Danielle Albert, Kat Smith, Sam Portice Part IV: Overview of Lessons and Assessments (20 Points)

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Danielle Albert, Kat Smith, Sam Portice

Part IV: Overview of Lessons and Assessments (20 points)

Lesson 1-Intro to maps -Sam
The lesson will start by reading Theres a map on my lap by Dr. Seuss. Have students
point out different things they heard in the book about maps. Tell them we will be
learning about many of these different components of maps. Hand out a map of Cornell
and a picture of Cornell and ask students to describe what they can see in the picture
and what they can see in the map of Cornell in groups of 2. They will share with the
entire class their ideas. Chart their answers in a T-chart. Then ask students what a map
shows us (a place from far away) and why we need to use maps (navigation, location).
Finally, have students suggest what kinds of maps could be useful, and for what (i.e.
road map for driving, school map to know where the classroom is, etc.).

Lesson 2-Positional words -Kat

In lesson 2, students will develop the ability to correctly and efficiently use
positional words such as up, down, above, below, left and right. We will begin by having
a large group discussion about why it might be important to know these words. Where
have they heard them before? Who uses them? Then we will break into our small group
centers, this will allow us to work in groups of 5 and get through a number of valuable
activities in the afternoon. For the directionality center, we will be specifically working on
the words left and right. I will cut out multiple feet on paper and place them on the
ground, there will be 5 left feet and 5 right feet. These feet will be set out in a way to
look like someone is walking in a straight line. The left feet will be green and marked
with a giant L with the word left underneath, while the right feet will be red marked with
a giant R and the word right. Students will step on the feet and walk as the rest of the
students chant, left, right, left right as the student takes steps. Once everyone has
had a turn we will get in a small circle and sing the hokey pokey. Students will have a
green sticker with an L on their left hand and a red sticker with an R on their right
hand to remind them which is which. After we sing for a while and practice our lefts and
rights, I will hand them a sheet of paper with multiple images and I will ask them to circle
certain items on the right or left of a specific object.

Lesson 3-Birds Eye View

In lesson 3, students will be expanding their knowledge of maps and how to

create them but focusing on birds eye view. We will first look at the difference between
birds eye view and a regular or street view of something by using Google Earth views
of the school from each perspective and discuss them. This connects the concepts of
each view with the main idea of maps and how theyre viewed. Then we will create our
own model to compare the views. We will use unifix cubes to create small towers and
draw them from each view on graphing paper and compare them. Students will be able
to explore the differences between street or frontal views or birds eye view with various
types of towers with the unifix cubes.
Lesson 4-Aerial Snowman-Kat
We will begin this lesson by having a review discussion on birds eye view. I will
ask students to share with me what they think birds eye view means, and I will present
examples of multiple maps. Students will be required to indicate which map uses a
birds eye view and give valid reasoning as to why. After our review, we will break up
into our centers. At one table, students will find paper plates with circles of varying sizes
on them and will be asked to cut on those lines. They will then glue one on top of
another to create an aerial view of a snowman. As we work I will guide discussion about
what makes this image of a s nowman a birds eye view. After each student has
completed this activity, we will summarize what we have learned on the circle carpet. I
will show them images of snowmen using a different perspective than birds eye view,
and I will ask them to verbally compare and contrast those images with the snowmen
they created.
Example Snowman:

Lesson 5-Classroom Map

Lesson 5 will focus on putting our smaller topics weve learned so far together to
create our own classroom maps. We will introduce the lesson by showing the students a
simple map of the school and discussing the parts of it and how we used birds eye view
and how we decided where to put things on the map. Then the students will be given a
general outline of the map of the classroom, with walls and windows included for
reference. They will then create their own classroom map, with a creative key. They may
creatively represent our classroom on their maps. We may then share our maps with
each other in small groups and students can search for items in the classroom based on
one anothers map.
Lesson 6-Map Keys -Sam
In this lesson, the students will learn about how to use map keys and apply it to the
classroom map we have made. First, we will look at a geographical map of MSU
campus and of the state of Michigan. We will discuss what the colors on the map mean
and how we know that. Students will have an opportunity to ask about any other
symbols or colors that they are unfamiliar with. The map key is the part of the map
that tells us what the colors or symbols mean. Use the map key to explain any other
symbols that were unknown. Handout individual copies of the classroom map to each
student. Working as a class, determine the colors for each category on the blank map
key and color the correct shapes accordingly until shelves, cubbies, tables, and play
areas are color coded correctly. Collect maps for use in the following lesson.
Lesson 7-Classroom Treasure Hunt -Sam
The students will use the classroom maps that we created to go on a treasure hunt in
the classroom. This activity will serve the dual purpose of experience with a map and
assessment to see if students are able to accurately locate objects that are in the room
on a map. The lesson will begin by telling the class that they will be using the maps
they have created of the classroom to go on a treasure hunt. Tell the students that
when they find treasure they want to remember where it is, so they will need to mark it
on their map, but you dont want anyone taking your treasure, so dont want to tell
anyone where you found it. Review what the map key says and where have students
help point out key locations on the map (i.e. bathroom, cubbies, etc). Tell them there
are 10 hidden coins in the room (including one that is visible on the smart board). There
job is to find at least five of them. They are NOT in cubbies, the bathroom, or the
teachers area. Hand out each students map to them and allow time for students to
locate at least five of the coins. Gather students on the rug and collect their maps.
Have individual students show on the teachers map where they found one of the coins
until all coins are accounted for.

Lesson 8-Create House

Lesson 8 will start to shift more into communities and how students fit into a
community. We will look at a map of Okemos and have a small discussion about
community and how we all live in the same community. We will discuss our address and
what that means and how we all have Okemos in our addresses because we all live in
the same community. Students will then create houses out of paper bags and write their
addresses on them. We will save them and put them together to create a 3D community
on our classroom rug using some pre made materials such as a few stores and roads.
Students will see how all of their houses come together to form the community we live
in. We will have large pieces of black construction paper on the ground to form roads
big enough for students to navigate. This will be an option open during play time to
extend the activity as well, they will be encouraged to use toy cars as they explore our
Lesson 9-Coffee Filter Globes-Kat
CHECK BIG MAP BOOK for globe page. In this lesson we will shift gears from
ourselves in our community to ourselves within the world. I will start by showing
students a map of Okemos and pointing to Cornell Elementary, then I will present a map
of Michigan and I will point to Okemos, lastly I will show students a globe and focus in
on Michigan. As we explore these various maps an open discussion will be happening
where students will be encouraged to inquire information about their location through
conversation. We will compare and contrast the multiple maps and discuss which maps
would be useful in different situations. After our large group discussion we will break up
into our small group centers. One center will have an activity about the entire world,
where students will be making their very own globes. I will place a large globe in the
middle of the table and spark a discussion about what colors and attributes they see.
Then, I will pass out a coffee filter to each student. They will use water droppers to
distribute blue and green food coloring all over their coffee filter. These will represent the
world, and I will ask them to specifically point out where they think Michigan is on their
globe. By doing this activity, students will be reminded of their location with a global

Lesson 10-Me on the Map

Lesson 10 will bring the concepts of community, maps (local and global) and
students sense of identity (which we focused on earlier in the year) together. We will
begin this activity by reading the book Me on the Map. We will then have a discussion
on all of the layers, including Earth, the US, Michigan, Okemos, Cornell Elementary and

then the students themselves. We will give students paper and allow them to decorate
each layer appropriately, with each one getting smaller. Then we will put them all
together as an activity that sums up all that weve learned about where students fit on
their own personal maps of their lives.
Example: In lesson three students continue their study of the important natural
(physical) characteristics of Michigan by exploring vegetation and climate. They begin
by analyzing special purpose maps of forests and orchards. Next they are introduced to
the concept of climate, connecting to science topics of weather and seasons from
previous grades. In addition, they briefly explore the impact of the Great Lakes on
climate. The lesson also includes a chart reading activity dealing with Michigan state

b) Assessments: Construct a bulleted list of assessment tasks that assess each of the
unit objectives. There should be at least four and no more than eight assessment tasks,
and should cover a range of forms including quizzes/tests; performance tasks;
conforming writing; divergent writing; and one culminating (end-of-unit) assessment.
The culminating assessment task should have a scoring rubric. 5 points.

Students will be able to use a simple map.

Students will be able to properly use positional phrases.
Students will be able to successfully read a map key.
Students will create a map of a small area.
Students will demonstrate understanding of birds eye view.
Students will be able to explain what a globe is and how to use it.
Students will be able to explain that they are a part of the community both locally
and globally.
Students will be able to show the location of an object on a map.

1. Assessment-create a map of the classroom including representative shapes or objects.

Objective-Students will create a map of a small area.
2. Assessment-find an object on a map when given directions or instructions.
Objective- Students will be able to use a simple map.
3. Assessment- Create a snowman out of paper plates from the perspective of birds eye

Objective-Students will demonstrate understanding of birds eye view.

4. Assessment- Create multiple maps showing your location within the school, the
community, the state and the world.
Objective-Students will be able to explain that they are a part of the community
both locally and globally.
5. Assessment- Correctly placing their right or left sides of their bodies within the circle
when called out during the hokey pokey. Correctly putting their hands on top of,
underneath, or to the side of objects during simon says.
Objective-Students will be able to properly use positional phrases.
6. Assessment- Students will use a map key to describe what the different symbols/colors
mean on a given map
Objective- Students will be able to successfully read a map key

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