Beanbag PDF
Beanbag PDF
Beanbag PDF
Materials required: Luxury velour (colour to suit) 50cm (20 inches) square. Polyester lining fabric
15cm x 25cm (6 inches x 10 inches). Polyester stuffing. Plastic beans. Safety eyes.
1. Cut out all pattern pieces from the
velour material. Also, cut two
rectangles 12cm x 15cm (4 inches x
6 inches) from the lining fabric these
are used to hold in all the beans.
2. Stitch the ears together (furry sides
facing inwards) leaving the bottom
open. Turn them right sides out then
fold in half (left over right). Tack the
ears in place on the right (furry) side
of the face at the top between the
marks either side of the top, folds
facing inwards, ears pointing down,
and bottom of ear seam
flush with top of face.
3. Stitch the neck (pg3)
and face together, right
sides facing matching up
the crosses. You can
now put in the eyes.
4. Now stitch the head
(below) to the face, right
cross to
5. Stitch the wings together right sides facing, leaving the bottom open. Turn right side out, then stitch
in decorative lines as indicated on pattern. Finally fold wings in half along the bottom left over right,
and tack to the furry side of
the upper body, fold facing
forward, over the cross at the
top edge (bottom of wing flush
with top of upper body).
6. Spikes are optional. Sew
together furry sides in along
the spines. Turn right side out.