"Comprehensive Study On Slum Rehabilitation": Submitted by
"Comprehensive Study On Slum Rehabilitation": Submitted by
"Comprehensive Study On Slum Rehabilitation": Submitted by
This to certify that the project report entitled COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON SLUM
REHABILITATION submitted by:
In partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor in Civil Engineering by the
university of Pune is a bona-fide record the project work carried out by them under my
supervision during the academic year 2014-15.This project work is recommended &
forwarded for examination & evaluation.
Prof. S.V.Wagh
Project Guide
Head of Department
University of Pune
This to certify that the project report entitled COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON SLUM
REHABILITATION submitted by:
Internal Examiner
External Examiner
I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the
possibility to complete this report. A special thanks to our final year project. Co coordinator, Prof. N. M. Mhaisgawli for helping, stimulating suggestions and
encouragement, helped me to coordinate my project especially in writing this report. I
would like to thanks our Head of Department Prof. S. V. Wagh for his valuable support
while making this work.
I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of Pimpri
Chinchwad Muncipal Corporation.
MHADA & SRA, who gave us precious guidance and the necessary material to complete
the project on Slum Rehabilitation.
Special thanks go to my guide Prof. Rupali Jagtap who gave us precious and
continuous guidance for project completion as well as in making report.
Finally I would like to thank all department members who gave continuous help
during project completion, as well as in our project presentation that has improved our
presentation skills by their comment and tips.