Year 5 - Covenant
Year 5 - Covenant
Year 5 - Covenant
Term 1
Year 5 2015
Fertile Questions
How can I be a follower of Jesus Commandment of Love?
What kind of world do we want our classroom to be?
VISION for Religious Education
The Vision for Religious Education gives voice to what each school hopes for their students in terms of their religious
literacy and faith formation. The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and for
Students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader
Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.
General Capabilities
Cross-Curricular Priorities
Social awareness
Social management
Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding.
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 5 students identify many ways in which faith is shared and strengthened in communities of
believers, past and present. They analyse information from a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to
the Holy Spirit and the words, symbols and actions of the Catholic Rite of Confirmation, to explain the action of
the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. They use features of Gospel texts to show how the Gospel writers
shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They describe the significance of personal and communal
prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers) and the wisdom of the
saints, including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, for communities of believers. They describe ways in which
believers live according to Jesus new commandment of charity (love); and make and act upon informed moral
choices. They locate and record information about the contribution of pioneering Catholics in Australia (c.1850
CE c.1900 CE) to the preservation of faith and the shaping of particular communities, including Indigenous
communities. They examine Marys role as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. They analyse the elements
and features of some Marian prayers (including the Hail Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of the Mary of
Nazareth) to describe the role of Marian prayer in the lives of believers past and present. They participate
respectfully in a variety of personal and communal prayer experiences, including Marian prayers and meditative
Learning Intentions
Learning Intention
By the end these learning experiences, students
Explain what they know about being able to work as part of a team
Make connection from class community to Jesuss community
Identify positive routines and rituals that strengthen our community
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Students are able to select appropriate words to
explain their understanding of what a team is.
Students compare and contrast scripture and link
to their classroom community today.
Content Descriptions
Sacred Texts
New Testament
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding
New Testament
The contexts of the Gospel
writers (e.g. purpose of the
writer, time of writing, intended
audience, point of view) shaped
their Gospels. The context of the
Gospel writer is important in
determining the nature of the
truth revealed in the text (e.g.
historical truth, factual truth,
religious truth).
Compare and contrast parallel
passages from the Gospels of
Matthew and Luke, including The
Explore some features of Gospel
texts (e.g. place,
characterisation, vocabulary,
dialogue, the narrative voice)
that provide evidence of how the
writers have shaped their
Gospels for a particular
community in a particular time
and place.
Christian Living
Moral Formation
Mission and Justice
Prayer and Spirituality
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding
Jesus makes charity (love) the
new commandment: As the
Distinguish between choices or
Father has loved me, so have I
actions that fulfil existing laws or
loved you; abide in my
obligations and those that
love....This is my
respond to Jesus new
Human Existence
Religious Knowledge and
Deep Understanding
Religious Knowledge and Deep
Faith is shared and strengthened
in the community of believers.
The central and primary sharing
of faith within the community of
believers is the celebration of
Identify ways in which people
share faith within a community
of believers (e.g. family, parish,
Communicate an understanding
of how the faith of people
strengthens the faith of the
community of believers.
Describe some key
considerations in the formation
of conscience for Christians.
Develop and explain a reasoned
Develop and explain a personal
choice or action that
demonstrates the application of
Jesus new commandment of
Participate respectfully in
meditative prayer, including
The Rosary and mantras.
Identify and use practices that
assist preparation for and
engagement in meditative
prayer, including praying with
Rosary beads.
Learning Experiences
Core Content Area One
Focus/Question What do we want our community to look like? How
can I be a follower of Jesus Commandment of Love?
Teacher Background
Mandated Scriptural Texts
Tuning In
Religion book
What is the
Why should
we study this
What do I
already know
about this topic?
I think I know
How is this
relevant to me?
What is a community?
What communities do each of the students belong to? narrow
down to Our Lady of Lourdes Community and then to class
- Brainstorm in Religion book
What are the shared beliefs and values of this community
[Learning, School Covenant, Getting Along,
Think about class covenant what are our classes shared
beliefs and values?
How do routines and rituals help our community to form and
grow, nourish and sustain [e.g. Welcome, Strengthen, Birthdays,
Prayer, setting up our Sacred Space, Restorative Justice, ]
Students in pairs participate in a symbols walk to identify the
outward signs (symbols and practices) that indicate how the
school belongs to the wider Catholic community. They record
findings using available technologies. Students share findings
using an appropriate tool.
Print photographs and glue into RE book
What are the Beatitudes? Where are they found?
Todays meet
create a forum for students to respond in
Brainstorm as a class
Pairs take photo
Why do we have it at our school?
Does this symbol show the school as part
of a wider community?
Beatitudes Simplified
Theological Background - The
Bible Gateway
The Golden Rule Infographic
Y Chart (The Golden Rule at OLOL) to be
completed in learning teams of four