Philbee Week 9 2

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Teacher Candidate: Megan Philbee

Student: Marissa
Grade: 2nd
Dates: 4/22/15-4/24/15

Plan # 9


Strategy Title &

Complete Source;
Description of

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

Book Boxes (50 Literacy Strategies

pg. 131) Student will demonstrate their
understanding of key details in a story
by decorating the outside of a cup and
drawing at least six pictures (two
settings, two characters, two main
events) related to the book and will

Word Sort (50 Literacy Strategies pg. 151)

Student will examine and categorize words
according to their features and correctly sort
seven words.

1st Assessment

Addl Literacy Assessments (optional)

Assessment Title &

Complete Source

Graded Reading Passage (Bader)

Description of
Learner: Include
reading levels,
assessment data, any
differentiations; add
new information to
each lesson plan


No accommodations needed

Bader: Instructional Reading Level = 2nd grade Independent Level

Spelling level: Within Word Pattern

Running Record: Days with Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel (gr. 2.1),
Independent Level

Cloze Procedure: 83% correct replacements: independent reading level

Multidimensional Fluency Scale: Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobe (gr.
2.2) scoring 12 out of 16 on the fluency scale at instructional level

Primary Comprehension Strategy: Always in Trouble by Corinne Demas (gr.

2.2) at her independent level due to the student being in all level three or level
four for all categories on assessment

Second Bader Instructional Reading Level: _____ grade (will add after

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)


Common Core ELA

Standard: Identify
strand, grade, number
(e.g., RL4.3) &
include entire
standard + any

1st Strategy


Recount or describe key ideas or

details from a text read aloud or
information presented orally or through
other media

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word

analysis skills in decoding words. (A)
Distinguish long and short vowels when
reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

The student will listen to the story The

Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein and
will be able to use information gained
from the illustrations and words in the
print to demonstrate understanding of
its characters, setting or plot by
drawing at least two more characters,
settings, and major events in the story
on white paper and adding it to her
book box.

The student will apply grade-level phonics and

word analysis skills to decode words and
distinguish long vowels to complete a word
sort of long a and long i words using an online
word sort and correctly sorting 7 words.

Student Learning
Objective (central
focus): ABCD

Audience: Who
(the student)

Behavior: What

Condition: How
(strategy & text

outcome _____

Equipment &
Technology: List
titles & sources of all
of the texts (including
reading levels),
materials &
technology you &
your tutee will use
during the lesson &
attach materials or
photos to lesson plan.

2nd Strategy

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy


Plastic cups (pretend


Paper squares (Two

different colors: green
for modeling/guided
practice, white for
independent practice)




Bader Graded Reading

Passages (3rd grade, 2nd
grade and 1st grade
reading levels)

Language: List
literacy terms &
academic language
you will use to help
the students
understand the
literacy strategies &
content (terms from
the strategy & the
standard, e.g.,
discuss, analyze,
predict, question,
decode, etc.).

Key Vocabulary:
List vocabulary from
the text &/or activity
that is at the students
instructional &
frustration level (at
least 4 words). _____


The Missing Piece by

Shel Silverstein (gr.

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy








Key details

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy









ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

Reading: Text must
be at the students
independent reading
level OR at his/her
instructional or
frustration level if
you are reading it

Text(s): Title & Author + Reading Level:

x You read aloud

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can you? by Dr. Seuss (gr. 2.9)

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes (gr. 2.4)

You both read

silently (What will you

Literacy Assessment
(NO scaffolding):

Literacy Assessment

Purpose: Why
student is
Directions: Step-bystep, complete
Closing: Conclude
the assessment,
transition to next
activity _____

Tutee read aloud

Additional Literacy Assessment(s)

Purpose: On our very first session

together I asked you to read some of
these passages to me. Today I am going
to ask you to read them again so I can
see how much you have improved on your
reading during our time together!
Directions: (Read directions) Please
read the story aloud to me. Some
passages may be harder than others, but
just do the best reading you can. When
you are done I will ask you a few
questions to see what you remember from
the story. (Student reads while I fill out
evaluation sheet)
Closing: Thank you for reading the
passages! I really liked how you read
clearly (or something else she did well).
Now lets do some fun reading activities!

Literacy Strategies

Opening: Elicit
students background

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

knowledge about
concept & strategy in
multiple ways (not
just questions). _____

Last week we did an activity called book

box and I know how much you wanted to
do it again! So today we are going to do
another book box, but with a different
book. When you think about your favorite
storybook what do you remember most
about it? (Student responds with a variety
of answers) Yes, those are the key details
in a story. Last time I told you that when I
read a book I like to make sure that I am
listening to key details and closely
looking at pictures so I remember what
the story is about. Please tell me what the
key details in a story are? (Student
responds with setting, characters or main
events) That is correct. What is a
character is in a story? (Student
responds) What is the setting in a story?
(Student responds) Please tell me what a
main event in a story is? (Student
responds) Great job!
Today we are going to be creating our
own book boxes to represent the key
details in another story!
You requested the story The Missing
Piece, by Stel Silverstein and we are
going to be looking for the characters,
settings, and main events that take place
in the story. Make sure to be listening
closely to make sure you hear and see all
the key details.
(Read book)

Today we are going to do a really fun word

sort activity! The word sort is online, so it
will be a little different than the word sort
we had done in the past.
We are going to be focusing on common
long vowels today. We will be sorting the
long a and long i. Please tell me what the
long a vowel sound sounds like. (Student
response) Thats right! The long a makes the
sounds like in the word make. Now please
tell me what the long i vowel sound sounds
like? (student response) Great job! The long
i sounds like the i in kite.
We know there is a difference between long
vowel sounds and short vowel sounds. Lets
look at these cards with the words mad and
made on them. Please say each word for me
(Student reads) Do they sound the same?
(Student response) What do you see that is
different between these two words? (Student
response) Yes, there is an e on the end of
made. The e on the end of made makes the a
an long vowel that says its name.
On our online word sort, it will say the
words for us so we can hear what they
sound like and decide whether we should
sort them with the long a or long i. This is
going to be very helpful, so make sure you
listen closely! Once we have decided if it
goes in the long a or long i column, we can
use the mouse to drag the word over to the
column and move on to the next word. We
have 10 words to sort, are you ready?

Learning Activities: [Directions for the procedures that are broken down below.] Give detailed, step-by-step
instructions on how you will implement the instructional plan in the procedures below. Describe exactly what
you & the students will do during the lesson & how you will scaffold their learning. Please use a numbered or
bulleted list.
In planning your lesson, think about:

The complete step-by-step directions & scaffolding you will provide

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

What kinds of questions you plan to ask

Teacher Modeling:
How you alone will
describe &
demonstrate the entire
strategy to the
students (no
participation from
students) including
examples &

Guided Practice:
During this part of the
lesson, the teacher
and the students
practice together. You
will assist the
students, takes turns
& participate along
with the class. _____

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

Now that we have finished the book we

can start working on our book box. I have
already decorated the outside of mine but
I want to show you how to add in key
details through drawing pictures. The
first detail I am going to add into my book
box is a main character. I am going to
draw a picture of the rock with the
missing piece because he played a very
important role in the story. I am going to
draw a picture of him on my green paper
square and add it into the cup. (Draw the
rock and add the paper into the cup)

Looking at all of our words I see our first

word is grape. When I click on the word, the
computer says it for me. (Click word and
listen to word) hmmm..I am not sure. I am
going to put the word down and think for a
minute. (Put word back on list) I think I
hear the long a sound, but I am going to
pick it up again using my mouse so that I
can hear the computer say the word to me
one more time. (Pick word up and listen to
word) grapeI think I was right and it is
the long a sound, so I am going to drag my
word over to the long a column and set it

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

I just drew a picture of a very important

character but when we are reading a
story we also want to remember to look
for different settings and main events. Do
you have an idea of a setting that we saw
in the story? (Have the student draw the

I just sorted the word grape into the long a

column, but we still have lots of words to
sort! What is the next word you see on our
list? (Student response) Can you click on
the word prize so we can hear it? (Student
clicks on word and we listen together) That
sounds different than the word grape. Which
column do you think the word prize should
go in? (Student response) That is correct,
please drag the word prize into the long i

Now I think its important that we add a

main event into our book boxes. What
was a major event that occurred in our
story? (Student responds) Yes, the cows
go on strike in the story. Please draw a
picture or symbol that represents this
main event in the story. (Student draws
picture) Awesome job! Now add it into
your cup

Lets do one more word together. I see the

word ate. Can you please click on the word
ate so we can hear it? (Student clicks on
word and we listen) you think the
word ate should go into the long a column
or long i column? Please drag the word into
the column you think

Practice: Release the
students to
demonstrate their
ability to complete
the activity alone.
Include complete
directions that explain
what students must
do to complete the
activity & meet the
objective. _____

Closure (Assess):
How will the students
demonstrate their
ability to meet the
objective, including
how you will measure
& document this
ability? Attach
documents to lesson
plan where
appropriate. _____

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

You are doing such a great job of coming

up with key details from the story that I
know you are ready to get started on your
own. I want you to come up with at least
two more characters, settings, and main
events from the story. Make sure to now
use your best drawing skills and use the
white paper squares for the rest of your
pictures so I can see that you understand
the key details in the story. If you any
questions I will be here to help you.

You are going such an awesome job at

sorting long a and long i words I know you
are ready to get started on your own, Please
finish sorting all the words on the list.
Remember, if you need to hear the word one
more time you can click on it again so the
computer will say it. I will be here if you
need any help.

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

You did such an awesome job. I love how

carefully you drew your pictures and how
well you listened to the key details from
the story. Can you show me all of the key
details in your book box?

You did such an awesome job on this word

sort! I love you listened carefully to each
word before decided what column to put it
in. Read me all the words you sorted in the
long a column? Now can you show me all
the words you sorted in the long i column?

(Two pictures for setting, character, and

main event on while pieces of paper meet
the objective)

(Sorting 7 words correctly meets objective)

Write words here:

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

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