MK Rulebook ENG Searchable-Mar2012

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This book has two parts, the Rulebook and the Scenario Book.

The Rulebook provides the complete rules for playing the

Mage Knight Board Game. It is not intended as a method for learning the game, and especially not as a way to teach others
how to play. We strongly recommend that players start by reading the Game Walkthrough, where the rules are explained in
a more natural order, with many pictures and examples.
Once you have read the Game Walkthrough and played your rst scenario, and are familiar with the game components and
concept, this Rulebook provides the complete rules for the game, except the rules relating to certain scenarios (those you
can nd in the Scenario Book) and rules for particular map sites (those you can nd on the Site Description cards).
This is a complex game, and even after you play your rst couple of games, you may still need to check the rules from time to
time. For a smoother experience, we recommend this approach:
When playing, have the Site Description cards for all sites nearby. Each Site Description card provides all the rules for the
given map site. It may use terms that are further explained in the Rulebook.
When playing, have the last page of this book within reach. It provides a useful summary of game phases and a table of
combat abilities.
For scenario related rules (setup, special rules, end game conditions, scoring), consult the description of the given
scenario in the Scenario Book. It may also refer to some more common scenario rules (like the dummy player or scoring);
these are at the start of the Scenario Book.
If you want to check some generic rule (not related to a particular map site or scenario), use the Rulebook. It is organized
in systematic way, and once you understand its structure, you will be able to navigate through it more easily. When
searching for a particular rule or situation, consult the Table of Contents on this page to nd which phase of the game the
rule belongs. If it does not relate to a particular phase of the game, it will be probably in the Basic Game Concepts section.
The same applies if you are searching for more details of a site related rule (for example, to see how a mage tower aects
movement, search in the Movement section). The Rulebook refers to sites by text written like this. Note that sites may
share some rules according to their type (fortied sites, adventure sites and rampaging enemies).
Do not try to look up rules in the Game Walkthrough. You should be able to nd all the rules in this book or on a Site
Description card. If you have found the rule here but you are not sure how to interpret it, you may try to nd its more
detailed explanation in the Game Walkthrough.

1. Choose a scenario Pick a scenario from the Scenario Book

to play. You may also use any variant rules as long as all players
agree to them.
2. Player Order/Hero Selection Determine an order for players
to make their Hero selection. In that order, each player chooses
one of the available Heroes and takes all of the associated Hero

When a player takes his Hero, he puts that Heros Round

Order token on the table. Round Order tokens should be
placed sequentially in a column, such that the Round Order
token for the player that picked rst is at the top of the
column, while the token for the player that picked last is at
the bottom.

Table of Contents
Game Flow ......................................................................................................1
Game Setup for the Full Game ..................................................................3
One Round of the Game (Day or Night) ................................................4
Basic Game Concepts ..................................................................................4
A Players Turn ................................................................................................5
Movement .......................................................................................................6
Interacting with Locals ................................................................................7
Combat with Enemies..................................................................................7
End of the Turn ...............................................................................................9
Wounds and Healing .................................................................................10
Player versus Player Combat ...................................................................10
Cooperative City Assault ..........................................................................11

General Principles .......................................................................................12
Variants ..........................................................................................................13
Scenario List ..................................................................................................15

3. Setup the Game Follow the directions in the Game Setup

section on the next page to set up the game area. Check the
scenario description for any exceptions or special rules that
may modify the game setup.
4. Play the Game Play out the Rounds of the game until you
fulll the end-game conditions outlined in the scenario, or until
you reach the Round limit.
5. Outcome of the Game When the game is over, follow the
scoring rules outlined in the scenario.

Action deck
City cards and
City gures

Spell deck

Enemy and Ruin token piles

Spaces for
Action oer


Fame track


Wound pile

Spaces for
Spell oer
Tile deck

Spaces for
Common Skill

Elite Unit

Artifact deck

Fame and Reputation board

Regular Unit


Move costs
Day/Night board

Spaces for
Unit oer

Unused Night

Site Description
and Scoring
Space to display
Advanced Action cards
later (for Monasteries)

Mana die


Tiles revealed
at start

Map shape when starting tile B

is used.

Displayed Day

Fame and Reputation board. Players put one of their Shield

tokens on the 0 space of the Fame track and one on the central
0 space of the Reputation track.
Enemy and Ruin token piles. Sort the enemy (round) and ruin
(hexagonal) tokens by the reverse side, and stack them in seven
face down piles. Next to each pile, there is a space for discarded
tokens. If you run out of tokens, reshue the discarded ones
and create a new face down pile.
Artifact deck. Shue the Artifacts and put them in a face
down deck. Artifacts are never displayed in an oer.
Wound pile. All Wound cards are the same. Stack them in a
face up pile.
Spells deck and Spell oer. Shue the Spell cards and put
them in a face down deck. Reveal the rst three as the oer.
Advanced Action deck and Advanced Action oer. Prepare
in the same way as for Spells.
Common Skill oer. An empty area where Skill tokens not
chosen during Level up will be put.
Regular Unit deck and Elite Unit deck. Shue the Unit cards
with silver and gold backs separately to create two face down

Unit oer. Reveal as many cards from the Regular (silver) Unit
deck as there are actual players plus 2. Later, there may also
be some Advanced Action cards in the Unit oer (one for each
monastery on the map).
Round Order tokens. Each player puts his Round Order token
here, with the player who picked his Hero rst being at the top.
Day/Night board. At the start of the game, put it day side up.
At the start of a new round, it gets ipped, so Day and Night
The left part of this board depicts the Move costs of various
The right part is the Source. Roll as many mana dice as there
are actual players plus 2, and place them there. At least half
of the dice have to show basic colors (red, blue, white or
green). If not, keep rerolling all the black and gold dice until
this is true.
Displayed Day Tactics. Display the Day Tactic cards in an
easily accessible place.
Unused Tactics. Put the Night Tactic cards here now. You do
not need to shue them.

Tile deck. The Scenario description says how many tiles of

each type you should use to form this deck.
For Countryside tiles (green back), pick them randomly.
For Core tiles (brown back), separate them into city and
non-city tiles (according to whether they have a City icon in
the middle). Then randomly choose the appropriate number
of non-city and city tiles.
To form the deck, shue the chosen brown tiles together,
then put the shued green tiles on top of them.
Map. According to the scenario description, put the starting tile
either A side or B side up.
Reveal two (if using starting tile A) or three (if using B) tiles
from the Tile deck and place them as depicted. Orient the
tiles in the same direction as the starting tile.
For all revealed sites, check the Site Description card to see
what happens when they are revealed.
Site Description cards and Scoring card. These should be
nearby, so players can easily take and read them.
City cards and City gures. These can be out of reach, as you
will not need them until later in the game.
Bank. Put the mana tokens in an accessible space. Place any
unused mana dice there, as sometimes you may need to roll a
die during the game.

Thihis card
r represents
n s your
yyoour character. In its lower part
Hero card.
is the Inventory, in which you store crystals gained during the
Pile of Level tokens. Stack the ve octagonal Level tokens in a
face up pile, sorted by numbers, so the one marked 1-2 is at the
top, while 9-10 is at the bottom. The current token shows your
Armor of 2 and Hand limit of 5 for levels 1-2. Put the sixth blank
Level token shield side up in your Unit area as a Command
Unit Area. Here you place your recruited Units. Each Unit needs
its own Command token. You currently have one Command
token, so you can only have one Unit. When advancing to an

odd-numbered level, you get another Command token, so your

maximum number of Units increases.
Deed Deck. Each player shues the 16 Basic Action cards of
his Hero (check the symbol in upper right corner) to create his
Deed deck.
Players hand. At the start of the game, draw 5 cards from your
Deed deck (according to your Hand limit depicted on your
topmost Level token).
Discard pile. Here you discard played cards at the end of your
turn (and sometimes also some cards during your turn).
Figure. For now, place your gure here. It will move to the map
during your rst turn.

Shield tokens. Use one on the Fame track and another on the
Reputation track. The rest are used to mark your successes on
the map. The supply should be endless (if you run out of them,
use a substitute).
Pile of Skill tokens. Each player has 10 Skill tokens in his color.
Randomize them and put them in a face down pile.
Gained Skills. An area where Skill tokens gained during Level
up will be put.
Skill Description card. All Skill tokens belonging to your Hero
are described here.
Play Area. Each player should have some reasonable space in
front of him, where he can play cards during his turn.


Hero card
Pile of Level

Play Area

Deed deck

ero gure
Unit area

Discard pile
(face up)

Pile of Skill

Players hand

1. Rounds are either Day or Night. Players take their turns within
a Round.
2. Prepare the Round (skip this step for the rst Round of the
game, as it was completed during setup):
a. Flip the Day/Night Board If it was Day, ip the board to
Night; if Night, ip to Day.
b. Reset the Source Reroll all mana dice in the Source,
following the conditions outlined in the Game Setup
c. Create a new Unit oer.
Take all Unit cards currently in the oer and put them on
the bottom of their corresponding decks.
If there are some Advanced Action cards in the Unit oer,
put them to the bottom of the Advanced Action deck.
Deal new Unit cards into the Unit oer equal to the
number of actual players plus 2.
If no Core tile has been revealed, deal Regular (silver
back) Units only.
If at least one Core tile has been revealed, alternate
dealing Elite (gold) and Regular Units. (Elite, Regular,
Elite, etc.)
If there are any monasteries on the map, add one
Advanced Action card to the Unit oer for each
monastery that has not been burned.
d. Refresh the Advanced Action oer Remove the lowest

position Advanced Action card in the oer and put it on

the bottom of the Advanced Action deck. Move each other
Advanced Action down one position in the oer, then draw
a new card from the Advanced Action deck and add it to the
oer in the top position.
e. Refresh the Spell oer Follow the same steps as for
refreshing the Advanced Action oer.
f. Collect Tactic cards Collect all Tactic cards from the
previous Round, then display the appropriate set of Tactic
cards in the game area, face up.
g. Each player:
Flips all Banner Artifacts and Skill tokens in his play area
face up. He may (does not have to) discard any Banner
Artifact assigned to his Units at this moment.
Readies all Units in his Unit area, including Wounded
ones (Wounded Units are not healed).
Shues all his Deed cards to create a new Deed deck.
Draws cards up to his Hand limit. (This may be increased
if he is on or next to a keep or city see the description
of these sites. If next to both, use only the higher eect.)
3. Players choose Tactic cards for this Round.
a. Each player chooses one Tactic card displayed in the game
The player with the lowest Fame picks rst, followed by
the player with the second lowest Fame, etc. In case of



1. All cards with this card back are Deed cards.

These consist of Action cards (Basic and
Advanced), Spells, Artifacts and Wounds.
At the start of the game, players have only
Basic Action cards in their Deed deck.
2. Each turn, players will play Deed cards from their hand. To play
a card, put it in your Play area and perform the stated eect.
3. Dierent Deed cards can be played in dierent ways:
a. An Action card (Basic or Advanced) can be played to
provide its basic eect, or it can be powered by one mana of
the depicted color to provide its strong eect.
b. A Spell can be powered by one mana of the depicted color
to provide its basic eect. At Night it can be powered by one
mana of the depicted color and one black mana to provide
its strong eect.
c. An Artifact can be played to provide its basic eect, or it can be
thrown away (removed from the game) for its strong eect.
d. Wound cards cannot be played in any way.
e. Any non-Wound card can be played sideways into the Play
area to provide either Move 1, Inuence 1, Attack 1 or Block 1.
They cant be played to provide Ranged Attack, Siege
Attack, or any kind of elemental (Fire, Ice or Cold Fire)
Attack or Block.
4. Cards that provide similar eects (even those of dierent types)
can be played together to provide a cumulative eect. Stack the
played cards together and total their eects.
5. At the end of the turn, all played Deed cards go to your discard
pile. Unplayed cards remain in your hand, unless you decide to
discard one or more of them.
6. Some card eects order you to pay extra mana of some color,
or to discard (put to your discard pile) or throw away (remove
from the game) another card. These eects cannot be played if
you are unable to do this.
a. Wound cards can be never discarded or thrown away this
way, unless the eect explicitly allows so. Thus any card
refers to any card in your hand, except Wound cards.

1. Units are separated into two decks, Regular (silver card back)
and Elite (gold card back). The card back does not impact game
play once Units are in the game.
2. At the start of the game, players control no Units. Units gained
(recruited) during the game are displayed in front of the player
in the Unit area at all times (they will never be in a players hand,
Deed deck or discard pile).
3. Each Unit in your Unit area has an assigned Command token.
You cannot have more Units than Command tokens in your
Unit area.
a. Units with Command tokens above them are considered to
be Ready.
b. Units with Command tokens on them are considered to be
c. Units with a Wound card across them are considered to be
4. Newly recruited Units are always Ready and not Wounded.
a. If you want to gain a new Unit but all of your Command
tokens are occupied, you must disband one of your Units.
Remove a disbanded Unit from the game. The newly
recruited Unit is Ready and not Wounded, regardless of the
state of disbanded Unit.
5. A Unit that is Ready and not Wounded may be activated for
one of its abilities.
a. To activate a Unit, put its Command token on it the Unit is
no longer Ready, it is spent until the end of the Round.
b. Then choose one of the abilities displayed on the Unit card
and apply its eect. You may combine it with the eects of
other Deed cards, Skills and Units.
To choose an ability with a mana symbol in front of it,
you have to pay mana of the corresponding color rst.
6. Whenever an eect allows you to Ready a Unit, you may
move the Command token above that Unit. The Unit is now
Ready and can be activated again.
7. Banner Artifacts can be assigned to a Unit at any time during
your turn. Put the Banner card partially under the Unit card you

a tie, the player whose Round Order token is in a lower

position picks rst.
Note: This means that in the rst Round, the player who
picked his Hero last chooses his Tactic card rst.
b. Follow any instructions on Tactic cards which say when
you take this Tactic.
c. Rearrange the Round Order tokens according to the Tactic
number of each player, such that the lowest Tactic number is
on top (rst) and the highest Tactic number is on the bottom
d. Remove any unclaimed Tactics and set them aside.
4. Players play their turns:
a. Players take their turns in the order stated by the Round
Order tokens (from top to bottom). After the last player, the
rst player plays again.
b. If a players Deed deck is empty at the start of his turn, that
player may announce the End of the Round instead of
playing his turn. If he does, each other player takes one last
turn and then the Round ends.
5. Check the Scenario description to see whether the game is
a. If the scenario conditions have been met or if the Round
limit is reached, the game is over and you should follow the
Scenario description to determine the outcome of the game.
b. If not, continue the game by playing the next Round.

are assigning it to. As long as the Banner is attached to the Unit,

the Unit can benet from its basic eect, but the strong eect is
a. If the Unit is destroyed or disbanded, or if you assign another
Banner to the same Unit, the Banner goes to your discard pile.
b. At the end of the Round, you may decide either to keep the
Banner with the unit, or you can shue it back into your
Deed deck.
8. At the end of your turn, do not discard or Ready a Spent Unit.
Units are automatically Readied at the end of each Round.

1. Skills are represented by Skill tokens. Each character has his
own set of Skill tokens.
2. At the start of the game, players have no Skill tokens available
to them. Each time a Hero reaches an even-numbered Fame
level, they gain one Skill token.
a. Players put the Skill tokens they gain during the game face
up in front of them.
b. Players may gain Skill tokens of their own character, but
also Skill tokens of other characters in the game. If they do,
they can use them the same way as their own once a Skill
is in the game, it does not matter to which character set it
3. The use and eect of each Skill is depicted by icons on its token.
They are described in detail on the Skill Description card of
the corresponding character.
4. Skills are of three basic types:
a. Skill tokens with this symbol can be used only once a
Round, on your turn (except the Motivation skill, which can
also be used during other players turns). If you use such
a Skill, ip the token face down until the start of the next
Skill tokens with this symbol can be used once a
Round, but their eect persists until the start of your
next turn. These Skills will aect other players during their
turns while they are active. When using this type of Skill,

announce it loudly and put the token in the center of the

table. At the start of your next turn (or when the Round
ends, if that comes rst), take it back and ip it face down. It
will be ipped up at the start of the next Round.
c. Skill tokens without any special symbols can be used once
each turn.

1. There are four basic colors of mana in the game (red, blue,
white and green). The mana can be in two forms:
a. Pure mana. This is represented by a mana die or by a mana
token in a players play area. When gained, it has to be used
before the end of the players turn, or it disappears.
b. Crystals. These are represented by a mana token in the
players Inventory (on his Hero card). Up to three tokens of
each basic color can be stored there.
A crystal can be turned into pure mana at any moment of
a players turn. Pure mana cannot be turned into crystals
unless an eect says so.
2. There are two special colors (gold and black) that can be in pure
form only (there are no gold and black crystals).
a. During Day Rounds, gold mana can be used as mana of
any basic color (for all purposes, it is considered exactly the
same as using mana of the desired color). Black mana can
never be used during the Day.
b. During Night Rounds, black mana can be used to power
some eects. Gold mana can never be used at Night.
3. The Source represents pure mana present in the world. Each
turn, a player may take one mana die from the Source and use it
as mana of the color shown on the die.
a. Reroll any dice taken from the Source this way at the end of

1. Some Tactic cards, Skill tokens and the village Description card
oer you options that are labeled as before your turn or on
another players turn.
a. For game purposes both of these are the same. You can play
them while others are playing, or just before your turn.
Note: You can use eects playable on another players turn
before your rst turn, even if you are the rst player to play
this Round.
b. These eects usually allow you to draw cards from your
Deed deck. The following conditions (whether the draw
deck is empty, whether you have cards in your hand) are
checked after these actions are completed.
2. If your Deed deck is empty at the start of your turn, and if the
End of the Round has not been announced yet, you may forfeit
your turn and announce the End of the Round. If you do, each
other player takes one more turn, and then the Round is over.
a. You may only announce End of the Round if your Deed deck
is empty at the start of your turn.
b. You must announce End of the Round if your Deed deck is
empty and you have no cards in your hand at the start of
your turn.
c. If you have cards in your hand, but your Deed deck is empty,
it is up to you whether to announce End of the Round, or
whether to play your turn.
d. If you have no cards in your hand and Deed deck, but the
End of the Round has already been announced by another
player, you must forfeit your turn.
3. If you forfeit your turn, your turn ends immediately; you cannot
even use the benets of a map space you occupy (mines or
magical glade).
4. If you do not forfeit your turn, you have two options: playing a
Regular turn, or Resting.
a. In both cases, you have to play or discard at least one
card during or at the end of your turn (except if your hand

the players turn, and return them to the Source.

b. Players take the dice at the moment when they want to use
the mana. Players are not allowed to take a die and then not
use the mana it provides.

1. Deed cards, Units, Skill tokens and some Tactic cards provide a
variety of eects that may be used on a given turn.
a. Many eects are described with shortcuts like Move X (gain
X Move points) or Heal X (gain X Healing points). These
terms are explained in the rules.
b. Other eects might allow you to modify the rules for the
turn, or to gain something you wouldnt normally be able to
gain. For these types of eects, follow the text on the card.
If the eect modies some values or rules, the change
always lasts until the end of the current turn (unless
stated otherwise).
2. If you do not understand an eect or the interaction of two or
more eects in combination, check the game website for FAQs.


Action oer, replenish the oer immediately by shifting the

remaining cards down and adding a new card to the top slot
of the oer.
b. If you take a card from the Unit oer (either a Unit or an
Advanced Action that you learned in a monastery), do not
replenish the oer. It will be replenished at the start of the
next Round.
4. Any Artifacts and any rewards won during combat are gained
at the end of your turn. See the End of Turn section.

1. If an eect tells you to discard a card, put the discarded card
into your discard pile. You may never discard a Wound card,
unless the eect explicitly allows it.
2. If an eect tells you to throw away a card then:
a. If it is a Wound, put it back in the Wound pile.
b. Otherwise, remove it from the game (return it to the box).


1. If an eect tells you to gain a mana token, take a mana token of

the corresponding color and put it in your Play area.
2. If an eect tells you to gain a crystal, take a mana token of the
corresponding color and put it in your Inventory. If you already
have three crystals of that color, gain a mana token of that color
to your Play area instead.
3. If an eect tells you to gain a new Deed card (Advanced Action,
Spell, or Artifact) during or after your turn, the new card is
placed on top of your Deed deck unless stated otherwise.
a. Whenever you gain a card from the Spell oer or Advanced

1. Unless you agree otherwise (not recommended), players may

take back any actions and decisions they make during their
turn. It is faster to playout your turn and change your mind than
to attempt to plan everything in your head.
2. You cannot revert to a moment prior to any new information
being revealed (a map tile, enemy token, or card), a die rolled
or another player reacting specically to the players actions
(usually in Player vs. Player combat).
a. Once this happens, all decisions, moves, played cards, used
Skills and Unit abilities, spent mana etc. have to remain
exactly as they were.

is empty but there are still cards in your Deed deck at the
beginning of your turn).
5. Playing a Regular turn has two voluntary parts: movement,
and action.
a. First, you may (but do not have to) move. You may reveal
new map tiles during movement. See the Movement
section later.
b. Your movement may result in a mandatory action:
If you ended your movement on a space occupied by
another player, you must initiate Player vs. Player
If you entered (i.e. assaulted) a fortied site (keep, mage
tower, city), you must ght all garrisoned enemies.
If your movement ended because you were attacked by
rampaging enemies, you must ght these enemies.
c. If there are no mandatory actions, you may choose to
perform one (and only one) of the following voluntary
At inhabited sites (village, monastery, keep, mage
tower, city) you may interact with the locals. See the
Interaction with Locals section later.
At adventure sites (ruins, dungeon, tomb, monster den,
spawning grounds) you may decide to explore them.
This will usually lead to combat.
If there are rampaging enemies (orc marauders,
draconum) in one or more adjacent spaces, you can
decide to challenge one or more of them in combat.
If in a monastery, you may decide to burn it. This leads
to combat.
If none of the above actions are available, or if you do not
want to take any of these actions, you can do nothing.
d. You may do only one action each turn (mandatory or
voluntary). If you want to move and/or reveal new tiles,

you must do it before taking an action. You cannot move or

reveal map tiles after an action.
at any
e. You may play any number of special eects
ppoint during your turn. The same applies for healing eects
, except these cannot be played during combat.
6. If Resting, you cannot move, initiate combat or interact with
a. Depending on the contents of your hand, you can either
take a Standard Rest (if you have at least one card other than
a Wound in your hand) or a Slow Recovery (if you have only
Wound cards in your hand).
Standard Rest: Discard one non-Wound card and any
number of Wound cards.
Note: this is not the same as Healing, as the Wound cards
go to your discard pile.
Slow Recovery: Reveal your hand to show you have
only Wound cards. Then, discard one Wound card to
your discard pile.
b. Before or after you Rest for the turn, you may play any
number of Healing and Special eects.
7. Once you have done everything you wanted to do on your turn
(Regular turn or Resting), announce that your turn is over.
a. First, return any mana dice to the Source. Reroll any dice
you used before returning them. This is listed as the rst
thing you must do, as other players need this information
to be able to plan their turns.
b. Inform the next player (as per the Round Order tokens)
that they may now start their turn.
This speeds up the play of the game. However, if the next
player insists, he may wait until you completely nish
your turn before they start theirs.
c. Finalize your turn while the other player begins theirs. See
the End of Turn section.

1. You may move during a Regular turn (not Resting). During

movement, you can reveal new map tiles. All movement must
be completed before taking any action (combat or interacting
with locals).
2. When moving, you may play any amount of movement
eects . Most of these eects generate Move points.
a. You may play any number of movement cards from your
hand (and power them with any available mana), use
movement Skills, or activate Units with movement abilities.
b. The Move X eect means you get X Move points.
c. Any card (except for a Wound) can be played sideways to a
movement column as Move 1.
y can also play any number of special and healing
d. Players
eects during movement.
3. Total the Move points provided by all your cards and eects.
You may then move your gure, space by space, spending
Move points according to the type of terrain you are moving
into (as indicated by the Day/Night board). You may only move
to accessible adjacent spaces.
a. The spaces marked by X on the Day/Night board are
Note: The cost to move into the Desert and Forest terrain
diers according to whether it is Day or Night.
Note: The cost to move into a city is always 2, regardless of
the terrain shown on its space.
4. Limitations:
a. Entering a space with an unconquered fortied site (keep,
mage tower, or city), or with a keep owned by another
player immediately ends your movement, and is considered
to be an assault on that site.
b. You are not allowed to enter a space occupied by a
rampaging enemy (orc marauder or draconum) until they
are defeated.
c. If you provoke a rampaging enemy (i.e. move directly from
a space adjacent to their token to another space adjacent to
the same token), you are attacked by that enemy and your
movement immediately ends.
d. Entering a space with an adventure site (ruins, monster
den, spawning grounds, dungeons or tombs) does not
necessarily end your movement; you may ignore it and treat
it as an empty space, even if there are enemy tokens.
5. During movement, you can reveal new map tiles:
a. You can only reveal new tiles if you occupy a space adjacent
to a position where a new tile can be added.
Tiles must be placed in xed positions dened by the
symbols in their corners.
No tile can be added behind the coastline (see the Game
Setup section, and the denition of the map shape in the
scenario description).
b. To reveal a tile, a player has to spend 2 Move points.
c. The new tile comes from the top of the Map Tile deck. If the
player occupies a space bordering two available positions
for a new tile, he must announce which of them he is
exploring before revealing the tile.
d. Tiles are always oriented in a dened direction (so the
number in one of their corners is oriented the same way as
the starting tile). Players do not decide how to orient tiles
when placing them.

e. Depending on the back color of the Map Tile being placed,

additional limitations apply:
Countryside tiles (green tile back) can only be placed
such that they will be adjacent to at least two other tiles,
or adjacent to a tile that borders at least two other tiles.
Core tiles (brown tile back) can only be placed such that
they will be adjacent to at least two other tiles.
If there are no tiles left in the Map Tile deck when
a player attempts to explore, he may use a random
Countryside tile removed from the game during Setup.
If all Countryside tiles have been placed, he can use
removed non-City Core tiles instead. Tiles explored this
way can only be placed such that they are adjacent to at
least three other tiles (to ll up holes). If there are no tiles
in the box, no more tiles can be explored.
f. For sites on a newly revealed tile, check the When
revealed section of the associated Site Description cards
and follow the text. Especially:
If a monastery is revealed, draw one Advanced Action
card and add it to the Unit oer (not the Advanced Action
card oer).
g. If a tile with a city in its center is revealed:
Take the corresponding City card and
place it close to the map.
Consult the Scenario description to
see of which level this city has to be.
Take the corresponding City gure and rotate its base
so the level of the city is shown in the window. Put the
gure on the city space.
The base shows circles of dierent colors. For each circle,
draw an enemy token of the corresponding color and
place it face down on the City card.
6. During movement, you may move as many spaces and explore
as many tiles as you can pay Move points for.
a. You are allowed to alternate between exploring new tiles
and moving.
b. You are allowed to play additional eects to add Move
points to your total at any time during movement.
You are allowed to play additional cards after a new tile is
Move points from newly played eects are added to
any Move points that might be left from your previously
played eects.
It is not possible to power previously played cards with
mana for the strong eect this has to be done when the
card is played, or not at all.
7. Some eects modify the rules of movement. These apply to all
movement done after the eect is played, until the end of turn.
a. Some eects reduce the Move cost of certain terrains.
If a player plays more than one of this type of eect, he
can apply them in any order. If the Move cost of a terrain
is reduced to 0, the player may enter spaces of this terrain
without paying any Move points. The Move cost of a terrain
cannot be reduced below 0.
b. Some cards allow a player to enter inaccessible terrain at
certain cost. Beware - players should end their turn in a safe
space (see below), otherwise, Forced Withdrawal rules
apply (see End of the Turn section, pg. 9).
c. Some eects directly allow you to move one or more
spaces. For this, you do not pay any cost other than what
the eect states, and you may also move over inaccessible
spaces (including those occupied by rampaging enemies or
fortied sites), unless stated otherwise.
Some of these eects order you to end this move on a
safe space (see below).

d. A space is considered to be a safe space if:

It is accessible under normal conditions (i.e. if no special
eects apply).
It is not an unconquered fortied site, or a keep owned
by an opponent.
It does not contain another hero, except for sites that
allow more heroes (portal, conquered city).
8. Other players:
a. You are allowed to pass through spaces occupied by
another players gure freely, unless it is a keep owned by
that player.
It is also allowed to enter a space with another player,
to reveal a new map tile or tiles, and then to continue
b. If you enter space a with another player and you do not
want or cannot continue your movement this turn, it is
automatically considered to be attack on that player. See
Player vs. Player combat section later.
Especially, entering a keep owned by another player
while that player is there immediately ends your
movement and thus is automatically considered to be
attack on that player.
c. An attack on another player is considered to be your action
for this turn. It is never allowed to do any other action on a
space occupied by another player.
d. On some spaces, there are multiple gures allowed. Combat
never occurs on those spaces:
If you end your turn on a portal space, remove your
gure from the map and place it in front of you. Place it
back to the portal space at the start of your next turn.
If you enter a conquered city, place your gure o the
map on the corresponding City card. Place the gure
back on the map once it moves away from the city.
e. In certain situations, Player vs. Player combat is not
allowed. If you end your movement on the same space
as another player in these situations, you cannot do any
action on your turn. Forced Withdrawal rules apply to you
at the end of your turn (see the End of the Turn section).
These situations are:
End of Round has been called, and each player has his
last turn this Round.
The scenario conditions were met, and each player has
his last turn in the game.
You play a cooperative scenario, or you agreed Player vs.
Player is not allowed in your game.
You play a team scenario, and that other player is your

1. You can interact with locals at several dierent places on

the map (villages, monasteries, keeps you own, and mage
towers and cities conquered by any player). Interaction is your
action for that turn.
2. When interacting, you may play any amount of inuence
eects to generate Inuence points.
a. You can play inuence cards from your hand (and power
them with any available mana), use inuence Skills, or
activate Units with inuence abilities.
b. The Inuence X eect means you get X Inuence points.
c. Any card (except for a Wound) can be played sideways on a
column as Inuence 1.
d. Players
y can also play any number of special and healing
eects during interaction.
3. Total the Inuence points provided by all your cards and
eects. The total amount is then modied by your Reputation:
a. Check the position of your Shield token on the Reputation
track. It may indicate a negative or positive modier. Add
this modier to your Inuence.
If your token is on the X space of the Reputation track,
you cannot interact at all!
b. If interacting in a conquered city, you add 1 to your Inuence
total for each Shield token you have on the City card.
Note: If these bonuses are high enough, you may interact
without playing any Inuence eects.
4. Once a player has calculated their Inuence total, he can spend

his Inuence points on whatever the site oers. See the Site
Description card, or the corresponding City card for options.
a. A Player can recruit a Unit from the Unit oer, as long as
one of the Unit types (icons in the upper left of the Unit
card) matches the site (icon in the upper right corner of the
Description card). The Inuence cost is stated in the upper
left corner of the Unit card.
For recruiting, see the Basic Concepts Using Units
You can use a newly recruited Unit immediately (but you
cannot use an Inuence eect of that Unit to pay its own
b. Healing points can be bought at villages for 3 Inuence
points and at monasteries for 2 Inuence points (see the
Description card of these sites). See the Wounds and
Healing section.
c. As described on the monastery Site Description card,
a player can learn a new Advanced Action there for 6
Inuence points. The Advanced Action card must be from
the Unit oer (not from the Advanced Action oer) and is
put on top of his Deed deck. The oer is not replenished
until the start of the next Round.
d. A player can learn new Spells from the Spell oer at a
mage tower. To gain a Spell, the player must pay 7 Inuence
points as well as one mana of the same color as the Spell
he wishes to acquire. A newly gained Spell is put on top of
the players Deed deck and the Spell oer is replenished.

e. Each city has its own interaction option depicted on the

lower half of the City card:

In the Red city, you can buy Artifacts

for 12 Inuence points each. The
Artifact is drawn at the end of the turn, as if you won
them in combat (see End of Turn Combat Rewards).

In the Blue city, you can buy

Spells as if you are in a mage

In the White city, you can recruit

Units of all types. Also, you can
pay 2 Inuence points to add one
Elite (gold) Unit card to the Unit
In the Green city, you may pay 6

/ ? Inuence points to gain a card

from the Advanced Action oer (replenish the oer
after) or a random card from the top of the Advanced
Action deck. Put the gained card on top of your Deed
5. You may buy any number of things of the same or dierent
types during an interaction, as long as you have the Inuence
points to pay for them.
a. You apply the bonus or penalty (for Reputation and for
Shield tokens in a city) only once per turn, no matter how
many things you buy.

1. There are several ways to initiate combat with an enemy:

a. Entering a space with an unconquered fortied site (keep,
mage tower, or city). This is considered to be an assault,
and you must ght the defenders of that site. They are
always fortied (see later). Every time you make an assault,
you lose 1 Reputation, regardless of the outcome of the
Also, entering a space with a keep belonging to another
player counts as assault and you lose 1 Reputation. If
the other player is present in the keep, you start Player
vs. Player combat. If not, a random gray enemy token is
drawn as garrison of the keep (worth half Fame).
b. If you are at an adventure site containing enemies
(dungeon or tomb, unconquered monster den or
spawning grounds, or ruins with enemies), you may
announce that you are entering the site as your action. This
initiates combat with all enemies in the site.
c. If you are standing at a monastery, you may announce
that you are attempting to burn it. If you do, you get
Reputation -3, then draw a random purple enemy token as
the defender.
d. If you are standing adjacent to a rampaging enemy
token (orc marauder or draconum), you can challenge
it to combat. If there are rampaging enemies on multiple
adjacent spaces, you can choose to challenge one or more of
them to combat.
e. If you make a move from a space adjacent to a rampaging
enemy token to another space directly adjacent to the same
token, this provokes that rampaging enemy to attack you.
2. Only one combat is allowed each turn. However, in certain
situations, enemies from multiple spaces may be fought in that
a. It can happen that a single move provokes two rampaging
enemies. You have to ght them both.

b. An assault is a move, and it can happen that it provokes

one or more rampaging enemies. You have to ght both
the defenders and these rampaging enemies at once. The
rampaging enemies are not fortied, though, and you can
conquer the site even if you do not defeat them.
c. If your move started a combat and there are one or more
rampaging enemies adjacent to the space you moved into,
you may challenge them to join the ght. This means:
You may provoke a rampaging enemy by your move,
then challenge one or more rampaging enemies adjacent
to the space you moved into, and then ght them all.
When assaulting a fortied site, you may also challenge
any rampaging enemies adjacent to that site. They join
the defenders in combat, but are not fortied and you do
not need to defeat them in order to conquer the site.
d. You cannot challenge extra enemies when entering an
adventure site.
e. You can never ght enemy tokens and another player at the
same time. On your turn, you may do only one action, and
both combat with enemies and Player vs. Player combat are
separate actions.
3. Combat starts by drawing and/or revealing all enemies you
have to ght. Then, the combat has four phases:
a. Ranged and Siege Attack phase Ranged and/or Siege
Attacks can be used rst to attempt to eliminate some
enemies before they get to attack you.
b. Block phase Enemies not eliminated by Ranged / Siege
make their attack. Players can use Block eects to attempt
to block these attacks.
c. Assign Damage phase Any unblocked enemies deal
damage. Damage points must be assigned to your Hero
and/or your Units.
d. Attack phase Attack enemies using any other attacks
remaining in your hand (including Ranged and Siege

Attacks you have not used during the rst phase) to attempt
to eliminate enemies.
4. During each phase a player can play corresponding cards, use
Skills, and activate Units. Track the eects played in each phase
in a separate columns.
5. Unless a restrictive eect is otherwise stated, you may play
additional combat eects (that aect your Units, enemies,
or combat rules) during any of these phases. Unless stated
otherwise, that eect persists until the end of the turn.
a. Any non-Attack/Block eect from a red card, or a Unit
to activate
ability that costs red mana to
has no eect on
enemies with Fire resistance .
b. Any non-Attack/Block eect from a blue card, or a Unit
to activate has no eect on
ability that costs blue manaa to
enemies with Ice resistance .
6. Players can play any number of special eects during any
combat phase. However, no healing eects may be played
during combat.


1. During this phase, you may perform one or more attacks, or
pass and do nothing.
2. To perform an attack, choose one or more enemy tokens as
the target of the attack.
3. Play any number of Ranged Attacks and Siege Attacks of
any elements Fire, Ice, Cold Fire, or physical (physical Attacks
have no elemental attribute).
a. You may play cards that provide Ranged or Siege Attacks
from your hand (and power them with any available mana),
use Ranged or Siege Attack Skills, or activate any Units with
Ranged or Siege Attack abilities. Stack these eects together
in a column to help keep track of your total.





If some of the chosen enemies are fortied (either

o t ed site, or because
because they are defending a forti
they have the fortied ability on their token), only
Siege Attacks can be played. You can play Ranged
Attacks only if none of the targeted enemies are fortied.
If no chosen enemy is fortied, you may play and freely
combine both Ranged and Siege Attacks.
Enemies that are fortied twice (because they have the
fortied ability and they are defending a fortied site)
cannot be targeted at all in this phase, even by Siege
b. Cards cannot be played sideways to contribute to Ranged
or Siege Attacks.
Now total the Attack value of all the played eects:
a. If at least one targeted enemy has one or more Resistance
icons, then all attacks of a type that match a resistance icon
are inecient their strength is halved. (Total all inecient
attacks, divide the result by two, round down.)
Cold Fire Attacks are halved only when there is at least
one targeted enemy with both Ice and Fire Resistance.
To make a successful attack, the total Attack value has to equal
or exceed the total Armor values of all targeted enemies.
If it does, the targeted enemies are defeated.
a. Defeated enemy tokens are immediately discarded to the
discard pile next to their corresponding enemy pile; they do
not participate in the rest of the combat.
b. The attacking player scores Fame equal to the number
on the bottom of each defeated enemy token. Move your
Shield token on the Fame track by that many spaces.
If it crosses the end of a line, you do not Level up
immediately. Level ups are done at the end of the turn.
An Attack of lower total value than the total Armor of the
enemies has no eect and any damage dealt does not carry
over to subsequent phases or turns.
a. If you realize your Attacks are not enough to defeat the
chosen enemies, either play more Attacks, or choose a
dierent enemy to target, or take back the cards you played
and cancel your attack.
You can declare none, one or more attacks during this phase.
With each attack, you can defeat one or multiple enemies.
Group the cards and eects you play for each attack in separate
a. If some of the enemies are fortied and some are not, you
may want to deal with the unfortied ones with a separate
attack (so you can use your Ranged Attacks).
b. If some enemies have certain resistances and some not, you
may want to deal with them with separate attacks, as the
presence of a resistant enemy halves the value of all Attacks
of the type it is resistant to.

1. After performing any Ranged and Siege Attacks, the Block
phase begins. In this phase, all enemies that have not been
eliminated get to attack, but players have the chance to actively
counter the attack of one or more enemies by using blocks. A
Blocked enemy deals no damage in the Assign Damage phase.
2. For each enemy with the Summon icon, draw a brown
enemy token and add it to the enemy group now.
a. For both the Block Phase and Damage Assigning Phase, the
summoned monster replaces the summoning enemy.
b. As long as the summoned monster is present, no eect
can target the enemy that summoned it. The summoned
monster can be targeted normally.
3. Choose a single attacking enemy to block.
4. Play any number of Blocks of any elemental type Fire, Ice,
Cold Fire, or physical.






a. Play cards that provide Block from your hand (you can
power them with any available mana), use Block Skills, or
activate any Units with Block abilities. Stack these eects
together in a column to help keep track of your total.
b. Any card (except for a Wound) can be played sideways to
the column as Block 1. Sideways cards are always physical
Block, never a block of an elemental type.
Determine the total Block value of all played eects.
a. Against elemental attacks, only certain Blocks are fully
ypp of Block is ecient against a physical
Any type
attack .
Only Ice or Cold Fire Blocks are ecient against Fire
Attacks .
Only Fire or Cold Fire Blocks are ecient against Ice
Attacks .
oldd Fire Blocks are ecient against Cold Fire
Only Cold
Attacks .
b. Inecient Blocks are reduced by half. When totaling the
nal Block value, total the values of all inecient Blocks,
divide by two (round down) and then add the full values of
all ecient Blocks.
The Block is successful if the total value equals or exceeds the
attack value of the chosen enemy.
a. If the enemy has the Swift ability , its Attack value is
doubled for the purpose of blocking.
A successfully blocked enemy token is set aside. Its attack
was stopped and it will do no damage during the next phase
of combat. However, it is not eliminated yet. You will have a
chance to eliminate it in the Melee Attack phase.
a. If a summoned monster is successfully blocked, discard it to
the corresponding discard pile (but gain no Fame).
If your Block total is lower than the Attack value of the enemy
you are attempting to block, it has no eect. You cannot lower
the Attack value by playing Blocks you either block it fully, or
it goes through at the full strength.
a. Sometimes a blocking card will have eects other than
adding to your Block total. Unless stated otherwise, these
eects apply whether or not the block was successful.
You may block any number of attacking enemies during this
phase. Any enemies you wish to block are resolved individually;
you cannot block multiple enemies at once.


1. Any enemies that are still alive and unblocked deal damage
from their attacks during this phase.
a. If there are none, skip this phase.
b. Otherwise, process all unblocked enemies one by one in
whatever order you choose.
2. Each enemy deals damage equal to its Attack value.
a. If the enemy has the Brutal ability, it deals twice as
much damage as its Attack value.
3. You must assign all damage. You can assign damage to one or
more of your Unwounded Units. The rest is assigned to your
4. You can assign damage to a Unit as long as it is not Wounded.
Unwounded Spent Units can have damage assigned to them.
a. Whenever a Unit is assigned damage, put a Wound card
on that unit. A Unit becomes Wounded regardless of how
much damage was actually assigned. Then, reduce the
damage total by the Units Armor value.
Assigning just one point of damage can Wound a Unit
with a high Armor value. Armor value simply determines
how much damage remains after the Unit is Wounded,
if any.
b. Exception: If the Unit is resistant to the elements of the

attack (Physical resistance vs. regular physical Attack, Fire

Resistance vs. Fire Attack, Ice Resistance vs. Ice Attack, both
Ice and Fire Resistances vs. Cold Fire Attack):
First, reduce amount of the damage by the Units
Armor (without Wounding the Unit).
If this absorbs all the damage, nothing happens.
If there is any remaining damage, continue assigning
damage as usual by Wounding the Unit and reducing the
damage total by its Armor value again.
Units resistant to the given type of attack can absorb
twice as much damage as they have Armor, and are
Wounded only if the damage was greater than their
If a Unit is assigned damage but does not get Wounded
because of a resistance, it cannot be assigned damage
again during the same combat.
5. If you cannot or do not want to assign damage to a Unit, or if
there is still damage left over after assigning damage to your
Units, you must assign all remaining damage to your Hero.
This is done repeatedly until all damage has been assigned:
a. To assign damage to your Hero, put a Wound card in your
hand and reduce the damage total by your Heros Armor
value (the left number on your Heros Level token).
As with Units, even if the assigned damage is lower than
your Armor value, your Hero must still take a Wound.
b. Repeat the above process until all Damage has been
assigned. Eectively, you will take one Wound for every X
points of damage (where X is you Armor), rounded up.
c. Knock out: If the number of Wound cards added to your
hand during a combat equals or exceeds your unmodied
Hand limit (the right number on your Heros Level token),
you are knocked out immediately discard all nonWound cards from your hand.
Wounds received from other sources (for example: The
eects of some cards played during combat) also count
towards knock out.
While knocked out, your Units may continue to ght,
you can use any of your Skills, and you continue taking
Wounds if you have to assign further damage to your
6. Special enemy abilities related to damage dealing:
a. If an enemy has the Poison ability:
If a Unit is assigned damage by a Poisonous enemy
and would be given a Wound, it is given two Wound
cards instead. It must be Healed twice to remove both
A Hero assigned damage from a Poisonous enemy must
put one Wound card into their discard pile for each
Wound card added to their hand.
b. If an enemy has the Paralyze ability:
If a Unit is assigned damage by a Paralyzing enemy and
would be given a Wound, it is immediately destroyed
(remove it from the game).
A Hero assigned damage by a Paralyzing enemy must
immediately discard any non-Wound cards from their
c. If an enemy has the Summon ability, you assign the
damage of the summoned enemy (taking into account any
special abilities it might have). After the attack, discard the
summoned enemy token to its corresponding discard pile.
7. The phase ends when you have assigned the damage from all
unblocked enemies.

1. The Attack phase works the same way as the Ranged and
Siege Attack phase, except:

a. You can combine any Attacks: Ranged, Siege or regular. In

this phase, there is no dierence between regular, Ranged
and Siege Attacks. Fortications no longer apply, you can
target any enemy with any attack or combination of attacks.
b. Any non-Wound card may be played sideways to an attack
column as a physical Attack 1.
c. You may use eects that are labeled as usable in the Attack
phase only.
2. As in the Ranged and Siege Attack phase, you may eliminate
multiple enemies in one attack, or declare multiple individual
attacks. The rules for enemy resistances are the same.

1. Combat ends after the Attack phase. You might defeat none,
one or more enemies during the combat.
a. If you were assaulting a city, put one of your Shield tokens
on the City card for each enemy you defeated. Put the
Shields in a row, so you can determine in which order they
were put there later.
2. If you defeated all enemies at the site, depending on the site:
a. If you defeated one or more rampaging enemies, remove
their tokens from the board: the icon on the space has no
meaning now, treat it as an empty space. You do not mark
the space with a Shield token, but you do gain Reputation
(+1 for each orc marauders, +2 for each draconum).
b. If you defeated all enemies on an adventure site, mark the
space with a Shield token. At the end of your turn, you can
claim the reward indicated on the Site Description card. Do
not pick your reward before the end of your turn; you

1. You can complete your turn while the next player starts theirs.
The rst thing you should do is reroll and return any mana
dice you used to the Source.
2. Forced withdrawal: You must end your turn on a safe space
(see paragraph 7d in Movement section, pg. 7).
a. If you are not on a safe space, you must backtrack your move
until you arrive at a safe space.
b. For each space you move while backtracking, add a Wound
to your hand.
3. Clear up your play Area:
a. Return all mana tokens, used or unused, from your play area
to the bank.
b. Put all cards played this turn into your discard pile (except
those that were thrown away remove them from the
game, or, in the case of Wounds, put them back on top of the
Wound pile).
4. Use the benets of your space:
a. If you end your turn on a magical glade, you may throw
away one Wound card from your hand or discard pile. Units
cannot be Healed this way.
b. If you end your turn on a crystal mine, you gain a crystal
of the mines color to your Inventory (unless you have
3 crystals of that color already in which case you get
5. Rewards from combat: If you won any rewards from a
combat, take them now. Pick your rewards in whatever order
you choose. If you won:
a. Crystals add them to your Inventory (unless you already
have 3 of that color then nothing happens). If you gained
any random crystals, roll a die for each reward to determine
which color you receive. If black is rolled, you gain 1 Fame
instead. If gold is rolled, you may choose the color.

can take your time choosing a reward while other players

are playing.
c. If you defeated all the defenders of a fortied site, you end
your turn on the conquered space.
Note: If some rampaging enemies were involved in the
assault, whether you defeated them or not does not aect
whether you conquered the fortied site.
If the site is a keep or mage tower, mark it with a Shield
If it is a mage tower, you will get to choose a Spell at the
end of your turn as a reward.
If it was a city, see City Assaults later in these rules.
d. If you defeated the defenders of a monastery, mark the
monastery with a Shield token. The monastery is now
burned and is treated like an empty space for the remainder
of the game. At the end of your turn, claim an Artifact as
your reward.
3. If you did not defeat all the enemies at the site:
a. If you fail to defeat a rampaging enemy, it stays in its space.
b. If you failed to defeat enemies drawn in a dungeon, tomb
or monastery, discard them. The next time a Hero attempts
to ght here, new enemies of the appropriate type will be
c. If you failed to defeat the enemy in a monster den, or one or
both monsters in a spawning grounds or ruins, return any
remaining monsters face up on the space. Next time a Hero
attempts to ght here, they will ght the same enemies.
Note: You may decide to return them face down, so that
they are not confused with rampaging enemies, but anyone

b. Artifacts draw that many plus one from the Artifacts

deck. Place one of them on the bottom of the Artifacts deck,
and put the rest on top of your Deed deck in any order.
c. Spells or Advanced Actions choose them from the
corresponding oer and put them on top of your Deed
deck, then replenish the oer by moving cards down and
adding a new card to the topmost position. You cannot gain
Advanced Action cards that are in the Unit oer this way.
d. Units take any Unit from the Unit oer, regardless of its
type or cost. If you do not have an open Command token for
the Unit to occupy, you must disband one of your Units or
forfeit the reward.
Exception: If you also get a Level up this turn that gives
you a new Command token, you may postpone taking a
new Unit until you process your Level up, so you do not
have to disband a Unit.
6. Level up: If your Shield token crossed one or more lines on the
Fame track this turn, you gain a level for each line crossed:
When advancing to a level marked with this icon:
Remove your top Level token, revealing your new Armor
value and Hand limit.
Flip the removed token over so it is shield side up and
place it in your Unit area. It is now a Command token:
your Command limit is increased by one.
When advancing to a level marked with these icons,
you get one new Skill token and one Advanced Action
card from the oer. Flip the top two Skill tokens from your
Skill deck. You have two options now:
Take one of these two tokens and put the other in
the Common Skills area. In addition, take any one
Advanced Action card from the Advanced Action oer.
Take a token of another player from the Common Skills
area (if there are any), then put both of your revealed
Skills in the Common Skills area. In addition, take the

can take a look at any token that was revealed earlier in the
d. If you failed to defeat all the defenders of a fortied site,
you have to withdraw back to the space you were attacking
from. If it is not a safe place, Forced withdrawal rules apply
(see the End of the Turn section).

1. City assaults work the same way as assaulting any other
fortied site, but in addition to the fortication, each city gives
a bonus to the defending Units. See the upper part of the
City card:
In the White city, all defenders get +1 Armor.
In the Blue city, all defenders get +2 Attack
if they have Ice Attack or Fire Attack, and
+1 Attack if they have Cold Fire Attack.
In the Red city, all defenders that have
physical Attack gain the Brutal ability.
In the Green city, all defenders that have
physical Attack gain the Poison ability.
2. If a city is conquered, its new leader must be determined.
a. The player with the most Shield tokens on the City card (or
the one with the rst Shield amongst the tied in case of tie)
becomes the City leader.
b. The leader takes the City card, including all the Shield
tokens, in front of him. Note when any player enters the city,
he puts his gure on the City card in front of that player, to
emphasize the fact he is visiting his city.

Advanced Action card from the lowest position on the

Advanced Action oer.
In both cases, put the newly gained Skill in front of you
(face up), put the newly gained Action card on top of
your Deed deck, then refresh the Advanced Action oer
(by moving cards down and adding a new card to the
topmost position).
7. Drawing new cards:
a. Before drawing, you may discard any number of nonWound cards from your hand, if you wish.
If you did not play or discard any cards during your turn,
you must discard at least one card now.
b. Draw cards from your Deed deck, up to your Hand limit (the
number on the right side of your Heros Level tile).
If you are on or next to a keep you own (marked with
your Shield token), your Hand limit is increased by the
number of keeps you own anywhere on the map.
If you are on or next to a conquered city you have at
least one Shield token in, your Hand limit is increased
or by 1 (by 2 if you are the leader of that city).
If both a keep and a city bonus are possible, use the
higher bonus only.
Your Hand limit can also be increased by the Day Tactic
card Planning (see that card).
c. If you have more cards in your hand than your current Hand
limit, you do not have to discard down to your Hand limit
(but you draw no new cards).
d. If you run out of cards in your Deed deck while drawing,
stop drawing. Do not reshue your discard pile unless you
have the Night Tactic card Long Night (see that card).
Note: The Long Night Tactic can be used even during
card drawing: once your Deed deck is empty, follow its
instructions and then continue drawing.

1. When a Hero gets wounded, the player takes one or more

Wound cards from the Wound pile and puts them into his hand.
a. Wound cards can never be discarded, unless an eect
explicitly states otherwise. Wound cards cannot be played
sideways (as Move 1, Inuence 1, Attack 1 or Block 1), and
cannot be discarded at the end of your turn.
b. When you choose to Rest for the turn, or when an eect
allows you to discard Wound cards, they go onto your
discard pile. Thus during the next Round, you may draw
them into your hand.
c. When the Round ends, any Wounds in your hand get
shued back into your Deed deck with all your other Deed
2. Wounded Units have Wound cards placed across the face of
the Unit card.
a. Wounded Units cannot be activated or assigned damage in

b. A Wounded Unit retains its state of readiness (Ready or

Spent). A Wounded Unit that is Spent still becomes Ready
at the start of a new Round (but cant be activated until
3. Players can Heal during their turn, even when Resting.
a. You can play eects that provide Healing points (Heal X).
b. You may also buy one or more Healing points at a village or
monastery (see the Interacting with Locals section).
c. Add up all Healing points played or bought; they can be
used for these healing eects:
Use one Healing point to throw away a Wound card
from hand (return the Wound card to the Wounds pile).
To heal a Wounded Unit, you have to pay Healing
points equal to the level of the Unit (the number in its
upper right corner). If you do, remove the Wound card
from the Unit and return it to the Wounds pile.

If the Unit has two Wound cards (because it was exposed

to a Poison attack), it needs to be healed twice to be
healed completely.
d. Players can heal any time during their turn, except during
Damage from a combat can be healed on the same turn,
once the combat is over.
Any unspent Healing points disappear when entering
Note: the magical glade site does not provide healing. Its
eect may not be used on Units and cannot be combined
with other healing eects.

1. A player can invoke Player vs. Player combat as his action for
the turn, if he meets the following conditions:
a. He entered a space containing another player and does not
want to or cannot continue moving.
b. The space is a not a portal or a city space (ghts between
players are not allowed on these spaces).
c. The End of the Round has not been announced yet, and the
end game condition has not been triggered.
Note: It is not allowed to enter a space occupied by another
player by a move that provokes a rampaging enemy to attack.
2. If Player vs. Player combat occurs, the attacking player is
referred to as the aggressor, and the defending player is
referred to as the defender. The defender gets a chance to
defend by either fully or partially playing their turn during the
aggressors turn. The defender cannot move or perform an
action (interaction or initiating another combat) during this
3. When attacked, the defender can use any eects normally
usable before his turn or in turns of other players (such as
plundering a village). Then, he has two options.
a. Fully Attend the Combat. A player may choose to take his
next turn in advance. If he does:
He ips his Round Order token down. As long as it is
face-down, he cannot be attacked again. When it
would be the defenders next turn, the token is ipped
back up but he skips the turn completely (he cannot
even announce End of the Round).
He may use a mana die from the Source.
He may use Skills that would normally be available on
his turn.
After combat, he may play special and healing cards and
eects, if he wishes.
Then, he follows all the usual end of turn steps (use of
mines or glade, Level up, drawing new cards, etc.)
b. Partially Attend the Combat. A player may choose to not
skip his next turn. In that case:
He does not ip down his Round Order token and is
subject to attack from other players. He will play his next
turn as normal.
He cannot use a mana die from the Source (unless some
eect states otherwise).
He cannot use his Skill tokens (except those useable in
turns of other players).

When the combat is over, his part of the turn

immediately ends. He cannot heal or play other special
eects after combat.
He does not follow the normal end of turn procedure.
Especially, he does not draw new cards. Any unused
mana tokens remain until the end of his regular turn.
Note: The defender can still block an opponents attacks
and perform his own attacks, the dierence is just
in which means he can use and what happens after
4. Player vs. Player combat has two phases: Ranged and Siege
Attacks, and Melee Attacks. Combat ends when one of the
players is forced to retreat, or when neither player wants to
attack any more. If that is the case, the aggressor must retreat.

This is because the Ranged and Siege Attacks work

similar as Swift ability of an enemy. If the blocker uses
an eect that says blocked enemy loses Swiftness, then
the block works fully: the attack is reduced by 1 for each
point of block.
Example: If the attacker uses Fire Ranged Attack 4, and
you play Ice Block 4, the attack is reduced to 2. If you play
Block 7, the attack is reduced to 3 (total value of your
inecient block is 3, which reduces the attack by 1 only).
d. If the attack is not reduced to zero, the remainder is turned
into damage that must be assigned to the blocker (either his
Hero or his Units).
5. Unlike assigning damage in regular combat, the attacker
chooses how to assign the damage. Contrary to a regular
combat, the attacker has to have as much damage as is the
Armor of the chosen target to wound it (while in combat with
enemies, 1 damage is enough to wound a Unit or Hero).
a. The attacker may wound any of the blockers Unwounded
Units by assigning damage equal to that Units Armor.
If the Unit is resistant to any element used in the attack,
its Armor is doubled, so the attacker has to assign twice
as much damage to wound the Unit.
b. The attacker may wound the blockers Hero by assigning
damage equal to that Heros Armor. This can be done
multiple times, and the blocker takes a Wound card in his
hand each time.
The blocker can get knocked out if he gets too many
Wounds see Combat with enemies.
c. The attacker may leave some attack points unassigned.
He has to leave them unassigned if there is no target with
Armor equal to or lower than remaining damage.
6. After resolving the attack, the other player gets his chance to be
the attacker, and the Ranged and Siege Attack phase continues
with both players alternating the roles of attacker and blocker.
If both players pass on attacking in succession, the phase ends.


1. In this phase, players take turns playing Ranged and Siege
Attacks, starting with the defender. The player performing an
attack is referred to as the attacker and the other player is the
blocker, regardless of who is the aggressor or defender.
2. When it is a players turn to perform an Attack, he can choose to
perform an attack or pass.
3. To perform an attack, the attacker plays any amount of Ranged
or Siege Attacks (and special eects), as if it were a regular
a. If the blocker is also the defender and the combat is taking
place at a fortied site (a keep or mage tower), the attacker/
aggressor can only use Siege Attacks.
b. Cards played sideways cannot contribute to this attack.
4. Then, the blocker can play any amount of Blocks (and special
eects), as if it were regular combat.
a. The rules for ecient and inecient Blocking outlined in
regular combat apply normally.
If the Attack consists of Attack eects of multiple
elements, the Block eect is ecient if it is ecient
against at least one element represented in the Attacks.
b. Unlike regular combat, it is not necessary to block the
entire attack, attacks can be partially blocked thus it is
useful to block portions of the attack.
c. The total value of the attack is reduced by 1 for each 2
points of total value of the blocks played.

1. The Melee Attack phase works similarly to the Ranged and
Siege Attack phase, with a few dierences:
a. The aggressor gets to start as the attacker instead of the
b. Any combination of Attack eects can be played, including
Ranged and Siege. Fortications are ignored in this phase.

c. It is possible to play any card sideways as physical

Attack 1. Note that adding to an attack this way will make
it count as a physical Attack if it wasnt already (making any
Block ecient against it and doubling Armor of Units with
Physical resistance).
d. The blocks work fully, i.e. the attack is reduced by 1 for
each point of total block played.
2. Damage can be used to Wound Units and/or the enemy
Hero, as in the Ranged and Siege Attack phase. In addition,
there are two other ways to spend damage:
a. The attacker can spend 5 damage to steal one Artifact
from the blocker and put it in his discard pile:
Artifacts can be stolen if they are in the blockers discard
pile, Play area, or assigned to a Wounded Unit (including
Units wounded during this attack).
Artifacts that are in the blockers hand, Deed deck or
assigned to a unwounded Unit cannot be stolen.
b. Damage can be converted to Move points, and spent to
force the blocker to retreat. To do so:
The attacker has to choose an accessible safe space
adjacent to where they are ghting (i.e. would not result
in that player being forced to assault a fortication or
incur combat against another player).
The attacker must spend damage equal to the
unmodied Move cost of that space.
The blocker is moved to that space and the combat ends.
This move never provokes rampaging enemies to attack.
3. Players alternate roles as attacker and blocker until either one
player is forced to retreat or until both players pass on attacking
in succession.

1. In cooperative scenarios (and also in competitive scenarios, if

players agree), players can cooperate to conquer a city.
2. A player can initiate a cooperative city assault on his turn if:
a. The end of the Round has not been announced yet, and the
scenario conditions have not yet been fullled.
b. He has not taken an action yet (and if the players agree on
a cooperative assult, it is considered to be his action for this
c. His gure is on a space adjacent to the city, and there is no
other player on that space.
Note: he can also initiate the attack if he is able to reach the
city using the Underground Attack Spell.
d. There are one or more suitable Heroes present. A Hero is
suitable if he is on a space adjacent to the city, and if he has
not had his Round Order token ipped face down (either
from another cooperative assault or from Player vs. Player
3. The player announces he would like to form a cooperative
a. He invites one or more suitable Heroes. He may decide to
exclude a Hero even if he is suitable.
b. He proposes how to distribute the quantity of enemies
in the city, i.e. how many enemies each player will face. Each
player has to be assigned at least one enemy.
c. If all invited players agree, the cooperative assault can
begin. If not, nothing happens. The player can try to make
another proposal, or continue his turn as if no proposal had
been made.

1. If a player is forced to retreat, combat is over and the other
player is considered to be victorious and may gain some Fame.
a. If the victorious player is of a lower level than the one forced
to retreat, he gains 1 Fame plus 2 Fame for each level he is
b. If he is of the same level but lower Fame, he gains 1 Fame.
c. If he is of the same or higher Fame, he gains nothing.
2. If combat ended because neither player wanted to attack any
more, the combat is a draw and no one gets any Fame.
a. The aggressor must withdraw to the space he was
attacking from. If it is not a safe place, Forced withdrawal
rules apply (see the End of the Turn section).

1. In regular combat, you may play various eects other than
Attacks and Blocks. Most of these can also be used when
ghting another player.
2. Eects that target enemies can target opponents Unwounded
Units. You may never target the enemy Hero with them.
a. If the eect is from a red card, or if it is a Unit ability activated
by red mana, it has no eect against Units with Fire
b. If the eect is from a blue card, or if it is a Unit ability
activated by blue mana, it has no eect against Units with
Ice Resistance.

4. If the players agree to the proposal, all invited players ip their

Round Order token face down, to mark that they give up their
next turn.
5. Then, shue and randomly distribute (without even
looking at the reverse side) enemy tokens amongst the
players, respecting the agreed numbers. (Imagine: You can
agree how long a section of the city walls you will attack, but
cannot predict which units will defend that part).
6. Participants take turns assaulting the city according to
the Round order, starting with the player that initiated the
cooperative attack:
a. Each player performs all phases of their combat before the
next player.
b. Each player may use one die from the Source (but they do
not return it until the assault is over) as well as all eects
they could use before or during their turns.
c. Each player has to start by moving directly to the city.
No other movement or actions are allowed.
If this move provokes some rampaging enemies, they are
added to that players portion of enemies.
Players may voluntarily challenge any other rampaging
enemy adjacent to the assaulted city and add them to his
d. Resolve the assault as usual (including Reputation loss and
assigning Shields on the City card for defeated enemies).
Each player faces only the enemies assigned to him
and ignores the others.
Eects aecting all enemies aect only those assigned
to the player.


c. If the eect says to destroy an enemy, the Unit is Wounded

d. The Armor value of a Unit can never be reduced below 1.
e. The special eects of blocks that aect the blocked enemy
may target any Unit contributing to the attack, if there are
any. If the eect is triggered only by a successful block, it
works only if the blocker reduces the attack to zero.
f. The strength or cost of some eects may depend on the
number of enemies. In Player vs. Player combat, this is the
number of opponents Ready Unwounded Units and Units
contributing to the current attack or block, plus 1 for the
enemy Hero.
3. Eects that modify values or rules (such as ignoring
fortications) last for the entire combat.
4. Eects that prevent an enemy from attacking may be played
when you are blocking. Choose a Unit contributing to the
attack and deduct its contribution from the attack total. The
Unit remains Spent. You cannot cancel enemy special eects or
Blocks this way.
5. Eects that allow you to skip the Blocking and Damage dealing
phases of combat can be used to cancel any one attack (Siege/
Ranged or Melee). No damage is dealt for this attack (but the
cards remain played, Units Spent etc.). The combat continues,

7. The city is conquered when all defenders were defeated

(whether or not rampaging enemies that joined the combat
were defeated).
a. If it is not conquered, all players have to withdraw to the
space where they attacked from.
8. Then, participants take turns ending their turns as usual, in
the Round order.
a. Players can play any healing and special eects before the
end of their turns, the same way as after a regular assault.

This scenario book has three parts. First, there are some general principles that apply to all scenarios, or to a subcategory of scenarios (like cooperative scenarios). In the second part,
there are optional variant rules you can use for your game. The third part contains descriptions of the scenarios.

In each scenario description, there is a recommended map shape
for the various number of players allowed in that scenario.

Wedge Map
This shape uses starting tile A. It is similar to the one in starting
scenario, with one extra rule:
Core (brown) tiles cannot be added to the coastline. (i.e. to the
leftmost and rightmost lane of tiles).
The map starts tight, but then opens relatively quickly, and soon it
can be wide. The extra rule prevents the Cities being too far from
one another.
This map is most suitable for 2 or 3 players. Because of its narrow
start, it is not recommended if the players are of dierent levels
of experience: With 3 players, an inexperienced player may get
blocked at the start. With 4 players, this risk gets even higher and
harder to avoid.

Fully Open Map

Open Map Limited to 4 or 3 Columns

A fully open map uses starting tile B, and you deal three tiles
adjacent to it at the start. The coastline opens out in a much wider
angle here. However, it does not open forever the map can have
a maximum of 5 parallel columns of tiles. Imagine the coastline in
each direction breaks after you add two tiles to the starting tile.
See the picture.
A fully open map is suitable for a comfortable four player game.
For less players, it is a bit too vast, and there may not be enough
interaction in later phases of the game.

This is the same shape, except the map is limited to 4 or 3 columns

only. (With 4 columns, it opens more to the right than to the left).
See the pictures.
The 4 column map is suitable either for a 3 player game, if you do
not want the start to be too crowded, or for a 4 player game, if you
want more interaction between the players.
Similarly, the 3 column map is suitable for a 2-3 player game, if you
want the interaction to be tight during the entire game. Note: If you
play with 3 or 4 players here, someone could rush forward and the
ones that stay behind may not have enough interesting places to
explore and conquer.


In the Mage Knight Board Game, players themselves determine
the pace of the game. If someone is rushing, playing most of their
cards each turn, the others have to adjust their tempo, or end up
with half of their decks unused at the end of a Round. If the players
cooperate, it would be advantageous to agree to play carefully,
trying to get the maximum eect from every card then the tempo
adjusting aspect of the game would disappear, and the game
would take forever. To avoid this, whenever you play a cooperative
or solo mission, there is one automated Dummy player.

player only. Other characters start with no crystals.

Shue that Heros Deed deck, and the Dummy player is ready
to go.

Dummy Player

See the Scenario description for how the Dummy player

chooses his Tactic card at the start of each Round.
He does not benet from the Tactic, it just determines when he
plays in Round Order: Arrange the Round Order tokens by the
Tactic numbers, as usual.

At the start of the game:

After players choose their Heroes, randomly choose one of
the Heroes that is not in the game as a Dummy player Hero.
You only need his Hero card, his Round Order token, and his
starting deck of 16 Basic Action cards.
Take a look at his Hero card. At the bottom, there are three
colored dots (for example Goldyx has green, green and blue).
Give three crystals of these colors (one for each dot) to the
Dummy players Inventory. Note: this applies for the Dummy

When it is the Dummy players turn:

If his Deed deck is empty, he announces the End of the Round.

Other players have one more turn, and the Round is over.
If his Deed deck is not empty, ip over three cards from his
Deed deck and put them in his discard pile. Check the color of
the last ipped card (topmost card of the discard pile):
If the Dummy player has no crystals of that color in his
Inventory, his turn is over.
If he has any crystals of that color, ip as many additional

When picking Tactics:


cards as he has crystals of that color. Then, his turn is

over (the color of the additionally ipped card(s) does not
Note: If there are not enough cards in his Deed deck, ip
as many as you can. On his next turn, the Dummy player
announces End of the Round.

When preparing a new Round:

When removing the lowest card from the Advanced Action

oer, add this card to the Dummy players deck instead. Then
shue the Dummy players deck.
When removing the lowest card from the Spell oer, put it to
the bottom of the Spells deck, as usual. In addition, add one
crystal of the same color as that Spell card to the Dummy
players Inventory. Contrary to real players, he can have more
than 3 crystals of the same color.
Note 1: The Dummy player does not play too aggressively, so
you have enough time to play eciently. Sometimes, though, the
random ips may mean that he goes through his deck much faster.
Watch the Dummy players deck to adjust your tempo!

Note 2: You have a slight control over the Dummy players deck
and crystals. It may be advantageous not to let him get crystals and
cards of the same color.
Note 3: The deck used for the Dummy player is the main reason
why all cooperative scenarios are up to three players only. If you
really wish to play a four player cooperative scenario, use some
replacement cards (like spades are green, hearts are red, diamonds

are white, and clubs are blue... etc.), or just colored pieces of paper
as a replacement for the Dummy players Deed deck and the cards
added to it during the game.

Skills in a Solo Game

In a Solo game, you also use the set of ten Skills belonging to the
Dummy players Hero. Shue them and put them face down next
to his Hero card.

Every time your Hero has gained a Skill token, also reveal one Skill
of the Dummy player, and put it into the Common Skill oer it
is available to you the next time you may gain a Skill token. If you
choose such a Skill from the Common Skill oer, you have to take
the lowest Advanced Action card, as with usual Level Up rules.

Some four player scenarios are played by two teams. Separate
the players into teams randomly or by agreement before Hero
The interactive Skills (the ones written in a dierent color on
the Skill Description card) ignore your fellow player.
However, the interactive Spells (the ones that aect other
players) do not ignore your fellow player. Magic does not
recognize friend from foe.
Allied players cannot trade crystals, Artifacts, Units etc. Mage
Knights are very individual, it is a wonder they cooperate at all.
Rules for cooperative city assault are recommended, but you
can also cooperate in other ways: You may agree who goes
which way, who needs which Tactic, who would like to take
which cards from the oers, who needs a particular color in the

Source etc. However, allied players should not say which cards
they have in their hand, nor help each other out on details when
playing their turn (how to play cards, use Units, pay mana etc.).
Each player is individually responsible for how he plays.
Allied players cannot share the same space at the end of the
turn (except for cities and the portal). If this would happen,
Forced withdrawal rules apply for the player who entered the
space later.
Allied players may not engage in Player vs. Player combat with
each other.
A player may enter an empty keep owned by his ally, and he can
recruit Units there. When in or adjacent to an allied keep, his
Hand limit is increased, but only for the keeps he owns himself.
That means, if close to an allied keep but he has no keeps of his

own, his Hand limit is not modied.

When scoring, each team has one common score.
The base score is the Fame of the player that has the lower
Fame. Ignore the Fame of the player with higher Fame.
For Achievements, and any similar scoring, score only the
higher score of both players in this area. Ignore the score of
the player that scored least. For the Greatest Beating, score
only the player with the largest penalty.
Assign titles as usual (compare only the larger values of both
Note: It is therefore advantageous if each player in the team
concentrates on dierent things, as long as no one falls behind
with Fame, and no one is too Wounded.

Variants are here to add even more variety to the game, and to
adjust it to your tastes. We recommend you follow these rules
when picking variants:
You should play your rst few games with the standard rules
only, to better understand the game.
Only use a variant rule if all players agree.
You should agree and clearly announce what scenario you are

playing and which variant rules apply BEFORE the start of the
game, i.e. even before Hero selection.
Do not pick too many variant rules at once, as you might easily
forget which rules apply and which do not.
If you realize that you like a variant rule so much you are always
using it, you may agree to consider it to be a standard rule, and
these points do not apply for it any more.

Even if your group has a set of variant rules you usually use,
you should abandon them temporarily when introducing new
players to the game. Play The First Reconnaissance scenario
without any variant rules. The new players will have lots to
digest even with the standard rules.

Any player who has not picked a Hero yet may disagree and
oer to sacrice 1 or more Fame points to get that Hero instead.
The player who originally picked the Hero must either match
the oer, or give up on this Hero.
If more players are interested, the next oer must be greater. It
goes in rounds, like an auction, except that the players earlier in
the selection order may just match the oer, they do not have to
Once no one wants to increase, the player who oered most (or
was earlier in selection order from the ones that oered most)
takes the Hero and loses the Fame. Others lose nothing and
continue following the same rules, with the next player (or the

same player, if he did not win the auction) picking a Hero.

Mark the Fame lost by a player by putting his Shield token on
the last row of the Fame track (for example, he puts his Shield
on the space 118, and treats it as -2). The Heroes are still on
level 1, though, and nothing happens if they cross the end of
the last line; they just continue on the rst line of the track.
The Tactic cards for the rst round are picked in reverse order
to the Hero selection order (regardless of the Fame), to make up
for the disadvantage of the player who was last in the auctions.

However, after many games under your belt, you may notice that
limited amount of tiles cause some patterns to repeat in the game
from time to time. If you want, you may use this rule:
When revealing a new tile (at the start of the game, or during it),
it is rotated randomly. Add it to the map face down (so no one
can see how it is oriented), and then ip it by any axis (choose
the axis before seeing the tile content).
Note: The symbols in the corners still have to connect, although
now, circles can connect to stars, creating irregular shapes.

Thats the game story, and it makes the cities dierent not just by
their garrison and bonuses. If you want more variability, though,
you can do it a dierent way:
Whenever a city tile is revealed, draw a random City card,
and put the city of that color on the central space of the tile,
regardless of the space color.
Note: You may also use random cities in scenarios where a xed
city is dened (for example: Green city in the Druid Nights
scenario), as it is usually because of the city surroundings, not the
city color itself. In these cases, use the tile the scenario describes,
but when it is revealed, put a random city onto it.


Maybe one Hero seems better or stronger to you, or perhaps he
ts your gaming style better. And for some scenarios or other
variant rules, certain Heroes may indeed be a bit stronger than
others. According to the standard rules, the player who chooses
his character rst then has a disadvantage in the rst turn, as he
is the last to pick a Tactic card. If you feel this disadvantage is not
enough, you may use these rules:
Randomly determine the player order for the Hero selection, as
per the standard rules.
When a player picks a Hero, he asks the others whether they
agree. If all agree, he just takes that Hero and the selection is
over for him.

Map Shape and Number of Tiles
The map shapes and number of tiles for the scenarios are just
recommended settings. If you discover that you like some map
shapes better, if you want more or less interaction at the start of
the game or during it, or if you want more or less tiles to explore,
or even cities to conquer, feel free to choose dierent map shapes
and number of tiles.

Random Tiles Orientation

The orientation of tiles is normally xed, the player revealing
them having no choice in how to orient them. Thats right, Heroes
are just discovering an unknown kingdom, not, say, building a
medieval city in the south of France.

Random Cities
The cities have a xed position. The White city is always by a lake
next to a keep, the Red city is in desert surrounded by dragons, etc.

Each scenario goes Day, Night, Day, Night... You may change this if
you wish, just for variety.

Night Arrival
You may start with a Night round. Note this is more dicult: not
only it is harder to use mana and travel through forests, but you

also do not see who defends keeps and towers, and what dangers
lurk in the ruins.
If using this, we recommend you roll the mana dice until there is no
gold and no black at the start.

Darkness is Coming
You start with a Day round. At the end of the Round, roll two mana
dice. If any of them is black, night falls and it is Night until the end
of the game. If not, continue with another Day round, and roll
again at its end.

The city levels for a given scenario are shown in the scenario
descriptions. Once you are experienced, you may increase the city
levels, especially when using rules for a cooperative city assault.
Soon, you will see that even a city of level 11 can be conquered by
a single player, if he has really strong cards and an army suitable
for a city assault.

If you nd out that even the highest level of cities is not enough of
a challenge for you, or if you just want to spice things up, you may
turn one of the cities into a Megapolis. Note: This can only be done
in scenarios with three or less cities.
Once you have agreed the levels of regular cities, also agree on
the level of a Megapolis: it can be any number from 2 to 24. It
does not have to be higher than 11.
The Megapolis should be always the last city revealed in the
When a Megapolis is revealed, place its gure and take its City
card as usual. Then randomly choose one of the City cards not
used yet, and put it to the right of the rst City card. Also, take
the city gure of that color, and put it on the tile, one space right
from the rst city. The terrain (and, in the case of the Green
city, also the symbol) on the space covered by the city gure is
Set the level of each city as half of the Megapolis level. If the
number is odd, round up for the city on the left, and round
down for the city on the right. (So, the level of the Megapolis is
the sum of the both city levels.) Draw garrison tokens for both
cities, and add them together as the Megapolis garrison (it does
not matter which was drawn for which city).

Treat this pair of cities as one big city:

You reveal the entire garrison of the Megapolis from any
space adjacent to any of its spaces.
You can assault the Megapolis from any space adjacent to
any of its spaces.
You face the entire garrison of the Megapolis. They are all
fortied, and benet from combat bonuses of both cities
In case of a cooperative city assault, players adjacent to
any space of the Megapolis can be invited. Randomize and
randomly deal all enemies, no matter who stands next to
which part of the city.
The Megapolis is conquered once all defenders are
eliminated. Determine a City leader as normal.

If conquered, treat the Megapolis as one big city that has two
spaces. A player puts his gure onto the corresponding card
to mark which part he is in. He may move from one part to
another during movement (for the standard city Move cost
of 2), or leave it by entering a space adjacent to the part he is
currently in. Also, to challenge a rampaging enemy when in a
city, the player has to be on the space adjacent to that enemy.
No matter in which part of the city his Hero is, the player
may use purchase options of both cities during interaction.
During scoring, a Megapolis counts as only one city. Note:
Scoring does not take city level into account.
If you decide to play a scenario with two Megapolis, add a
random city to the rst revealed city tile. The other two cities
will go to the second city tile, even if it happens to be the color
you added to the rst Megapolis.

This is a kind of side quest. You may add it to any scenario to spice
it up.
This kingdom is under heavy raids. Terrorized people are very
suspicious and do not trust anyone.
Your characters start with -2 Reputation (i.e. they have -1
penalty to interaction).
At the end of each Day, roll a mana die for each space where
a rampaging enemy was defeated. If a warm, living color was
rolled (red, green or gold), draw a new enemy to that space.

If it was gold, also add one brown enemy to the usual

green or red token. When ghting this enemy, you have to
ght both. The space is considered to contain a rampaging
enemy as long as there is at least one of these tokens. You
get Reputation +1 for each enemy token defeated.
At the end of each Night, do the same, except this time cold
colors (white, blue or black) count, and you add one extra
brown enemy when black is rolled.

More Rampage!
For an even more extreme version of this variant:
Your characters start with -4 Reputation (i.e. they have -2
penalty to interaction).
At the end of each Day or Night, you roll a die for each defeated
rampaging enemy as above. However the rampaging enemy
token is added always, and if a warm (during Day) or cold
(during Night) color is rolled, you also add the brown one.

If your group is not too competitive, or if both new players and
experienced ones are playing together, you may use one or more
of these rules.

No Interactive Spells
You may remove Spell cards that hinder other players those
numbered 17-20.

No Interactive Skills

Friendly Mana

You may remove Skills that aect other players those with this
icon (also note their description is in a dierent color on the Skill
Description card).

You may agree that during the Day, a player cannot use a gold die
as mana of certain color if there is an unused die of that color in the
Source. i.e. if there is a red die, you cannot use a gold die to power
a red card, you have to use the red one. Also, you cannot reroll or
reset a gold die during day, as long as there is another non-gold
die in the Source.

No Player versus Player Combat

You may forbid players attacking each other. If a player ends his
movement on a space with another players gure (except for cities
or the portal), the Forced withdrawal rule applies for him.

In this variant, another player not only oversees your combat,
but he can also make some small decisions. The combat is less
predictable, and in some cases, it may become a true duel of wits.
This variant rule applies whenever a player starts a ght with
a single enemy (no matter whether it is a rampaging one, or a
monster in dungeon, or the only defender left in the city after
previous assaults etc.).
When this happens, the player who played before that player
takes a spare mana die and secretly selects a color on it. He
hides it with his hand, so the ghting player does not see the
If it is white, the enemy has +1 to Armor in the Siege and
Ranged Attack phase.

If it is red, the enemy has +1 to its Attack.

If it is blue, the enemy has +1 to Armor in the Attack phase.
In all the above cases, the enemy is worth 1 more Fame for
being defeated.
If the color is black (or even green or gold, if you made a
mistake), the enemy has no bonus, but there is also no extra
Fame for it.
The player who set the color reveals it at the start of the phase
it has an eect. So, at the start of the Siege and Ranged Attack
phase, he either reveals the white die, or says It is not white.
Then at the start of the Block phase he either reveals the red die
or says It is not red. At the start of Attack phase, if not already
revealed, he just reveals the die, no matter what the color is.

Note: This variant is recommended especially for two player

games. When using it, it pays to watch the other players gaming
style. Sometimes, you can prevent the opponent from shooting
the enemy by setting it to white, sometimes you can cause serious
problems by increasing a nasty special attack, and sometimes you
can even cause the enemy to survive because of the +1 Armor it
gets (especially when resistant). On the other hand, sometimes the
player would just use a big enough Attack or Block anyway and
increasing it by 1 would not change the outcome. Thus, you would
just give him more Fame.

If you feel you would like to have more chance to tune your deck
during the game, you may use one of the following variants. We do
not recommend them for your rst few games. Also, when using
these rules, your Heros strength rises faster, so you might want to
adjust the game diculty by increasing the city levels.
Note: If using one of these variants, and especially with 4 players,
or when cards that allow you to gain more Advanced Action
cards enter the game early, there is a chance you might run out
of Advanced Action cards. In that case, the monastery oer is
aected rst (do not deal cards there if there are none left). If there
are not enough cards to replenish the Advanced Action oer, just
use as many as you can. If there are none, the player who has to
take a card gets nothing.

Action Upgrades
This variant not only lets you tune your deck during the game, it
also gives a slight advantage to those that are behind.
At the end of each Night except the nal one (i.e. twice during
the standard 6-Round scenarios), reveal as many Advanced
Action cards as the number of players plus 1.
Then, players should examine their decks, and score their
strength. Use the rst three lines of the Achievements Scoring:
Two points for each Artifact or Spell.

One point for each Advanced Action card.

One point for each two crystals.
As many points as its level for each Unit (Wounded Units
count as half, rounded down).
To this score, add 3 points for every level you are above the
player who is of lowest level, and announce the result.
Then, starting from the player who had the lowest result (if tied,
the one with the lower Fame, if still tied, the one who played
later in the last round), each player may (but does not have to)
take one of the displayed Advanced Action cards and add it to
his deck. At the same time, he also has to throw away one of his
Action cards. The new card has to either be of the same color or
share at least one type (icon in the upper left corner) as the card
thrown away.
Then, the card or cards no one picked are put to the bottom of
the Advanced Action deck.
Players should shue their decks well before the next Round.
Note: You might like this variant if you prefer a slower pace of
game. It allows you to take a break once or twice during the game
(depending on the number of rounds), to examine and review your
deck, and to think what it needs to work better. Also, if you agree,
players may take a look at the decks of other players now; during
the game itself, there may be not enough time for it.

Drafting at the Start

This variant encourages long term planning. You plan some
upgrades for your Hero ahead of time, and can adjust your
decisions during the game to suit your plan.
After the characters are distributed (but before the map is set,
the dice rolled and the oers revealed), deal four cards from the
Advanced Action deck randomly to each player.
Each player chooses one of these cards and sets it aside, passing
the remaining ones clockwise to the next player.
Continue until each player has three cards set aside. Shue the
ones no one picked back into the Advanced Action deck.
Players keep the cards secretly in a safe place (ideally away
from the playing table, so they do not get shued into their
decks accidentally).
At the end of each Day round, when players are shuing their
decks, each player chooses one of these cards and shues it
into his deck.
Note: You may use these rules even when the scenario has
fewer than six rounds. Players just do not use all the cards they


Players: 2 to 4 (plus a solo variant)

Type: Slightly competitive
Length: Three rounds (2 days and 1 night)
Purpose: Training scenario. Strongly recommended whenever
any player plays the game for the rst time, as it provides a
natural way to learn the game rules and get familiar with them.
On your rst mission, you will be sent to an unknown part of the
Atlantean kingdom, your task is to locate its Capital. Thats all. All
the Fame, any knowledge and treasures you manage to get during
your mission are yours to keep.
For a detailed description of this scenario, see the Game
Walkthrough. Here is just a summary:

Special Rules

A player scores 1 Fame whenever he reveals a new tile (no

matter which type).
No Player vs. Player combat is allowed (unless you agree
Gold Units are not used in this scenario.
You should not reveal Spells and Advanced Action cards until
they are needed for the rst time.

Scenario End

When a player reveals a city, all players (including him) have one
last turn. If the Round ends during this, the game ends immediately.

Setup (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge with no limitations

Countryside tiles: 8, 9, or 11, sorted by numbers
Core city tiles: 1
Core non-city tiles: 2
Cities: Cities cannot be conquered nor entered in this scenario.


Apply standard Achievements scoring. Whoever has the most

Fame, wins. If tied, the players share the victory.

Solo Variant

If you want to try your rst mission solo, play with 8 countryside
tiles (as in a 2-player game), but adjust the game length to four
rounds (2 days and 2 nights).
Use a Dummy player (see page 12), and special rules for Tactic
selection from the Solo Conquest mission (page 17). When
scoring, award no titles.
However, if you just want to become familiar with the mechanics,
you may also ignore the Dummy player in your rst game, and
enjoy the experience with one hero and no pressure.


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Competitive
Length: Six rounds (3 days and 3 nights)
Purpose: Standard game scenario, in which you use all the
game features. Can be long, especially with 4 players or when
players are not experienced yet.
Your task is to nd and conquer all cities in three days and three
nights. Each of you will be on your own, and as usual, you want to
get as much Fame, knowledge and loot as possible. Luckily for you,
conquering cities is a great way to get Fame.

Setup (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge, Wedge, or Fully open

Countryside tiles: 8, 9, or 11
Core city tiles: 2, 3, or 4 (the same number as there are players)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (one less than players)
Cities: Each revealed city is level 4.

Scenario End

When all cities are conquered, all players (including the one who
conquered the last city) have one last turn. If the Round ends
during this, the game ends immediately.


Apply standard Achievements scoring. In addition, also score for

Cities, as described on the other side of the Scoring card.
A player scores 7 Fame for each city he is the leader of.
A player scores 4 Fame for each city he is not the leader of but
has at least one of his shield tokens on the City card.
Whoever scores the most Fame for this gets an additional +5
Fame as the Greatest city Conqueror (+2 Fame if tied).
If you conquered all the cities, your mission was successful.
Whether you did or not, whoever has most Fame wins the game.


If experienced, you can increase the level of the cities. But beware
even with the suggested settings, this is a long scenario.

Team Game

If playing with four, you may decide to play this as a team game
(see the General Principles section).
In this case, you may either keep four cities in the game, or you may
decide to encourage cooperative city assaults by using only two
city tiles, and set the level of cities to 10, or higher. Or, you can use
two Megapolis instead (see the Variants section).


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Competitive
Length: Four rounds (2 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: Shorter scenario that shares most of the mechanics
with the standard game, but is faster.
Again, your task is to conquer all cities. You have only two days and
two nights this time, so you were imbued with extra power. And
again, whoever scores most Fame is the winner.

Setup (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge, Wedge, or Open limited to 4 columns

Countryside tiles: 6, 7, or 9
Core city tiles: 2, 3, or 4 (equal to the number of players)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (one less than players)
Cities: Each revealed city is of level 3.

Special Rules

You start with 1 Fame. Whenever you cross a line on the Fame
track, you get 1 extra Fame.
You start with +2 Reputation (i.e. you have a bonus of +1 for
interaction right from the start).
There is one more die in the Source and one more Unit in the
oer than usual.


You score Achievements and Cities (on both sides of Scoring card),
as with the standard Conquest scenario.


You can adjust the level of the cities according to your preferences.

Scenario End

When all cities are conquered, all players (including the one who
conquered the last city) have one last turn. If the Round ends
during this, the game ends immediately.


Players: 2 or 3
Type: Cooperative
Length: Six rounds (3 days and 3 nights)
Purpose: Standard cooperative scenario the ultimate
challenge for those who want to beat the game together.
Your task is to conquer all cities. You have to work as a team, and
you will also be rewarded as a team, according to your weakest
link and best achievements.

Special Rules

Setup (for 2, or 3 players)

Scenario End

When all cities are conquered, all players except the Dummy
player have one last turn.

Map Shape: Fully open

Countryside tiles: 8, or 10
Core city tiles: 3, or 4 (one more than players)
Core non-city tiles: 2, or 3 (equal to number of players)
Cities: The cities are of level 5, except for the nal one revealed,
which is of level 8 (2 players) , or 11 (3 players)
Dummy Player: There is one standard Dummy player (see the
General Principles section).
Cards and Skills: Remove the four competitive Spells from the
Spell deck (numbered 17-20), and one interactive Skill (the one
with a darker background on Skill Description card) from each
players Skill deck.

When taking Tactics, the Dummy player takes a random Tactic

rst, then the players choose theirs.
At the end of the Day or Night, agree and remove one of the
Tactics used by the players (not the Dummy player) from the
game. This does not matter on the last day and the last night.
Team Rules apply, except you are all one team. (see the General
principles section).


If you succeed in defeating all cities, you are all victorious. If not,
you have all failed. In both cases you may count your score, to see
how good you were.
You have one score as a team. As a base score, take the lowest
Fame of all players. Then apply standard Achievements scoring,
In each category, you score only the player with highest score
(or most negative points in case of Greatest Beating).
No titles are awarded.

Then score for your goal and for the time to reach it. See the other
side of the Scoring card:
Score 10 points for each city you conquered.
Score an additional 10 points if every player is a leader of at
least one city.
Score an additional 15 points if you conquered all cities.
If you nished the game one or more Rounds before the Round
limit, score 30 points for each such Round.
Score 1 point for each card in the Dummy players Deed deck
(that was not yet ipped this Round).
If the End of the Round was not announced yet in your last
Round, score an additional 5 points.


You may adjust the city levels to set up the right challenge for you.
In a 2 player game, the last city may also be a Megapolis see the
Variants section.
You may also agree on a scoring variant: for Achievements, only
the lowest score counts. This encourages balanced development
of all Heroes instead of specialization. (For the Greatest Beating
Achievement, the biggest penalty is scored again.)


Players: 2 or 3
Type: Cooperative
Length: Four rounds (2 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: Shorter, cooperative scenario, that shares most of the
mechanics with the standard one, but is easier and faster.
Again, your task is to conquer all cities. You have only two days
and two nights this time, so you were imbued with special powers.
All the rules and setup conditions for Full Cooperation apply, with
these modications:

Setup (for 2 or 3 players)

Additional Special Rules

Special Rules


Countryside tiles: 7 or 8
Core city tiles: 2 or 3 (equal to number of players)
Core non-city tiles: 1 or 2 (one less than players)
Cities: In order in which they are revealed, the cities are of level
5 and 8 (2 players), or 5, 8, and 11 (3 players).

You start with 1 Fame. Whenever you cross a line on the Fame
track, you get 1 extra Fame.
You start with +2 Reputation (i.e. you have a bonus of +1 for
interaction right from the start).
There is one more die in the Source and one more Unit in the
oer than usual.


Players: 1
Type: Solo
Length: Six rounds (3 days and 3 nights)
Purpose: Solitaire game. Also suitable for a player who wants to
understand the game before explaining it to others.
Yes, thats true you are alone now. But the Council still needs
these cities to be conquered. Good luck!


Map Shape: Wedge

Countryside tiles: 7
Core city tiles: 2
Core non-city tiles: 2
Cities: the rst revealed city is of level 5, the second revealed
city is of level 8.
Dummy Player: There is one standard Dummy player (see the
General Principles section).
Cards and Skills: Remove the four competitive Spells
(numbered 17-20) from the Spell deck, and one interactive
Skill (the one with a darker background on the Skill Description
card) from the players Skill deck.

When taking Tactics, you always choose rst. The Dummy

player then takes one random card from those remaining.
At the end of each Day or Night, remove both used Tactic cards
from the game. That means, each Tactic card is picked exactly
once during the game.

Scenario End

When all cities are conquered, you have one last turn (the Dummy
player does not).

You may adjust the city levels to set up the right challenge for you.
You may also use a Megapolis.

Other Solo Missions

This is a standard solo mission. If you wish though, you may play
any other mission as solo, just use similar setup modications and
Special rules as this mission.


If you succeed in defeating all cities, you are victorious. If not, you
have failed. In both cases you may count your score, to see how
good you were.
Take your Fame as the base. Then apply standard Achievements
scoring, except no titles are awarded.
Then score for your goal and for the time to reach it. See the other
side of the Scoring card:
Score 10 points for each city you conquered.
Score an additional 15 points, if you conquered all cities.
If you nished the game one or more Rounds before the limit,
score 30 points for each such Round.
Score 1 point for each card in the Dummy players Deed deck
(that was not yet ipped this Round).
If the End of the Round was not announced yet in your last
Round, score an additional 5 points.


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Competitive
Length: Four rounds (2 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: A shorter scenario similar to the standard one, but
with dierent goals. Fight in the tunnels!
Mines in this friendly kingdom are occupied by enemies! Without
a supply of crystals, Mages cannot serve the land. Go there and
regain them.

Map (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge, Wedge, or Open limited to 4 columns

Countryside tiles: 8, 9, or 11 (remove only tiles with no mines
on them).
Core city tiles: 1 (always the red city)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (the one without a mine is always
amongst the removed ones).
Cities: The city is friendly. Each player puts one Shield token on
it, but no-one is its leader.

Special Rules

When a mine is revealed, put one green (if on a Countryside tile)

or red (if on a Core tile) enemy token on it, face up. Also, add one
brown enemy token, face down. These are enemies controlling
the mine (one is hidden in the deeps). Arrange them in a way
that the reverse of the brown one is visible, too, to distinguish
them from rampaging enemies.
To liberate a mine, you may enter it from its space (as an Action).
Fight both enemies. Night rules apply as in a Dungeon (but you
can use your Units). If you do not defeat both, the remaining
token(s) stay on the space. They can be attacked again later.
Whoever defeats the last enemy liberates the mine. He marks it
and gains +1 Reputation (+2, if on a Core tile).
Until liberated, mines produce no crystals. Once liberated, they
produce as usual (the production starts immediately, so the
conqueror gets one crystal on the turn he liberated the mine).
At the start of Day or Night, each player gains one crystal from
every mine he already conquered, no matter how far away it is
on the map. Just a gift from the grateful miners.
Note: If there are not enough brown tokens, use some
substitute for the brown monsters that are on the map but not
revealed yet. Draw a new brown monster when it is about to be


Scenario End

When all map tiles are revealed and all mines are liberated, all
players (including the one who conquered the last mine) have one
last turn. If the Round ends during this, the game ends immediately.


If you liberated all mines, the mission was successful.

In any case, apply standard Achievements scoring. In addition:
A player scores 4 Fame for each of his mines in Countryside and
7 Fame for each mine on Core tiles.
Whoever scores the most Fame for this gets an additional +5
Fame as the Greatest Liberator.


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Slightly competitive, or competitive
Length: Four rounds (2 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: A shorter scenario similar to the standard one, but
with dierent goals. How big a challenge dare you encounter?
Have you noticed the mysterious obelisks with engraved symbols
on the magical glades around this kingdom? Go and investigate!

Map (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge, Wedge, or Open limited to 4 columns

Countryside tiles: 8, 9, or 11 (remove only tiles with no magical
glades on them).
Core city tiles: 1 (always the green city)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (one less than the player number).
Cities: The city is friendly. Each player puts one Shield token on
it, but no-one is its leader.

Special Rules

When ending your movement on a magical glade, you may

activate it mark the glade with your Shield token. There
may be multiple tokens on each glade, but only one from each
Once during the rst Night, in any of your turns, you may
perform an incantation. You may not be at an inhabited space
and it counts as your Action for that turn. It summons one
monster for each glade you have your Shield token on draw
that many brown enemies and ght them.
The ones you defeat bring you twice as many Fame.
The ones you do not defeat disappear after the combat (but
the Wounds they did do not).
Regardless how many of them you defeated, at the end of
your turn you get one random crystal for each monster you
summoned (roll a die for each, like in a monster den).
At the end of the rst Night, remove all Shield tokens from the
glades. Players have to mark them again, if they want to use
them for an incantation the second night.
During the second Night, you may do the same, except this
time you summon red enemies. The Fame for defeated ones is
doubled again, and this time you get two random crystals for
each enemy.

Scenario End

When all players have performed the incantation during the

second Night (in that case, each player has one more turn), or at
the end of the second Night.


Do the standard Achievements scoring. Whoever has the most

Fame, wins the game.


You may play a more competitive variant: only one (with 2 players)
or two (with 3 or 4 players) Shield tokens can be placed on each
glade. If a glade is already at its limit, choose and replace one from
another player.
With fewer players, you may also play an Epic, 3 days and 3 nights
version. Use all Countryside and Core non-city tiles. Remove the
Shields after the second Night, too. During the third Night, you
summon one brown and one red enemy for each magical glade
you have marked, and get three crystals for each pair summoned.


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Competitive
Length: Five rounds (3 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: A shorter scenario similar to the standard one, but
with dierent goals. Lets go underground.
We thought we already controlled this land. We were wrong!
There is a vast system of underground tunnels under the kingdom.
We do not know who dug these tunnels and why, but we do not
care. Go, and seize control of them!

Map (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Wedge, Wedge, or Open limited to 4 columns

Countryside tiles: 8, 9, or 11 (remove only tiles with no
dungeons on them).
Core city tiles: 1 (always the Blue city)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (always include the desert tile with
monastery and tomb).
Cities: The city is friendly. Each player puts one Shield token on
it, but no-one is its leader.

Special Rules

Whenever a tile with a village is revealed, the player who

revealed it chooses any accessible non-swamp space adjacent
to that village (it can even be on a neighboring tile) that has no
site on it. From now on, there is a secret dungeon entrance on
this space. Put a face down brown enemy token on the space to
mark it.
A secret dungeon entrance works like any other dungeon (see
its description card). If you conquer it, mark the space and
claim your reward. If you fail, discard the monster token and
put another random brown enemy on that tile.
The same applies for monasteries except you put a red enemy
token to an adjacent empty space to mark there is a secret
The secret tomb works the same way as regular tombs.
Conquered dungeons and tombs (both regular and secret ones)
cannot be entered again to ght for more Fame in this scenario.
All conquered tombs and dungeons (including the secret ones)
are connected.
When on a conquered dungeon or tomb space during
movement, you may move to any other conquered dungeon
or tomb space.
These two spaces do not have to be of the same type (you
may travel from a regular dungeon to a hidden tomb etc.)
To do so, you have to pay 2 Move points plus 1 Move point
for each space you traveled.
When measuring the distance, you have to go through
revealed spaces, and you have to avoid lakes and swamps. If
it is not possible, you cannot travel there.


Scenario End

When all map tiles are revealed and all dungeons and tombs are
conquered, all players (including the one who conquered last tomb
or dungeon) have one last turn. If the Round ends during this, the
game ends immediately.


If you conquered all the dungeon and tombs, the mission was
In any case, apply standard Achievements scoring, except:
When scoring Adventures, also count the secret dungeons and
tombs. All dungeons and tombs give 4 points instead of 2.
Instead of the Greatest Adventurer title, Greatest Dungeon
Crawler title is awarded, and it is worth +5 points (+2 if shared).


Players: 2, or 4 (two teams)

Type: Very competitive
Length: Four rounds (4 players), six rounds (2 players)
Purpose: A very competitive scenario full of opportunities for
Heroes to ght each other. Victory points for controlled sites
instead of Fame!
You are sent to this problematic province by the Council of the
Void... well... to be exact... by the ... um... righteous members of
the Council of the Void... to seize control over it. Just beware, there
is another faction of treacherous Council members that wants to
control the region. Do not allow them!

Map (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Map Shape: Predened.

See the picture. Use the
B side of the starting
tile, three revealed
Countryside tiles, and
predened positions
where another 2
Countryside and 4 Core
tiles can be revealed (you
may put them there, face
down, when setting up the game).
Countryside tiles: 5 (all the ones with forts and mage towers).
Core city tiles: 1 (always the White city)
Core non-city tiles: 3 (all the ones with forts and mage towers).
City: The city was friendly, but it closed its gates. You are not
allowed to enter it.
Units: Remove level IV Units (the ones that can be recruited in a
city only) from the Elite Units deck.

Special Rules

Deal Regular (silver) Units only during the rst half of the game.
Deal both Regular and Elite Units during the second half (from
Round 3 in a four player game, or from Round 4 in a three
player game).
The Units that can be recruited in monasteries can also be
recruited in mage towers. The Units that can be recruited in
villages may also be recruited in keeps.
There is no reputation loss for assaulting keeps and towers in
this scenario.
The mage towers work dierently than normal, in this scenario
they work similar to keeps.
When you conquer a mage tower, you get no Spell. You can
still buy Spells there later.
When you conquer a mage tower, it becomes yours, like a
keep. Other players can assault it, like a keep: they ght a
randomly drawn fortied violet enemy, for half of the Fame,
rounded up.
If you start your turn in or next to your mage tower, you get
one gold mana (during Day) or black mana (during Night)
for every mage tower you control on the map.
When close to both to your keep and mage tower, you benet
from both!
During the second Day and Night, you draw two random gray
(for keeps) or violet (for mage tower) enemy tokens when
attacking a keep or tower owned by another player. The total
fame for defeating them is added together and then halved
(round up).
During the third Day and Night (in a 2 player game), the same
applies, except you draw three instead.

Team Rules

If playing with four, Team Rules apply (see the Variants section).
Especially note this rule (from the Variants section): A player
may enter a keep owned by his ally, and he can recruit Units
there. When in, or close to an allied keep, his Hand limit is also
increased, but only for the keeps he owns himself, if any.
The same applies to mage towers and extra mana.

The Winner

The scenario is played until end of the Round limit, or until one
side admits the other side has won. Each owned keep counts as
3 Victory points. Each owned mage tower counts as 2 Victory
points. The player or team who has the most points wins the
game. If tied (i.e. if some sites were left unconquered, as there are
25 points available in the game), no one is the winner.


For a more strategic game, you may reveal the game from the
very start (if you will not miss the thrill of exploring).
You can also play this scenario with 3 players, but it can suer
from the if two ght each other, the third one benets
syndrome. If you want to anyway, we recommend to play four
rounds only, as in a 4 player game.


Players: 2 to 4
Type: Very competitive
Length: Four rounds (2 days and 2 nights)
Purpose: A competitive scenario suitable for those who prefer
last man standing types of games over the end game scoring.
This is an ultimate test of your power. You are sent to an unknown
part of the kingdom and the portal closes after you go through it.
After two days and two nights, the portal opens again for a short
while. Only the hero who is at the portal at that moment can return

Map (for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Starting Tile: Wedge (or any other you agree)

Countryside tiles: 7, 8, 10
Core city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (one less than players)
Core non-city tiles: 1, 2, or 3 (one less than players)
Cities: Each revealed city is of level 3.


Cover and Card Illustrations: J. Lonnee

Additional Illustrations: Milan Vavro
Art/Graphic Design: Chris Raimo
Layout and Typesetting: Filip Murmak

Special Rules

The portal closes at the end of the Day 1 (whoever is on the

portal at that time would be eliminated from the game). From
now on, the portal works as an empty plain space only
one player can be there, and combat can be initiated there
(including Forced withdrawal rules).

The Winner

The scenario ends as soon as the second Night is over. Whoever

stands at portal space at that moment wins the game. If no-one
stands there, there is no winner. There is no scoring, and Fame
does not matter.
Note: After End of the Night is announced, initiating Player vs.
Player combat is not allowed. Thus, if the portal is occupied at the
moment when end of the second Night is announced, the player
occupying it wins.

Team Variant

If playing with four, you may play this scenario in teams. All the
Team Rules apply (see the General Principles section).
At the start of the game, each team chooses randomly (or by
decision, if you prefer) a Shield token of one of its members. This
player is the chosen one the one that has to return. His teammate
has to help him, especially by blocking the other team.
The opposing team should not know which player has been
chosen. Store both Shield tokens (one from each team) secretly in
a safe place.
At the end of the second Night, reveal these Shield tokens. If one
of them belongs to a player that currently stands on the portal, his
team has won the game. If no player stands on the portal, or if a
player whose Shield token was not chosen stands there, no one
has won the game.


You may play an Epic version that lasts 3 Days and 3 Nights. Add
one tile of each type to the game, and increase the level of cities
to 4.

ers:s:s: Filip,
Fililipipp, Da
vivid,d,d Hanka,
Hannkaa, Milo,
Miloo, Aneken,
k nn,, Vtek,
ekk, Kreten,
Kretetenn, Fanda,
anddaa,, Michal,
hal,l,, Flygon,
Flyyggoon,n Paul,
Falco, Glee, Rumun, Mona, Ese, Yuyka, Ja, Bianco, Jirka Bauma, and many others from
Czech Republic, US and UK.
Special thanks to: Filip Murmak for enthusiasm and valuable help from the very rst
moment he learned the game to the moment it went to print. David Korejtko for many
hours of playtesting and balancing. Paul Grogan and his friends for endless days (and
nights) of rules proofreading and language corrections. Bryan Kinsella and Wilson Price
from WizKids for their help and valuable advice. WizKids and Czech Games Edition for their
support with extensive playtesting.


Choose scenario and variants.

Players choose Heroes.
Setup the game.
Play the Rounds, until Round limit or end conditions.
Determine the game outcome.


Prepare the Round (not on the rst Round):

Flip Day/Night board and refresh the Source.
Create a new Unit oer.
Refresh Advanced Action and Spell oers.
Players Ready their Units and ip back Skill tokens.
Players reshue their decks and draw new cards.
Players choose Tactics
Lowest Fame (the later in Round Order, if tied), goes rst.
Rearrange the Round Order tokens.
Players play turns in order, until someone announces the End
of the Round.
Other players then have one last turn.


If your Deed deck is empty, you may forfeit your turn to

announce the End of the Round.
If your hand is also empty, you have to do this.
Regular turn: Optional movement (and/or map revealing),
then optional (sometimes mandatory) action:
Combat with enemies (assault to a fortied site, provoking
or challenging rampaging enemies, entering an adventure
Interaction with locals (recruiting, healing and buying
cards for Inuence).
Player vs. Player combat (if on the same space as
Resting: no movement, no action.
Standard rest: discard one non-Wound and any number
of Wound cards.
Slow recovery (if you have Wound cards only): discard
one Wound card.

Any turn:
Play any special and healing (if not in combat) eects.
Use up to one die from the Source.
End of the turn:
Return (and reroll) the mana dice used. Next player may
play now.
Do Forced withdrawal, if you are not on a safe place.
Discard played cards, return all mana except crystals.
Claim your combat rewards, and process Level ups, if any.
Discard any number of cards from your hand (at least one
if no cards were played this turn.).
Draw cards up to your (modied) Hand limit.


Ranged and Siege Attack phase.

Perform none, one or more attacks. You may defeat one
or more enemies with each.
Play Ranged and Siege Attacks of total value equal to or
higher than the chosen enemies Armor to defeat them
(Siege attacks only if some of these enemies are fortied).
Gain Fame for each defeated enemy (but do not Level up
yet) and discard its token.
Block phase.
Perform none, one or more blocks. You may block one
enemy with each block.
Play Block of total value equal to or higher than the
chosen enemy attack to block it.
Assign Damage phase.
For each enemy that was not defeated or blocked, assign
damage equal to its Attack value (in any order).
First, you may assign damage to Unwounded units. Give
it a Wound and reduce the damage by an amount equal to
the Units Armor.
Then, assign the rest to your Hero. For each Wound you
take to your hand, reduce the damage by Heros Armor.
Attack phase.
Perform none, one or more attacks. You may defeat one
or more enemies with each.
Play any Attacks (including Ranged and Siege ones, or
a card played sideways) of total value equal to or higher

Enemy Token Abilities

Fortied Only Siege Attacks
can be used against this enemy
in the Ranged and Siege Attacks
phase (no attacks at all if it also
defends a fortied site).
Physical Resistance All physical Attacks (incl. cards played
sideways) are inecient (halved).
Fire Resistance All Fire Attacks
are inecient (halved).
The enemy ignores any nonAttack eects of red cards or Unit
abilities powered by red mana.
Ice Resistance All Ice Attacks
are inecient (halved).
The enemy ignores any non-Attack eects of blue cards or Unit
abilities powered by blue mana.
Both Fire and Ice Resistance
Also all Cold Fire Attacks are inefcient (halved).


than the chosen enemies Armor to defeat them.

Gain Fame for each defeated enemy (but do not Level up
yet) and discard its token.



Defender declares his intention:

If he attends the attack fully, he may do all as in his turn,
including end of turn processing, he is protected until his
next turn, but he loses his next turn.
If not, he may not use mana or Skills, and his reaction ends
immediately after the end of combat.
Ranged and Siege Attacks phase
Players take turns, starting with the defender, playing
Ranged and Siege Attacks, until both forfeit their chance.
The player attacking plays any amount of Ranged and
Siege Attacks (Siege only if the defender is fortied).
The other player may play Blocks to reduce the attack. It is
reduced by 1 for every 2 points of Block.
The remaining attack is assigned as damage by the
attacker to the opponents Units and Hero. Damage
equal to Armor has to be assigned to wound a Hero or an
Unwounded Unit.
Melee Attacks phase
Players take turns playing Attacks, starting with the
aggressor, until someone is forced to retreat or until both
forfeit their chance.
The player attacking plays any amount of Attacks
(including Ranged and Siege ones, or a card played
The other player may play Blocks to reduce the attack. It is
reduced by 1 for every 1 point of Block.
The remaining Attack is assigned as damage (see above),
and/or converted to Move points to force the player to
withdraw to a neighboring safe space, and/or used to steal
used Artifacts or Banners assigned to a Wounded Unit (5
damage per Artifact).
If the opponent is forced to retreat, then gain 1 Fame if he has
more Fame than you, plus 2 for each level he is higher than

Unit Resistances

Fire Attack Only Ice and Cold Fire Blocks are ecient when blocking
this (others are halved).
Ice Attack Only Fire and Cold Fire Blocks are ecient when blocking
this (others are halved).
Cold Fire Attack Only Cold Fire Blocks are ecient when blocking
this (others are halved).
Summon Attack At the start of the Block phase, draw a random
Brown token for this enemy. It replaces the enemy in the Block and Assign Damage phases, then it is discarded.
Swift To block this enemy, you need twice as much Block as its
Attack value.
Brutal If unblocked, it deals twice as much damage as its Attack
Poison If a Unit gets Wounded because of an attack from an enemy
with Poison, it is given two Wound cards instead of one.
For each Wound a Hero takes into his hand from a Poisonous attack,
he also puts one Wound into his discard pile.
Paralyze If a Unit gets Wounded because of an attack from an enemy
with Paralyze, it is immediately destroyed (removed from the game).
If a Hero takes one or more Wounds into his hand from a Paralyzing attack, he must immediately discard any non-Wound cards from his hand.

Physical Resistance Makes the

Unit less vulnerable to physical At- Combat with enemies:
tacks of enemies and physical If the Unit is assigned
damage from an attack
Attacks of an opponent.
it is resistant to, the
Fire Resistance Makes the Unit damage is reduced by
less vulnerable to Fire Attacks of its Armor rst (without
and Fire Attacks of taking Wounds). If any
damage remains, conan opponent.
It also ignores non-Attack eects tinue as normal (wound
of opponents red cards or Unit the Unit and reduce the
damage by its Armor
abilities powered by red mana.
Ice Resistance Makes the Unit
less vulnerable to Ice Attacks of
enemies and Ice Attacks of an
Player vs. Player:
It also ignores non-Attack eects If the Unit is resistant
of opponents blue cards or Unit to at least one element
abilities powered by blue mana. included in the opponents attack, the opBoth Fire and Ice Resistance ponent has to spend
to Cold twice as much damage
Also counts as resistancee to
and to wound that Unit.
Fire Attacks of enemies
Cold Fire Attacks of an opponent.

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