2010 Science Grade08
2010 Science Grade08
2010 Science Grade08
Indianas Academic Standards for Science were last revised in 2000. This new document,
Indianas Academic Standards for Science 2010, reflects the ever-changing science content
and the underlying premise that science education should be an inquiry-based, hands-on
experience. These standards were adopted by the Indiana State Board of Education in April,
2010, and will be implemented in the 2011-12 school year.
Indianas Academic Standards for Science 2010 reflect a few significant changes that are
worth noting. Primarily, there are fewer standards and each grade level focuses on the big
ideas for each of these sub-disciplines: physical science; earth science; life science; and
science, technology and engineering. The overarching organization of the standards has also
changed; they are divided into two sections: Process Standards and Content Standards, which
are described in greater detail below.
Process Standards
The Process Standards are the processes and skills that students are expected to learn and
be able to do within the context of the science content. The separation of the Process
Standards from the Content Standards is intentional; in doing so we want to make explicit the
idea that what students are doing while they are learning science is extremely important. The
Process Standards reflect the way in which students are learning and doing science and are
designed to work in tandem with the science content, resulting in robust instructional practice.
The Process Standards are organized in the following grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8. Within each
grade band, the Process Standards address a particular topic or topics. Kindergarten
introduces The Nature of Science, while grades 1 through 5, reflect two parts: The Nature of
Science and The Design Process. In grades 6 through 8, Reading for Literacy in Science and
Writing for Literacy in Science have been added to emphasize these processes in science. For
high school, the Process Standards include Reading and Writing for Literacy in Science as well
as The Nature of Science.
As noted in the previous paragraph, grades 6 through 8 and high school content courses will
include Reading and Writing for Literacy in Science. It is important to note that these Process
Standards emerged with the adoption of the Common Core State Standards in the area of
Reading and Writing for Literacy in Science. The Literacy Standards establish that instruction
in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language is a shared responsibility. The Literacy
Standards are predicated on teachers in the content areas using their unique disciplinary
expertise to help students meet the particular challenges of reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and language in their respective fields. It is important to note that the literacy
standards are meant to complement rather than supplant content standards in the disciplines.
Part of the motivation behind the disciplinary approach to literacy promulgated by the Literacy
Standards is extensive research establishing the need for college- and career-ready students
Indianas Academic Standards for Science-2010
Content Standards
In grades 1 through 8, the Content Standards are organized in four distinct areas: 1) physical
science; 2) earth science; 3) life science; and 4) science, technology and engineering.
Kindergarten has only the first three areas: physical, earth and life science. In each of these
areas there is at least one core standard, which serves as the big idea at that grade level for
that content area. For the high school science courses, the content standards are organized
around the core ideas in each particular course, which are represented by the core standard.
The core standard is not meant to stand alone or be used as an individual standard, but
instead is meant to help teachers organize their instruction around the big ideas in that
content area and for grades K-8, at that particular grade level. Beneath each core standard
are indicators which serve as the more detailed expectations within each of the content areas.
Finally, in the development of these revised science standards, careful attention was paid to
how ideas are articulated across the grade levels so that content and skills that students will
need to succeed in a particular sub-discipline are introduced in an appropriate manner in the
early elementary grades and then progressed as students move towards high school.
Grade 8
Students in eighth grade study atoms, elements, compounds and molecules; and the
relationship between atomic structure and chemical properties. They study the water cycle
and the role of the suns energy in driving this process. Students investigate how genetic
information is transmitted from parents to offspring. Students study the physical properties of
natural and engineered materials. Within this study students employ the key principles of the
nature of science and the design process.
Process Standards
The Nature of Science
Students gain scientific knowledge by observing the natural and constructed world, performing
and evaluating investigations, and communicating their findings. These principles should
guide student work and be integrated into the curriculum along with the content standards on a
daily basis.
Make predictions and develop testable questions based on research and prior
Plan and carry out investigationoften over a period of several class lessonsas a
class, in small groups or independently.
Collect quantitative data with appropriate tools or technologies and use appropriate
units to label numerical data.
Incorporate variables that can be changed, measured or controlled.
Use the principles of accuracy and precision when making measurements.
Test predictions with multiple trials
Keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations.
Analyze data, using appropriate mathematical manipulation as required, and use it to
identify patterns. Make inferences based on these patterns.
Evaluate possible causes for differing results (i.e., valid data).
Compare the results of an experiment with the prediction.
Communicate findings through oral and written reports by using graphs, charts maps
and models.
Select the most appropriate materials to develop a solution that will meet the need.
Create the solution through a prototype.
Test and evaluate how well the solution meets the goal.
Evaluate and test the design.
Present evidence using mathematical representations like graphs and data tables.
Communicate the solution (including evidence) using mathematical representations
(e.g., graphs, data tables), drawings or prototypes.
Redesign to improve the solution based on how well the solution meets the need.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domainspecific words and phrases a they are used in a specific scientific
context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
Indianas Academic Standards for Science-2010
Content Standards
8.1.1 Explain that all matter is composed of particular arrangements of atoms and that there
are approximately one hundred types of atoms (i.e., elements).
8.1.2 Understand that elements are organized on the periodic table based on atomic number.
8.1.3 Explain how the arrangement of atoms and molecules determines chemical properties
of substances.
8.1.4 Describe the structure of atoms and relate the arrangement of electrons to how atoms
interact with other atoms.
8.1.5 Explain that atoms join together to form molecules and compounds and illustrate with
diagrams the relationship between atoms and compounds and between atoms and
8.1.6 Explain that elements and compounds have characteristic properties such as density,
boiling points and melting points that remain unchanged regardless of sample size.
8.1.7 Explain that chemical changes occur when substances react and form one or more
different products, whose physical and chemical properties are different from those of
the reactants.
8.1.8 Demonstrate that in a chemical change the total numbers of each kind of atom in the
product are the same as in the reactants and that the total mass of the reacting system
is conserved.
Standard 4
Science, Technology and Engineering
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core Standard
Identify the appropriate materials to be used to solve a problem based on their specific
properties and characteristics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.4.1 Understand how the strength of attractive forces among particles in a material helps to
explain many physical properties of the material, such as why different materials exist
as gases, liquids or solids at a given temperature.
8.4.2 Rank the strength of attractions among the particles of room-temperature materials.
8.4.3 Investigate the properties (i.e., mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal, magnetic and
optical) of natural and engineered materials.