Fibres: Named After The Swiss Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705), From A Famous Family of Mathematicians and Physicists

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2 Bar Subject to Extension

Inspired by the structure of wood, the member is considered to consist

of a very large number of parallel fibres in the longitudinal direction.
Later we will look at the limiting case in which the number of fibres is
so large that the area A of a single fibre approaches zero.
The fibres are kept together by a very large number of absolutely rigid
planes perpendicular to the direction of the fibres. These rigid planes
are known as cross-sections. Later we will look at the limiting case
in which the number of cross-sections is so large that the distance x
between two consecutive cross-sections approaches zero.
The plane cross-sections remain plane and normal to the longitudinal
fibres of the beam, even after deformation. This assumption is known
as Bernoullis hypothesis.1
To describe the behaviour of the model, we use an xyz coordinate system
with the x axis parallel to the fibres and the yz plane parallel to the crosssections, perpendicular to the direction of the fibres.
The location of a cross-section is defined by its x coordinate; the location
of a fibre is defined by its y and z coordinates.
Later we will see that the behaviour of the bar is most easily described when
the x axis is selected along a particular preferred fibre through the normal
centre NC. This fibre is known as the bar axis. As long as the location of
the normal centre and bar axis are not yet known, the x axis is defined along
an arbitrary fibre that may even lie outside the cross-section.
The following assumptions are made with respect to the material behaviour:

Named after the Swiss Jacob Bernoulli (16541705), from a famous family of
mathematicians and physicists.


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