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Name:....... Class: ecco Date: . (1) Write the numbers in numerals. (a) One hundred thousand and seventy (b) Five hundred and sixty thousand (c) Five million, eighty thousand and five (4) Two million, four hundred thousand, seven hundred and twenty 2) Write the numbers in words. * (a) 120450 OO — (b+) 500312 (©) 1050400 (d) 57328000 Se (a) Write a 6-digit number with the digit | in the ten thousands place. LIC (b) Write this number in words. of,(4) (5) (6) 7) (8) In | 238 906: (a) the digit 8 stands for (b) the digit 6 stands for (c)_ the digit 9 stands for ___ (d) the digit | stands for What is the value of the digit 3 in the numbers below? (a) 538426: by 1 325-407: Fill in the blanks. (a) In 807 456, the digit (b) In 5 486 302, the digit (c) In 305 128,the digit Oisinthe lace, (d)_ In 7 614 892, the digit 6 is in the is in the thousands place. is in the millions place. place. Fill in the blanks. (a) 918230= + 10.000 + 8000 + 200 + 30 (b) 538417=500000+ ss +. g000 + 400 + 10 +7 (c) 6000 000 + 30000 + 90 = (d) 128 531 = 100 000 + 20 000 + 8000 + 500 + 30 + | =—____ + 500 + 31 128 000 + Fill in the blanks with greater than or smaller than. (a) 185 263 is 183 256. (b) 5 060 345 is 995 863. (c) 899506is__ gg gsc, (d) 231 623 is 231 621. Review |(9) Arrange these numbers in order, beginning with the greatest, 528 010 1280500 62815 258 100 528 100 (10) What is the next number in the pattern? Fill in the blanks. 276 300, 286 300, 296 300, ... 286 300is___ more than 276 300. 286 300is_____—__less than 296 300. more than 296 300 is The next number is 4 (11) Estimate the values of the following: (a) 7512 + 3281 ~ ee (b) 6528 — 5938 ~ ee () 1592x 5~ $e (d) 2576 +3 ~ ee (12) A 4-digit number when rounded off to the nearest thousand is 5000. (a) What is the smallest possible number? a (b) What is the greatest Possiblenumber? Review |(13) Form a 6-digit number using all the cards shown for each of the following. Do not start with the digit 0. (a) Anodd number: (b) An even number: (c) Anumber with the digit 0 in the thousands place: (d) A number beginning with the greatest digit: (e) Anumber with the digit 6 in the tens place and the digit 5 in the ‘ones place: (f) A number ending with the smallest digit: (g) A number where the digit | stands for 100 000 and the digit 9 is in the ones place: (h) A number greater than 496 501: (i) A number where the digit 4 is in the ten thousands place and the digit 6 stands for 600 000: (j) The greatest possible number: (k) The smallest possible number: (l)_ The difference between the greatest possible number and the smallest possible number: Review |(14) Ea Do these. Remember to write the correct units in your answers. You may use your calculator where necessary. (a) Find the area of a square of side 96 cm. (b) Jim has $5651. Muthu has $853 more than Jim. How much does Muthu have? (©) There are 176 € of petrol in Container A. There are 19 € less petrol in Container B. How many litres of petrol are there in Container B? (d) The mass of a cake is 2 kg. It is cut into 25 equal pieces. What is the mass of each piece of cake? Give your answer in grams. (e) What number can be subtracted from 5400, so that the answer has the digit 2 in the thousands place and the digit 3 in the hundreds place? wu a gf Pot(15) Fill in the blanks. (@) 315x105 (b) ____ x 10 = 10 000 () 147x505 (d) 3050 x 70°= | () 25x 100s (f) 25x 1000 = (2) ——____ x 100 = 506 200 (h) 9236x____ = 9 236 000 () 63x 2005 () 63 x 2000 = (k) 906x 7000=___l)._s«1145 x 600 = (16) Fill in the blanks. (a2) 3560+ 10=___ sb) 81 000 + 10 = () 9150+ 915d) 10 = 2050 (ec) 900+60= (f) 3150 + 70= (2) 1900+ 100=____———(h)_:17000 + 1000 = () 3600+ =36 0) 1000 = 40 (k) 96000+ 400 =______—s(i)_-504.000 + 9000 = Review I(17) Estimate the values of the following: (a) 4593 + 53 ~ (b) 6298 + 164 = (c) 7623 + 445) ~ (d) 4593 + 73 ~ (18) Find the value of each of the following. + (a) 15+90+42= (b) 60+ 12-36= () 50-30-12= () 3x8x5= (e) 10x9+3= () 29+42+6= (®) (23 + 40) + (34 — 25) = (h) (90 = 85) x 7= () 50x8+12+4= () 69+3-3+10=Solve these word problems. Show your working clearly. (19) Tony had an equal number of chocolate cookies and walnut cookies. He sold 66 chocolate cookies. He had 4 times as many walnut cookies as chocolate cookies left. How many cookies did he have at first? (20) Mrs Tan had 20 m of cloth at first. She made 5 similar curtains. She used 3 m of cloth for making each curtain. Then she used 2 m of cloth to make a cushion cover. How much cloth had she left? a Review |(21) Ata school funfair, Mrs Sanimin’s class sold 25 £ of orange juice. The orange juice was sold in cups containing 200 ml and 300 ml. An equal number of cups containing 200 ml and 300 ml were sold. How many cups of orange juice did her class sell? (22) Mikhail used 220 cm of wire to make the figure below. 15cm 19cm 12cm The figure is made up of two identical triangles,a 15 cm by |2 cm rectangle and a square of side 19 cm, What is the length of one side of the triangle if all the sides of the triangle are the same?(23) Melody bought 260 bags at 5 for $25. She then sold all of them at 2 for $18. How much money did she make? (24) Alan scores a total of 14 points for attempting 15 questions in a Maths quiz. For every correctly answered question, Alan gets 2 points. For every wrong answer, he loses 2 points. How many questions has he answered correctly? Review I(25) If Beth feeds her goldfish 14 fish pellets a day, a tin of pellets will last 20 days. If she feeds her goldfish 8 fish pellets a day instead, how many more days will the same tin of pellets last? (26) Joan could pick 8 kg of strawberries per hour at a farm. On the first day, she picked a total of 144 kg of strawberries after some time. Joan was paid $12 per hour for picking strawberries. (a) How long did she take to pick 144 kg of strawberries? (b) If Joan picked the same mass of strawberries on the second day, how much did she earn altogether on both days?(27) =.) There are || 488 students in Arizona School. There are 160 more students in Kent School. The number of students in Bellow School is half the total number of students in Arizona School and Kent School. How many students are there in Bellow School? (28) ©, Jasmine mixed 1250 ml of syrup with twice as much water to make some lemon squash. She poured the squash equally into 15 glasses. How much lemon squash was there in each glass? Give your answer in ml. 6% & an os Review I
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