Design For Shear: Slabs Without Shear Reinforcement

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Design For Shear



Dr. Jason E. Charalambides

Slabs Without Shear


Shear reinforcement is a rarity for slabs. Here we use a slab to

illustrate the capacity of concrete to sustain shear w/out shear

Slabs Without Shear

The chart represents test data from slabs reinforced for flexure only. The abscissa is the
ratio L/d and the ordinates are values of the ratio between the limit shear Vn and the
result of (bw*d*f`c). The chart indicates that there is more shear capacity for the
shorter rather than the longer spans of an element with same thickness and width. If
spans are more than 4 to 6 times the depth of the slab, nominal shear strength of
concrete can be given by the following formula:

Note: ACI318 ( can yield a value gain of 5%-15% in regions near supports,
but due to its relative complexity and the limited gain, it is not used frequently

Design For Shear


When a shear failure mechanism is taken

along a crack at 45, the number of
stirrups that will intercept the crack will
be equivalent to the beam depth d
divided by the spacing s. Thus the
strength of stirrups as shear
reinforcement becomes:

The capacity safety factor given by ACI

section is 0.75. (Appendix C2
gives safety factor 0.85). The total shear
strength is the sum of the concrete shear
strength and the dowel strength:

Design For Shear


Shear reaches maximum at the points of support. If we can assume

that the support provides compression at the bottom of the beam,
diagonal cracks will begin as flexural cracks (remember last lecture) at
distance d or further from the points of support.
The actual shear force that will cause the diagonal crack will not be
the shear at the face of the column, but the shear at that distance d.
Slabs and beams that are supported by elements deep enough
(columns or deep beams) that can apply a compression force at their
bottom side, may experience a crack no closer than distance d from
the extreme fiber of that support.
For ACI, maximum design shear force is the shear applied at that
distance d, where a 45 crack may lead toward the top of the beam.
Stirrups need to be placed at the face of the support through the
distance d.

Design For Shear


ACI requires that stirrups are used in all beams that

experience shear values exceeding 0.5Vnc.

Beams in which bw exceeds 2.5d and joists (conforming to

ACI318/8.11 definition of joist) are to be exempted from this
basic design requirement for shear. In fact a 10% gain can be given
to the strength of joists over the basic equation:

Design Stirrups For Shear

In this diagram,
the abscissa
represents the
distance from
the support
along the length
of the beam.
The slope
corresponds to
the applied
uniform load,
The ordinate
represents the
value of shear.

Design Stirrups For Shear


ACI318/11.2.4 requires that spacing of stirrups is no longer than d/2.

If the shear force that will be resisted by stirrups exceeds 2Vnc, or
Vu>6Vnc, the maximum distance between stirrups is reduced to
The strength ordinate Vns2 represents the strength of stirrups at
spacing d/2. That ordinate is added to the value of Vnc to indicate
the total shear capacity Vn w/ stirrups at their widest spacing.
Stirrups should be placed at closer intervals from the face of the
support to the point where maximum-spaced stirrups are adequate.
Stirrup spacing at any location where Vu is known is given by the
following formula:

Design Stirrups For Shear


Lets recall these stresses from the previous session:

Take a look at points 1 & 2. We can picture the action of the stirrups being in
tension. At the same time, concrete acts as a compressive element along those
diagonal lines. ACI318/ limits the Vsn to 4Vcn, the stress value under
which concrete diagonal struts fail in C. No additional stirrup reinforcement
shall increase the shear strength after concrete struts fail.

Design Stirrups For Shear


The designer should keep in mind the following index values of shear

Stirrups must be used whenever Vu exceeds (f`c)(bw*d)/2

Maximum spacing of stirrups is d/2 unless Vu exceeds (6f`c)(bw*d), above which
maximum stirrup spacing is set to d/4
The section itself must be made larger if Vu exceeds (10f`c)(bw*d)

According to ACI318/, where stirrups are required, the quantity

Av/s must be greater than (.75f`c)*(bw/fy)>50(bw/fy).

This clause that is intended to assure stirrups shall not yield after a shear
crack develops as they pin together, and it may reduce the spacing s of
stirrups to less than d/2 if beams are large or wide.

Design Stirrups For Shear


Deep and thin beams may not develop their potential Vcn=(2ef`c)
Beams deeper than four times their length should contain horizontal
shear reinforcement in addition to vertical bars.
The design of shear reinforcement requires selection of stirrup size
and determination of spacing needed to resist shear. Stirrups size is
related to beam size. If bw*d<450 sq. in, #3 dowels shall suffice.
Dowels of #4 or #5 should be used for larger cross sectional areas.
To determine stirrups as shear reinforcement, it is recommended that
a diagram is constructed. With abscissa as length and ordinates as
shear strength, horizontal lines at the values of 0.5Vnc, Vnc, Vn,
and a vertical line at distance d will aid in the process.

Design Stirrups For Shear


Lets take a look at some simple formulas that are ACI requirements, based on
what we just talked about:

In Class Example


Steel Grade is 60, f`c=4ksi, bw=20in,

d=19.5", L=26`, Construct a Shear
strength diagram.

In Class Example


Deep Beams

The definition of deep beams refers to beams that have a length/depth ratio
higher than 4 or they assume a significant concentrated load at a location two
times the members depth from the support.
For deep beams shear reinforcement must incorporate horizontal as well as
vertical re-bars.
Concrete compressed as a shear strut must be confined laterally by
reinforcement with a density Avi*(sin)/bsi in each direction such that the
sum of both densities exceeds the quantity 0.003. The diagonal angle is
taken w/ respect to the bar (horizontal or vertical).
The compression strut area Acs has a width b and a depth that may be
considered to increase at a rate equal to the distance along the strut from
the center of the nodal point.
The strength of the concrete struts is 0.85*f`c*Acs.
Also, CCC nodal points at intersection of 3 struts must possess the same
compression strength limit of 80% or 0.65f`cAcs. The value =0.75 applies
for shear.

Deep Beams
(ACI Definitions)

11.8.1. Deep beams are all beams loaded on one face and supported on
the opposite face and for which 4dPln or for which a significant
concentration force acts within 2d of a support.
11.8.2. Deep beams shall be designed using Appendix A. (Strut & Tie Model)
11.8.3. Vn<(10ef`c)(bw*d)
11.8.4 Av>0.0025*bw*s with s<d/5 or 12``
11.8.5 Avh>0.0015*bw*s2 with s2<d/5 or 12``
11.8.6. If a strut & tie model is not used, but a non linear strain analysis is
used, reinforcement limits specified in 11.8.4 and 11.8.5 must be satisfied.

In Class Example:

In Class Example:

Corbel Design

Not covered in class.

Shear Combined With


Not covered in class.



Furlong Chapter 6


McCormac & Nelson, Chapter 8 for this weeks lectures.


Assignment 6 is due next session (not in a week for this time.)

Assignments will be received at the beginning of class period.

Clarification On Textbook

Q: You state that d/2 is the maximum spacing and it

becomes d/4 if our Vu is larger than
6**f`c*(bw*d). Could you please verify this?
A: The text you quoted is correct. When stress V/
bw*d exceeds 4fc', spacing must be less than d/2.
Thus when Vu /(bw*d) exceeds Vc plus 4 Vs it
exceeds 6fc'.

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