Transcript Reflection
People judge others merit by their grades which dont necessarily reflect those people. However,
I dont think this is exactly fair for two reasons. One,some teachers just pass people along, it
doesnt necessarily mean that person is smart. The only way you would know if that grade was
justifiable if you were either in the class or gave them a test. Two, a persons academic
knowledge doesnt always reflect who they are morally. As Ive said before, some grading
systems can be totally off. For example, the science grading scale here at Merced High School
has a slightly higher standard than all the other high schools. In order to have an A, you have to
receive a 93 % or higher. Which means at Golden Valley High School, a person with that extra A
which is a 91 % may be promised a job over his/hers competitor with a B whose percentage is
actually 92%.What is a good grade with little integrity?The reason I touch upon this subject is
partly due to the fact that I dont feel as though my transcript reflects who I am as a person. I
have good grades and bad grades on it but, either way, I most certainly wouldnt want to be
judged based on it. Although, I wish I couldve done better in the first place in areas that I
received a bad grade, I dont regret anything. When I received those bad grades, I had my own
personal struggles. I will admit that even though my attendance wasnt very admirable, I am still
a very driven/ determined pupil. I was able to accept my responsibilities and in the end make up
for it all. However, even though I was able to persevere and make up my credit with excellent
grades, I still would hope to think that I am more than letters on a piece of paper. Ive overcame
so many difficulties and I have so many goals to which I am currently on track to reaching. There
is definitely more to me than that.