Template 2 (Self Defence)
Template 2 (Self Defence)
Template 2 (Self Defence)
Unit Overview
What will you teach, when will you teach it?
How and when will you assess the student learning?
Week 1
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
-Critically evaluate
programmes promoting
safe communities.
- Identify types of support
groups there are (e.g.
church, community centre,
womens wellness group,
night school etc.) and
evaluate them (cost,
accessibility, inclusivity,
cultural specificity).
-Critical Thinking using De
Bonos thinking hats about
Self Defence as a social
-Post box to gather
experiences that students
have had in regards to
feeling unsafe. How can
learning self-defence help
your life?
-Startling statements
activity- finds out statistics
for abuse, domestic
violence, number of
reportings etc.
For example: On average
a woman in New Zealand
dies every 26 days at the
hands of her current or
former partner. Police
receive a call for help in a
domestic setting every
seven minutes, yet they
estimate only 18% of
abused people make that
-Introduction of 2 different
key self-defense moves.
Split class into two even
groups and teach the
groups two different selfdefense move them get
the two groups to come
together and teach one
another the two moves
they just learnt so that in
the end each student has
learnt 4 key self-defense
moves- shoulder hold,
wrist hold, arm block and
back off
-Flipped classroom
-Safety talk.
-Make a korowai
-Start to research
information for a pamphlet,
poster or flier to promote a
Assessment Points
Diagnostic, Formative/
Finding out what students
already know by a KWL.
Finding out about prior
experiences people have
had by the post box
Starling statement
NCEA 3.1 Task 1
Starting to brainstorm
ideas for their community
awareness project
Week 2
-Go over the korowai and
reinforce the importance of
safety in the classroom.
-Trust and team building
activities (trust falls, back
to back stand up)
-Wrestling: from back to
back stand up- students
link arms and try get their
pair to lean one way and
you lean the other and see
Students will complete
another KWL about their
learning around societal
influences and their
implications on
participation for self and
others, to determine gaps
in their knowledge and
things they would still like
to cover.
Also ask critical questions
to see how much they
who wins.
-Balancing activities to
help students stay on their
feet (when you are on the
ground you are more
vulnerable) in pairs stand
facing each other have
your arms out in front and
tap each others hands to
try put them off balance,
repeat this but in a
crouched down position
and then add in bouncing
on your toes.
-Roll, roll, run activity that
teaches students how to
get away if they are
pushed to the ground. This
activity is done of a high
jump matt. (Importance of
tucking your chin)
Have different matt heights
for students to pick which
level they think theyre at.
-Teaching students how to
fall correctly-backwards
and forwards. (Hitting your
hands on the ground first)
Devising strategies to
ensure self-defence
practice continues
Performing a role play to
promote awareness
Formative: check up on
peoples progress on
community awareness
NCEA 3.1 Task 2
-introduction to role play
NCEA 3.1 Task 1
-awareness projects
Week 4
-Practice time (if needed)
-students perform role play
and get feedback on it to
NCEA 3.1 Task 2
-final role play
Week 5
-Chance for students to re
do their role-play if they
werent happy with their
NCEA 3.1 Task 2
-Chance for students to re
do their role-play if they
werent happy with their
-NCEA 3.1 Task 1
-awareness projects in
place and reflections begin
- Comparing and
contrasting past