on the unit by holding the tightening nut of the compressor wheel by hand, or a vibration sound by rotating the wheel. ™ Changing air cleaner element caution When using compressed air, wear protective goggles and a dust protective mask. Never service the air cleaner while the engine is operating. Operating the engine without the air cleaner element in place can cause dust to enter the engine. Dust causes rapid wear of internal ‘engine parts and shortens the service life of the engine. Do not strike or apply impact to the filter element. |. Remove the air cleaner cap. 1. Remove the wing nut holding the fitter element in place, then pull the element out of the body. Install a new filter element. Inspecting starter |. Inspect the exterior of the starter for abnormalities. . Check to make sure the pinion gear works properly. If there is an abnormality, consult your Mitsubishi dealer. Inspecting alternator Inspect the exterior of the alternator for abnormalities. . Remove the V-belt. Tum the pulley by hand to check if it rotates smoothly. if there is an abnormality, consult your Mitsubishi dealer.MAINTENANCE ™ Changing cooling water LLC used in the cooling system retains its efficacy for two years. Change the cooling water every 2 years, © Draining cooling water 1. Operate the engine until the cooling water temperature increases to 70-85°C [158-185°F]. 2. Allow the engine to cool to room temperature. Lift the lever on radiator filler cap @ to release pressure. Cover the cap with a cloth, and slowly loosen the cap and remove. 3. Open drain plug ® on the engine and drain plug @ on the radiator to drain cooling water. NOTE: Cooling water (containing LLC) is harmful. Do not dispose of drained cooling water into regular sewage. For disposal, consult your Mitsubishi dealer. Flushing cooling system . Close drain plug @ on the engine and drain plug @ on the radiator. . Fill the cooling system with a cleaning solution (containing no chemicals that damage rubber or metals), and operate the engine at 800-900 min for about 15 minutes. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning solution (see the procedure described in *Draining cooling water’). Close the drain plugs. . Fill the cooling system with clean water and operate the engine at 800-900 min” for about 10 minutes. Stop the engine and drain the water (ee the procedure described in "Draining cooling water"). Fill the cooling system with clean water again and repeat the above procedure. Continue this process until the drained water is clear.MAINTENANCE [Every 2 Years] Filling radiator with cooling water . Close the drain plugs on the engine and radiator tightly. Remove the radiator filler cap. Pour antifreeze (LLC) into the radiator. 1. Add clean water (soft water containing minimum impurities, such as drinkable tap water) slowly until the radiator is full. |. When the radiator is filled with water, tighten the radiator filler cap securely. 3. Crank the engine for less than 10 seconds using the starter. Wait for about one minute, and crank the engine again. Repeat this process to bleed air out of the water pump. . Operate the engine until the cooling water temperature reaches 70-85°C [158-185°F]. Stop the engine. ”. Allow the engine to cool to room temperature. Check the cooling water level. Remove the radiator filler cap and make sure the cooling water surface is up to the filler mouth. If the cooling water level is low, add cooling water having the same LLC concentration. If the engine is equipped with a reservoir, add cooling water containing LLC into the reservoir to the FULL line when the engine is cold. Cooling water capacity Approx. 6¢ [1.6 U.S. gal.] ‘S6K, S6K-T | APPrOx. 9¢[2.4U.S. gal] NOTE: (1) Cooling water added to the reservoir should have the same LLC concentration as the cooling water originally poured. (2) When cooling water is changed, the cooling system is mixed with air. After air is dispersed and discharged during operation, the cooling water level decreases gradually over a period of several days. Therefore, after the cooling water has been changed, check the cooling water level frequently and add cooling water if necessary.MAINTENANCE &™ Bleeding fuel system Wipe fuel spilled from the air vent plug thoroughly with a cloth, Spilled fuel can cause a fire. If air enters the fuel system, it can cause improper operation of the fuel injection pump and disallow engine startup. Bleed the fuel system in the following cases. + After adding fuel during the test operation of a newly installed engine * After the fuel tank becomes empty * After changing the fuel fiter * After cleaning the gauze filter Z/ 0) U © Air bleeding procedures fers ss) The following describes the procedures for bleeding the entire fuel system. After changing the fuel filter, bleed air from the fue! filter only. After cleaning the gauze filter, bleed alr from the fuel fer. Start the bleeding operation for the component closest to the fuel tank, then move toward the engine in order (fuel filter + fuel injection pump). ‘© Automatic air bleed when a fuel pump is installed Operate the fuel pump to eliminate air from the pipe. Fuel fiter Fuel injection nozzle Fuel injection pump Fuel pump Fuel feed pump Fuel flow during automatic air bleedMAINTENANCE [As Required] © Fuel filter 1. Loosen the air vent plug of the fuel filter by tuming about 1.5 tus. NOTE: Cover the vent with a oloth to prevent fuel from splashing. 2. Tum the priming pump cap of the fuel feed pump counterclockwise to unlatch. Move the priming pump cap up and down, 3. When fuel flowing from the air vent plug hole contains no air bubbles, close the air vent plug. © Fuel injection pump 4. Loosen the air vent plug of the fuel injection pump by turing about 1.5 tums. NOTE: Cover the vent with a cloth to prevent fuel from splashing. 2. Move the priming pump cap of the fuel feed pump up and down. 3. When fuel flowing from the air vent plug hole contains no air bubbles, depress the priming pump cap and tum clockwise to lock in place. 4. Close the air vent plug. NOTE: Do not close the air vent plug before locking the priming pump cap in place, otherwise internal pressure prevents the priming pump cap from retuming to the original position. ™ Inspecting specific gravity of battery fluid Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in the battery. If the specific gravity is less than 1.22 at 20°C [68°F], charge the battery immediately. Specific gravity = (atz0rc jeer) | Condition | Remedy From 1.26 to 1.28 Good = From 1.22 to less ee Acceptable | Charge Less than 1.22 _|Notacceptable| — Charge Fuel fiter air [Lock release] [Prime] [Lock] Moveup While depressing, [Turn counter- and down ” clockwi ee ope té Fuel feed pump Glass tube
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