Ap Erinbrockovich
Ap Erinbrockovich
Ap Erinbrockovich
2hrs. 10 mins.
AP Biology
Mrs. Ravesi-Weinstein
1. What three things happen to Erin in the opening scene?
2. Who is Ed Masry?
3. Where and how does Erin finally get a job?
4. Who is George and how do he and Erin first meet?
5. Who is offering to purchase the Jensens house? For how much?
6. What is wrong with Donna Jensen according to the immunotoxicology report?
7. Is Donna Jensen putting her house up for sale voluntarily?
8. Why are Donnas medical documents in her real estate file?
9. Who paid for the Jensen familys medical check-ups? Why?
10. At toxic levels, what does hexavalent chromium (chromium six) do to the body?
11. In industry, for what is hexavalent chromium used?
12. What information about PG&E does Erin find in the water records department?
13. What is the legal level of hexavalent chromium?
14. What level of hexavalent chromium would be required to make people as sick as
they are in Hinkley?
15. What has PG&E been telling the Jensens about the water?
16. What has the toxicologist been telling Erin about the water?
17. Why cant the Jensens doctor be trusted?
18. What is PG&E willing to offer the Jensens now in order to put the whole issue to
a rest?
19. What is the PG&E representatives reaction to the medical claims presented by Ed
and Erin?
20. Who are the Robinsons and why do they come to visit Erin at the office?
21. In what year was the first toxic test well reading filed?
22. Who is Nelson Perez? What information does he give Erin?
23. In order to get punitive damages, Ed and Erin have to find that fault rests in
whose hands?
24. Does the judge decide to send the case to trial?
25. What does PG&E offer as a settlement now?
26. Who is Kurt Potter?
27. What does Kurt suggest Ed and Erin do to go forward with the case, i.e., does he
think they should go to trial? If not, what should they do instead?
28. What is the Hinkley community meeting about?
29. What do Ed and Erin spend three days doing in Hinkley?
30. Who is Charles Embry? What does he give to Erin?
31. What did the judge award the community? The Jensens?
32. How many cases do Ed and Erin currently have pending?
Please answer question #33 on a separate sheet of paper:
33. How do you feel about PG&E, the Hinkley community and pollution in general?
Did the movie make you feel a certain way; angry, indifferent, worrisome? What role do
you think industry should play in pollution? Should there be laws protecting the
environment and residents? Why or why not?
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This week I will be starting a unit on pollution with my ecology classes. As part of this unit,
I will be showing the movie Erin Brockovich. Due to the vulgar language in the movie, it
has been given an R rating. Because of this, your permission is required in order for your
son/daughter to watch this movie in class. Please check-off one of the two options below and
then sign this form, regardless of your choice. Be aware that should you not give your
son/daughter permission to watch this movie, he/she will be required to complete an
alternative assignment.
Thank you,
Mrs. Ravesi-Weinstein