Kettlebell Workout 2

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Kettlebell 2

3 rounds
20x Sumo deadlift high pull (48/32)
10x Barbell Hang clean (60/45)
40m Farmer's walk (2x48/32)
Row 500m
25x KB swings (32/24)

18 rounds
Snatch (24/16)
Overhead squat (24/16)

For time
100x Double KB swings (2x24/16)
On your way to 100 reps stop at top of each minute and do 5x double KB thrusters (same KBs)

3 rounds, 21-15-9x reps

KB thrusters (24/16)
Ring pull-ups

5 rounds
5x Bench press (bw)
15x KB swings (48/24)
30 sec Battling ropes

Max rounds in 12 minutes

3x Clean (2x20/12)
3x Front squat
3x Double Snatch
3x Bent row

For time
5x Turkish get-ups
10x Goblet squats
20x Snatch
30x Push-press
40x Hand-to-hand swing
50x Sumo deadlift high-pull

3 rounds
10x Burpees
30x KB swing (20/12)
20x KB swing (24/16)
10x KB swing (28/24)
10x Double KB sumo deadlift (2x32/24)
10x KB snatch/arm (24/12)

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