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- Scrieti articolul hotarat (the) sau nehotarat (a /an) corespunzator

fiecarei propozitii.
1. Myke is ___ author.
2. He writes ___ travel book.
3. We had ___ lunch with him yesterday
4. It was ___ excellent lunch.
5. The airplane ticket cost him ___ thousand pounds.
6. This is ___ english test.
7. Can you play ___ piano?
8. Would you like ___ drink?
9. Where`s ___ bathroom?
10. ___ girl in blue is my sister.
11. He`s read ___ lot of English books.
12. He is ___ engineer.

Traduceti cuvintele urmatoarele, tinand cond de folosirea

articolului. Pentru cele care sunt in limba romana scrieti traducerea in
engleza, iar pentru cele care sunt in limba engleza scrieti traducerea
lor in romana.

1. an apple
2. the book
3. scaunul
4. a sheep
5. an umbrela
6. o opera
7. un baiat
8. the fingers
9. a house
10. o ora
11. the windows
12. o unitate
13. the bird
14. dormitorul

1. I bought. pair of shoes.

2. I saw last night.
3. They are staying at .hotel.

4. I think over there is very unfriendly.

5. I do not like .basketball.
6. That is problem I told you about.

night is quiet. Let's take a walk!


.price of gas keeps rising.

9. John traveled to Mexico.

10. Juan is .. Spanish.
11. I read .amazing story yesterday.
12. My brother doesn't eat chicken.
13. is such . beautiful thing.
14. I live in .apartment. apartment is new.
15. I would like ..piece of cake.


I was in .Japanese restaurant. restaurant served

good food.

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