Pile Design NPTEL

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Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]

In this section you will learn the following
Static analysis
Piles in granular soils (sands and gravel)
Bored cast in situ piles
Piles in clays

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]
Procedure for ultimate pile capacity


Static analysis
Dynamic formulae
Pile load test
Static analysis

Fig 5.12 Forces on pile

For piles in granular soil, the design is based on an effective stress analysis. In clays, it is common to use a
total stress analysis in which the load capacity is related to the undrained shear strength,
Ultimate load capacity,

is the point bearing load

is the cross sectional area of pile

is the unit skin friction resistance
is the surface area of the pile in contact with the soil

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]
Piles in granular soils (sands and gravel)
Driven piles
Point bearing in granular soil,
Where s is the effective overburden pressure at the tip of the pile, equal to
L is the length of the embedment of the pile
For driven piles in sands, a value of

may be taken, where

is the in situ value of the angle of

hearing resistance
Unit skin friction,
Where K is the lateral earth pressure coefficient and d is the angle of internal friction between the pile and the
Ultimate skin friction resistance,


= effective overburden pressure over the embedded length of the pile

Table-5.1 Values of K and

Pile material

Values of K



Loose sand





Dense sand

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]

Fig-5.13 Values of

for pile formula (after Berezantzev et al, 1961) and

for driven piles (IS:

2911 Part I-1979)

Fig-5.14 Relative density obtained from N values (After Gibbs and Holtz, 1966)

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]
Bored cast in situ piles
The load carrying capacity of a bored cast in situ pile will be much smaller than that of a driven pile in sand.
The angle of shearing resistance of the soil is reduced by 30, to account for the loosening of the sand due to
the drilling of the hole.
The value of,
taken equal to

. K is generally varying from 0.3 to 0.75, with a medium value of 0.5. d can be
for bored piles excavated in dry soil and reduced value of d if slurry has been used during

Fig-5.15 Average unit skin friction on driven piles in cohesion less soils

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]
Piles in clays
The ultimate load capacity of the pile is estimated by,
In clays,

; thus,

is the undrained cohesion at the base of the pile

is the bearing capacity factor for deep foundation, generally taken as 9
is the adhesion factor
undrained cohesion in the embedded length of the pile
Table : 5.2 Values of Reduction Factor,

N value

Bored piles

Driven cast in
situ piles

Soft to very soft

Stiff to hard




Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]

In this section you have learnt the following.

Static analysis
Piles in granular soils (sands and gravel)
Bored cast in situ piles
Piles in clays

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]

In this section you will learn the following
Pile load test
Determination of Ultimate Load of pile Pile Load Test
Single Tangent method
Double Tangent Method
Log-Log method
Rectangular Hyperbola method
Vander Veen's method (1953)
Maazurkiewicz parabola method (1972)

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]
Pile load test


Pile load test is the most reliable of all the approaches to determine the allowable load on the pile.


Three types of pile tests are generally carried out.

Pile load test are very useful for cohesion less soil. However, incase of cohesive soils, the data from the pile
load test should be used with caution on account of disturbance due to pile driving, development of pore
pressure and the in adequate time allowed of consolidation settlement.
Vertical load test
Lateral load test
Pull out test
IS: 2911 Part IV (1979) details the procedure for carrying out the load tests and assessing the allowable load.
According to the code, the test shall be carried out by applying a series of vertical downward loads on a RCC
cap over the pile. The load shall preferably be applied by means of a remote controlled hydraulic jack taking
reaction against a loaded plot form. The test shall be applied in increments of about 20% of the assumed safe
load. Settlement shall be recorded with at least three dial gauges of sensitivity 0.02 mm. each stage of
loading shall be maintained till the rate of movement of pile top is not more than 0.1 mm per hours which
ever is later.
The loading shall be continued up to twice the safe load or the load at which the total settlement of the pile
top/ cap equals the appropriate value as indicated in the criterion stated below:


2/3 the final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 12mm.
Fifty percent of the final load at which the total settlement equals 10% of piles diameter in case of uniform
diameter piles and 7.5% of bulb diameter in case of under reamed piles.
The allowable load on a group of piles shall be the lesser of the following:


Final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 25mm, unless a total settlement different from
25mm is specified in a given case on the basis of the nature and type of structure.


Two-thirds the final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 40 mm.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]

Fig 16 Typical load settlement plot from pile load test

The total settlement S of a pile obtained from a pile load test comprises of two components, namely, elastic
and plastic settlement,

The elastic settlement,

soil at the base of the pile,

is due to the elastic recovery of the pile material and the elastic recovery of the

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]

The total settlement of the pile, S at any load level can be written as S=

is the compression of the soil at the base and

is the compression of the pile.

can be written as,


is the plastic compression of the soil at the base

Total settlement is S=
But, S=





is known, Se can be determined if

where Q is the load on the pile,

is given by equation

is the frictional load, L is the length of the pile, A is the average cross

sectional area of the pile and E is the modulus of elasticity of the pile material.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]

Determination of Ultimate Load of pile Pile Load Test


Single Tangent method

Fig-5.17 Single Tangent method


Double Tangent Method

Fig-5.18 Double Tangent Method

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]

Log-Log method


Rectangular Hyperbola method

Fig-5.19 Log-Log method

Fig-5.20 Rectangular Hyperbola method

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.2 : Pile load test ]


t =1/B


Vander Veen's method (1953)

Fig-5.21 Vander Veen's method



pile=settlement corr. to load P, and a is the factor relates load and deformation


Maazurkiewicz parabola method (1972)

Fig-5.22 Maazurkiewicz parabola method

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.1 : Procedure for ultimate pile capacity : Static
analysis ]
In this section you have learnt the following.
Pile load test
Determination of Ultimate Load of pile Pile Load Test
Single Tangent method
Double Tangent Method
Log-Log method
Rectangular Hyperbola method
Vander Veen's method (1953)
Maazurkiewicz parabola method (1972)

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]
In this section you will learn the following
Engineering news formula (A.M.Wellington)
Modified Hilley Formula
Usefulness of dynamic formulae for pile capacity

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]
Dynamic formulae
These are based on the laws governing the impact of elastic bodies. The input energy of the hammer blow is
equated to the work done in overcoming the resistance of the ground to the penetration of the pile. Allowance
is made for the losses of energy due to elastic contractions of the pile, pile cap, and subsoil and also the
losses due to the inertia of the pile.
Engineering news formula (A.M.Wellington)
The dynamic resistance of soil or ultimate pile load capacity,
Where W is the weight of the hammer falling through a height H
S is the real set per blow
C is the empirical factor
F is the factor of safety say 6.
In metric units
Drop hammer,


Single acting steaming hammer,



& H are expressed in kg. H is in cm, S is the final set in cm/blow, usually taken as average

penetration for the last 5 blows of a drop hammer, or 20 blows of a steam hammer.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]
Modified Hilley Formula
It taken in to account more energy losses during driving in a more realistic manner.
where R is the ultimate driving resistance in tons
W is the weight of hammer in tons.
H is the effective fall of hammer.
is the efficiency of the blow that represents the ratio of energy after impact to the striking energy of the
S is the final set or penetration per blow in cm
C is the total elastic compression=

is the temporary elastic compression of the dolly and packing

is the temporary elastic compression of the pile
is the temporary elastic compression of the soil

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]

1.77 When the driving is without dolly or helmet and cushion about 2.5cm thick.
9.05 When the driving is with short dolly up to 60 cm long, helmet and cushion up to 7.5cm thick.

where L is the length of the pile in m and A is the cross sectional area of pile.

Where P is the weight of pile, anvil, helmet and follower in tons and
e is the coefficient of restitution of the materials under impact. Values are:
For steel ram of double-acting hammer striking on steel anvil and driving reinforced concrete pile, e=0.5
For cast-iron ram of single acting or drop hammer striking on head of reinforced concrete pile, e=0
for single acting or drop hammer striking a well-conditioned driving cap and helmet with hard wood dolly while
driving reinforced concrete piles or directly on head of timber pile, e=0.25
For a deteriorated condition of the head of pile or of dolly, e=0

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]
Table: 5.3 values of

in relation to e and P/W

Ratio of












Usefulness of dynamic formulae for pile capacity

These formulae are based on the assumption of the impact of two free elastic bodies. Pile is not a free body.
Dynamic formula may be used with confidence in free-draining materials such as coarse sand, but are not
likely to yield useful results in the case of cohesive soil deposits. Further, in saturated sand deposits,
vibrations during driving are likely to cause liquefaction.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.3 : Dynamic formulae ]
In this section you have learnt the following.
Engineering news formula (A.M.Wellington)
Modified Hilley Formula
Usefulness of dynamic formulae for pile capacity

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.4 : Pile capacity ]
In this section you will learn the following

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.4 : Pile capacity ]
Pile capacity
For circular shallow footing,
for deep footings,

is the ultimate bearing capacity,

is the area of pile base,

is the unit skin friction and

the shaft area (perimeter*length)

for piles,
for clays,


here the unit weight term is neglected because
Determination of
Meyerhof's method
Vesic method
Janbu Method
Determination of


Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.4 : Pile capacity ]
In this section you have learnt the following .

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

In this section you will learn the following
Meyerhof's Method
Vesic method to compute
Janbu's method to compute


Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

The Frictional Resistance

is obtained from above eq after estimating the unit skin friction

. The unit

friction for a straight side pile depends up on the soil pressure acting normal to the pile surface & the
coefficient of the friction between the soil and the pile material in fig.
The soil pressure normal to the vertical pile surface is horizontal and is related to the effective vertical soil
pressure as

Where K = Earth pressure coefficient,

The Unit Skin Friction

= Effective vertical pressure at that depth.

acting at any depth can be written as


Selection of value of K & require good engineering judgment depend up on the loose sand & medium sand.
In General Dense & Loose sand depend on the initial relative density and the method of installations. The
larger the volume of the soil displacement, the higher the value of the resulting friction. For high displacement
driven piles, the soil is considered dense. For driven in cast in place piles, the soil is considered medium dense
if the casing is left in place or if the concrete is compacted as the casing is withdrawn. The sand is considered
to be loose, if the concrete is not compacted. Tapered soil develops greater unit friction than the straight
piles. Further the value of K is greater if the pile is driven in to undisturbed soil than the one for installed in a
pre drilled holes.
The effective vertical Pressure increases with depth only up to the critical depth. Below the critical depth the
value of
The ultimate frictional resistance can be expressed as,
Where P = Perimeter,
the segmented length.

= Segmented Length

= Unit skin friction,

= Vertical stress at the centre of

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of
In this section you have learnt the following.
Meyerhof's Method
Vesic method to compute
Janbu's method to compute

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

Determination of

Meyerhof's Method : Good for sands

For sands C=0,

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

After certain depth

becomes constant and that particular value should not exceed limiting value(

=50*N*q tan

=4N for driven piles & 1.2 N for bored piles.

Where N is the SPT value
is the minimum of
Meyerhoff's method of finding pile tip resistance in layered soil
For two layers

Fig.5.23 Pile tip resistance for layered soil

is the point resistance per unit area at the base of first layer,
is the point resistance per unit area at the pile tip,
is the limiting point resistance per unit area,
is the depth upto portion of nonlinearity,

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

B is the width of the pile or width of the pile, as shown in the fig.

Fig. 5.24 Different B values

values are given by Meyerehoff as given in earlier section.
For three layers

Fig 5.25 Pile tip resistance for layered soil

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

Example: For an end bearing pile of cross sectional area 1.17
= 7.85 KN/

and D = 1.22m.


According to Meyerhoff's chart, for

/D) = 7. Compute the pile capacity for

(L/D) =10.
Pile length L = 1.22 x 10 =12.2 m.
From fig. 26, for

Fig 5.26 Meyerhoof's chart of

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

(7x D)x

= 7.85 x 7 x 1.22 x 55
= 3687.145 KN/
= 50
= 50 x 55 x tan 29 0
= 1524.35 KN/
Design value of

is 1524.35 KN/

The variation of

value is given in fig.

= (1524.34) x 1.17 = 1783 KN

Base resistance in pure clay (

Fig. 5.27 Variation of pile tip resistance


Fig. 5.28 Value of

given by Skempton

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of

Pile is considered as circular foundation, referring fig.

For (L/B r ) > 4,

= 9 for clays.

values depend on ,
i) Method of installation,
ii) Stress strain relationship of soil etc.
Typical values of


= 5.7 to 8.2 for expansive clays,

= 7.4 to 9.3 for insensitive clays,
= as low as 5.5 for very large value of
Unless otherwise stated we should consider
Bishop's equation of

= 9 in our design.


is the undrained modulus of soil from stress-strain curve,
is the undrained cohesion.
Base resistance in

soil (Meyerhoff's analysis):


is the effective overburden pressure,
can be found from Meyerhoff's chart corresponding to


Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of


Vesic method to compute

It based on cavity expansion theory of cylinder.


is the earth pressure coefficient at rest,

in mean normal stress,

is the rigidity coefficient for reduced rigidity for the soil which depends on the elastic modulus of soil.
is average volumetric strain,
is the poission's ratio.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.5 : Determination of


Janbu's method to compute

In this failure plane assumed is as shown in fig. 5.29

= 70 0 for soft clays,

= 105 0 for sand.

Fig. 5.29 Failure plane assumed by Janbu

Skin Resistance :
The Method of estimating the Ultimate Load carrying capacity of a pile foundation, depending up on the
characteristics of the soil, can be found out by Static method from the following eq.

= Ultimate Load

= Point or Base Resistance of the pile

= Shaft Resistance Developed by the friction (or adhesion) between the soil and the pile shaft.

Fig 5.30 Variation of K in Sands.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

In this section you will learn the following
-Method for cohesive soil:
- Method
- Method

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

Determination of

-method for cohesive soil:

The ultimate bearing capacity of a pile in cohesive soil may develop up to 80 90% of its
-Method is a total stress analysis where the ultimate capacity of the
capacity through shaft resistance. The
pile is determined from the undrained shear strength of the cohesive soil. This method assumes that the shaft
resistance is independent of the effective overburden pressure. The unit shaft resistance is expressed in terms
of an empirical adhesion factor times the undrained shear strength. The unit shaft resistance is equal to the
) which is the shear stress between the pile and the soil.
adhesion (
Method is an empirical adhesion factor to reduce the average undrained shear strength (

) of the

depends on the nature and strength

undisturbed clay along the embedded length of the pile. The coefficient
of the clay, pile dimensions, method of installation, and time effects.
Step By Step Procedure for
Method in Cohesive Soil
Step 1 Delineate the soil profile into layers and determine the adhesion, ca.
Step 2 For each soil layer, compute the unit shaft resistance
Step 3 Compute the shaft resistance in each soil layer and the ultimate shaft resistance,
Step 4 Compute the ultimate toe resistance, Rt .

Rt = qt .At

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

Step 5 Compute the ultimate pile capacity (kips).

+ Rt
Step 6 Compute the allowable design load


/ Factor of Safety
-method for cohesive soil (Homogenous Layer)


is the undrained shear strength for a homogenous layer.

For very soft clay,

or slightly more than 1.Kerisel (1966) had shown the variation of
values with undrained shear strength of the soil.

Fig. 5.31 Variation of

with undrained shear strength

Heterogeneous Soil:
Case1 : Sands over lying stiff cohesive clays.
Case2: soft clays/sits overlying stiff clays.
Case3: stiff cohesive soils without any overlying strata.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of
Table : 5.4

Values For Different Penetration Ratios


Penetration ratio





fig ( )








fig( )



Where, Penetration ratio= Depth of penetration in stiff clay

Pile diameter
Driven piles:


The clay around the pile is displaced both vertically and horizontally. Upward displacement results in heaving
of the ground and can cause reduction in the bearing capacity of adjacent piles.


The clay in the disturbed zone around the pile is completely remoulded during driving.
The excess pore water pressures set up by the driving stresses dissipates within a few months as the
disturbed zone is relatively narrow. Thus the skin friction at the end of the dissipation is normally appropriate
in design. The adhesion factor a for driven piles is generally correlated to
shear strength to the existing vertical effective overburden pressure.

i.e. the ratio of the undrained

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

Fig. 5.32 Design Curve for Driven Piles

Bored piles:


A thin layer of clay (usually 25mm) immediately adjoining the shaft will be remoulded during boring.
Gradual softening of the clay adjacent to the pile will take place due to stress release, pore water seeping
from surrounding clay towards the shaft. Water can also be absorbed from wet concrete. This softening is
accompanied with reduction in shear strength and a reduction in skin friction. Construction should therefore
be completed as soon as possible.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

The value of a for bored piles in clay is usually lower than those for driven piles. Most of the
come from experience. For example, London clay has been extensively
recommendations of the values of
studied and the recommended value of a is 0.45. For short piles in weathered London clay the value drops to
0.3. For Indian clays it is 0.5. For other clays, Weltman and Healy (1978) produced a variation of a with
reproduced in Figure

Fig. 5.33
Table: 5.5

values for bored and driven piles (based on


values for various types of piles (based on


Pile type









Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of


An alternative and entirely empirical method has been proposed by Vijayvergiya and Focht (1972) for the
estimation of the side resistance of long steel pipe piles founded in clay. This method is used fairly frequently
in the design of heavily loaded offshore foundations. Because these piles are long and slender, the great
majority of capacity is derived from the shaft and, therefore, the end bearing component can be insignificant.
This method is not commonly used for land-based piles, and should only be applied where an assumption of
normal consolidation is appropriate . The authors simply established a correlation between ultimate shaft
, determined from a large number of load tests on steep pipe piles, the mean effective vertical
stress between ground and pile toe,

, and the mean undrained cohesion along the pile shaft,


Dimensionless coefficient
=mean effective vertical stress between ground surface and pile tube.
=average undrained cohesion along the pile.
=pile surface area.
is a function of pile penetration and decreases to a reasonably constant value for very

It follows then that

large penetrations. It is possible to compare the conventional adhesion factor,

, with

from a comparison

of the relevant equations.

Earth pressure coefficient
=pile soil interfacial friction angle.
=mean vertical effective stress

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

Burland method
method developed by Burland (1973) shows comparable values to the actually measured skin
resistances. This method intensely counts on the soil-pile interaction parameters such as the angle of soil-pile
friction angle (
) and the coefficient of earth pressure (
). Burland method for predicting the pile skin
resistance tends to over predict the capacity of the piles.
is (1 - sin

) tan

ranges from 20 0 -30 0

ranges from 0.24 to 0.29

Fig. 5.34 Relation between Depth Ratio D/B and Skin Friction Coefficients as predicted by Burland.

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

Meyerhoff method
depends on

as well as depth of penetration

approximately 0.15 for depth >60m

Stiff Clay

as per Burland
Remolded angle of friction of soil

Meyerhof (1976) has proposed values of K

for driven,
jacked and bored piles. The shaft resistance values reflect the
likely changes of stress state in the soil due to the method of
installation. The values for bored piles are based on an
of 75% of its undisturbed
assumed reduced friction angle
value. In using this chart, the undisturbed value is used in all
cases. These values are combined in the Meyerhof method with
the full calculated effective overburden pressure . Meyerhof
demonstrated that for driven piles in stiff clay,
while for bored piles,
following expression for

= 0.75

. Meyerhof proposed the

for driven pile

for bored piles
=average N value over pile length.
Fig. 5.35 Values of

Module 5 : Design of Deep Foundations

Lecture 22 : Ultimate pile capacity [ Section 22.6 : Determination of

In this section you have learnt the following.
-Method for cohesive soil:
- Method
- Method
Congratulations, you have finished Lecture 22. To view the next lecture select it from the left
hand side menu of the page

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