Score Report

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California Subject Examinations for Teachers

Test Date: March 25, 2015

Social Security Number: XXX-X1-5186

For privacy/confidentiality reasons, only the last

five digits of your Social Security Number are
reported on Individual Test Results and all other
printed test results.




Test Results

Subtest (Test Code)

Multiple Subjects Subtest II (102)

Test Date

Subtest Status









Your results have been forwarded to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the following California institution and/or district intern program:
586 University of La Verne

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This barcode contains unique candidate information

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004
California Subject Examinations for Teachers, CSET, and the CSET logo are trademarks of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s).
Pearson and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s).



Social Security Number: XXX-X1-5186

Subtest Diagnostic Information


Test Date: March 25, 2015

(Test Code) Domain Name

Overall Multiple-Choice Section: +++


Constructed-Response Assignment
Performance Information

Overall Constructed-Response Section: ++


How to Read Your Test Results Report

Overview. This report provides information about your performance on the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET). Your test results
report includes information about subtest(s) taken on the test date indicated and summary information about subtests passed to date.

Test Results Report. Your test results report includes the test date, subtest(s) taken, and your passing status for each subtest. Subtest scores are
provided for subtests that you did not pass.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information on your test results report is intended for use only in teacher credentialing. To preclude the use of
CSET scores for purposes other than credentialing (e.g., employment, assignment), passing subtest scores are not provided on test results
Passing Subtest Summary Report. This section lists each subtest that you have passed to date, and the test date on which you passed it.

Side Two
Subtest Diagnostic Information. Diagnostic information is provided for all subtests that you took on the test date indicated.
Multiple-Choice Performance Indices. Performance indices are provided for multiple-choice domains and the Overall Multiple-Choice Section.
These indices are designed to help you understand your areas of strength or weakness. You do not pass individual domains or sections. Domain
indices should be interpreted with caution since domains contain different numbers of items. Domains with a greater number of items have a greater
overall impact on your total score.

Multiple-Choice Performance Indices Definitions

You answered most of the items correctly.
You answered some of the items correctly.


You answered many of the items correctly.

You answered few or none of the items correctly.

Constructed-Response Assignment Performance Information. The Overall Constructed-Response Section Performance Index consists of from
one to four pluses (+) with more pluses indicating higher performance. Responses to the constructed-response assignments are scored focusing on
the extent to which a response fulfills the performance characteristics for the assignment. A check mark (9) indicates that the response meets the
minimum requirements for all performance characteristics. Otherwise, the performance characteristic area(s) in which improvement is needed are
indicated using the diagnostic codes in the table below. A response that is determined to be unscorable is assigned one of the unscorable codes
shown in the table below.
Constructed-Response Assignment Diagnostic Codes
Performance Characteristic Area in Which Improvement Is Needed
Codes for Unscorable Responses



Response was blank.

Subject matter knowledge


Response was unrelated to the assignment.



Response was illegible.

Depth and breadth of understanding


Response was primarily in a language other than English.


Response did not contain sufficient amount of original material.

For additional information regarding performance characteristics and scoring of the constructed-response assignments, see the CSET test guides at
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California Subject Examinations for Teachers

Test Date: March 25, 2015
Social Security Number: XXX-X1-5186

For privacy/confidentiality reasons, only the last

five digits of your Social Security Number are
reported on Individual Test Results and all other
printed test results.



CSET Multiple Subjects

Passing Subtest Summary Report


Subtest (Test Code)

Multiple Subjects I (101)

Multiple Subjects II (102)
Multiple Subjects III (103)

Date Passed

(continue to next page)

This barcode contains unique candidate information

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004
California Subject Examinations for Teachers, CSET, and the CSET logo are trademarks of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s).
Pearson and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc. or its afliate(s).


California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)

Test Results Report Information
Contents of Your Test Results Report
Your test results report provides information about your performance on the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET).
For each subtest taken on the test date indicated, your test results report includes your passing status and, if you did not pass, your total
subtest score. Your test results report also includes summary information about CSET subtests passed to date. The reverse side of
your test results report contains diagnostic information for each subtest taken to provide you with information about your areas of
strength and weakness in each subtest section.
The information on your test results report is intended for use only in teacher credentialing. To preclude the use of CSET
scores for purposes other than credentialing (e.g., employment, assignment), passing subtest scores are not provided on test
results reports.

Subtest Scores
To pass an examination of the CSET, you must earn a passing score on each of the examination's required subtests, which are listed in
the Tests section at Each CSET subtest is scored separately.
The minimum passing score for each subtest was established by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing based on recommendations
from California teachers and teacher educators. Passing status is determined on the basis of total subtest performance. Test results are
reported as scaled scores. A scaled score is based on the number of raw score points earned on each section (multiple-choice section
and/or constructed-response section) and the weighting of each section. Raw scores are converted to a scale of 100 to 300, with the
scaled score of 220 representing the minimum passing score.
A passing subtest score must be achieved at a single CSET administration; performance on sections of subtests cannot be
combined across administrations. Once you pass a subtest, you do not have to take that subtest again as long as you use the
score toward certification within five years of the test date.
Examinees registered for CSET: Art Subtest II must submit six photographs of their artwork in order for CSET: Art Subtest II to be
scored. If six photographs are not submitted, the examinee does not pass the subtest. Furthermore, if one or more of the six
photographs do not meet the requirements specified in the CSET: Art Subtest II Portfolio Procedures Manual, a rating of "Unscorable"
on the portfolio component written assignment(s) is assigned.
Examinees registered for CSET: Music Subtest II are required to submit video recorded materials (two video recordings) in order for
CSET: Music Subtest II to be scored. If two video recordings are not submitted, or if one or both video recordings do not contain
audio and video within the first three minutes, the examinee does not pass the subtest. Furthermore, if one or both of the video
recordings do not meet the requirements specified in the CSET: Music Subtest II Video Performance Procedures Manual, a rating of
"Unscorable" on the assignment(s) is assigned.

Meeting the Basic Skills Requirement

As of May 2007, examinees who pass all three subtests of CSET: Multiple Subjects (101, 102, 103) and CSET: Writing Skills (142)
will have met the state basic skills requirement and are not required to take the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).

Retaking the CSET

If you wish to register to retake the CSET, all necessary registration information is available at If the test
results release date for the test date listed on your test results report is seven or fewer days before the regular registration deadline for
the next test date, you will be granted a waiver of the late registration fee if you register for the CSET before the late registration
deadline of the next test date. Please refer to for information about registering to test on consecutive
test dates.

Reporting of CSET Results

Your CSET results have been or will be sent to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, any institution(s) of higher education and/or
intern program(s) that you indicated when you registered for the CSET, and any other institution or office authorized or required by
law to receive this information.
To protect the confidentiality of your CSET results, they will not be provided to anyone over the telephone or by fax and, with the
exceptions specified above, will not be released to anyone without your permission.
(continued on the reverse side)

Responses to multiple-choice questions are machine scored as correct or incorrect. Multiple-choice section scores are based on the
number of correct answers. Responses to the constructed-response assignments are scored by at least two qualified California
educators using standardized procedures. Scorers focus on the extent to which a response fulfills the following performance

Purpose: the extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET
subject matter requirements or relevant CSET content specifications
Subject Matter Knowledge: the application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject
matter requirements or relevant CSET content specifications
Support: the appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements or
relevant CSET content specifications

For some constructed-response assignments, scorers also focus on the extent to which a response fulfills a fourth performance

Depth and Breadth of Understanding: the degree to which the response demonstrates understanding of the relevant CSET
subject matter requirements

CSET test guides contain information about performance characteristics and the scoring of constructed-response assignments.
CSET test guides may be viewed or downloaded free of charge at
*Some constructed-response assignments in World Languages and CSET: Writing Skills have different performance characteristics, as
listed on individual test results reports and in the subject-specific CSET test guides.

Proportions of Subtest Sections

In determining your overall score on a subtest, a proportion is assigned to both the multiple-choice section and the constructedresponse section. The proportions of the subtest sections are as follows.


70%: Multiple Choice

30%: Constructed Response

These are the proportions for most subtests; exceptions are listed below.

80%: Multiple Choice

20%: Constructed Response

Science Subtests I and II (118, 119)

Science Subtest IV: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (124, 125, 127)
Music Subtest I (136)
Subtest II: French, German, and Spanish (149, 152, 146)
Health Science Subtests II and III (179, 180)

50%: Multiple Choice

50%: Constructed Response

40%: Multiple Choice

60%: Constructed Response

American Sign Language Subtest III (188)

Japanese Subtests I, II, and III (157, 158, 159)
Vietnamese Subtests I, II, and III (169, 170, 171)

Not applicable

(Subtests that consist of only

multiple-choice questions OR
only constructed-response

Subtest III: French, German, Russian, and Spanish (150, 153, 156, 147)
Cantonese Subtests I, II, and III (202, 203, 204)
English Language Development Subtests I, II, and III (205, 206, 207)
Korean Subtests I, II, and III (160, 161, 162)
Mandarin Subtests I, II, and III (163, 164, 165)
Punjabi Subtests I, II, and III (166, 167, 168)

English subtests (105, 106, 107, 108)

Writing Skills (142)
Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, and Portuguese (301, 304, 303, 302)
Subtests I and II: Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Filipino, Hmong, and Khmer (192, 193, 194, 195,
196, 197, 190, 191, 198, 199, 200, 201)
World Languages Subtest IV (250)
Subtest V: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Farsi, Filipino, French, German, Hmong, Japanese,
Khmer, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese (251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257,
259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 258, 265)

Copyright 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004
California Subject Examinations for Teachers, CSET, and the CSET logo are trademarks of the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).
California Basic Educational Skills Test, CBEST, and the CBEST logo are trademarks of the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).
Pearson and its logo are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).
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