Gas Turbine Blade Coatings

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RWE Power International

Gas turbine blade coatings

Modern industrial gas turbines are manufactured with
sophisticated techniques and from exotic materials and
as such present considerable problems when considering
in-service inspections.
The Problem
Quality of ceramic or metallic (MCrAlY) thermal
barrier coatings of industrial gas turbine blades
at manufacture or refurbishment can have
significant consequences on service life. Varying
TBC layer thickness can lead to crack propagation,
or poor bonding and may cause premature exposure
of blade surfaces to extreme temperatures.
The Challenge
To overcome the inherent physical and scientific
difficulties in applying traditional NDT techniques
to Industrial GT components in order to evaluate
both manufacturing/process quality and estimate
remaining useful life of coating/substrate systems.
Our Solution
The utilisation of specialised Eddy Current technology,
enabling ceramic coatings to be measured within 5
microns and metallic coatings to within 25 microns
at critical positions, combined with laboratory
analysis of high temperature coating systems.
Additional techniques assess the remaining useful
life of MCrAlY coatings.

pre-service QA/QC of blades:
coating thickness
coating composition
type of coating supplied
behaviour in service compared to other
similar coatings
replicas of coating systems from various
manufacturers available, and used in laboratory
for detailed analysis
in-service assessment of blades and remnant
coating life.
significant time/cost savings from assuring coating
quality and avoiding premature component failure
significant time/cost savings from extending plant
life (beyond manufacturer recommendations)
reduced chance of unplanned outage time
improved insurance profile.

RWE Power International

Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way, Swindon
Wiltshire, SN5 6PB
United Kingdom

T +44 (0)1793 892900

F +44 (0)1793 892421

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