Acupressure Therapy - Pressure Point Therapy

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‘asians ‘Acupressure Therapy - Pressure Patt Therapy bones muscles and nerves. More disease in a body mean more a higher proportion of chemicals and toxins around the organs. ‘As soon as the affected organs’ working slackens there appears a blockage in the corresponding organs’ pressure points and fine crystals of chemical compounds. start collecting around the pressure point. The toxins around the organ impair the blood flow to it. When pressure is put on the affected pressure point (the pressure point related to the affected organ experiences pain when pressed), these collected crystals start to move and are destroyed. The blood flow is restored leading to the health of that organ. ‘According to another theory, our body is made up of § elements which are controlled by electrical energy called Bio-electricity or Bio-energy. ‘According to this theory, the affected pressure point feels pain when pressed due to leakage of this Bio-electricity outside the body. This causes malfunctioning of the related organ. When pressure is given on this point the leakage of electricity stops and the bio-electricity starts flowing through the organ once again The ‘organ becomes healthy and starts functioning normally. PRESSURE POINTS IN THE PALMS OF THE HANDS ‘Acupressure points in the hands Source: Rajan Jolly hipsrajarally hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett ane wana ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy PRESSURE POINTS ON THE SOLES OF THE FEET e-A-Atornatve-Medicinest wana ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy PRESSURE POINTS ON THE FACE- 1 Pressure points on the face -1 ‘Source: Rajan Jolly Acupressure Points On The Face - 1 Point No... Disease/ Organ/Condition 1 Menstrual Troubles 2,4,8,913.& 14, Catarth, Sinus 3, Pelvic troubles Bose Headache & Giddiness 6816. Severe Headache hipsrajarally hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett sa waza ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy 7815, Sleep disturbances & Paralysis 10 Menopausal Complaints 11. Throat, Cough, Dyspnea and Asthma 12. Toothache PRESSURE POINTS ON THE FACE -2 Pressure points on the face -2 ‘Source: Rajan Jolly Acupressure Points On The Face -2 Point No Disease/Organ/Condition 1 Memory 2 Sciatica hipsrajarally hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett ena waza 3825 8 " 12813 15818 16817. 19820. 23. 26. 27 28 29 30 31. 9,14 & 22 10821, ‘Acupressure Therapy - Pressure Point Therapy Gas Liver Diseases Blood Circulation Thyroid Paralysis -Kidney diseases Constipation Intestinal diseases Diseases of the Pancreas Diseases of the Right Lung Erectile Dysfunction ..Diseases of the Stomach Diseases of the Left Lung Diseases of the Kidneys Diseases of the Spleen Diseases of the Heart Sciatica Severe Headache Diseases of the Reproductive System ..Headaches. htpsrajanaly hubpages commuetAcupressure-An-Akernative-Medicinelt ma waza ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy PRESSURE POINTS ON THEFACE -3 Pressure points on the face -3 ‘Source: Rajan Jolly Acupressure Points On The Face -3 Point No Disease/Organ/Condition 1 Piles/Urinary bladder diseases/nocturnal enuresis, Dosa Double Vision BB oan .Diseases of the Brain/Coryzalinsomnia 4 & 20. . Sciatica/Brain/Liver & Gall Bladder diseases Bransninsnninnsnnvianinan mE ye diseases 6, 14, 15, & Eye diseases 7 Tinnitus 8810. Mental tension & Paralysis 9817 Toothache 1" Blockage of the nose & running nose 2 Paralysis, sneezing, epilepsy, unconciousness 13, 16. ‘Toothache, Mental tension hipsrajarally hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett ana waza ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy 18 High BP, stiffness of arm with pain 22. Diseases of the stomach, eyes, feet PRESSURE POINTS ON THE EAR Pressure points on the ear ‘Source: Rajan Jolly Acupressure Points On The Point. Organ/Condition Ear Point. Organ/Condition Ovaries 1 Tonsils Eyes 2 Appendix Internal Ear Bae Heel Upper Jaw Aan Knee Joint Lower Jaw Sie High BP Lungs Bin Asthma wnTestes hipsrajarally hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett ana waza Toon on BUttooks 8 Sciatica 9 Hip 10. .Urinary Bladder "1 w» Ureters 2s Kidneys. 8 Large Intestine 14 Colon/Rectum 15 ‘Small intestine 16 Stomach 7 Breathing 18.&19.. Lungs 20, .-High BP 2 eo Nostrils 22. Eyes 23. Eyes Examination of the pressure points and method of appl pressure on these points 1. Acupressure can be applied by the ‘Thumbs,fingers, wooden or plastic devices as per the needs and facility available, 2, The applied pressure has to be medium in intensity While doing this if unbearable pain is experienced on any point, it must be understood that the organ related to the pressure point is diseased or affected. 3. The pressure is applied by resting the thumb or finger on the pressure point and applying pressure in a clockwise circular motion 4, When pressure is applied on the points in the hands, feet or other parts, of the body the collected toxins and chemical crystals start moving slowly from there and get mixed in the blood and are either removed through perspiration or by the kidneys. Hence, after Acupressure Is done it is important to apply pressure on points related to the kidneys for a minute or two. ‘Acupressure Thorapy- Pressure Pont Therapy 31 32. 33. 34, 36. 36 essen snsenin Bladder/Pancreas 37. 38. 39. 40. Mise 42. 43. Set 6 Pos. Reflexology Tradi Asthma Brain Toothache snkiver Spleen Gall Neck ‘Shoulder Joint Shoulder ‘Stomach -nElbow Knee Buttock Joint nal Thai Massage Wooden Stick Tool Hand Head Foot Face Body Massage Tool Massager Red Wood Acupressure Acupuncture Mat Healing Massager Spike Stress Back Pain Tension Foot As these crystals start moving the effect of the disease starts lessening and there is less pain when these points are subsequently pressed. If this routine is followed for some days the disease is cured and either no pain or very slight pain is experienced on these points. hipsrajanaly hubpages comihuatAcupressure-An-Akernatve-Medicinett sone

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