145 Fine Motor Milestones

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Super Duper Handy Handouts!

Number 145

Fine Motor Milestones

By Tara Calder, OTR/L
Fine motor skills generally refer to the purposeful and controlled
movements of the small muscles of the fingers and hands. These movements
usually coordinate with the larger muscles of the arms and trunk for stability
and with the eyes for eye-hand coordination. Children develop fine motor skills in
a step-by-step progression. Development occurs at an uneven pace, with periods
of little progression. Typically, this is part of normal development; however, if
you think your child may have a delay in his/her fine motor skills, contact your
physician for more information regarding occupational therapy services.
Birth to 3 Months

Arm movement is mostly random (non-goal

directed) and asymmetrical

Hands are fisted

Grasping reflex when placing a finger or

object in hand

Brings hands to mouth

Watches the movements of his/her hands

9 Months to 12 Months

Points with index finger

Uses a neat, tip to tip pincer grasp on small

pellet-sized items

Places items into an open container or into

adults hand
12 Months to 18 Months

3 Months to 6 Months

Stacks two to three small blocks

Holds crayon in closed fist (power grasp)

Movements are mainly purposeful and

more symmetrical

Scribbles with a crayon using whole arm


Reaches for toys with both hands

Hands are primarily open with thumbs out

Turns pages in a cardboard book (more than

one at a time)

Holds toys with palm and fingers but not


Holds object with one hand and manipulates

it with the other

Brings hands to midline

Places small items in a closed-neck bottle

No longer stares at his/her hands

Places one to two shapes in a three-shape

geometric puzzle

Looks at objects a few feet away

Places large pegs in a pegboard

6 Months to 9 Months

Transfers objects hand to hand

Straightens elbows when reaching

Rakes pellet-sized items with fingers

Holds items with fingers and thumb

Claps hands
2007 Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

18 Months to 24 Months

4 Years to 5 Years

Stacks three to five blocks

Copies a square and cross

Snips paper with scissors

Cuts on a straight line

Strings two to three beads

Imitates vertical and circular scribbles

Begins to use thumb and index finger to hold

pencil/crayon (tripod grasp)

Turns pages of a book one at a time

Touches each finger to thumb

Places three shapes in a three shape

geometric puzzle

Buttons and unbuttons one button

Stacks 10 plus small blocks

2 Years to 3 Years

Imitates simple horizontal and vertical

block designs

Imitates a circle and vertical and

horizontal lines

Unscrews screw-top lid

Begins manipulating small items within

the hand

Cuts paper into two pieces

Holds crayon with fingers, not fist

(pronated grasp)

May use one hand consistently in

most activities

5 Years to 6 Years

Stacks five to seven small blocks

Imitates circle and cross

Manipulates clay and dough (pinches, rolls

balls, snakes)

Colors inside the lines

Cuts out simple shapes

Copies triangle

Writes first name

Handedness well established

Mature, adult grasp of pencil well established

(dynamic tripod)

By 7 to 8 years of age,
children generally are proficient
with most fine motor skills. As
with many skills, practice
improves performance;
therefore, refinement of already
acquired fine motor skills
can continue into

3 Years to 4 Years

Beery, K. E., & Beery, N.A. (2006). The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration. Minneapolis: NSC Pearson
Folio, M. R., & Fewell, R.R. (2000). Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, 2nd Edition. Austin: Pro-Ed
Retherford, K. S. (1996). Normal Development: A Database of Communication and Related Behaviors. Greenville, SC: Super Duper
American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. www.aota.org

2007 Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

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