Julia Kemp 4/15/15 ED 409 Community Based Learning: Digital Storytelling
Julia Kemp 4/15/15 ED 409 Community Based Learning: Digital Storytelling
Julia Kemp 4/15/15 ED 409 Community Based Learning: Digital Storytelling
ED 409
Community Based Learning: Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling bridges the void between academics and addressing the
emotional needs of middle school age students. With recent trends in education,
there is little room to facilitate the development of self-expression and emotional
awareness. This project is grounded in meeting educational standards, specifically
on the combination of argumentative and creative writing, on the theme Being the
Change. Utilizing todays technology, students were able to demonstrate their
understanding of these concepts through the use of audio recordings, a collection of
images, and culminating in a movie presentation. The stories, stemmed from
personal experiences and provided a foundation for the production of their movie.
This movie making process required the gathering and refining of ideas, writing
creative and academically strong pieces, and then portraying these stories through
visual media. During the process, students were given the opportunities to build
their technological literacy, gain tools of self-expression, and create a piece that
demonstrated a strong connection to self and community.
When I was presented with the opportunity to be a part of Digital Storytelling,
I knew the project would resonate with not only my teaching philosophy, but also
my passions in life. The creativity that exudes from this process in almost tangible
and the students thrive in an environment where they are able to access and share
their emotions in a meaningful way. I chose this project because of its creative
nature. Creativity is a strength that needs to be facilitated in education, it is means
for individuals to stand apart and evolve. Students were initially foreign to the
creative writing process but once introduced, many found it to be an outlet, a tool of
expression, and a way to connect to others.
Addressing the social and emotional needs of these students was a huge part of
Digital Storytelling. By providing the students with a safe and supportive
environment to maneuver through emotional strife and providing them with tools to
cope, we saw students take huge strides developmentally. The vulnerability and
openness that came from this project allowed students to see the similarities within
each other, to connect and support one another as they continue through their
educational journey.
Review of Literature:
step back, take of the teacher hat and see the whole child. Recognizing the
entirety of a student is essential for effective teaching and is something I will
practice continuously. I also learned how to stay flexible as an educator. So much
planning goes into everything you do in the classroom, but a teacher needs to be
prepared to throw it out the window and reevaluate what to teach depending on the
state of the students.
Being a part of a huge project like Digital storytelling, reemphasized my beliefs
in the power of patience and positivity. Students are so sensitive to the attitude of
the teacher and how a teacher conducts themselves can affect the entire mood of
the classroom. When pressures were high and time was short, I reminded myself to
stay positive and patient. I felt this mindset influenced the students I interacted with
and benefited their abilities to learn.
Work Cited
Kessler, Rachael. The Soul of Education Helping Students Find Connection, Compassion, and
Character at School. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,
2000. Print.
McDonald, Nan, and Douglas Fisher. Teaching Literacy through the Arts. New York: Guilford, 2006.
Tompkins, Gail E. Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.