Position Paper On Truth

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I believe truth is not something that has to be justified, there can be unjustified

truth. Robert Audi is one philosopher that explains how truth does not have to be
justified, in order to still be the truth. The Bible talks a lot about truth and the truth of
God, but people will have known way of knowing true, truth until they are with God.
There are also examples and lessons that can be learned about justifiable and
unjustifiable truths, which come from literature. If all truth was justified people would not
have the ability to imagine new things or be creative. I believe there is no possible way
every truth can be justified, only God knows all truths.
Robert Audi is an epistemologists and he believes that self-evident truths are not
always self-evident, and not every truth is justifiable (Ethical Realism). I agree with
Robert Audi and his beliefs that self-evident truths are not always self-evident, and not
every truth is justifiable. If every truth was able to be justified that would leave no room
for human imagination or creativity because we would know virtually the truth behind
everything. I believe that an important part of life for people is not knowing everything or
why everything happens, but learning all the time and always challenging yourself.
Luckily that will always be the case because not every truth has to be self-evident, that
will always leave room for interpretations on different subjects and truths.
There are many people who think they are saying the truth or proclaiming what
they know to be truth. The Bible tells us that we must proclaim the real truth and not tell
falls truths. The Bible also tells us in Psalms 145: 18 The Lord is ear to all who call on
him, to all who call on him in truth. This verse tells us that we must call upon God with
truth and he will answer, God will not answer of we are calling upon him with
blasphemous truths. God is also the only one who knows every truth, every word out of

Gods mouth is also true. John 17:17 says Sanctify them in truth; your word is truth (20
Great Scripture Quotas). This verse helps us know that what God says to us is the truth
and we should follow what he says.
When Jesus was on earth he talked to his disciples about truth and how they
would be set free by truth. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free John
8:23 (The Holy Bible) Jesus was telling the disciples that if they follow him, he will teach
them about sin and they will know the truth about sin and that will set them free from the
grips of sin. It think this verse is very important, because it helps us understand that to
know the truth and be set free from sin we must allow God to teach us, and we need to
believe what he teaches. The Bible tells us to learn from God and follow him if we want
to know all truth. I think that it is impossible to know every truth unless you follow God,
he is the only one who knows all truth.
In literature it is also evident, not all truths are justifiable. In the book Perelandra
There are many truths that are not justifiable. The main Ransom gets sent to a different
world, the name of the world is Perelandra. Ransom has not reason why he is there,
other than he was sent there by a higher power. He meets a woman in Perelandra and
she is the only person on the planet besides the womans husband. There is not
justifiable truth why Ransom was sent to the planet because there are only to people
who inhabit it. There is also no justifiably truth for why the Islands on the planet move
the way they do or why there are dragons on the planet. Ransom learns to accept the
unjustifiable truths about Perelandra, because he realizes there is no way he will find
out why everything is the way it is.

One other example of unjustifiable truths in literature, is in the book Great

Expectations. Many of the things Pip learns as a gentleman have not justifiable truth
behind them, he just does them because he is told he needs to act a certain way. There
are many examples of truth in the book however just none that are unjustifiable. The
truth in Great Expectations helps people better understand that it is not important to be
wealthy in life and be high up in society. It is important to enjoy the life they have been
given. I think this book helps people realize not everything in their life has to be justified,
and some of the things that happen may not be able to be justified.
I believe that is important to know not all truths are justifiable and there is no way
to know everything, except for God. There are many examples of unjustifiable truth from
the Bible, and from literature. They are also many philosophers that have proven that
not all truths are justifiable, such as Robert Audi. I also believe if all truths were
justifiable that would leave no room for people to be creative or imaginative. I think it is
good not all truths are justifiable.


Aitken, Robert. The Holy Bible. New York: Arno, 1968. Print.

"Bible Verses About Truth: 20 Great Scripture Quotes." What Christians Want To Know RSS. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 1 May 2015. <http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-about-truth-20great-scripture-quotes/>.

Gray, James. "Ethical Realism." N.p., 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 1 May 2015. <https%3A%2F

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