Lesson Planning Template 2013
Lesson Planning Template 2013
Lesson Planning Template 2013
Grade: Forth
Goals or Objectives: The students will be able to understand key aspects of the Homestead Act, learn
vocabulary terms imbedded in the reading and what life would be like during this time period. This will
be assessed as the students will condense and discuss the information read from Claiming the Land in
small groups.
Grade Level Guide: Content Standards
Content Curriculum Focal Points Common Core State
(ie: NCTM, IRA,)
Refer to details and
examples in a text when
explaining what the text
says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from
the text.
Interdisciplinary Connections
History Far and Away (movie) Clip
Vocabulary vocab handout
Language Arts Claiming the Land
Academic Language: What Academic Language specific to your content area is necessary for learning
to occur?
Vocabulary words handout (to be filled in by students)
Movie clip
Small group discussion questions
Reading text out loud (each student reads a paragraph)
Students Needs: What experiences, prior knowledge and/or knowledge gaps do students have that
relate to the lesson goals?
English Language Learners
Materials: List materials for both Student Needs and Teacher Needs
Student Need text Claiming the Land, small group discussion questions, vocabulary terms worksheet,
writing utensil
Teachers Needs All above resources, lesson plan, movie clip, and notebook to jot down small group
participation notes
Language Function:
Analyze, synthesize reading and listening to the text so to understand the family and Homestead Act
information found in the text.
Argue, evaluate, interpret group discussion can allow for social skills, content application, ideas and
leadership to be fostered.
Analyze, Argue, Describe, Evaluate, Explain, Interpret, Justify, Synthesize
Lesson Plan
Before: First I will show the movie clip to get wheels turning. I will then ask students what they know
about the Homestead Act and life during that time. Next we will read Claiming the Land and will be
handed a vocabulary worksheet. Students will take turns reading aloud and lastly small group discussion
will allow for an informal assessment.
During: Students will be asked specifically in the small group questions to take the reading further.
What would life be like? What would the student be doing if they lived then? They are asked to discuss
openly with each other and ask questions. All should participate so they can truly learn how to evaluate
and interpret information. Inferences are key to this lesson as stated in the standard so students must be
focused on the task at hand!
After: The text will be referred to and information will be drawn from it. In closing students will be
asked to elaborate on what they learned and share inferences with the entire class. Using the vocabulary
from the chapter students will need to incorporate their own understanding and be able to summarize the
text! The gain will be in reading comprehension, articulation and historical information.
Assessment: How will you determine who knows which objectives? Describe the tools and techniques
you will use.
Type of assessment
(formal or informal)
Description of
Modifications to the
assessment so that
all students could
If a student learns
something from
peers verbally they
can write it down.
Also, students will
be seated so
scaffolding is
Proposed Changes
Whole class:
Groups of students:
Individual students:
Why will these changes improve student learning?
What research/theory supports these changes?