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SOUTHEAST ASIA [Page 705 709]

A Long History of Diversity:
1. In a paragraph, explain how the early history [prior to 1000 AD] was highly diversified. The
early history of Southeast Asia was highly diversified in the way that there were many regions
that has an influence on Southeast Asia, yet the regions all stayed on their own path. China and
India, both countries that are the main factoring countries in Southeast Asia. China and India
were the main factoring countries because they were able to spread Hinduism and Buddhism
throughout Southeast Asia and bring in more of a diversity. Due to this, Southeast Asia was
highly diversified.
2.How was the area of Southeast Asia organized and governed during their early history? In the
early history, Southeast Asia did not have borders the way they do today. Instead of the borders,
they had mandalas, or states that organized as rings of power around a central court.
3.How did this change from 1300-1800? This changed from 1300-1800 in the way that the
complexity of the region changed, and not the actual region. There was trade going on in these
regions, and they became more important in this time than any other time in history. Since it was
more important now than in history, this held the economy of Southeast Asia together.
Colonialism and its aftermath
1. What is colonialism? Colonialism is a time when the Europeans came to Southeast Asia and
tried to obtain wealth in the region. Due to colonialism, Southeast Asia was starting to use rules
and regulations throughout the regions, something they have never done before.
2. What was the only country in the region that wasnt a colony? The only country in the region
that wasnt a colony was Siam.
3.Identify and explain the three ways colonialism changed Southeast Asia. One way colonialism
changed Southeast Asia is that colonial rulers set up centralized governments with rules and
regulations. The centralized government that was set up was a bureaucratic government. The
second way colonialism changed the region was that the europeans forced the colonies to
produce commodities that would help Europes economy. The commodities included rubber,
sugar, rice, tea and coffee. The last was it changed Southeast Asia was how colonialism had an
unintended effect of sparking nationalism. There were groups that had been allies came
together and united against European rule. Also, people in Southeast Asia, who now gained
western education were learning about political ideas such as self-rule.
Interpreting Maps [p. 706] -- Answer #1 and #2
#1- The French Indochina
#2- Dutch New Guinea
1.What changes came to Southeast Asia during WWII? During WWII, the changes that came to
Southeast Asia was that Japan arrived and now wanted to explore the region for resources.

2.How was control of the area in Southeast Asia by Japan different than European control?
Leadership positions
3.After WWII, Southeast Asia gained their independence differently. Briefly explain this
statement with examples. Many nations were able to gain independence and freedom
peacefully without fighting. Indonesia did not gain their independence without fighting, they had
to fight for their freedom and independence.
An Uneven Economy
1. Southeast Asia has a traditional economy. Explain that statement with specific examples to
back it up. What this means is that they have a lack of industry. Since they have a lack of
industry, they have to depend on crops like rice for money. They depend on crops since in
Southeast Asia they have fertile soil.
2.What is ASEAN? How has it helped to create a region within a region? ASEN stands for
Association of Southeast Asian Nations. They are an alliance that promotes economic growth
and peace in the region.
A Rich Mosaic of Culture
1. How is this area a mosaic of religions? Identify the different religions and where they are
practiced. This area is a mosaic of religions because there are many religions that are
practiced there. Some of the religions are Christianity in the Philippines, along with the muslim
people living in Indonesia and Brunei. Also, some people in in Southeast Asia practice hinduism,
while other follow local traditional beliefs.
2.Are there more rural or urban communities in this area? In the area there are more urban
communities. There are more urban than rural communities because of the rapid urban growth
that is currently going on.
3.Interpret the picture of page 709. What does this scene show about diversity in Malaysia?
This scene shows how different the people are in Malaysia due to their religion and their
OCEANIA [P. 711-715]
1. Identify these terms and explain their importance in the region:
a.Micronesia- Tiny islands
b.Melanesia- Black islands
c. Polynesia- Many islands
d.Subsistence activities- Economy where people do not work for wages but for activities
where the family produces only the food, shelter and clothing they themselves need.
e. Copra- Dried meat of the coconut
f. Taro- Major crop with a starchy root that can be made into bread or pudding, along
with being boiled and eaten by itself.
2.What type of migration is happening within Oceania today? Right now in Oceania, there is
rapid urban growth occurring.
3.How did contact with Europeans and Americans affect the societies of the Pacific Islands?
The contact affected the societies because the traditional roots were now taken over by the

western ways of the people. The United States and Europe also made the islands territories and
possessions of themselves.
4.What is distinctive about Oceania in terms of its languages? What is distinctive about Oceania
in terms of its languages is that there are 1,100 of the world's languages spoken there. This is
one of the most linguistically diverse regions in the world.
5.How has modern technology both helped and harmed Oceania? Modern technology has both
helped and harmed Oceania in the way that the technology is pulling people away from their
traditional way of life, yet, the islands are now linked together.


1. What prevents Australia from benefiting completely from its mining industry? What prevents
Australia from benefiting completely is that there are many deposits that lay in the outerback.
The deposits are far from the cities where people are living. Also, it is very expensive to build
the roads and building that are needed for the mining industry to work, causing Australia to not
benefit from the country's mining industry.
2.What historic actions demonstrated New Zealanders concern for equal rights and social
welfare? The historic actions that demonstrated New Zealanders concern for equal rights and
social welfare is that the right to vote was granted to various people. The right to vote was
granted to women of legal age. There was also pensions given to senior citizens.
3.What is the major activity conducted in Antarctica? The major activity conducted in Antarctica
is mining, along with producing wool and paper products.

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