Chapter 1 Review Questions

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Name: ____________________________Date: ___/____/________

Class Period: ____ A/B

Chapter 1: The Concept of Sports Injury

Chapter Review Questions
1. Damore and colleagues recently conducted research on emergency department admissions in a population of
patients ranging in age from 5 to 21 years. What percentage of these admissions was attributable to sports

2. What are the most commonly used criteria for defining a sports injury?

3. Describe briefly two major problems that arise regarding the most commonly used definitions of sports

4. What are the three criteria necessary for an injury to be classified as such under the NCAAs Injury
Surveillance System (ISS)?

5. Define and differentiate between acute and chronic forms of injury.

6. What constitutes a catastrophic sports injury?

7. What specific tissue types are involved in sprains and strains? How is the severity of these injuries defined?

8. What makes a stress fracture unique when compared with other types of fractures?

9. Define and differentiate between subluxation and luxation.

10. What is the science of epidemiology?

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11. According to a recent NATA study, what has been the most recent trend with respect to injuries to the

12. True or False: Offensive football players sustain fewer injuries when compared to those who play in
defensive positions, according to the most recent NATA data.

13. What is the most frequent injury in basketball?

14. What were the conclusions of Micheli and Fehlandt, regarding the relationship between elbow injuries and
participation in baseball?

15. What piece of equipment related to soccer has been found to play a direct role in the majority of deaths
related to this sport?

16. How many hours per week do some children invest in athletics?

17. In the Beachy et al. study, which sport had the highest injury rate for female athletes?

18. True or False: The coach is most often the first to arrive at the scene of an injury.

19. True or False: Larger fields may have contributed to the increased incidence of spinal cord injuries in
football in the early 1970s.

20. What injury location accounts for 60% of all injuries seen in soccer?

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